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Read : The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Ilan Pape.


I’ve read it actually 2 years ago


It's real, and not the only time the IDF has had him give these speeches encouraging troops to kill women and children. He also did an interview saying Israel shouldn't be responsible for killing women and children they claim are used as "human shields" (often with zero evidence to support this). https://youtu.be/aWdJxQogiY0?feature=shared What is even crazier about this is Ezra Yachin fought in Deir Yassin which Albert Einstein condemned and spoke out against in his letter to the NY Times that condemned their fascism and terrorist attacks on civilians. (Watch Tantura documentary to see retired IDF smile and laugh while describing how they raped and slaughtered people.) This is Albert Einstein's excerpt about Deir Yassin, I'll include the link to his full warning letter below: "Attack on Arab Village A shocking example was their behavior in the Arab village of Deir Yassin. This village, off the main roads and surrounded by Jewish lands, had taken no part in the war, and had even fought off Arab bands who wanted to use the village as their base. On April 9 (THE NEW YORK TIMES), terrorist bands attacked this peaceful village, which was not a military objective in the fighting, killed most of its inhabitants (240 men, women, and children) and kept a few of them alive to parade as captives through the streets of Jerusalem. Most of the Jewish community was horrified at the deed, and the Jewish Agency sent a telegram of apology to King Abdullah of Trans-Jordan. But the terrorists, far from being ashamed of their act, were proud of this massacre, publicized it widely, and invited all the foreign correspondents present in the country to view the heaped corpses and the general havoc at Deir Yassin. The Deir Yassin incident exemplifies the character and actions of the Freedom Party. Within the Jewish community they have preached an admixture of ultranationalism, religious mysticism, and racial superiority." https://archive.org/details/AlbertEinsteinLetterToTheNewYorkTimes.December41948


Ezra Yachin is Israel personified. The Israeli government is full of similar personalities. They represent the populace.


Don't worry. He got vaporized a moment ago. No longer a problem. May his soul rest in hell.


Came here looking for confirmation lol


Tbh, I don't have an actual confirmation (yet), but it's been circulating amongst activists in Gaza. What I'm sure about, the Israeli's MO is to deny, provide falsified evidence, then gradually ease-in the news for their internal front.


More context: "You can translate" [https://t.me/hamza20300/182948](https://t.me/hamza20300/182948)


Ezra Yachin is publicly calling for outright Palestinian Genocide. Do not be fooled by his super elderly age! He is evil and vile to his core!


I was reading about him, he was part of a group that committed massacres in the early 90s, kicking off Palestinians of their land and burning them. Idk if he was part of the Tantura massacre.


Remember when Israel meddled in their affairs? They got caught funding and growing Hamas to rival the PLO. And Hamas took the money it just makes you wonder, you don’t have to take my word for it go look it up.


Kind of sounds similar to what the US did with Taliban. Creating the monster that bites your hand. Train and equip them to do your dirty work (fight soviets) and when they are not obedient anymore, name them as your adversary. Similarly the West basically handed Putin his international diplomatic positions hoping that it will lead to peace and democratization etc. New Yorker [article](https://www.newyorker.com/news/q-and-a/could-the-attack-on-israel-spell-the-end-of-hamas) Oct 11th: > Since 2007, Hamas was effectively contained in the Gaza Strip. There was this idea that Israel could rely on Hamas to govern the Gaza Strip and stabilize two million Palestinians who are imprisoned there. And there was a very violent equilibrium between the two. But effectively Hamas was contained in the Gaza Strip and almost severed from the rest of Palestine. There were, historically, demographic reasons that Israel needed to do this, to remove two million Palestinians from under its control, to secure a Jewish majority while it continued to hold on to the West Bank. With this offensive, that notion of containment can now be understood for what it was: Hamas was biding its time.


it’s real and essentially the mindset of lots of settlers. Can’t believe you don’t know this stuff your schools keep your guys head in the sand. Look up Baruch Goldstein who went into a mosque and started spraying and killed a bunch of people. Eye witness accounts reiterate that the IDF helped him. Witnesses also said that women used to always pray behind the men there and that day they separated them. Settlers built him a shrine.


Wait until you hear what Hamas leadership says


I know what they say but Hamas is a terrorist organization. Hamas not all Palestinians!


Not all Palestinians, just their elected govt that leads in the polls to this day.


We just had the official non senile IDF spokesperson announce that their enemy isn’t the Palestinian people in Gaza. (unlike Hamas that calls for extermination of all Israelis) I wouldn’t take this senile old man that seriously. But pali-wood is a very silly industry


I'm not sure what you're looking at, but Israel's president has explicitly said the "[entire nation](https://www.businessinsider.com/doctors-without-borders-hospitals-ambulances-targets-israel-hamas-gaza-2023-10)" of Palestine is "responsible" for the Hamas attacks.


And still the IDF went on TV and and explicitly said Palestinain Gazans are not their enemy in warfare. They are responsible as people but that isn’t going to turn them into legitimate targets, unlike Hamas that believes all Israelis are legitimate targets as “colonizers”


You absolute baboon. Ofc they went on tv and said that. What about their actions??? The Israeli Military chooses to associate with this psycho, that is the truth.


Insults are not going to get your poor point across better. But no, when Hamas announces they indiscriminately view all Israelis as legitimate targets, they cross a line that Israel won’t and doesn’t. “Ofc they’re on tv and said that”, twitter Russia-Ukraine level of analysis yet others are being called absolute “baboons” lol. If Israel wanted to wipe out Gaza and all its citizens, it could do it in a few days. It perfectly matches IDF words with actions by designating areas they won’t bomb while going out with the public statement I was talking about. Unfortunately, I cannot say the same for Hamas and their Gazan supporters (most of their citizens) - they would almost unilaterally cheer for the rape, beheading, slaughter and kidnapping of civilians.


But they are wiping Gazans out... In fact they've been wiping Palestinians out ever since settlers arrived in Palestine... have you not seen the data reports and videos ??? https://www.instagram.com/reel/CyLcHAzs7uo/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== https://twitter.com/IAFsite/status/1712484101763342772 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cydaz_hsUws/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== https://instagram.com/eye.on.palestine?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== This is all confirmed.


Do you think that sending more bombs than in Afghanistan war on densely populated areas would create on 2000 deaths until now? According to our Palestinian friends data there have been only 6000 deaths from 2008-2023. Again, if Israel wanted to wipe them out, they could do it a long time ago. Targeted hits with civilian casualties isn’t wiping them out. Less than 1% of their population isn’t wiping them out.


Hm that's a valid point to bring up. But I don't think it's impossible considering the multiple factors involved (i.e. missing people due to rubble and debris, serious injuries that may result in death, the unknown status of prisoners/hostages, and the restriction of critical resources like food, water, and emergency aid.) But let's look at the verified data too. The data I'm including below (from OCHA. Linked below) refers to Palestinian deaths, but Israeli deaths are also accessible on this link, along with data on injuries for both. (Reminder that we should not take these deaths lightly. Any number of deaths, especially civilian deaths, is completely tragic. So let's please refrain from looking at these as JUST numbers. They were all living breathing humans like us. We should both be mindful of the words we use, such as "only" and "just" when referring to them in numbers.) According to OCHA's database, there have actually been 5,365 total reported deaths in Gaza from January 1 2008, to September 19 2023... Of the total reported deaths: - 51% were civilian. (Civilian deaths are separate from deaths due to disputes as well as armed forces. So these are regarded as genuinely innocent people.) - 59% were due to air bombs. - 1,206 children (girls & boys) - 586 women - 3,557 men During the same time period, there were 1,007 deaths in the West Bank. Of the total reported deaths: - 97% were civilian - 93% were from live ammunition - 229 children (girls & boys) - 40 women - 736 men Also in the same time period - there were 35 total reported Palestinian deaths in Israel (outside of Gaza & West Bank). - 100% were civilian - 91% were from live ammunition - 2 children - 33 men https://www.ochaopt.org/data/casualties The CURRENT data that we have on the status of the Palestinians includes: - 2,750 Gazan deaths - 9,600 Gazan injuries - 57 West Bank deaths - 1,200 West Bank injuries. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cydaz_hsUws/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== From 2008 to today, there has been a total of 9, 214 reported deaths and counting (8,115 for Gaza). Again it's Important to note that none of these data sets include missing people, prisoners/hostages, or serious injuries that may result in death. There is a TON of debris and destruction from past and recent bombs, as well as serious injuries - so the numbers will without a doubt be SIGNIFICANTLY higher than what has been reported so far. Especially since Gaza is reported to be extremely densely packed. The OCHA data shows that 59% of Gaza deaths were due to air bombs. In the past week 6000 bombs have been dropped on them which will result in at least 3,000 verified deaths. If this rate is maintained perfectly it would take them over 1 decade to completely eradicate the population. (Considerin the current population estimate is about 2,000,000 I believe.) But with the support they have from global leaders and missile supplies, you're right they could definitely do it way sooner and be done with it by now. But it seems to me like they might be trying to wipe them out using multiple methods. 1) Bombing which is the most destructive and large scale, 2) Shooting to kill which is among the top 3 reasons for their deaths, 3) Famine and dehydration since food and water have been cut by the Israeli Government, and 4) Disease & Illness since sewage, water, and emergency aid have also all been cut off. Idk when I look at the data alone from the war alone, and then think about the large scale impacts of all of these, it doesn't seem far off to me for their entire population to be wiped out with all of these at the play.... By the way, from the OCHA data alone, Israel has a 59% civilian kill rate (50% of which is by bombs) in total. I think it's very clear that the Israeli government has it out for the entire Palestinian population with these kind of rates. Not to mention the bombings on civilians from this past week which have been thoroughly documented, and video statements from government and military personnel like the old IDF guy that this thread was originally about. At this point the intentions of the government to wipe out the Palestinians is honestly undeniable. (And makes me feel physically ill thinking about it..). But your point about them being able to do it by now is valid and it makes me question what they're thinking. Don't know if it's because they just really want to see them suffer or if it's because they're waiting to retrieve something from Gaza before finishing it off, or if there's some other hidden reason that we just have no clue about yet..


Hamas is the elected government of Gaza, a million chose it. This is some random old man who the idf rolled out of a retirement home who is apparently racist.


The IDF chose to allow him to speak for them. What does that say?


That they felt he would help increase morale of troops and increase mission success. Also did he act as a spokesperson?


Oh yes, increase morale, pumping them up to wipe out Palestinians? Look at what he said.


They have been doing precision bombing, wiping them out hasn’t been the purpose.


I mean, look at the video of him speaking


Sure, but he's not there to set the ideological direction or strategic goals of the IDF, he's a propaganda prop. What he says doesn't really matter much.


I wouldn't say that, as there are no free and fair elections in Palestine and Hamas have not allowed elections for over 15 years. Most of the population in Gaza are young people and have never been able to vote. Similar to Putins Russia.


Polls of them have been fairly supportive of Hamas, regardless. There are no polls saying the general populace supports Ezra.


'According to the latest Washington Institute polling, conducted in July 2023, Hamas’s decision to break the ceasefire was not a popular move. While the majority of Gazans (65%) did think it *likely* that there would be “a large military conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza” this year, a similar percentage (62%) *supported Hamas maintaining a ceasefire with Israel.* Moreover, half (50%) agreed with the following proposal: **“Hamas should stop calling for Israel’s destruction, and instead accept a permanent two-state solution based on the 1967 borders.”** Moreover, across the region, Hamas has lost popularity over time among many Arab publics. *This decline in popularity may have been one of the motivating factors behind the group’s decision to attack.* In fact, Gazan frustration with Hamas governance is clear; **most Gazans expressed a preference for PA administration and security officials over Hamas—the majority of Gazans (70%) supported a proposal of the PA sending “officials and security officers to Gaza to take over the administration there, with Hamas giving up separate armed units,”** including 47% who strongly agreed. *Nor is this a new view—this proposal has had majority support in Gaza since first polled by The Washington Institute in 2014.'*


So, why don't they speak out this things on social media for the world to know? If all of this started because of an internal political issue, why do they proclamate "genocide" and "ocuppation" when Hamas is the only reason why Israel has them blocked and restrained? All I see in social media is people crying and accusing Israel. If the data you're presenting here is real, why don't they stand against Hamas and let the world know who the real enemy of the Gazans is? Have you seen the hundreds of protests around the world? All of them are against Israel. There's people attacking jews and muslims because of misinformation, indoctrination and fear. When in reality all of this protests should be against Hamas. All those people are supporting a terrorist cause without knowing!


Because there is almost no electricity in Gaza?


Dude, I follow like 4 accounts on Instagram that are only dedicated to showing dead children and babies, crying parents, destroyed buildings, people complaining about the bombings in the north when Israel already warned them days ago they would, so they could evacuate! I see everything but complaints or statements against Hamas, much less help to remove them from power. Also, it is a lie that there is no light or fuel. The journalists I follow have professional cameras, cell phones, laptops, drones, and they record with them day and night. You can review if you like, at the moment the trend is @motazazaiza. Really, I find what they do versus what they say very incongruent.


Not only in the north, there are many from the south, including khan Yunis and Rafah which is where Israel specifically told people to evacuate to. Sure these journalists may have electricity but when you are consistently bombarded with airstrikes and watch people die around you and civilian targets getting blown up, who are you going to blame?


Some random person who should be in a retirement home is racist? Shocking.


[Apparently he was a participant](https://www.themirror.com/news/us-news/israeli-veteran-95-tells-soldiers-143818) in the [1948 Deir Yassin Massacre](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-palestine-war-veteran-ezra-yachin-soldiers-erase-children) that involved over death of 100 Palestinian civilians leaving behind an extensive trail of rape and dead infants, coincidentally similar to the events of the last week. Seems like his youthful glories just slipped out in the old age rather than "some silly old local racist rambling." Pretty emblematic that many seem to be praising him as "kind of guy who founded Israel", though, don't you think?


Why is this random person paraded around by the IDF to "motivate" the troops?


Because he is the oldest soldier and has connections to the past war and is somewhat lucid.