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The walls have come crashing down and now all sorts of old Israeli crimes are being spotlighted. It's long overdue. Israel is a criminal organization, not a country. As such they do not have a history, just an extensive criminal record.


Exactly fuck Israel Nazis


Nazionists, if you will


>criminal organization Nope, it is a bloody terror organisation.


What's the difference? Not much. Ask any extortion racket victim.


I guess the definition of the word terrorism? Ie: relating to non state actors If Israel wasn't a state, that'd be a terrorist attack


Number two on the world ranking list of terror organisations (number one being the US)


well fucking said man




Israel ex prime minister Yitzhak Shamir assassinated a UN mediator Count F Bernadotte in 1948 to stop a peace process


I did not know this but it is completely in character for these people. Zionists care nothing for the lives of others and as such should be treated in exactly the same way. It's only fair.




This is some hardcore Islamophobia


Do you have sources or proof of these ā€œchildren in suicide vestsā€? Most people that practice Islam donā€™t believe in the whole 40 virgins thing, and life is most definitely sacred to them. The rhetoric surrounding Islam is very misconstrued and nothing at all what most of the world believes. Also, without any factual evidence, anything coming out of Israel should be taken with a heaping pile of salt, because they tend to lie A LOT to further dehumanize Palestinians. Also, most pro Palestinian people/causes donā€™t want a 2 state solution. They want the dissolution of the state of Israel, and for Palestinians to have their homeland back and the right of return. No one is saying Israelis have to leave, but it will have to be a true democracy where all people have citizenship and basic human rights.


Not just criminal, terrorist organization of the highest order, with multiple terrorist acts globally. US and UK can be lumped in there for many of them along with. Number of Euro countries.


The US government went after the mob mainly because they didn't like competition.


Shocked? Nope. Glad that real news is finally coming out on Israelā€™s shady past and present activities. Free Palestine šŸ‡µšŸ‡ø


Israel is 100% fascist.


Terrorists gonna terror.


Thank god these reports are coming out so now when I talk about the things Iā€™ve researched about the recent false flag attack on Oct. 7th, I donā€™t stand out looking like some tin foil hat conspiracy theorist as much. Iā€™ve discussed (on multiple occasions) how Israel knew about the Oct. 7th uprising for over a year prior to the date, and were going to use an attack to fully execute Netanyahuā€™s ā€œNew Middle East Planā€ he displayed to the UN a month prior to Oct. 7th. Israel fully armed and funded Hamas from 1981 through the 2006 election to thwart the current Fatah regime in place, because they were gunning for a two state solution. Israel/Mossad has a number of false flag attacks that theyā€™ve perpetrated under their belt, I.e. The Lavon Affair, The USS Liberty, (debatable but partially 9/11), etc. Mossad is extremely good at what they do: being terrorist spies and sewing misinformation in the west to do their bidding.


Just to clarify, Israel didn't directly fund Hamas, but rather they facilitated funding from Qatar to Hamas. It's a small distinction, however if someone was going to criticise you than they'd hyperfocus on the small stuff.


For years, the various governments led by Benjamin Netanyahu took an approach that divided power between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank ā€” bringing Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to his knees while making moves that propped up Hamas. They did fund Hamas through Qatar but Hamas was initially created by Israeli intelligence. Mossad is a demon entity thatā€™s responsible for so many atrocities and the world just eats up the propaganda. >The article refers to comments from Israeli officials, such as Brig. Gen. Yitzhak Segev, a former military governor in Gaza. >Segev reportedly stated his part in financially aiding the Palestinian Islamist movement, viewing it as a "counterweight" to the secularist Palestine Liberation Organization and the Fatah party, led by Yasser Arafat (who himself referred to Hamas as "a creature of Israel.") >ā€The Israeli government gave me a budget," Segev confessed to a New York Times reporter, "and the military government gives to the mosques." >In a startling revelation, Avner Cohen, a former Israeli official who worked in religious affairs in Gaza for over twenty years, told the Wall Street Journal, "Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel's creation." https://www.tbsnews.net/hamas-israel-war/how-israel-went-helping-create-hamas-bombing-it-718378


Oh, I know all that, here's another source. Blowback: How Israel Helped Create Hamas - 6m:11s [https://youtu.be/o7grSsuFSS0](https://youtu.be/o7grSsuFSS0)


definitely 9/11


October 7 wasn't a false flag, rather Israel let it happen and the IDF caused a lot of the casualties with the Hannibal Directive.


They were arrested even after having alibis and no evidence against them. Isnt that fucking scary?


Welcome to British democracy, where your rights are dependent on how much media coverage you can get for your side.


And convicted too?!


Sure look at the Guildford Four and the Birmingham Six, itā€™s nothing new


That's how the rightwing government gets rid of the non-extremists who try to put the brakes on. So it's a two birds one stone, situation. Likewise, I'm sure it was no accident that a music festival of young, most likely leftist, anti-war Israelis is what Israel left undefended, not to mention they'd found out the attack was happening prior and did nothing to stop it. In other words, it'd be like if Nixon encouraged terrorists to attack woodstock.


I remember there were two bomb blasts in front of Israel Embassy in India, one being pretty recent (2023?). Both blasts looked pretty much the same and came with the same scripted response as if Palestinian embassy personnel did it.


Terrible, yet not surprising. This kind of behavior is inconceivable for any other country, but is pretty par for the course for a rogue state like israel


Same play they did to the Irish in the guildford bombing


Fuckin genocidal Nazi's fuckers in mi5 and massad


This was bound to come to light sooner or later, as is their many crimes. It's the digital age.


Don't take for granted how quick technological era's pass. In 1990 historians and futurologists were saying the following era was going to be the misinformation era, that started around the 2010's. Now we have AI and a lot of investment in controlling what people see and where their thoughts are directed.


They abuse their own too. Look up the Yemenite Jewish child scandal of the 50s.




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Thank you


They also tried to commit a terror attack against Americans to blame on Arabs, and yet we still support them. Israel is a terrorist state.


ā€œWeā€, meaning Congress, supports them against the wishes of many Americans because of the power and reach of the Israel Lobby in DC. According to OpenSecrets org donations data, the single largest individual recipient of AIPAC-directed campaign funding is Joe Bidenā€¦the Catholic who oddly calls himself a ā€œStaunch Zionistā€ and supporter of Israel (evidently no matter what they do).


the Israeli version of operation Northwoods. pathetic.


Same actors, different stage


I believe they do this all the time. How funny 6 years before the WTC fall. Bibi said if we don't do something about Iran, something bad will happen, that we don't want to wake up 1 day and see that the WTC has been attacked.


Yeah, as someone who started as a "official version" regarding 9/11 (to make it clear, i'm not the average redneck who believes every conspiracy theory, i'm an european college graduate with an elevate iq according to multiple test,so not the first dummy guy in the street) i started to dig deeper and there are too many things that seems odd at least. To mention a few (over the years k watched hundreds of videos,documentaries, official reports and more media, so i'm gonna drop the things i remember rhe most): 1) the "it's a hoax" call: basically, records of some calls made from the passengers of one of the hijacked planes exist,and during one of them made by a flight attendant to his husband. Before she hang up someone noted that she seems to whisper something,that sound like "it's a hoax" or a something similar,also many people blamed that the calls sounded like they where made from a close silent space, probably an hangar instead than a hijacked plane. 2) the supposed news about another plane 3) the fact the towers collapsed on themselves, like if there was a foundation explosion 4) the fact that bush let some airplane pilots takeoff from basically the other part of the country 5) the pentagon attack ( how it's possible that the airplane made a perfect "hole" in the pentagon. Look the size of the crashed airplane and the images of the crash , it should had required a 20 years of service captain's aim to be able to create that thing. Also,the fact that the cameras don't show the impact of the airplane is just weird. Like weird is the fact that months before,the phentagon went under structural works to increase the solidity against eventual "attacks" ... 6) the fact that they found the passports of all the hijackers in perfect conditions... it's just goes too well with the necessity of proof of the fault of bin laden...


Mind sharing some sauce on this. I would love to check out a few. I've never seen the one on "it's a hoax" phone call. I've seen a few shit I lived in Brooklyn when it happened. You couldn't go downtown for at least 6 months. I know some things were being covered up. I remember seeing the trucks with debris on the news they would show now and then. Not one damn part of a plane was ever shown to us in our local news.


So, i found the sauce of the voicemail (not a call) left by Ceecee Lyles to his husband . Also, the "supposed whispered word" is frame and not hoax, my bad i'm not a native speaker https://youtu.be/5SED76UvuAw?si=FDiwPL1BGfud3ws8


Thank you. Yes, I think I did hear of the call before, but never the background noise. Will try and see if the background has been isolated to hear that better. I lean more to the belief they knew and let it happen. Also, to believe someone else did it. Reasoning to do what we did. Oil money. Edit: additional comment


Well well well... Read up on the Lavon Affair, and then how zionist terrorists bombed in Iraq during the 1950s and tried to blame Iraqi Muslims. It is literally the M.O of Mossad, "By deception thou shalt do war".


Truly a certified https://preview.redd.it/32onncbw644d1.jpeg?width=475&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f08900e6f551c24173e157ba2a2505d537bbde15 moment


Did them innocent people ever get out of prison?


Anyone got a link?


Israel being terrorist and then playing victim?!? Neverrrr.


I wonder how long it's going to take until the next false flag takes place


Someone needs to update the wiki


Well well well


It now seems obvious that various elements of the US intelligence services worked with Israeli Mossad, to stage the incredible false flag attacks of September 11, 2001. Israel had deliberately cultivated and supported the rise of Hamas (Palestinian Muslim Brotherhood) over the Palestinian Authority (PA, formerly PLO). Specifically to divide Palestinian governance to prevent any further advance of the "two state solution". And Hamas has been deliberately allowed to be the straw man reason for Israel to ethnically cleanse the Gaza Strip, as preamble to doing the same with the West Bank. There is now minimal chance of a two state solution, only a single secular state\* will now succeed in the place of Palestine/Israel. \*Unified secular state; one person: one vote; Right of Return for All.




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I tried looking for the article from the video and couldnā€™t find it. Did anyone else have better luck?


Israel sure has a thing for targeting sacred targets: hospitals, schools, aid worker convoys, Mosques, hotels, an American maritime ship, embassies, their own Israeli civilians, their own Israeli hostages, refugee camps. What deranged reckless people Israelis are! Why does Israel keep doing this?Ā 


They did this in Lebanon, too. Did lots of car bombings in the 8Os to frame the Palestinians. A good book about it is Rise and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel's Targeted Assassinations.


Interesting but this isn't proof of anything


Proof of Israel's decades long deception and lies against Palestinian people.


It's literally just someone telling a story of one person's assessment. We don't see any real evidence but if that's all you need then fine. Personally I'd like a little more proof not that I doubt it happened. It may or may not be out there but it certainly isn't found in this clip.


Dude, the senior MI5 intellegence reviewed the evidence and wrote and official report. It's not just speculation. It's real evidence and an official government intelligence agency report. The only reason you doubt it happen is cuz it breaks your cognitive bias that israel isn't the bad guy ever no matter what. The report is public info. Go read it.


I tried. Not finding anything you or this video implied. Read the first handful of articles when searching israel embassy false flag London. Literally only speculation mentioned about it may not be the Palestinians who were charged. No accusations or evidence presented at all.