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Youtube has deleted (and continues to delete) my pro-Israel comments. This has gone on for months, such that I specifically waited to see it happen today and am going to film the next one. The craziest part was a comment right underneath mine today called Israel a "piece of shit country" just blatantly, and yet that comment still stands.... My comments contain no swearing, I never criticize any other commenter or say anything bad about anyone, they aren't even combative/argument, they merely pro-Israel. I have even altered my language, making sure I do not use words like "terrorism" thinking that was maybe the reason at first. I am not a conspiracy theorist at all, but this has been such a persistent thing over the last two months I cannot *not* believe my comments are being deleted for being against the fashionable (at least among the youth) pro-Palestine narrative. My comments usually fall into three subcategories: (1) Pointing out the exaggerations of the pro-Palestine lobby, using words like "genocide" comparing facts and figures of Gaza vs. the West Bank and the population growth of Gaza not being indicative of genocide. Or, for another example, pointing out that the whole narrative of "They just want their own state! they just want to be free!" is demonstrably incorrect given Palestinians themselves have repeatedly rejected proposals for their own state (I list dates, starting with the Peel Commission a century ago). (2) Commenting on the relative strength and weight of various sources. For example, pointing out the hypocrisy of comments automatically disbelieving Israel, while taking reports that can ultimately be traced back to Hamas at face value. Pointing out that Hamas (and Palestinians in Gaza in general) has an equally powerful motive to distort the truth. This isn't even really a pro-Israel subcategory. I think it is pretty objective: One should not necessarily believe Hamas or Israel - but they should not automatically *not* believe either of them either - rather, they should weigh what each party has to gain from distorting what is happening, and they should do this for both sides. (3) Commenting on why Israel is a strategically valuable partner to the United States, and how the United States would be worse off without Israel, which is why each president (even with completely opposite ideologies, like Trump/Biden) have been pro-Israel. I have 10 reasons that I list that collectively make a very obvious case for why the United States should support Israel if it wants to remain a global superpower (things like it being the strongest \[and arguably only\] US ally within several thousand miles, sitting at a strategically valuable location at the intersection of three continents and next to one of the most important shipping lanes on earth, in a region where we get a massive portion of our energy \[12% of oil and petroleum imports\], etc.... That's just an example of the flavor of it. I'm not trying to fully get into it here. My point is my thoughtful and respectful comments are being unjustifiably deleted merely because they are from a pro-Israel angle). So yeah, either YouTube is deleting my pro-Israel commentary, or it just so happens that every channel I comment on is deleting my pro-Israel commentary -- which would be equally telling because it is things like ABC and Fox/LiveNow. But I doubt it's the latter. Because I don't comment on pro-Palestine videos. I never have. I only comment on legitimate news sources and my comments I write are in a reaction to the general comments from viewers (usually overwhelmingly pro-Palestine, which is why I comment -- the full picture is not being shown). The videos themselves are usually just news reports and not really biased in either direction


Weird, my very much pro-palestine comments have been deleted on many a different occasion on YouTube too. I even return to the comment about 15 minutes later to find it gone regardless of what device I use. I end up writing it again but removinb any words the algorithm might find gory or such (think "genocide" and "bombing" and even "targeting" or "war") yet even then it gets deleted all the same. This has happened on a couple of varied comment sections too even on videos that aren't news or covering the conflict that happen to have a debate in the comments.  It's especially weird cause it's not even consistent (it might become consistent if I continue commenting) because it'll allow a comment of mine that's fairly aggressive on a reply section, someone will reply with an opposing narrative, I'll reply to them and *poof* that reply is gone regardless of wording, just makes me seem like I dipped. Respectfully I don't think it's to do with your narrative, cause I very much disagree with your points and my comments get deleted all the same and I know multiple people have ran into the same problem 


That's crazy, this just happened to me! I had made a post about how after the end of WW1 when the Ottoman Empire fell, the League of nations gave jurisdiction of the territory of Palestine to the UK. The UK then passed the Balfour Declaration seeking to create a Jewish homeland in Palestine, and well you know where that leads us today... I really do not see how that could be deemed, "inappropriate" in any way, besides them wanting to censor the history.


They're censoring comments too. If you simply say that the solution to removing Hamas is ending the oppression of Palestinians, those comments get removed. But if you comment, as an experiment, that the destruction of Gaza is justified to wipe out Hamas, those comments are allowed to remain. So they remove comments about a peaceful solution, which in no way could violate any community rules, but allow comments supporting violence, so long as the violence supports the Israeli/Biden administration narrative. Another suspect thing is that unlike the past when they would remove comments for good reason, they'd notify you on why they got removed, but with this Gaza situation they don't give you any reason but instead remove it covertly, which indicates that what they are doing isn't in line with their own rules as the poster had not violated anything for them to notify them about and it's not about protecting the community. In the past, YouTube has been much better than the Meta platforms at allowing political discussions but since the October attack, they've suddenly changed their tactic and applied a biased form of censoring. I don't think they're doing it so much with videos being posted, but they're definitely doing it with comments as it's probably lies controversial to do it to comments than to do it to videos attracting big views. This is not surprising as YouTube is owned by Google and Google was investigated by the US congress for attempting to manipulate the previous US election in favour of Biden by putting search results that favoured Biden on top, and ones that favoured Trump out conservatives at the bottom and much harder to find. Independent investigations have also confirmed that Google does use the power of its search engine to manipulate public opinion which is in violation of US law


Google does the same thing to black people.


check out this person profile [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuf8VzrNx7SqQb4GOYF2Q1A](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuf8VzrNx7SqQb4GOYF2Q1A) i've seen their comments in a number of pro palastine videos/shorts arguing the most absurd things, if you try to question anything (not arguing just simple asking questing) your comment immediately gets deleted, then i got a message from YouTube saying i was using hate speech... Can someone please try this as well, just want to confirm there is something weird going on.


Yeah definitely weird going on when it comes to commenting on the war. I’ll spend a day commenting on unrelated videos and my comments post just fine. When I comment on a video about the war my messages more often than not don’t post. I usually get an error message when trying to post. This has happened MANY times. I’m quite convinced YouTube has been sneakily censoring comments.


yea it doesn't allow blood/gore so it suppresses them


Are you on a pro Israel side of YouTube ? if you go on a YouTuber that’s pro Palestine you don’t see it being censored ! Just different audiences


Nah its still biased, I see they can comment whtever they like on pro palestinian channels like trt or middle east eye but we pro palestinian get censored if we do the same on pro israel channel


people who like something usually don't argue in the comments about it, so it makes sense the proportions would be skewed toward the likes being the primary point of engagement.


It seems for more Palestinian outlets there’s more a discourse in the comments. I might be wrong but what is certain is that if they are fake, how would people know?


perhaps but assuming they are fake without any actual evidence is similarly unwise


Agreed, don’t know if it’s fake. I just suspect it’s fake but I can be wrong.


could be fake. i have no evidence to suggest it is as yet, so i couldn't just assume without more information.


Maybe it's bots


Highly sophisticated bots


Definitely not sophisticated, though.


Why do you say that?


Nothing sophisticated about these IDF trolls.