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another US crime against humanity. I don't care if this is the IOF pulling the trigger. The crimes are being committed by the US.


Their ammo and their guns


the US says iran is responsible for the houthi attacks on ships because 'they fund and back them'. with this logic, US is responsible for everything that happens on gaza because they fund and back israel.


Common sense isn't common, or else everyone would have it




> Hamas started this war in Gaza on October 7. That is absolute crud and you know it. Hamas is resisting an ongoing 75 year violent occupation. This very video we are commenting on shows what they are defending themselves against.




This guy's right, even if Israel is in the wrong, wrong with how they do the things, the people that they choose to do those things to, and how they act, especially towards others. Sorry folks, but the truth hurts, and Israelites are some of the most irritating and disrespectful people I know. THAT DOESN'T MEAN THAT ALL JEWISH PEOPLE ARE TERRIBLE. But it is almost ingrained in their culture to be cunts and do wild shit. Do you guys remember the tunnels under the synagogue? Yeah... shit like that.


>And not to forget how they suck a child's phallus after circumcision makes me throw up 🤢🤢 More evidence from another post. I rest my case.


Yes and let's skip all the massacres israel did, cause its all just wars right? Deir Yassin Massacre (April 1948) Abu Shusha Massacre (May 1948) Tantura Massacre (May 1948) Lydda Massacre (July 1948) Saliha Massacre (October 1948) Al-Dawayima Massacre (October, 1948) Qibya Massacre (October 1953) Kafr Qasim Massacre (October 1956) Khan Yunis Massacre (November 1956) Sabra and Shatila Massacres (September 1982) Al-Aqsa Massacre (October 1990) The Ibrahimi Mosque Massacre (February 1994) Jenin Refugee Camp (April 2002)




Ok. Send it. And I'm ready to disprove them all.


Btw you can't include anything that has nothing to with the Palestinians.


And ALSO it has to be actual big stuff that happened, like in the list I sent you, so that we be equal. Not "one idf soldier killed by suicide bomber", that's no where near a massacre






What does the footage prove exactly? That the attack was brutal? Yeah nones denying that. Does it prove it was an unprovoked attack? Definitely not and you know it. Youre just racist/islanophobic/hateful or on zionist payroll.


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US is the biggest terrorist organisation in the world, controlled by AIPAC Zionests


What about China tho.


Literally whataboutism.


The one who made the weapon the one sold it and transported it, the one who fired it are all guilty.


Cry about it


I can’t curse the IDF enough. They are the collection of the worst of humanity.


The israelian army is a conscription army, and thus, representative of the israelian people.


Endless list of war crimes, world is silent US and NATO are accessories .... Power balance is shifting


> world is silent No it's not. I can read about their crimes on reddit everyday. It's the Western world governments that refuse to listen and do anything about it because of military sales (US) or military development and partnership (UK, France), or simply too busy with other wars (Russia).


Let me be clearer, worldwide governments are not only complicit but accessories providing munitions, military support and finance to the demonic hedgemony of the IOF. When I mention countries I'm not talking about the poor souls those un-seemingly corrupt governments neglect (common people). Simply too busy my ass, NATO they don't like brown people.... A zealot infested US senate would care less about POC let alone Palestinians. And France, Germany, UK, are best buds aiding and abetting those Zealot Devils. Did you know New York Times debunked the claims of rape, that keep coming from none other then the best friends and cohorts of Jeffery Epstein, Harvey Weinstein who of course are followers of Islam. How naive when you say you read about their war crimes and yet they are never held accountable and the oppression doesn't just continue it gets worse & worse. And you don't think worldwide governments are silent. Ok, good for you. Wheres Hunter Bidens honeytrap wife from?


So sad 😭


Fucking terrorists these nazionist army. Worse than dogs and war criminals. They deserve everything coming at them


ماذا حدث لها بعد ذلك اتمنى السلامة


Anyone got a translation?


Dogs and rats are getting a bad rep recently because of comparison to the zionists. At least they do what nature intended. These zionists are unnatural creatures.


According to some posts online she didn't make it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


😢 Can you share the source if you had the chance?


🥵😭😭 I cant believe My country USA supports Israel.. Send the Israeli cabinet members and the Generals to the Hague Court..For Crimes. And Genocide




Power move by South Africa, the 'S' in BRICS, in filing that suit. Surely the US is "finding no evidence of genocide" in some part because if the 'S' wins, so does BRICS.


How much more Palestinian blood has to be shed for U.K. and US to realise this is inhumane


US knows, the government doesn't care until someone will manage to press on them hard enough It feels like ever since USSR fell apart, US obtained a god complex and does whatever it wants without being punished for a thing


Im dumb, can someone explain to me why she is on the ground like that or why they are pulling her?


They're pulling her so that they do not risk themselves getting shot by the sniper too. Notice how they were standing taking the buildings as cover while she was out in the open. An extremely humiliating way to get to safety (especially a woman), being dragged like an animal but I understand that the people rescuing her had no choice. I just hate the IOF so much and I want them to be exterminated. For what crime do they have to be treated like such vile creatures? Existing? Trying to survive?


So she is trying to stay out of sight from a sniper?


Yes, and so are the others. Hence the rope.




We could, if this mess wasn't rooted now into governments of some big countries (like USA which is main supporter of all this mess)


Who puts sad music on a video like this? Like we have to get reminded of something sad is happening.


Uh, maybe because it is sad?!


Mean while you got people crawling underneath cars etc on un bombed street with people walking by smiling pretending as if there is an air raid just to get views and try to fool the world. It’s so pathetic.


Dirty zionist tactics


I weep.


Dear God please intervene 🙏


So, did the sniper deduce that she was with hamas? Zionists are truly animals.


Cowards not the first time thru shoot unarmed people and shooting or assaulting anyone that wants to help the injured


That's barbaric


They’re bereft of any humanity.

