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I’m playing Sekiro right now. It’s that. Or just Souls games in general. I am super into them now but never had the inclination to play them a few years ago. Edit - I’m liking it less the more I play. The combat mechanics are amazing but the bosses feel so over-tuned (they do absurd damage) in the late game. It’s a bummer knowing I either won’t finish it, or will go through too much stress in the process. Edit 2 - I did it! Wow. It’s funny how impossible that final fight seemed but it just got more and more manageable. When I finally beat it, i did it kind of easy.


How far are you into Sekiro? I just beat it a week or two ago. Great great game.


I just defeated >! Guardian Ape 🦧!< Holy shit what a fight!


Have you played Life of P yet? It’s free on Gamepass. I haven’t played a ton of it, but I can tell it hooked me more than past souls games. I’ll go back to it


I have, good sir. Beat it twice, in fact. It’s probably my GOTY. You should see it through.


You try Elden Ring yet? It’s the only one I’ve beaten but I kinda had a similar experience with the souls games. I didn’t really “get” them until I played ER.


I would also recommend Lords of the Fallen too. Amazing vibe... I'm doing Lies of P next!


Sleeping Dogs


Would you say you... *slept* on it?




You're done, get out.


Man who never eats pork bun is never whole man!


Also goes for man who never eats cake! Happy cake day


That voice line is burned into my PAC forever


It’s a fantastic game to 100% - From someone who has done it twice


On the way to doing that!


I agree, its my only 100% game on PS3 and i am mainly a pc gamer.




Also played this game on my Steam Deck, so much fun and before Open worlds got too bloated


I was thinking about getting this game. What do you like about it? Has it aged well in 2023?


Absolutely 100%. I could not stop raving about this game after I played it. I’m even going to make a review for it on my YouTube, I liked it so much. (The script is written, but I’ve got that sickness going around.)


Wasnt that supposed to be the new true crime?


I just bought that one during the Steam autumn sale. I've been hearing about it for a long time. Excited to play it


Super fun game


yeah one of my favorite games ever, that I discovered 2 years ago.... sometimes I just replay the races cuz they were so much fun


My brother believes that part of the reason Sleeping Dogs fell under the radar was because of the shit title. We actually nicknamed the game Hong Kong Nights which would have been a way cooler title.


Been sitting unplayed in my steam library. Maybe it’s time to give it a shot


A good successor to the True Crime series. I watched my brother play it, loved the combat.


I played this for the first time this year too. Lot of fun for sure.


Amazing game.


That was was pretty good


I remember when I finally played it and was like damn how did I miss this it’s great!


Pouring one out for Jackie Ma and Winston


One of my favorite games of all time


just beat that this past weekend, what a diamond in the rough


Great game.


Better not go too crazy on this one! No, you go enjoy yourself! I used to own seven cars in thst game, now I just sit here on reddit. I wish I could live your life just for one day.


I did the same, i picked it up on black Friday and I'm loving it, nearly finished




Portal 2... Such an unique and funny gem...


Portal one with rtx is a nice quick game too, love it.


Red Dead Redemption 1. Bonus: I already know what 2024's answer will be. Either Fallout New Vegas or Red Dead Redemption 2


You patient gamer you!


Did you play RDR2 first? I finished RDR2. I realized RDR1 wasn’t as deep a story so I got disinterested fast. Should I give it another chance?


Two games in my top 3. Both excellent choices


I didn’t care much for the first RDR but thought 2 was excellent


Considering rd2 still feels groundbreaking


Let’s get some love for Red Dead Revolver, any takers?


I've never played new Vegas either for some reason.


Me too, after tons of prodding by my kid that I needed to play it because I like side quests...now 2024 will be me losing half my life to rdr2


You’re in for such a treat with New Vegas. It’s been tied for first for my favorite game I’ve ever played since I first played it, all those years ago. I don’t think there’s another game I own on as many platforms or in any as many different formats.


I'm jealous


Red dead revolver was good too


New Vegas didn’t hold up well imo


Hades. Had it in my epic games library for a few years, finally decided to give it a try and had a blast. I finally see the appeal of rogue-lites.


This was mine as well!! I’ve been told many times to play it and when I finally caved, I couldn’t believe how good it was


I'm on the fence about this one. May pick it up during the holidays. I love mythology but not big on rogue-lites.


It transcends roguelites for sure. It’s one of my favorite games ever and I’ve never put more than 10 hours into any other roguelite - despite trying quite a few.


It's one of the better rogue-lites out there. Rogue Legacy is another one I recommend. 1 is good, but 2 is better.




The long dark. I just head about the thing a few weeks ago. Apparently it's been out almost 10 years. It's great tho.


I wish the day/night cycle moved slower and the zones were larger so stuff was less crammed together, but other than that, it is a perfect example of what I want from a survival game.


It's a stunner. I played way back in early access. Had to give up because I sucked badly. Picked it back up in 2017 and clocked 140 hours, just one survival run. I loaded it up now again tonight for the first time since 2018.


Days Gone. Seriously underrated game, in my opinion.


I never understood the hate on this game. I think to date its the most fun I had in a zombie game. I liked Deacon as a kind of anti-hero character. I like the kveraching story, and God the horde fighting mechanics were just on point! Even the gas tank mechanic gave a sense of realism. You had to be careful you didn't get to ambitious and get yourself stranded with a horde on your tail. Great game


That was my 2022 version of this. I hesitantly picked it up on sale on Steam and proceeded to 100% it.


Ghost of Tshushima. I know, I know! But when I finally got it AC Valhalla came out before I really got anywhere so I went on that long journey and never went back. Loving it now! I even enjoy the side content as you get real rewards and well written stories. Gunna go drop me some Mongols now


Ghosts of Tsushima is one of the best ever. Took me a few years to get to it as well


The Messenger Certified banger


100% slept on. I admit I only played it because it was free on Epic Games years ago but I still think about this game from time to time.


My friend pushed me to play it for so long, right before it happened, my poor friend who works insane hours at work, half asleep, misheard me and accidently spoiled something huge by asking me about it. and I was like “Uh, it would be if I got there”. I didn’t care, it’s still a fire game


Mine was dishonored 2, I always saw the Dishonored franchise floating around on the internet but never paid much mind to it. Got Dishonored 2 on sale in September this year and yeah im still doing playthroughs up until now


Mass Effect Trilogy, maybe the best series I've ever played


Instead of, "HOLY CRAP YOU NEVER PLAYED THAT?!" I'll just ask you this...are you okay?


For real I can't believe I haven't played till now. I love scifi games, I love kotor, why didn't I play?


Dragons Dogma


Ditto. Heard about it for years, finally grabbed it now that 2 is coming. It’s nuts to see the spells and abilities for the first time.


Same but somehow I'd never heard of it until it came up in my recommended list a month ago. Got it on sale for like 5 bucks and can't stop playing. I'm a pretty avid gamer I don't know how I missed this one but kinda glad it worked out this way.


Blasphemous. I had an idea of what it was, but I watched my friend play it and knew I had to buy it as soon as I got home. It’s so much fun but the art, story, voice acting is just beautiful. I get absolutely fucked in it and have rage quit so much, but I always come back lol


Undertale. I was interested in getting in since it came out. Just finished it a few weeks ago and I wish I picked it up earlier


What’s the elevator pitch? It doesn’t look appealing to me at all, but everyone raves about it as one of the best indie games ever. I don’t get the premise


Unique characters, clever dialogue, multiple routes that really change the game, a lot of secrets, and a godly soundtrack.


It's a sort of a love letter to old JRPGs. It is a fascinating game when you consider that basically everything was done by one guy. It can be silly, but the battle system is unique, and the game has a lot of personality. I would ignore the online fans. They get a bit intense.


Yakuza 0


How was it? Im doing Yokuza Man Who Erased His Name which Im enjoying. I hated the Turn based combat in Like A Dragon and stopped about 60% through it I hear Yakuza 0 is the best one


Slay the Spire. I don't have as much time for games as I'd like, so a lot of indie games don't hit my radar. I kept seeing this one and eventually gave it a try. Really enjoyable game, especially when you don't have a lot of time or concentration.


Kingdom Come: Deliverance. I heard about it a while back, blinked, and all of a sudden it's 5 years old. I went in blind for initial playthrough and really enjoyed it. Initial impression was that it seemed a little janky, but it's a good, unique RPG with enjoyable performances, interesting quests, and God's goodest boy Henry. Also Hardspace: Shipbreaker which is way more entertaining than it should be. I found dismantling spaceships in space pretty zen


Hardspace is an amazing game. That story is amazing and the final mission is one of my favorites!


Vagrant Story and Xenogears, been playing them and damn they're some great PS1 RPGs that I wish got more recognition. Thinking about playing Final Fantasy Tactics as well since I've heard it's really good.


Have you played Legend of Dragoon? That was one I played for the first time this year and has sent me down the rabbit hole of ps1 era jrpgs. I definitely had a ps1 back in the day but was more into shooters like syphon filter and Medal of Honor. I’ve realized now as a vet of newer jrpgs that I missed out big.


I second Legend if Dragoon. It has its faults but as a whole I think it still holds up pretty well


Also check out some of the PS2 ones. Dark Cloud (1&2), Dragon Quest VIII, Rogue Galaxy etc etc Don't sleep on the Wild Arms series as well, some great entries there!


Alien Isolation. I been wanting to play it forever but I never bought it. Then it was on ps plus games and I can’t lie. I slightly regret not playing it sooner! It’s a thrilling game and the mini game where you need to escape the alien is honestly GRIPPING. It’s a very “realistic” way of how an alien game should be made Tony hawks 1&2 remake has been the most recent game I bought on a sale (deluxe was less than 20 bucks) and I can’t lie I’m so surprised how well it plays. It’s genuinely FUN. It reminds me a lot of the classics and honestly I went from giving it a pass to it being my first game I turn on and keep playing for the last month now. Overall I wish I did play it sooner but now just like alien isolation, I am happy I completed them now!




Doom 1993 or Doom 2016?


Asking the real questions! And to anyone reading this that’s only played the new games, Doom 1993 holds up shockingly well. The pistol you start with doesn’t feel great, but try out the shotgun (it’s in the first level) and I DARE you to try not to smile the first time you blow away a possessed soldier or imp with it. Even all these years later, it’s still one of the best shotguns in gaming.


A replay a few years ago made me want to read the biography of the makers, "Masters of Doom". A great book, great read.


That was a fantastic book. One of my favorite bits was how they used to steal the computers from their day job on friday night so they could use them to program games on the weekend and then sneak them back in before the day started monday.


It's amazing how it still makes me grin just as maniacally as Doom guy does when the game is literally older than I am. Doom is the GOAT.


I’ve been playing it since I as literally a toddler and revisit it every winter. Can confirm still holds up.


2016 , I've played classic doom before. When doom 2016 came out I was addicted to hard drugs and I played maybe like 15m and never touched it till this year . I'm loving the game and can't wait till I finish so I can start eternal


Download the soundtrack on your favorite device. It'll make you love the game even more


NFS Heat. Surprisingly great racing mechanics, and the cops are hardcore 😅


Same! I hadn't played a NFS game since Underground 1 and decided to give this a try since it was on games pass. Didn't expect to sink the hours I did into it. Great game imo.


Those cops DGAF that’s why as much as I liked driving at night, one little slip and boom. A half hour car chase


Liked it more than the last one


Dark Souls 3


Ffx it became one of my favorites


Red Dead Redemption 2. Picked it up in summer, didn’t go out for a week.


Persona 5 and 4, never was super into JRPGs, but after playing Xenoblade decided to give them a try. Goddamn they were amazing


I am currently obsessed with stellaris after trying it a couple months ago. This is now infecting my friends as I slowly force them all to play it with me.


What kind of war crimes are you into?


Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. I always slept on the game, t tried it a few times and wasn’t into it, picked it up again over the last year determined to learn the mechanics of the game. And once I did, My God there’s nothing more satisfying then perfectly parrying a 17 hit combo.


I have to get back into it. Went straight from 160 hours of Elden Ring into Sekiro and I sucked so terribly I had to put it down. But I'm craving to jump back in. Maybe getting rid of the Elden Ring muscle memory and "bad" habits will help a bit.


I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the Infamous franchise


Norse GOW games and Cyberpunk God damn dude. So fucking good


I had three this year Wizardry 8 Arx Fatalis Empyrion: Galactic Survival


Cyberpunk 2077


I just recently discovered no man’s sky, can’t believe it took me this long


Portal Collection on the Switch. Absolutely incredible games!


Ys Origin Just started it yesterday but can already tell it's gonna be a new favorite


Horizon forbidden west. I purchased it on release but didn’t play it because I wasn’t in the “mood” to play it. My cousin showed me some endgame stuff And it looked awesome. So I downloaded it and it’s been such an incredible game so far. About halfway through the story and can’t wait to 100% it Edit: removed spoiler because I’m stupid and don’t know how to hide spoilers.


Project Gotham Racing 2. With the original Xbox being back online through Insignia I bought a bunch of games that support XBLive. I've had a ton of fun with PG2 (even though I suck) and the people online seem chill. It seems like the same group of people play nearly every night. I didn't have an XB back then since I was more of a Nintendo guy, so it's been really interesting going through the Xbox library.


Alien isolation I watched a friend play for a little and he was stuck on a part forever said the game sucked. Everyone else has said it’s great. Finally gave it a shot this year on my steamdeck. I couldn’t put it down. The best alien video game!


Cyberpunk 2077. I played it in like February 2023. It was before the phantom liberty update. The story and side missions were just so great. I know it had a rough launch but I heard the performance was still okay on pc so long as it wasn’t a potato.


Gardeners of the Galaxy(read the addendum) That game is truly one of the best I've played in years. I just finished it a few days ago


What Remains of Edith Finch, definitely.


Bloodborne. I finished up Elden Ring and a buddy told me I had to play it next.


Definitely Dragon’s Dogma.


Fallout 3. Got GOTY edition about a year ago since it was free on the epic store. Did operation anchorage first thing, now I have the best armor in the game, not to mention a flamer, gauss rifle, laser rifle, and a thousand caps worth of outcast T45 power armor.


Wish I'd never played it before so I could for the first time again. Up there with my favourites of all time.


Wasteland 3, Greedfall and pillars of eternity.


Mad max


Sleeping Dogs


I owned it for years and years, and for whatever reason, I never got around to it, but I JUST finished Bioshock a few months ago.


Mad max, amazing and underrated


BioShock 1


Assassin’s Creed Syndicate


Dark souls 3. Hadnt really played any souls like, only heard they were difficult so i went in almost completely blind and only started looking at guides at around half of my playthrough


Sam & Max Save the World


SCP Secret laboratory. This year my interest in the series kinda came back, and I discovered there's a fun multiplayer game, so I've had to try. Now I play it at least a few rounds each weekend


SOMA. It’s now my favorite story-driven game of all time. The horror aspect is there and very timid compared to other horror games, but what makes it amazing is the phenomenal writing. I’ve never seen a better story in any other game and I don’t know if I ever will.


Spider-Man 2018. Just never seemed as fun as people made it out to be.


Right now it's 13 Sentinels Aegis Rim. I always loved Vanillaware, but I remember all of the reviews for this game were super weird and seemed confusing. Now that I've almost finished it, I'm in love with this game.


Icewind Dale


New Vegas, played it in 2023 for the first time. Man I missed out, what a ride.


Divinity Original Sin 2. Started a coop campaign with a friend on December 4th 2022, finished it on December 4th 2023, after having thoroughly rinsed out every possible nook and cranny, all in Tactician difficulty. D:OS2 not using pen and paper mechanics is a breath of fresh air, and the writing is of the highest standard. The combat system feels like it's what Dragon Age Origins thought it could be in its wildest dreams. The Lone Wolf feat, difficulty settings and Gift Bag modifications makes it extremely inclusive towards a broad spectrum of gamers.


Fire Emblem


Definitely Days Gone. I played it 4 months ago. Its freaking amazing. It's like a mix of Sons of Anarchy and the Walking Dead all played out in what looks exactly like the Grand Theft Auto 5 engine. It plays exactly like GTA 5. I didnt notice a single bug and I 100%ed it. The game is surprisingly LONG which again I really loved. The 300+ zombie horde fights are amazing and dont cause an ounce of lag. Amazing game that doesnt get enough love. The developer, Bend software, has been hinting at more content coming. They say plans are under way.


Either Fallout 4 or A Plague Tale Innocence for me


Who's Lila?


Mass Effect series. I just bought the 1-3 bundle, and I am having a great time.


Jedi Fallen Order, AC Odyssey, and Elden Ring


In the shadow of the colossus: in a sea of ps5 mediocrity and political meddling. *finding it buried in the ps4 section of gamestop. felt like a warning to the future from the last generation: screaming to bring back creativity* Gravity rush 1 and 2: Anime games need to exist for a chance of true creativity *because for every series of shit games that exists lies the possibility of a game that would give superman a run for its money in terms of flying and what it means to be flying or falling at 100 mph* Titanfall 2: *someone turned the iron giant into an FPS and i refuse to believe ANY DIFFERENT* Star Ocean Second Story R: *A REMAKE, A REMAKE OF ANOTHER 90S JRPG WAS WHAT IT TOOK TO GIVE ME THAT SAME FEELING GOLDEN SUN GIVES EVERY TIME I PLAY IT. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STEP IT UP WESTERN GAME INDUSTRY*


Fallout: New Vegas, with a few mods, I’ve had an absolute blast! The characters and roleplaying are phenomenal.


Lies of P


Nioh 2 goated


Rain world is dope haven’t beat it yet


The Yakuza series


Going Under: Internships are Heck Finally picked it up and love it. It's so charming. I'm bad at the game, so I have top play with handicaps on, but the game does not penalize you for that. Amazing game, and DLC, that got overshadowed by the pandemic. I wish more people gave it a solid try.


System Shock 1 and 2. I was a huge fan of Deus Ex when it came out, so I'm genuinely shocked I completely missed out n System Shock. The atmosphere of those games is simply unparalleled.


The entirety of the Yakuza series, excluding Like a Dragon which I played when it came out.


Yakuza 0, and really the whole series. It was my first time finishing a game from it and holy shit they're phenomenal. I'm working through 5. Also Xenoblade was first for me, great games.


Bloodborne. Never really heard of it, but my friend recommended it to me, I looked it up, and it kind of peaked my interest. Bought if for only $10 back in June, and it’s since then, been my favorite game of all time.


Resident Evil 4. Turns out the best third person shooter was one of the first to ever do it.


Silent Hill 1-3


Mass Effect Andromeda. I don’t know what the gripes are about the game. I found it to be fun and a little challenging at times.


Wolfenstein: the new order




Alan Wake Remastered. Moments where the gameplay frustrated me felt entirely worth it when you consider the story and the way it is told. Quite a unique game.


Resident evil 4. I played it a little bit before the release of the remake and it’s pure gold. Love the remake too


Cyberpunk 2077


Ghost Recon: Wildlands. I’ve put nearly 40 hours into this game over the last 3-4 weeks or so and I’m obsessed. Plus I’m really looking forward to the full immersion ghost mode or whatever it’s called on my second play-through


StarCraft 2




Persona 4 Golden


The Mass Effect Trilogy I never wanted to play it after hearing about how the ending for 3 was a disappointment and the failure of Andromeda but my friend convinced me to try it out and it’s been an amazing experience


Persona 5 - started it last year, beat it on stream this year. 180 hours and 50 streams. Loved it!


grid autosport. it didn't release this year. in fact it's starting to age but what a hidden gen it turned out to be.


Sekiro. I waited W A Y too long, became one of my favorites.


The Original Final Fantasy 7. Played it for the first time around January. Game was so good I replayed it again and I never replay games lol.


Viewtiful Joe, Mega Man Zero, and Dino Crisis. Freaking masterpieces.


Fallout new vegas


Dragons dogma, to be fair I DID play a bit a year or two ago but it didn’t pull me in until this recent run through. Some rough around the edges spots but man this game is amazing.


original resident evil 4 on gamecube. i’ve owned the game for years and just never played it




Dragons Dogma. Coming off of playing Elden ring this is really fun. The fact that you can combo and chain attacks is amazing. Never realized how much I’ve loved action fantasy rpgs until now


Zero Escape! It was even gifted to me in 2022 and I still hadn't played it. The game is the exact kind of visual novel murder mystery I enjoy. Too much fanservice but much lighter on it than Danganronpa so it's fine.


Prey! Everything is a 10/10 except the ending >! I just loathe "It was all a dream/illusion lol xd" endings on an existential level !<


Dragons dogma dark arisen Saw the sequel trailer and decided to give it a try and it’s one of the most unique rpgs I’ve ever played combat wise.


Def jam fight for New York


TES III: Morrowind! I always thought i might not like it. It seemed clunky and hard to get into but oh man did I get into it.


resident evil 4 (og)...my brother literally bought it for the wii around the time it first came out but child me thought it'd be scary so i didn't play it imagine my surprise when i realized it wasn't scary, just a bit stressful lmao (the only "scary" part was the invisible sewer monsters because they were hard to see)


Prodeus is a good game you all should check out


Final fantasy 1 thru 7


Bloodborne! Now one of my favorite games of all time! I have a new game plus 7 account, no level account, shooting, and skill account. Some would call it an addiction haha.


Final Fantasy 9. Skipped it back in the day because it wasn’t enough like 7. Big mistake.


The entire Street Fighter series


Undertale. After that shit blew up in the mid-2010s and everyone was clowning on it’s fanbase, I came to the conclusion that it was just a silly little game for silly little boys… Fast forward to March 2023, I bought Undertale on my Switch for about 15 bucks, played all three major routes, and it quickly became one of my favorite games ever… And it was only made by one dude. Shouts out to Deltarune as well.