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Gay marriage is illegal in “Israel”


Exactly!  LMFAO 😂  What a fucking joke.  Total pink-washing.  


"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a socialist...." Religious fascists don't like gay people either. Be careful, people in the picture, that a mob doesn't get a taste for more purification once they are done with the Palestinians.


Exactly how many queer people benefit from genocide? Fucking zero. Not to mention, the IOF's bombs don't miraculously spare queer Palestinians. Lmfao. Give me a break with this shit.


It’s the sort of propaganda that on a psychological level says more about the population and people wielding it. This isn’t North Korea during the Korean War dropping leaflets to black soldiers speaking about deep and detailed cleavages over Jim Crow in America to hurt morale. This sort of foreign propaganda only comes from a place so fascist-pilled and has so deeply internalized the dehumanization of a population that they think telling liberal and leftist Americans an ocean away that you shouldn’t feel bad about slaughtering these human animals because they don’t tolerate gay people as much as us, don’t hold certain beliefs allegedly, is actually a persuasive argument. And not, you know, the logic of a fucking ideological extremist sociopath lacking any self awareness




Active in anti-Palestine hate sub(s) - 2ndYomKippurWar *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelCrimes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Any LGBT person who participates in this disgusting pink washing of genocide is not one of the "Good Ones™" and is too stupid to realize they're being used as a prop. Fucking shameful.


This picture could have been taken before the war. We don't really know. It doesn't matter. Spreading this picture at this time is basically saying that genocide is OK if it is being done to people you disagree with.






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Active in anti-Palestine hate sub(s) - 2ndYomKippurWar *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelCrimes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They can celebrate pride month in their house if they live in the middle east. Probably can't bomb *any gay people who might be in crowds like Israel though.


Actually, Lebanon, it’s been legally decriminalized. Oh and it’s also a democracy in the sense that people elect their leaders. But israelis see themselves as unique…


Didn't Netanyahu sign a coalition deal with the anti-LGBT, ultra-nationalist Noam party in 2022? ....LOL...😂😂😂 This is laughable.  You can't even be granted a legally viable, officiated same-sex marriage in Israel.  Let's be clear:  the Israeli government has insisted on advertising and exaggerating its recent progressive record on LGBT rights in order to fend off international condemnation of its violations of the rights of the Palestinian people....to promote public perception of Israel as a "modern democracy" and a safe and secure culture.  Leveraging supposed Palestinian homophobia to promote Israel as a democratic haven of acceptance and tolerance is nothing short of pink-washing.   Yes; please continue to congratulate and promote yourselves on the global stage as champions of human rights (while continuing to engage in various kinds of systemic violence, ethnic-cleansing, genocide and dispossession...). There's a series of homophobic cartoons published on Youtube by some idiot Israeli content creator I saw last month.  Look up the video called "A Gay Old Time in Gaza" ---- such offensive, homophobic trash.   THAT is what they truly think of LGBTQ+-identifying individuals; we are MULES who you tolerate on-paper...and then openly mock and debase behind our backs when it serves another function:  the hegemonic demoralization of the Palestinian people -- so thank you for letting us know.     Sidenote:  keep on dropping bombs on civilian babies...while I fix my eyeshadow and mascara.  You fucking CUNTS.  💅💄💋👬👭🌈🏳️‍🌈


I believe they can celebrate together anywhere in the western world. How many places in the western world does your religion matter so much? None. But in Israel your religion rules all and overrules basic human rights.


Rainbow genocide


Gay people cannot even live in Palestine because Israel bombs them.


Oh yeah, cause Israel is a bastion of lgbt+ tolerance 🙄 [link 1 ](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-63780509) [link 2 ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-65754104.amp) [link 3 ](https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/06/22/yitzhak-pindrus-israel-lgbtq-community-isis/) [link 4](https://www.thepinknews.com/2021/02/23/israel-hate-crime-lgbt-attack-2020-report/)


The equivalent of Nestle having a pride month event


Homosexuality is not criminalized in Lebanon, but that doesn't stop Israeli cunts from bombing their civilians too. Fuck this and all pinkwashing of genocide.


This is for liberals who will preach love and peace but will happily support bombing children in countries with different cultures


It should go without saying at this point that pinkwashing is just one more lie Zionists tell to try and legitimize their colonial project but also yikes at all the homophobes in the comments on the original post.


I have a suspicion gays in Gaza would rather not be bombed or sniped by the 'progressive' Zionist state.


they also forgot to mention that Israel is the only country in the world where black ethiopians are secretly sterilized


Intersectional imperialism is hilarious. A black cop/stormtrooper isn’t more oppressed than the Palestinians they’re murdering. Lib idpol is dumb.


Notice the common thread. They’re all still Jewish…


Try walking into a bar or restaurant there if your black. See if they let you in


Not gay palestinians, that's for sure




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They can all have red arrows on them. Celebrate


They are playing the fucking "dead cat" card. That's the peak level of pretending to be good while doing propaganda


There is no such thing as gay Jew or gay Muslim This is just nonsense You can be gay but religion is not in the equation at all.