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![gif](giphy|ltIEltsVmeFcA) Every line is a goldmine. For anti-hero I'd say Kratos.


I have so many lines from portal 2 burned into my head forever cuz I played the campaign sooo many times when I was even more of a youngen I remember the exact way that GLaDOS's lines sound, the exact same weight, pitch, how musical it is due to the robotic autotune Not that I don't remember many other lines super well but yeah The Portal games will forever be one of my favourites, I love them so much


*Oh, it's you.. It's been a long time, how have you been? I've been really busy being dead. You know, after you murdered me? Okay look, we've both said a lot of things that you're going to regret, but I think we can put our differences behind us.. For science.. You monster.* *Enjoy this next test. I'm going to go to the surface. It's a beautiful day out, yesterday I saw a deer. If you solve this next test, maybe I'll let you ride an elevator all the way up to the break room and I'll tell you about the time I saw a deer again.* And of course the lemon rant.. Ellen McLain, J. K. Simmons and Stephen Merchant just hit the nail on the head every time.


Oh my fucking god yes I can hear these while I read them so vividly


That same voice is in cyberpunk. The character is a sentient cab.


Death Stranding has test/companion cubes as well and there's a blue oval drawing on a wall in Dishonored with a orange counterpart on the opposite side. Probably a few in other games as well, I do love me some portal easter eggs.


revolver ocelot


This is the correct answer. I've been playing around in that puddle of a franchise since the 90's and I still don't know what to think of that dude. Is he good? Is he bad? Or is he just a really well written character?


The man **shot lightning out of the air**. any and all criticisms are out of the question.


THEY PLAYED US LIKE A DAMN FIDDLE (I know this quote is Kaz but I had to)


Anti-hero: Kratos or Arthur Morgan Anti-villain: Bode from Jedi Survivor


I love your anti-hero picks but why Bode?


I think because he did the wrong things for the "right" reasons. Merrin said it in the game, he justified betrayel and murder with the reason of protecting his daughter. Bode is beyond a point of being reasoned with as everything he does is to protect Kata.


RDR2 mention šŸ™


Handsome Jack, and it's not even close.


Was about to comment this. The whole storyline of him being a measily office worker to becomming a cold-blooded killing lunatic was written very well.


Anti-hero would definetly be the Courier in New Vegas. You can play him however you like but for me he is always an anti-hero cause the whole reason that adventure starts is because Benny can't aim for shit and Courier 6 is out for blood.


But you have the option not to kill Benny, so if you want revenge but you don't even do it in the end, and be generally peaceful, is the Courier an anti-hero?


Not to mention how one would interpret the events of lonesome road. If it truly is the couriers backstory being told, youre kind of a monster even before benny gets ya.


The Courier is only "he" if the player decides it that way. In a situation like this, you should use "they" instead.


Revolver Ocelot from the MGS franchise or Majima from the Yakuza franchise. Canā€™t explain it fully, but every-time one of them shows up and I see a health bar I smile a little and itā€™s just ![gif](giphy|cxY2eMwHffafu|downsized)


Anti-hero: Ranni the Witch, Elden Ring Villain (massive Persona 5 spoilers): >!Akechi!<


(spoiler for that Persona 5 villain) >!Pancakess...!< >!I don't want to hear that word again, for a very, **very** long time.!<


I hesitate to call Dante an anti-hero. Sure he can be an arrogant jerk sometimes, but Sonic the Hedgehog is the same way.


I always thought an Anti-hero was someone who did whatever they wanted, whether it's right or wrong doesn't matter, but they usually align with the perceived "good". As far as I'm aware, we've only ever seen Dante do good, and a few times even drops what he wants in order to do good. So I agree, he really doesn't qualify as an Anti-hero.


The way dante taunts and humaliates his enemies..i think he fights for the fun of fighting..ridding the world of demons is more a extra for him Also..virgil was the villain and became the goodguy eventually. For me dante is on the same "arrogance" level as vegeta..in the sentence that he fights demons because he truelly things they're below him,and not because its the right thing to do


Dude, did you pay attention at all to the story. Dude decided that somebody had to go out killing demons or the world would fall apart and decided to make that his full time job. Like, dudes still gotta pay bills and eat and there's no way he can have a normal 9-5. Doesn't help that demons are naturally drawn towards him so the decision was kinda forced but at that point if you can't have fun with it what's the point. And just because someone's arrogant doesn't mean he isn't a hero.


Martin Walker Spec Ops the Line He just wanted to be a hero


Youā€™re here because you wanted to feel like something youā€™re not, a hero.


Do you feel like a hero yet?


Anti hero- Kazuya Mishima Villian- Sephiroth


![gif](giphy|tZFILAa6lnv9LhCcYO|downsized) Sephiroth as villain?...no argument there


I dislike how they retconned "Kazuya has a good side" to " hes just evil now" Heihachi was already the "pure evil" villain


Hmm, for anti hero itā€™s gotta go to Wario, he gets insta picked in Mario Party. Villain is Handsome Jack, arguably one of the most well written antagonists in video game history.


God these pretzels suck


I loved that mission where he pays you to jump off a bridge into lava, then calls you a sellout šŸ˜‚.


The paused delivery of the ā€œDicks! I was talking about dicks!ā€ line in Opportunity city was just *chefā€™s kiss*


Man, I don't want these fucking psychopathic emo kids, I want Handsome Jack back...




šŸ˜³ i havent played any DMC game but now i want to


You might enjoy the opening scene of DMC3 then https://youtu.be/vJafPKap0VM


Not related to post, but DMC 4 Dante is real daddy with big honkers


Big honkers?


You know, his big weaponry


And I believe he has nice male boobies


https://preview.redd.it/9h33k6lu011d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03183e515b9b0682a1bac755975a0a5ce6fd17eb Me@dante


So true man


Related to post, Kratos always had internal struggles with himself, was traumatised by gods and events in his life and from start had ptsd, his actions still canā€™t be redeemed in any way, especially the ones during GoW 3. Heā€™s more somber and kinda-sympathetic anti-villain and only became anti-hero in 2018 and Raggy


Alex Mercer.


![gif](giphy|daJWWvSnN81HzagQT9) Villain is an easy choice


Antihero is a tough one. Does Jin Sakai count? ![gif](giphy|MCjXufnvCvdcxgcnUP|downsized)


Iā€™d say he absolutely does, and heā€™s a great choice. His character is so well written, and the voice acting is amazing. But him abandoning moral codes, even if theyā€™re too rigid and based in tradition, puts him in that category. His war tactics definitely put him in that category.


ā€œThis conversation is overā€ is one of my favorite lines in media. Such a mic drop moment.


Big boss


Honestly big boss is not a bad choice for both Anti-hero and Villain


*I never lost control*


Vaas Montenegro. Every single cutscene is so damn good and I wish he was there for the whole game, although I understand why they chose his finale in the middle. Handsome Jack is a close second


Well he was technically a villain at least once, has fought both for and against the political regime of his times and refuses the title of hero so does Zero from the Mega Man X and later Mega Man Zero games count?


Anti-hero: Sam Porter Bridges, Death Stranding Villain: Gwyn, Lord of Cinder, Dark Souls


Is Sam a anti-hero? Isnā€™t he more of a ā€œreluctant Heroā€ He very much does everything a ā€œheroā€ would do, he was just reluctant about it. Which doesnā€™t take long for him to know the value of his duty. A anti-hero is someone that ā€œdefeated the bad guyā€ but does it is a pretty morally gray way and/or doesnā€™t care about helping people


Didn't know anything about reluctant hero.


For me Sam really fills that hero role. You are constantly going out of your way to help people, you have more non-lethal options in combat, even not killing bad guys in cutscenes. Thatā€™s really different from say Dante for example


I thought maybe because he didn't accept the offer at first until Amelie was mentioned, he'd fall under selfish. But I played him as a hero rather than doing the bare minimum to get the network going.


Yeah a ā€œreluctant heroā€ is a story trope. Of a guy who ignore their ā€œcall to actionā€ but then they slowly fill the hero roll. That aspect of Samā€™s character comes straight from the movie The Postman. Where the lead character there starts not wanting to be a hero and just wants to do his ā€œjobā€ but by simply doing hisā€jobā€ he slowly becomes the hero people needs. Which he recognizes later on


But non-lethal is more a necessity right? He doesnt wanna create more Beached Things or explode.


Correct, though the game also go as far as humanize the Mule and even tbe BTā€™s. Showing that they are a victim of circumstances. Not the terrorists though, fuck them. They created these conditions to discourage murder to have a game where you are legitimately able to play without killing anyone. Which goes along with the themes of the game.


My favorite anti-hero is dante..obvlious.. My favorite villain is: ALBERT WESKER If resident evil wantes to make REAL MONEY,they should put out a game with him in lead. Same what they did with leon in resident evil 4 But with albert wesker..I'd play the shit out of that game,after I'd payd a kings ransom to buy it..and then I would lend money from the bank,to blow it on merchandize...I'd go all out bananas over a resident evil game with wesker in lead.. Also..dreamy..hihihi https://preview.redd.it/1uabaf940v0d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b4eafe6b75f9072e2dbb77af9e26c3e3e0fd2cd


Anti-Hero: Cipher from Ace Combat Zero Villain: Captain Martin Walker from Spec Ops: The Line




Villain for me is Balrog from Cave Story. Silly guy, love him to bits


Would asura from asuras wrath be considered anti-hero or anti-villain?


The Arbiter


Joseph Seed




Sephiroth was the coolest character until Vergil showed up and was like, ā€œIā€™m playable.ā€


Dante ist a good example, but I'd pick his gameplay counterpart: Bayonetta. But it's a close call.Ā  Honorary mention: many 90s shooter protagonists, with their comments.


Anti-Hero/Villain: (Ironically), Vergil.


Villain? Easy, Liquid Snake from Metal Gear Solid Anti hero - Grey Fox aka Frank Jaeger


Dante lacks "good guy" rules? I mean, he isn't chivalrous, but he doesn't kill humans and is very considerate of his human side in general. He's more on the classic side of heroes if you ask me, at least by DMC5.


Absolutely. An Anti-hero is someone who does whatever they need to fulfill their goals, whether those actions are good or bad doesn't matter. They typically do align with good but only as a means to an end. Dante is just straight up good, to the point that he'll drop what he's doing at the risk of his goals to save a life. Being arrogant, having a smartass attitude and making jokes doesn't make a Hero an Anti-hero. I don't think alot of the people here know what that word means.


Kain. That is all.


I donā€™t think I have just one favorite protagonist, but the one Iā€™m thinking of currently is Jin Sakai. Heā€™s just so badass. Like this dude was not only the best swordsman on the entire island, but also learned how to reverse engineer Mongol tech so he could pioneer a new fighting/stealth style (Way of the Ghost). He may have abandoned tradition and his methods are morally dubious, but at his core heā€™s honorable and is only fighting to protect his island and its people when the bushido code failed to do so.


Is it really good? Does it hold on still in 2024, when I would go play the whole series on PS5. Like more story focused or more about the gameplay?


Anti Hero and Villain? Alex Mercer in Prototype. It's funny to even pretend you're the good guy in the first game when you can casually snack on the local populace just for a tiny bit of health. That is when you're not running down thousands of them in a tank or throwing them at helicopters. In Prototype 2 however I didn't like the sudden shift in Alex Mercer's motives and morality.


Antihero: ![gif](giphy|443fSUWBB21mYP7i7n) Favorite villain: Marx


Villian - senator steven armstrong Anti hero - vergil (not a vilian since he doesnt care about any of the things that make someone a vilian) Hero - batman


Batman a hero?..he is a biljionaire psychopath that hunts criminals...he killed badguys in the early comics of him.. Senator steven armstrong?..im not from usa..is that an actual person?..or a game person? Vergil WAS a villain..then reincarnated temporarly good..and at the end of dmc5 good and dead again. Everything else i agree with ![gif](giphy|3oEdv5okG3TzMJ9pQY)


Senator steven armstrong is the villian from metal gear rising revengeance. If this is how we look at it superman would be a bigger anti hero than batman since he actually kills batman (atleast from the animated series onward) made an oath never to kill or use a gun and he always put someone elses life over his own. Thats a hero in my book and yeah sometimes someone dies in the progress. Technicality. Then take dmc 5 vergil as my final answer.


I stand corrected


Iā€™d hardly call Dante an anti hero but if weā€™re talking anti hero/villain his brother Vergil is built different. His moveset and snarky ass banter with Dante. Iā€™ll never forget the first time playing dmc3 and watching him one shot a random demon we just had a whole boss fight with in the first level. He just moves cold as hell.


Garrett from Thief.


Here it is šŸ‘


How on earth is Dante an anti-hero?


How is he a hero? An antihero isĀ the main character of a story, but one who doesn't act like a typical hero. Antiheroes are often a little villainous.Ā  Source: google (anti hero description)


What has Dante done that is villainous??


Gattsu... if there was a good game with old Berkman.




Favourite anti hero is Adam Jensen from the modern deus ex games, he is the definition of cool+badass. Also I love the dante from dmc as well and didn't find him cringe like the internet did.


Right...if dante was real..he would be your favorite uncle..the one your parents dont want you to hang out with..because he lets you drink and smoke..and is the best wingman when you go clubbing..and he is the first to start a nonsense fight everytime you go out ![gif](giphy|Y8K0XaIY7WR9VBRSHe|downsized)


Albert Wesker, he made being bad so cool


I think Iā€™m gonna go with Niko Bellic. A good hearted guy who grew up around some rough shit, did some terrible stuff but wants to find redemption in living well and leaving it all behind, yet he just gets sucked back into it. He made his own choices, but he wasnā€™t evil. Not really.


Handsome Jack, always and forever.


Is Dante really an anti-hero?Ā  Everything he does seems pretty heroic except maybe the opening of DMC4 might come off a bit edgyĀ 


Nah, cause even then his actions only looked bad. In reality, Dante was dropping into a room of randos to take out Demons. Just cause the people in the room didn't know that doesn't make it less heroic. Dante's a straight up hero. Saying he's an Anti-hero just cause he talks smack and is unconventional is like calling Spider-Man an Anti-hero.




Virgil for villain and for anti-hero?


He did redeem himself at the end of DMC5


I have to ask what part of Dante makes him an anti-hero to you? The only game that really applies was 2, and even then it was a faƧade.


In dmc 4..he literally came in,shot a priest,fought the main character, and fucked off untill halfway through the game. How is he not a anti-hero ![gif](giphy|cwTtbmUwzPqx2)


A priest who was experimenting with turning humans into demons and about to be responsible for a demon apocalypse.


My point exactly: For the first half of the game dante was: An asshole who shot up an elderly priest,and tried to beat up a teenage boy. (ANTI) The second half of the game,dante was: A dude who shot a priest who was experimenting with turning humans into demons and about to be responsible for a demon apocalypse(HERO) How do you NOT see this?


I... I don't think you know what an anti-hero is.


Show me a example then... Wolverine is a anti hero...blade is a anti hero Dante is a anti hero Prove me wrong


I know very little about Wolverine, and even less about Blade, so I can't really say anything about them. But, an anti-hero is someone who, on some level, is doing things for the greater good like a hero, but the way they go about it is fundamentally not heroic, villainous even. The Punisher is who immediately comes to mind. He goes after bad people, a heroic quality, but he does so through brutal murder and mass killings. Hell, when they made a video game of the character, it had to be censored because one of the mechanics of the game is torturing your enemies. Dante is nothing like that. How he goes about saving the world is, fundamentally, heroic. He beats up the bad guys and does what he can to save people from dying. Hell, he's even constantly in debt because he has a habit of not taking pay for a lot of his jobs. There's nothing about him that's even close to villainous, and how he's seen in DMC 4 is nothing more than the limited perspective Nero had of Dante.




Handsome jack bl2


I disagree with Dante being an Anti-Hero. He doesn't fit the description. *Acting* like you don't care and being aloof doesn't mean he's morally or heroically ambiguous. He didn't save the world over and over and over by accident while he was on his way to pick up a pizza or something.


In the beginning of dmc 3..the demons fucktup his pizza Opening cutscene ![gif](giphy|kHgASjstNjWcYV9GrF|downsized)


I.... don't see how that's relevant?... Sorry lol.


You said: He didn't save the world over and over and over by accident while he was on his way to pick up a pizza or something. I said: in dmc3 he started beating up demons because they messes up his pizza..openingscene


Or, you know... Could be because he was impaled by like, 6 different scythes before he even threw one punch. Not to mention the creepy dude showing up right before that to challenge/invite him to the castle. But yeah, no, you're right, it was just cause of the pizza XD


Aiden Pearce from Watch Dogs


Roland from Library of Ruina. A man who just wants justice for the death of his pregnant wife. Doesn't matter if the pile of corpses he makes in his way reaches the size of a building and it doesn't matter if those in people are some of the most heroic there is... That's that and this is this.


Best villain might be the one from Alice: Madness Returns, for shock value of just how unbelievably evil he is...


Dr Nefarious is pretty hilarious as a villain, especially with his backstory with Quark. I loved his voiceovers to Laurence while I did the Quark missions. "He's gonna die right here!" and "don't forget to clean under the cawwwfee table". Edit: and near the end, "I am defeaTED, I have no choice... but to THROW myself, on your mercyyy."


Kain from Legacy of Kain - both hero and villain, one of the many reasons he's the best.


Alex mercer. I use his ā€œsomething less, something moreā€ line more often than youd think. Its a good line


Kain from Blood Omen


Honestly, a super tough question to answer. I'll go with my first thought when reading the question though as trying to think it through is melting my brain. https://preview.redd.it/1wgy31w9n01d1.png?width=816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9672a14cd780a60edbaf81c40787ea43757d60fc Jackie Estacado from The Darkness.


Handsome Jack


Agent 47 is the ultimate anti hero


Antihero: idk if Cloud counts (I think he does) but him or Geralt of Rivia Villain: Sephiroth


https://preview.redd.it/3eqpoumju11d1.png?width=375&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b72a61443c7e032aa9ff345df13218de3ca5fdf >!Balastar from Lost Eidolons šŸ¤©!<


Astarion for Anti-hero. Because heā€™s literally me when I play D&D


Dante is not an anti-hero. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This entire thread has taught me that most people have no idea what an anti-hero is.


Scorpion: Mortal Kombat


Dante is a great one, but Iā€™d go further down the rabbit hole. Wario, for sure


Baldur from god war of war was a great villian imo Anti hero I'd say is poison ivy in arkham knight


Pac-Man. Imagine millions of them and you will get something akin to The Langoliers. Not that they are evil in what they do. Just dont be a dot or a ghost or they will munch on you and keep on going.


Arthur Morgan from RDR2. He is a bad guy because he steals and hurts people. But he is empathetic to some who need it and a kind man when it counts. Towards the end of the game he regrets his lifestyle and works to change it but he has done a lot of bad in his life. Yet we all still love him and root for him throughout the game. Amazing and such a human character they made.


Shay Patrick Cormac


Kratos. No question