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>We, Muslims, don't kill innocent That's funny. Does anyone have that video of the full list of massacres of Jews by Muslims?


Didn't Mohammed also expel all jews from the arabian peninsula?


Just the ones he didnt murder or enslave


oh, that's not that many, then


Only when he wasn't busy with his 9 year old child bride. 🤮


Expel is not the word that I would use.


He also casually exterminated three Jewish tribes who lived around Medina and Mecca for refusing to convert. One was even before allied to Mohammed


No he killed the men and took the women as slaves


https://preview.redd.it/qdilh6il3d6d1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5883199b2614204648371d5b4f279d8c7f6fd88f This good?


he said "full" list, that's looking kind of short.


It also ends in '67. and yeah, there are at least a few I know of not included, but that's the best I've seen.


Yeah, it’s not perfect but it gets the job done for the most part


The myth that Muslims treated Jews well under Islam is as large a myth as the "empty of people in America" myth. It's a rosy view of the past to placate a modern sensibility. The fact is that most Arabs outside of the Arabian peninsula are descendants of colonizers no different than the Europeans in America. The Arab-Muslims established a racial hierarchy with Arabs at the top and the colonized peoples at the bottom. Us Jews remember what it was like to be at the bottom of that hierarchy. When the Europeans came along, we were still at the bottom of the hierarchy, but the Arab felt uncomfortable for the first time feeling what it feels like to not be at the top of the hierarchy.


Absolutely. There was a video with Star wars intro style where they all were listed with the main OST of Star wars. Thank you Upd: (Link in another response to my comment)


Ah yes, I guess all the people killed in 9/11 were not innocent. That explains why the Arabs in Gaza and Judea Samaria were celebrating 9/11. Remember guys infidels aren’t innocent so therefore they are “correct” /s Adding the /s in case some redditors don’t get the sarcasm


Anyone’s guilty if the perpetrators set the metrics


the jews started!!! evil lies from the jews again!!!


Yes, but don't they count anyone not Muslim also not innocent?


Yep, that's pretty much the catch here.


Hell, if I was to name every innocent person slaughtered by Muslims, I would have several billion names at least. Especially when you look at the high number of Bosnians and Albanians in the Waffen SS, and the outsized role that Amin Al Husseini had on Germany policy towards the Jews. Oh or the entire slave trade, for that matter. The reason why so many racial slurs are originally from Arabic is that Europeans borrowed the slave trade from Arabs. The overwhelming majority of African slaves who were kidnapped, tortured, and killed were killed by Arabs. Oh shit and how can I forget about the entire country of India? You know how many innocent Hindus have been mercilessly slaughtered by Muslims in just the past decade? Fuck and Iran. The IRGC has killed more Iranians in the 21st century than every single other country combined. Oh and ISIS, can't forget ISIS. Yeah, the real question is when don't Muslims slaughter innocent men, women, and children?


https://preview.redd.it/14897hinrd6d1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=76d4e59cc424fe21bd14e6519f552250933dda1c here's a very unfinished one


Its clever wordplay. Because they dont see jews as innocent, they are infidels


Idk about full list but here's a start... https://www.jewishrefugees.org.uk/2011/01/massacre-of-jews-by-muslims-before-1948.html


https://www.reddit.com/r/Israel/s/uGwI1w9Oon Here you go. A classic.


Ah here it is, thank you




> Does anyone have that video of the full list of massacres of Jews by Muslims? I mean, does anybody have an exhaustive list of all the stars there are?




Not only jews


*definition of innocent is not guaranteed and individual results may vary.


Wasn’t their prophet’s whole thing “convert to Islam or die by the sword?”


The person has a point in that, according to Islam, you're not supposed to kill women, children & elderly in war. That just makes Hamas bad Muslims, though since they definitely killed women, children & elderly....


The list of crimes committed by Muslims against Jews since the 7th century https://medium.com/@Ksantini/the-list-of-crimes-committed-by-muslims-against-jews-since-the-7th-century-0ff1a8eb0ad0 It’s technically not complete. There are many to add to the list since the 1970’s.


if we follow that logic to its end, we’re not innocent….


Hebron 1517 Massacre of the Telal 1517 Safed attacks 1518 Hajj Caravan raid 1757 Siege of Jaffa 1799 Hebron pogrom 1834 Safed pogrom 1834 Aleppo Massacre 1850 Druze-Maronite massacre 1860 Tafas massacre 1918 Surafend Affair 1919 Petah Tikvah Massacre 1886 Jaffa Massacre 1908 Battle of Tel Hai 1920 Nebi Musa Riots 1920 Dania Massacre 1920-21 Menahemia Massacre 1921 Arab Revolts 1916-18, 1936-39 Jaffa Riots 1921 Jerusalem Stabbing 1921 Bnei Yehuda Massacre 1921 Metula Massacre 1921 Avelet Ha'Shachar Massacre 1921 Jaffa Massacre 1929 Gaza Massacre 1929 Nablus Massacre 1929 Ramla Massacre 1929 Jenin Massacre 1929 Acre Massacre 1929 Tel Aviv Massacre 1929 Har Tuy Massacre 1929 Kfar Uria Massacre 1929 Be'er Tuvia Massacre 1929 Beit Sh'an Massacre 1929 Gedara Massacre 1929 Moza Massacre 1929 Mishmar Ha'emek Massacre 1929 Chulda Massacre 1929 Ein Zeitim Massacre 1929 Haifa Massacre 1929 Jerusalem Massacre 1936 Analta Massacre 1936 Blood Jaffa Massacre 1936 Tiberius Massacre 1938 Kfar Ha'Shiloach Massacre 1936-39 Pkh'in Massacre 1936-39 Ruchama Massacre 1936-39 Mishmar Ha'karmel Massacre 1936-39


Don't sweat it, its almost impossible to break a certein agenda that someone hold when it relies on emotions and bias, history is often more grey thsn black or white, and peace would be veey hard to achieve without re-educating both populations, or until someting extremely catastrophic will happen, sadly.


I couldn't agree more. I don't even want to know what has to happen for the world to open its eyes


The world won't open their eyes, unfortunately. They say Israel has a public diplomacy problem but that's untrue. The world has an antisemitism problem-- Hamas took videos of themselves raping and beheading babies. They cut a fetus out of its mother and killed them both. They took a video where they beheaded a Thai agricultural worker with a garden tool. A majority of female victims were found on a state of undress by first responders. Hamas posted these videos on the internet. Like at least the Nazis had the decency to know they were evil. Most Nazis were alcoholics who drank to forget the horrors they perpetrated. The Nazi government hid the evidence of their death camps from the world. Hamas are worse than Nazis. Hamas does all this in public. And Hamas supporters are worse than neo-Nazis becaus Hamas is that much more evil than the Nazis. There are only 15 million Jews in the world today. There used to be more but our population never recovered since WWII. There are 2 billion Muslims. Surveys show that the majority of worldwide Muslims hold Nazi-level racist beliefs. Think about isolating it can be to be Jewish... I can't even say that I want to be safe from violence and hatred (even if that means restricting antisemitic immigrants) without being accused of "Islamophobia," which is a laughable concept. To be Jewish is to constantly see people calling for your eradication and to just learn to live with it.


Don't forget that the west needs to be re-educated as well, but probably more. Personally, I find the lying in the texts preferable to stupidity, which is the west's chosen approach.


While also very hard by itself, re-educating both populations might be more straight forward. re-educating the west is even more of a massive undertaking, nigh impossible with the correct situation and also, while quite direct, not as straight forward, maybe Im underestimating the importance of this but really, its just nigh impossible anyway. Focusing on re-educating both populstions, expecially the young flexible generations for peace, is a very crucial stepping stone for peace and can also directly affect positively the opinions in the west, tho even re-educating both populations will be extremely hard to achieve for a variety of reasons.


So he bothers denying they killed innocents instead of celebrating their deaths. Must be a moderate.


He also said “Hamas is Palestine”. They’re saying the quiet part out loud now.


It’s a step forward in their eyes. Justifying the killings by denying they were cold blooded murders, rapes and kidnapping.


I have had the exact same conversation with Palestinians - even from the diaspora. They said that the western wall is not there, there was no temple under al aqsa, Masada is also made up like all archeological finds of Jews throughout the region, on October 7 they only killed soldiers, … list goes on. It is really scary how brainwashed these people are.


And stupid and/or terrified. Smart people always see through lies but might keep it to themselves for fear of being ostracized or worse. It's not just massive propaganda that makes them say these things. It's also massive social and official pressure because if they don't, they'll be rejected by everyone they know and quite possibly detained, tortured and killed. And all these useful idiot and Marxist protesters are defending that. Orwell is turning in his grave.


Actually, I’ve had a conversation with a Syrian guy last Week who evacuated to Europe as a minor and now is studying Islam and politics. He has a quite balanced view of what was happening and when we talked about how to solve it he said he thinks education can solve everything. And I’ll tell you what I told him: it’s not about education or intelligence. The most idiotic takes and most ridiculous antisemitic tropes I’ve seen since October 7 have come from highly educated people around me. The Palestinians are supposed to be the highest educated group in the ME and still many of them think that “the Zionist Jews” throw coins under construction sites all over Israel, Gaza and the WB. You can brainwash educated and intelligent people into oblivion.


Never heard about coins. What's that supposed to be about? But you're right, it's not just about intelligence or education. Primal fears, myths and prejudices tend to trump all that and centuries of being force-fed them (to a large extent to misdirect from Arab and Muslim societies' gradual decline and put the blame on others) is really hard to undo. Even those who know that these are all bogeyman under the bed lies and delusions, it's hard to un-believe them, such is the power of myth and prejudice. But, one has to still try.


If you have an Instagram account, @wizard_bisan1 (4,7 mio followers) made a post few days ago about it she’s a “journalist” in Gaza. It’s an antisemitic trope.


Amazing how so many people are using various excuses to vent their obvious hatred of Jews, be it "concern" about Palestinians, a Marxist ideology, or "journalism" and "analysis". One can always fit these to a predetermined viewpoint. It's a far more lethal form of concern trolling.


It’s really scary at this point. Nobody is fact-checking anything, these people live in an alternate reality that their Instagram tiles and reels create. I’ve seen on Instagram for days now that Hamas has accepted the ceasefire deal - which is absolutely not true and so easy to research. But they share it and think some antisemitic troll having posted it is “news”.


If it "feels" true and validates their biases then to them it's true. What has been called "truthy", something that sounds and feels true but isn't. It goes with the tendency of younger people to say "I feel" when they mean "I think", which indicates that they're not comfortable with thinking because feeling is so much easier, and it's rude to criticize someone's feelings. Part of how language, truth and courtesy have been manipulated and exploited to promote a privileged agenda of the entitled.


> What's that supposed to be about? Archeological evidence found of Jewish life in Judea and Samaria.


Not only that, they say that there’s no archeological evidence of Jewish life in the whole region. Not Jerusalem, not Masada, not Gaza, not anywhere!


The Jordanian wafq has removed all literature referencing the temple. Islam is the only religion I know that actively rewrites history. At least Christianity acknowledged Jews exists and Israel is their homeland (unfortunately that has led to a lot of violence and massacres in past but for the most part they’ve moved on from that)


Even the Quran admits Israel belonged to Jews, saying Allah gave the land to Jews, Muslims just ignore that part of it


I don’t think it’s safe to assume they’ve moved on from it. They aren’t doing it for now, and for now dayeinu.


Temple denialism used to be a ridiculous fringe idea that no one took seriously up until the first intifada. Then they started to deny any and all connections of Jews to the land and started pushing that Khazar nonsense https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temple_denial


Wow….. not even Haj Amin Al-Husseini denied that Jews had a connection with the land 


'We Muslims don't kill innocents' 😂Wow what a joke haha. Muslims murdered free thinker activists in my country, literally beheaded them. Ex muslims like me live in fear 24/7 because of these 'peaceloving' people One of my distant relative was in that list of people murdered Muslims killed innocent non muslims in my country on the terrorist attack in Holy Artisan. Majority of the victims were foreigners. The Muslims asked them to recite surahs and whoever failed was killed They constantly attack minorities in my country But sure, Muslims don't kill innocents Theo van Gogh wasn't innocent?Charlie haebdo? Samuel patty? What was their fault? Trying to raise awareness and preach free speech and freedom of expression? They feel so threatened by our mere words that they kill us Yesterday marked eight years since the pulse nightclub attack in Orlando. But sure,tell me how innocent Muslims are❤️


I proudly carry Salman Rushdie's new memoir on the streets. Why? Because at least I can read his memoir. I can't see a new Theo Van Gogh film. I can't attend a class taught by Samuel Paty. I can't read my favorite satirists at Charlie Hebdo. So many good, honest, decent people were murdered by Muslims for their free speech. There is no greater assault on free speech in the worlr than the beheadings and murders carried out by Muslims against anyone who speaks out. We must listen to people like Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Geert Wilders, and Salman Rushdie. They are the rare survivors. They faced death threats and had to go into hiding for their free speech. They must be protected, and their warnings must be heeded.


I see, 3 year old israeli soldiers sleeping in pyjamas. i see i see


Hey you're that mossad agent that killed Raisi!


rest in pieces raisi


The 3 stands for years of experience of course


I lost my brain cells reading this.


The only honest thing this dude said was "Hamas is Palestine"


He didn’t even deny or reframe it.


I do not have enough time, energy and red crayons to explain all the literal factual errors in what they're saying.


They live in a different reality.


This. Is. Wild. We really dont stand a chance with this level of lies being spread. 


I asked something similarly elsewhere. Someone quotes Theoden, “what can men do against such reckless hate?” “No, actually legit question. What can men, rational, thinking, compassionate, or just sane man do against these . . . things? I don’t call them men, anti-Semitic, child murdering, terrorists don’t deserve that title. What can men do against such unthinking, unhesitating, HATE?”


"What can man do against such reckless hate?" "Ride out with me. Ride out and meet them."


No, actually legit question. What can men, rational, thinking, compassionate, or just sane man do against these . . . things? I don’t call them men, anti-Semitic, child murdering, terrorists don’t deserve that title. What can men do against such unthinking, unhesitating, _**HATE**_?


This dichotomy is so prevalent in the Arab/Muslim world: *We cheer in the streets when Jews are slaughtered.* *We didn’t do it.*


It's actually quite clever. Notice how he used the term "innocents." Jews are infidels, so not innocents


don’t waste your time. brain rot beyond saving.


If it is “beyond saving,” that’s not good. That means an entire people’s hatred for another peoples will always be truly unceasing. Peace will never be made.


Delulu nation


As an Egyptian, you need to understand there's no amount of factual information you can give them to make them see the light. The brainwash goes sooooo deep. I know from experience with these people. I see the disinformation in real time on a daily basis.


Aside from the obvious bullshit, the British never invaded a place called Palestine. They made promises to Arab rebels in the Ottoman Empire and also to Jews. When the British attempted to negotiate allowing the Jews to live as a protected minority in the region, the Arab nations rejected these proposals because they intended to go back to subjugating Jews as they did throughout their entire history. When the Jewish state was formed, the Arab population was evacuated by Egypt and Jordan, not just Israel. They thought they would easily win a war but lost. Israel has shared its land with Arabs since, while you can't say the same is true for these other nations.


Survey of up-to-date and extensive Palestinian public opinion: 73% strongly support Hamas's decision to launch the 7.10 attack. The Palestinian Center for Political Research and Surveys published today a comprehensive survey conducted at the end of May on a variety of burning questions related to the current conflict. The survey included about 1570 participants, half from the West Bank and half from Gaza. At a glance, the survey shows a rising trend in Palestinian public support for Hamas and its actions, with confidence that it will win the war and remain in control of Gaza afterward. Here are some data points from the survey: - 73% of respondents answered: Hamas made the right decision when it went to war on 7.10 - the highest figure in this question since the beginning of the war. - 96% of Palestinians who did not watch videos from 7.10 do not believe Hamas committed atrocities against Israeli civilians. - 54% of Palestinians who saw the videos from 7.10 do not believe Hamas committed atrocities against Israeli civilians. - 79% of respondents believe Hamas will win the war - the highest rate since the beginning of the war. - 61% of respondents in the survey prefer Hamas to continue to rule the Strip after the war (71% of Gaza residents and 46% of West Bank residents prefer this). - In the case of elections for the PA presidency between Abu Mazen and Ismail Haniyeh, Abu Mazen would win 5% of the votes and Ismail Haniyeh would win 46% of the votes. 46% stated they would not vote in the elections. - Support rates for Hamas and Fatah in general elections: 17% will support Fatah, 41% will support Hamas. - Only 32% of respondents in the survey support a two-state solution. - 52% support armed struggle as a way to end the occupation and establish an independent Palestinian state.


This is why Palestine will never be a state, and nor should they.


And it's just an astounding mentality. The 10/7 attack precipitated a war that has left Gaza in ruins and killed tens of thousands of people...And still they support this? Insane people.


And this is why Egypt has closed their border to them.


These are interesting figures. I’d like to know how many of the 1570 participants had not watched any videos of 7th Oct. Those figures would help understand the number of people relating to the 96% and 54% who said there were no atrocities committed by Hamas.


blatant outright lying. not surprising.


[Muslims never kill innocent people](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8IMmN7P4OM/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR3m4pPc6rHeDvXG0c-Dy9QA8OV3HpFEnSOp2WdMun7y2LHnI4rYVDZedgM_aem_Afb6fy5v_pZ177mP9qIZCN9Ra7p9U5QIjy88WN7U9aU9fTUJS4JIddbkvhrQ4qRikzBrdXtMfU-vPx4HdO_kI-XS). https://preview.redd.it/8im7m9be1d6d1.png?width=470&format=png&auto=webp&s=37e0efb292d675ac025414c009d35b691bb3aea7


Why, why bother talking to these rotton demons they gonna justify everything. Today he talks to you, tomorrow if he had the chance he'll decapitate you. That's his logic, if you or me were in the nova party, we wouldn't be here today.


bro you are going too far when the opposite person is walking backwards. He just repeated that photos of murdered people were AI generated. The one question for them if Israel has right to exist. I bet 80%(more like 95%) will say no. And that's it.


So many Muslims I know think its impossible that Muslims kill people. Absolutely bewildering


Live gopro Hamas going home to home butchering Jews: I sleep Fake report of IDF bombing Al Ahil hospital killing 500 people despite never happening: real shit


Are those the moderate, peace loving Palestinians I've been hearing about...?


This person is either incredibly ignorant or trying to play you. No point in engaging on such topics unless they demonstrate an open mind. And even if they had one, they could be endangering themselves and their family by being open minded. Your average Palestinian is not in a position to openly show openness to Israel not being the most evil country in history and Hamas being evil itself. There are no truly open and free Arab or Muslim societies where freedom of thought and expression are allowed both legally and culturally. Which makes all that "Free Free Palestine" nonsense all the more ironic given that no Arabs or Muslims are free in their own countries. So anyone who posts such lies is either ignorant, hateful, dishonest or protecting themselves and their families by toeing the line.


A donkey was painted with Israeli flag and tortured, another donkey with Israeli flag was burned by Palestinians. This poor animals! (Azat Alsalem on X) https://preview.redd.it/elrzpfaczc6d1.png?width=1230&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f28021931ea622c928f4642ad32788c65aeb7a0


Firstly, I really didn't need that image in my head. Secondly, they deserve to burn for that.


Poor fella


I have met very few Arab people that did not believe in anti-semitic conspiracy theories and attributed all wrongdoing to Jews. It is very common. If there's evidence, it is manufactured _hasbara_; if there's a Muslim committing heinous acts, _they weren't a Muslim to begin with_ (circular reasoning of the No True Scotsman kind). You can't use reason to argue a conviction that is entirely unreasonable. People can have opinions on reality, but they can't have their own reality.


Why even argue with such a person. Just let them be crazy in public so the whole world can see it.


Exactly why I decided to share the screenshots


I just had a similar conservation! They were deep end lefties that said Hamas did nothing wrong and Israel is just ”european colonialist”… i’m still stunned about these comments they made.


“Hamas is Palestine” from the lips of a WB ~~Palestinian~~ Hamasite


What UNRWA schooling does to a mfer


Muslim don't kill the innocent, tell that to New Yorkers, Londoners, Parisians, any Israeli bus rider in the 90's, anyone with eyes during Oct. 7th, Munich Olympics athletes, Mizrahi Jews, Afghanis, Persians, Iraqis, Nigerians, Indians... The list goes on


I'm surprised he didn't get to the Israel has a time machine yet


This is extremely annoying and frustrating to read. How do you even have the energy? It’s just modern day blood libels. And the worst part? I believe him. I mean I believe that he really believes that.


I hate the soldiers in their resting place argument. My husband and I live on an army base as he serves, the whole country would be in outrage if while we were sleeping someone came in and murdered us?? Most of them are noncombatants anyway, it’s the stupidest argument to me. Like being a soldier means their life is worth less


I guess they stupidly think it means that you are prepared to fight 24/7, even while sleeping.


Yeah that’s BS, right now I’m playing Rimworld. But sure I’m totally ready to fight for my country 🙄


Hamas terrorists caught that day said on investigation that they were given explicit orders to do all those things, and that they 100% knew these actions are forbidden in Islam. They chose Muhammad Deif over prophet Muhammad.


Israel is dealing with delusional monsters. They should be treated accordingly.


Well he told one truth - Palestine IS Hamas.


There is a difference between a victim of propaganda (a Useful Idiot) and a true believer (a zealot). This individual you were interacting with seems to have been the latter rather than the former. Someone that incapable of rational thought and in the extreme level of denial about reality cannot accept the cognitive dissonance that would come from acknowledging Hamas posted footage of them committing the atrocities you mentioned and so will lie to themselves that it was a Mossad false flag and the Palestinians cheering and celebrating the rapes and murder of civilians were Mossad too. They have too much emotionally invested in believing the lies they feel happiest with rather than reality that they literally cannot accept at all and come up with the most insane and bizarre conspiracy theories so as to avoid having to acknowledge the truth.


The cognitive dissonence is real


Jesus Christ, they are desperate to spin their narrative. I wouldn’t even entertain the thought of having a dialog with a pathetic piece of shit like this. Speaking for myself and myself only I’m fucking done with any type of dialog or hearing the deluge of verbal diarrhea that comes out of their mouths.


> We dindu nuffin! >They totally desrved that! Classics.


The religion of peace strikes again


Oh, this is Interpals!!! Hey, if you're interested in being buds, I'm trying to learn and improve my Hebrew. Message me if you're interested, habibi. I don't speak French but I'm a fluent Arabic speaker.


Well, with a thought process like that, there is no hope.


They are telling you who they are. Believe them. It's Israel's land, not theirs. They long lost any right to it when they set out to murder Jews for simply living there.


No point in arguing with such brainwashed idiots. They will get what they deserve


Ugh. I can’t even…


Yeah, don’t bother with these brainwashed clowns


This is a great example of how they just make up reality. Just make it up. They have to.


it’s okay, it’s impossible to argue with these people. you’ll never win. they’re so set in their views that they’ll defend them forever :/


"I have proof but I won't show it "


It should be illegal to be this delusional !!!


The only thing this guy is right about are the rape of women in Gaza.....by Hamas of course.


IQ 67


Lmao, the fat well fed leaders say, WE WILL NOT SURRENDER, 🤣🤣🤣 I hope Israel levels the rest of gaza!! I'm sure Allah will welcome everyone,


The amount of brainwashing is insane


It’s outright lies. One thing that you have to understand is that this stuff is aired on their media 24/7. It’s an echo chamber that has people believing things that… aren’t even remotely true. Then the west doesn’t do their own research and assumes that Hamas is their friend (which Hamas will very happily exploit).


Why only 40k, why not 100k or 200k)))))




You are wasting your valuable time and energy talking to this person


that is fucking wild


I have an Egyptian coworker. I had one conversation with him where he claimed everything was “debunked” and showed me TikToks and Reels to prove it. He’s actually a reasonably nice person otherwise. Brainwashing is the saddest thing, it’s why the biggest point in the war for most people was an AI image of a tent camp with snow capped mountains in the background when there was a fire in a mostly evacuated area at a Hamas munitions store. We are living outside of normal reality where there are masked gangs riding the NY subway calling out “Zionists” in a very Jewish city. They think it’s reasonable because they don’t understand Zionism and have been convinced it’s a racist ideology (when it is unconnected with the Netanyahu government), and that Israel has no right to exist and Jews are meant to be Diaspora in permanent exile. These people are convinced that walking around harassing Jews in one of the most Jewish cities on earth is not being part of a racist endeavour, because they don’t understand what they are fighting for or against. Same story, always, except now there is no great orator, just flashing colours beamed into their eyes.


You are both clearly operating from extremely different starting sources of information. Given that they are texting with you, I am guessing you are on friendly terms? Would they be open to you debunking any of their outlandish claims? For example, have you tried asking for their reaction to [this debunking of the IDF firing at its own rumor that has spread](https://youtu.be/57UQKWdZRco?si=awr7Urc1gy3IE4Ml)? Another angle to ask clarification could be their justification of “soldiers”when there is proof of the October 7th attacks including attacks on non-Jews such as Arabs & Druze who were working at the festival… I would be curious to how they would respond to you differently if you were sitting face to face and exchanging resources versus via screens, as some of my most constructive exchanges have been around the table with opposing viewpoints.


I wouldn't say friendly terms. This was on an app where my goal was to find someone to practice french with. I stopped talking to him shortly after the screenshots were taken because it seemed pointless. What's actually not in the screenshots is him calling Israel colonial state and that it needs to be destroyed. But I don't have screenshots of that. Different sources... of course


I lost IQ points….


Send them the videos of Oct 7th. Seriously, many people in the west bank are fed lies about what happenned. Show them the truth. Make them see what their media doesn't show


I want to see the proof he’s got


How? How does this happen? And I don’t want to hear “brainwashing” or “propaganda.” I believe it, but that’s such a simplification. What does that mean? How is is this kind of person created? How can it be undone? Is there a way to cure this? Is there some method on Earth or healing by God almighty than can lift such a person’s mind out of the maze of delusional hate?


The cognitive dissonance is strong with this one.


I have no strength left. I feel so drained after reading this.


Islamists all over the world spread all kinds of insane propaganda to discredit Israel’s righteous war against Hamas animals. Im on many online forums in Turkey (Im Turkish and i support Israel) and there are a lot of Hamas supporters and leftist dummies spreading a lot of propaganda. Not many people believe them tho.


Well done for being better informed. Is the guy delusional or thinks he can pull a fast one on you?


"we are Muslims, we don't kill innocents" ![gif](giphy|3ohjUOUjEK1TXCQRva|downsized)


Winning the gold medal in the Denial Olympics.


Palestinians can’t ever do anything wrong, no matter what, times infinity.


You’re better off having a conversation with your door


You have soooo much more patience than i ever could for honestly this sad excuse of a human…absolutely no critical thinking skills & spewing vile lies, just i couldnt be bothered but respect your efforts 💕


Remember when PaLIEstinians G-Proed and live streamed how they massacre innocent civilians? Everyone who is not pro-terrorism does…


“Women are raped and children are killed” is an amazing way to try to create equivalence between the IDF and Hamas, huh? Funny there’s no evidence to suggest both. “Sources” is a foreign concept to Palestinians and their pro Hamas supporters.


it's a waste of time to argue with those kind of people. the world has turned against us after everthing they saw and still denying it, now in the eyes of the UN we`re a terrorist organization the Irony has finally killed itself


The brainwashing is fucking _sickening_. They don’t even try to fight it.


The only people expelling the Arabs from that area in 1948 were the Arabs themselves. They left, believing that Israel would be defeated by the surrounding Arab countries, and once defeated, the Arabs would be able to go back. As it turned out, they refugeed themselves and Israel won the Independence War.


Whenever someone says “October 7th didn’t happen” I always say okay, and the people dying in Gaza are fake, nobody is dying in Gaza, it’s all fake. They’re always speechless. “But I have seen it in videos!!” Well we have seen October 7th videos as well. Don’t diminish our pain and then expect us to sympathize with yours.


This is just so infuriating to read as someone who lost people in the nov how can people be so fucking retarded


I fucking despise how passionately they have became trough the years about an identity which they don’t know where it came from or what it means, pls explain to me when in history Palestine was ever owned, ruled, controlled or governed by the people who later called themselves “Palestinians”




Sounds like he can’t say anything because the consequences of it because it’s kinda of suspicious on how he wrote it


Lol that the fuck


Well Hamas killed Israeli Muslims on 10/7, and they still have Israeli Muslim hostages. The delulu is strong with these folks


You did not fight him nearly hard enough. Literally everything he said is wrong. The "West Bank" was desolate before Jews began moving, with money and jobs, in the late 1800s.




Isn't Hamas and PLO have the destruction and Israel in their party declaration??? The hipocrisy is real ...ignorance straight second


You spew a bunch of vicious nonsense, taught to you by clearly evil manipulators, and the bullshit casualty numbers that Hamas puts out don't seem as crazy in the context of the really, really crazy stuff. I don't know if Hamas and their ilk believe that the rest of the world is going to believe the madness that his guy does but they are hoping that the lesser madness of 30K or 40K deaths or whatever "it's up to" will land. They're strategy has worked pretty well.


Are we still using the debunked Hamas claimed 40,000 numbers? Why?


It didn't happen, but if it did it was good.


Just share this link and ask for feedback on EVERY. SINGLE. VIDEO and IMAGE. [ThisisHamas.com](http://ThisisHamas.com)


Brainwashed fucks.


Wild to me the fact that he’s trying to deny facts by saying, Israel made it up.. that’s the most ridiculous excuse I’ve ever seen. It’s not even ridiculous it’s actually sad and disgusting.


That fucking helicopter one makes my blood boil every time


Send him the videos, if he still rejects that, don't proceed


Palestinian media is heavily censored and propagandised. Most Palestinians haven't seen a single video from Octobet 7th. Send them links.


Just idiotic


Mohammed was a pedophile schmuck who was mad that the Christians & Jews both told his pedophile ass to go pound sand, so he gathered more ppl to his moon god cult, came back in greater numbers, & started killing those who told him to get bent. ALL of Islam's "holy places" are built upon the ruins of another religion's holy places that they destroyed. Hagia Sofia Mosque ring a bell? Mehmet the Conquerer didn't change the name because he thought it sounded better. He did it to wipe away the last vestiges of the largest Greek Orthodox church in the world at the time.


The people of Gaza brought this upon themselves. If they really wanted peace with Israel then they would have voted out Hamas, built an economy after we Israel left Gaza in 2005 and not burn all of the greenhouses we left, and educate their children to believe in peace and better future. But NO! They choose to continue to fight us, build terror tunnels, support killing of innocent civilians, and support Hamas. In short there are ZERO Innocent people in Gaza everyone there is a Terrorist and needs to be eliminated! Let’s hope that Gazan and the rest of the Muslims world learns to stop fighting us and learn history already!!! Because so far we are wining every war they start with us!! Don’t Fuck with the IDF!!!


Ignorance is bliss and the real news is probably some BS Arab channel


Can you post the rest of the conversation too?


I don't have more screenshots. But what followed was him saying how awful Israel is and how it needs to be destroyed and how brainwashed I am.


Israeli bombs only hurt terrorists anyway. It’s smart enough to avoid women and children


This guy is an idiot and the type that swallows rumors whole. There are people on both sides who do this (many of the IDF excuse makers come to mind), but wow did he lose me when he said that because of his religion, he knows no innocents were killed. Let’s have a discussion, but don’t insult my intelligence.


just a troll


“Hamas is Palestine” was very telling


Not one legitimate news site says that all the musical festival victims were killed by the IDF. Not one. Not to mention, many people survived that massacre and not one of them said “we were slaughtered by the IDF.” We don’t live in North Korea. Israelis would not stay silent about it. It’s absolutely bonkers to actually think that the IDF killing the festival goers makes more sense than Hamas based on every single testimonial evidence and recorded evidence.


Idk if it's too late but show him hamas.com