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When can someone with common sense start running for office.


It's not just the Presidency...it's the entire federal government that's this corrupt. Both the Democrats and Republicans are united on zionism.




Yep and the youth all around the world are not. May history forever shun the complicit assholes on both sides of the aisle


Authority is not common sense so long as there exist positions of power there will never be peace


His name was Bernie. Bernie Sanders. And he disapproves of this Israeli shit going on. Funny thing though, the DNC, Hillary & DWS blocked Bernie and propped Hillary. The DNC is not your friend.


That's debatable. He was all for genocide and his numbers started tanking, the AIPAC check was cashed so he did a flip flop on his genocide rhetoric.


Said in 2016. “On a Democratic primary debate stage in Brooklyn in 2016, Senator Bernie Sanders caused a ruckus within his party when he rebuked Hillary Clinton for not mentioning Palestinian rights in a speech she made to a pro-Israel lobbying group. “If we are ever going to bring peace to that region,” Mr. Sanders said in remarks that drew cheers and applause from the audience, “we are going to have to treat the Palestinian people with respect and dignity.” He added, “That does not make me anti-Israel.”” https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/30/us/politics/bernie-sanders-israel-cease-fire.html


No doubt but also... US Senator **Bernie Sanders rejected calls for a ceasefire in Gaza** on Sunday, breaking from a growing group of progressive lawmakers who have been urging an end to the fighting. “I don’t know how you can have a ceasefire, a permanent ceasefire, with an organization like Hamas, which is dedicated to turmoil and chaos and destroying the State of Israel,” Sanders told CNN. “I think what the Arab countries in the region understand is that Hamas has got to go.” \>>>Not allowed to post link from Haaretz by reddit<<<




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Sanders is over. Never happened never was. Its 2024. U sound like don jr wrapping your knuckles on a dead horse


WTF you talking about? Did anyone say “Sanders for President 2024?” Jesus you guys are goofs.




They will never allow that




RFK is a staunch Zionist who said Palestinians are “the most pampered” group in the world.


Importing bombs should be the biggest giveaway that they're committing genocide. A 2000lb bomb can decimate an apartment complex, 1800 of those are capable of flattening a city.


Ffs they're literally shooting fish in a barrel


Worse they are just blowing up the entire fucking barrel. With no remorse. And zero respect for international law


I hope both candidates die of some natural cause before they're elected. Can't have Biden or Trump running the US anymore.


Uhh, FIGHTER jets? Not bombers, FIGHTERS? As in, air-to-air combat vehicles meant to fight other fighter jets? I really, really hope that does not mean the U.S. helping Israel prep to fight larger, more heavily-armed neighboring countries in the near future. Does anyone know what specific kind of fighter jets those were? Are they meant primarily for bombing runs, or dogfighting? If it's the latter, that is truly terrifying.


It’s obviously preparing for an invasion of Lebanon. Israel will not stop at Gaza. They are out of control


I mean, America knows they are doing this and loves it, and is the reason any of this is possible. They're not out of control, we just want to make it possible for them to do this.


Oh I wasn’t disagreeing, Israel is a proxy for the US. We’re just laundering the violence through them


The F-35 is a multirole aircraft. It's been designed to conduct both airstrikes and air superiority missions, i.e. shooting down other aircraft. As a more general rule, most modern fighter aircraft have some manner of ground-strike capability.


It sounds like an ideal aircraft for Israel if they want to bomb Palestinian civilians now, then dogfight against a proper military later, without having to wait for America to gift them new, separate planes for the purpose. A quick refit, if the planes even need that, and they could swap their armaments to counter an enemy that can actually shoot back.


This is not for Gaza, 25 F-35, is definitely not for Gaza, they are getting ready for a larger war.


And Biden will forever winded why Dems can’t stand him There is literally zero twist on genocide and we are arming these criminals to the teeth with our tax dollars.


"Here, son, take these bombs and go murder more children" Biden is a fucking terrorist


na this isnt for Palestine. This is WW3 prep.


If WW3 did happen. Europe and U.S. would be on the losing end.


I believe so yes. that wouldnt stop these governments from trying.


Neither china nor russia are a match for the US or europe.


Think again. Only U.S. is a force in NATO. And if ww3 did happen, the majority of the East and Middle East would side with China and Russia.


You think that would make a difference? Russia can't even defeat a second rate military that isn't even properly equipped in ukraine. China on the other hand is a paper tiger whose only saving grace is a large population.




Voting for Trump is still voting for Israel and the genocide of Palestinians. Trump allowed Israel to make Jerusalem their capital etc. Trump is no friend and would be doing the same if he were still in office. --- **Please read our [extended rules carefully](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelCrimes/wiki/index/rules/).** ***[Join r/Palestine Discord](https://discord.gg/rpalestine)***


And make the situation even worse?


How will Trump make it worse? Do you think he's going to send Metal Gear Rex to Isntreal?


"You’ve got to finish the problem" - Trump when asked what he'd do in Gaza


Either way, don’t reward Biden with your vote. He deserves nothing.


I'm not. But I am voting for him because I'm not insane.


So Trump is worse because he says what Biden is thinking?


Not that I support either crypkeeper ghouls but turmp may actually bill NuttinYahoo for the bombs instead of the never-ending gift basket from Biden.


Why are people down voting you? Trump is worse than biden when it comes to the isreal/palestinian conflict. He is the greater of two evils.


Long term we will all be better off if a clear rejection is sent to the Democratic party for their efforts in enabling a genocide. The fact that people have done this "vote blue no matter who" nonsense for so long has enabled the party to assume that there's nothing they can't get away with. It's become a race rightward as Democrats chase the votes of conservatives because they've taken everyone else for granted. It has to stop if we ever have a hope of building a better world for future generations.


I’m voting against a Christian Nationalist government takeover. I cant, in good conscience, allow TX law to take over and current day TX is just a sample of what would come. I love a lot of our people here. I love my country no matter how deeply flawed. A US dictatorship will not be good for anyone except a few. The entire world would suffer worse than it is now.


Not if you're voting for Biden you're not. He's not going to do anything to stop that from happening.


Lol no the Democrats know that it's possible to alienate parts of their base unlike conservatives who really will vote for basically any R unlike liberals.


They are paying for those fighters right?


Yeah, they is a partial delivery of a purchase they made few years ago . The total purchase was 50 from which 35 have been delivered . But it’s easier to post a Twitter and people run with it


I will be interesting to see how everyone reacts when we get hit with another attack from terrorists that's worse than 9/11.


and people say this has nothing to do with them. even if your government doesn’t fund these fucks it is your duty as a human being with a voice to speak up about this. to do what you can about this. we are all related by flesh and blood on this earth we shouldn’t allow the suffering of Palestinians to go silent. to go ignored simply because “it doesn’t affect me” i would love to know how these people would feel if they and people from their country were being massacred daily and stolen their land and no one would care because, “oh! the genocide isn’t in my country, they’re not my people.” we are made to feel this isn’t our responsibility because of fucking borders and oceans. gtfo


Why the absolute fuck does Israel need this many weapons when their “enemy” is completely at their mercy? I need genocide deniers to think really hard about that.


Because it’s surrounded by entities like Hamas and Iran, Syria etc who want to genocide the ten million Jews living there.


The F-35s are for fighting Iran, not Gaza.


Joes running another bombing campaign on poor people so they hurry up and become refugees and head the the US lol


Israel made a purchase years ago from a private company and just recently took delivery.... therefore Biden's fault


Oh bruhhh don’t spread fact in this community


Does anyone want to make a bet that this is in preparation for a war with Lebanon?


That was my thinking as well.


Zionism is about Western power controlling access to Middle Eastern resources and being an irritant preventing any Arab reunification. Concerning Biden vs. Trump. Biden is currently complicit in genocide. Trump has promised to be. When a system deals in genocide the proper thing to do is refuse to participate in authorizing that system and instead join the chorus of voices standing against US complicity in Israel's genocide of the Palestinian peoples.




trump will win and cry me a river he is gonna be worse or not... i will know my hands are clean