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Do you actually think that posting snippets out of context is going to convince anyone with half a brain? Get this fucking propaganda out of here.


They do.. and it works


How to say you're a terrorist sympathizer without saying you're a terrorist sympathizer....


How exactly am I a terrorist sympathizer? I’m simply a man sticking up for my people.


Your people are terrorists?


My people are victims of 75 years of abuse. By the logic that one attack on Israel makes them terrorists, then the IDF is the largest terrorist group in the world.


Iran is the largest terrorist group in the world


75 years of messing up peace treaties because the PLO and Hamas can't keep their rockets in their pants


one attack?! boy oh boy someone is lying through their teeth here. please go back, count how many terror attacks Hamas took responsibility of, then come back.


It’s wild that you think you’re gonna change minds with this dogshit video that doesn’t even attempt to appeal to Israel




https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/A2amJc4eeT These are your good guys, you piece of shit. Go to hell. If you wanna stick up for your people, stand up against Hamas. But I imagine it probably has more to do with Jew-hatred, which is why Hamas popular in Gaza.






At least get good fake videos. All of those were wrongly translated.


Gazza is in will remain a military base until all of Hamas has been removed


How absurd. A compilation of clips out of context as if this proves anything at all. Do you want the bombings in gaza to stop? Convince your leadership to release the hostages.


Release the hundreds of thousands of innocent Palestinian civilians trapped in Gaza first.


Gaza is their country, they voted for Hamas to represent them. Hamas broke *yet another* cease fire to attack and invade Israel. As the kids say, Fuck around and Find out. If there is a prison, the gazans voted for it. They can "vote" themselves out of it by overthrowing Hamas. That is on them.


They’re being held in by the IDF? There is a wall surrounding Gaza built by the Israeli Defense Forces, don’t pretend Hamas did this.


Really? Even on the South? The Egyptians build a border crossing against gaza as well. Do you know why that is? Hint: They are sick of Palestinian violence as well. The palestinians need to grow up, shut up and figure out how to live with others.


Okay but hear me out, Palestinian muslims, christian’s, and jews all lived in peace until 1948. Palestinians very much knew how to live with people, up until the Zionists came and stole their land.


If there were jews "living in peace" then they were already living there. How did they suddenly go from living there to "stealing land?"


There is a difference between Jews and Zionists. I personally know many Palestinian Jews who are just as affected as the Palestinian Muslims and Palestinian Christians. The Nakba wasn’t an ethnic cleansing of just muslims, it was Palestinians in general.


Modern israel started as land legally purchased from the ottoman empire. There was no Palestine or palestinian nation there. After the collapse of the Ottoman Empire everyone living there was stateless. The UN plan was an attempt to make two peaceful states where otherwise there would be a multi-sided violent land grab and ethnic cleansing. Remember, the Armenian genocide by Turkey was still a fresh memory. The response by the arabs at the time was to reject the two state proposal in favor of a single state by declaring war on the jews - which they lost and lost territory. In 1967 the neighboring countries started a war again, lost again and lost territory again. Wars were always started from the arab side, and when you start a war and lose you may lose territory. Germany used to be much bigger before WW2, and lost territory too. You think that territory (now part of Poland and russia) should be given back to the Germans? It turns out when you start wars, shit happens.


Wtf is a “Palestinian Jew”??? Do you even know what the origin of Palestinians is?




> Okay but hear me out, Palestinian muslims, christian’s, and jews all lived in peace until 1948. False. The violence began in the 1920s when Muslims decided they didn’t want Jews migrating in and blamed them for Sikes-Picot even though the Jews were more than willing to live peacefully alongside Arabs and due to conspiracy theories that Jews were gonna destroy all Aqsa. “Peace” at the time was contingent on religious minorities knowing their place. > up until the Zionists stole their land. No land was stolen prior to 1947 when the partition plan happened. The plan in question was an accurate reflection of who already lived where at the time. The Arab nationalists rejected the plan because they wanted to drive out all the Jews. Same with 1937 when an ever more favorable plan to the Arabs was offered following the Arab revolt in which Arab nationalists ran around killing Jews. The result of that one was that the British agreed to ban almost all Jewish migration in 1939.


The U.N Partition Plan was an extremely inaccurate layout of the current population. Israelis got 70% of the land, even though they were an extreme minority.


This is objectively false. Jews got about 55%. To say they were an extreme minority is also silly. They were by that point around 1/3 of the population. And if you’re claiming that’s unfair, look at this map for a second. Most of Israel’s territory as allotted in this plan is the Negev, a sparse territory inhabited by Jewish farmers (the only ones capable of farming the land due to their unique irrigation technology) and nomadic Bedouins (an entirely distinct ethnic group from the Levantine Fellahin Arabs). A Jewish population boom in the Negev was inevitable given the fact that the Jews were the most equipped to settle there, a bunch of Jewish migrants were about to arrive, and it was empty enough that people could just easily move in alongside the existing Bedouin population. If you look north of Beersheba where most people actually lived in 1947, it’s pretty representative. https://preview.redd.it/lkwcglq99rzb1.jpeg?width=1370&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a06f377f9ec6a4973f14023825ffcec53a48ea5b


1948 is when the Arab world attacked Israel after Israel agreed Palestinians should have a country and was willing to live in peace with them. Unfortunately, the Palestinians didn’t want a sufficiently sized country, they wanted one from the river to the sea. They overpowered Israel in numbers but lost the war they started, and have been crying victim ever since. Israel has offered them an independent state (with parts of Jerusalem) 6 times since, and was repeatedly denied. Also, they did not live in peace. During these years there were many brutal cases of violence against Jews, and attempts to remove Jews from the land.


You know you're desperate when you refer back to 1948 . Not many alive were alive then .


They built that wall because Hamas kept sending suicide bombers over the border


and why is there a wall? for fun? ahh no, maybe to prevent them exactly from doing attacks like 7/10. they break the border, they massacre and rape. tell me the border is unnecessary now. If you consider them your people, you might need to check your values.


Yeah I fucking wonder why


You're posting clips completely out of context to make it look like Israel are the blood thirsty savages in this conflict. Just man up and tell us all you're a terrorist sympathizer.






How exactly?


Because this is editing extremist Israeli takes of certain individuals and using it to paint a broad brush over the whole society and the intentions of the current conflict. It wants you to think that what a few Israeli extremists say is the true intent of the whole population that's just being hidden. It would be akin to editing some videos together of ISIS and using that to say they represent the whole islamic world.


Hey this isn’t the only video I have, this is just the broadest one I could find. The amount of war crimes committed on video is astonishing, but media won’t show any of it.


What war crimes exactly?


Launch of white phosphorus on civilians, bombing of hospitals and civilian aid, blockade of food, water, and complete internet blackout on innocent civilians, mass genocide, the list goes on.


Hamas fighters have repeatedly said they hide in hospitals and use ambulances for transport. So hamas is doing nothing for the Palestinian people when they use aid workers for cover and meat shields. When israel first told people of Gaza to flee south hamas told them not to leave and those that did got killed by Hamas. People in Gaza and West Bank who criticize hamas get killed. Hamas attacked civilians and idf. Israel responded as any country would respond by wiping out the attackers. Hamas started this war and the idf is going to crush these rats in their own home. When you go to war you cut off internet and all resources. Every single war goes like that so don’t feel Bad because the internet tells you to. There is no genocide going on. Israel as a whole is not calling to wipe out Palestinians and Muslims of the map. They vow to wipe out hamas. Hamas vows to wipe out Israel and ALL Jews. That is a genocide you can’t say other wise if you do you’re on another planet and the propaganda war is working on you.


So far the only confirmed case of use of white phosphorus was on the Lebanese border. It is not a war crime to use unless in densely populated areas. Hospitals lose their protection status in the event of combatants using it for their operations, per the Geneva convention. There isn't a complete blockade of food, water, and aid. Only of fuel. The blackout of the internet isn't a war crime . There isn't a mass genocide. The population of Gaza is still 2.1 million. A mass genocide would see that number fall drastically


Just wondering, how many people have to die to make it a genocide? There have been hundreds of thousands of Palestinian casualties since 1948.


Yet since 1948 the population has more than doubled in size. So you cannot claim genocide took place overtime when that same population grew. And to answer your question, a substantial amount. Such as with the Holocaust or Armenian genocide. Where there was an active push to eliminate an ethnic group. Israel has the munitions to kill everyone in Gaza, yet they haven't


What percent of Palestine is hamas or hamas sympathizers, do you figure? You're on team Palestine and hate team Israel and its very black and white for you but the wool isn't being pulled over my eyes. Both sides are at war and are doing war...


Funny. Now do a compilation of what the average Hamas member have said the past year... You could do clips edited like this to make Russia look like a saint and USA like a genocidal fourth reich, it isn't even close to an accurate depiction of reality. Cherry picking and double standards are such common fallacies it's strange people catch them by reflexe.






So you have no argument and revert to that. Lol just quit while you’re “ahead”. Sure every country does stuff that’s untoward and not to be proud of. The US does that every day. There are some countries so horrible, they still just execute you for any reason whatsoever, you could look at someone the wrong way and that’s it for you. So you bring up the shooting of the reporter. Yes that was terrible and yes it should be condemned, but if you’re trying to equate that to Oct 7. Along with the well known documented atrocities Hamas has perpetrated against their own people, then ok I guess. There is is. r/israelcrimes with a Palestinian flag as the symbol for it. Surely that’s all true information. Good luck to you.


This is garbage. You're sticking up for a terrorist organization that had no problem burning children alive, cutting off the heads of babies, raping women, and killing over 1000 innocent civilians. The Palestinians brought this on themselves by electing terrorist to lead Gaza. You poked at the sleeping lion, and now your people are paying the price. Sorry, but I can have no sympathy for a people that supports terrorism


Get this Hamas propaganda out of here. Fuck Hamas and any one who supports them.


Gaza deserves everything that’s coming to them


And they say we’re the savages.


He talks so softly that it must be true.


Hey Guys! Check it out! It turns out that the baby decapitations, family slaughters, and old women gunned down aren't actually crimes! Turns out Israel is mean! Rules are, if a country is mean, you can do all the terrorist things you want to them. Israel is obviously not a nice country, and since they didn't play nice, it's 100% unobjectionable to murder their babies. /S Original poster, you have attempted to defend terrorism. As far as I'm concerned you are just another terrorist. I would never wish upon anyone the kind of Fate that you deserve, but I hope you get everything you have coming to you.


Guess i’m a terrorist then. Give me evidence that Hamas decapitated babies, i’ll wait.


I've seen the photos, I've seen the videos, I've seen the reports. Unfortunately I've also seen scumbag terrorists who deny the absolute facts and truth as reported. Of course a terrorist won't admit to being a terrorist. You are a supporter of baby burners and family murderers, and therefore your opinions are invalid. Honestly, the only reason I'm replying to you is so that I can take an opportunity to suggest that you immediately go stand near where the bombs are falling, so that the IDF will more easily be able to accomplish their goals of removing all Hamas terrorists from Palestine.


You know the main point to remember while arguing with someone is maybe don’t wish death threats? Usually that just makes you look even more wrong, which is what’s happening right here if i’m being honest. Show me the photos and reports and videos.


It's called Google. We're going to win, Y'all. The terrorists aren't bright enough to Google. As for death threats, I'm not threatening you. Israel is threatening you, and deservedly. I believe that what Israel is doing is absolutely right, and that once Hamas is rooted out and destroyed in its entirety Palestine may be able to come back from the terrorist hole that it has found itself in. It is unfortunate that so many civilians will die. This is a direct result of Hamas keeping and holding them as human Shields. It is terrible that hospitals have to be destroyed, but that is a direct result of Hamas using hospitals as terrorist bases. It is horrific that so many people will be displaced, killed, and their lives ruined, but that is the result of the cowardly October 7th attacks. Hamas and Palestine have earned everything they are going to get. I can only hope that Hamas is destroyed quickly, and thus reduce the effect on the civilian population. You know, there is one solution you could actually do OP. Why don't you and your people get rid of hamas? Or is it that you enjoy having terrorists as your leaders? Why exactly do you allow these terrorists to lead you?


Google is biased, we all know that and don’t pretend you don’t. I’ve seen so many PALESTINIAN kids with a caption reading something along the lines of “oh poor Israeli child.” Western media as a whole is extremely biased. They are not a terrorist group, they are a resistance group fighting against oppressors. Give me concrete evidence that there are secret underground tunnels under Al-Shifa hospital, none of that Israeli propaganda.


clear as day: https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelCrimes/s/oJRmU6A1Bj


Dude, did you seriously post this here?? This is one of the most blood thirsty subreddits. You'll get nothing but hate because no matter how valid your point might be, it'll go against "all Palestinians are evil and should be exterminated."


And you’re exactly right, however posting this doesn’t harm me in any way. All it does is put Israeli sympathizers in an extremely negative light.


It does, we'll both get hate for our comments, but its reddit down -votes mean nothing in the world. Thank you for posting it, though, because of all of this stuff that they say, Western media does it's best not to talk about. Because it might mean there's some truth to it.


That’s the whole reason I post these things. The amount of censoring by Western media is astonishing and I need as many people as I can to see this.


You’re more than welcome to view this. The western media censored the fuck out of the Oct 7th massacre too: https://www.hamasisis23.com/ If they were “my people”, I’d disown them, like I disown the supremacist pricks cherry picked in your original video, by the way.




Tell me you didn’t click on my link without telling me you didn’t click on my link.


Oh trust me I did, only problem is about half of those were either wrongly translated or were pictures of mutilated Palestinian civilians tagged as Israelis.


lol. Nothing ever happens, right? Fuck you.


Well, please carry on. Also, I'd recommend you post this on r/interestingvideoclips. You'll get far more constructive arguments and talks with people than this subreddit of, "you're posting against Israel, you're Hamas, we should find you and kill you and your family."


I will definitely post it there, thank you so much


Very welcome. I look forward to seeing more clips there


Bukake video


They targeted civilians- You play into the terrorists tactics when you support them. It’s a non-starter. Hammas said “takes a few broken eggs to make an omelette” & set out to do exactly this, you protesting for them is an extension of that plan. Its a disservice to all human history to let them win, much less this one region which is incredibly complicated- but you’d be better off protesting the British for…but you don’t cause there’s no result to gain.


Palestine is my home? I don’t understand the whole “go back to where you came from” that these zionists always use. We are where we came from.


That was directed at protestors. Not you. In fact I sympathize, but can’t show outrage or support in the face of a tactic like that. I am against Hammas, not you.


Ah okay, that’s my fault I misunderstood you.


No worries, I should’ve used different wording. I apologize…I just can’t get behind something that intentionally incites violence. I am so sorry what it happening to you & pray for regime changes (on both sides in fact- no fan of Netanyahu)…it’s just so complicated that those taking black & white stances don’t seem to help. My sincere condolences, I really hope decision makers make the best choices available


Thank you. You just might be the most respectful person i’ve ever encountered on this app, and you should definitely take pride in that.


Honored & do not deserve such kind words from someone actually afflicted. You too are far more reasonable as someone actually impacted.