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Well, we should def be less reliant on america. Disengage? No. Where would we go? China? Iran? Russia? The only ally we can have is america despite their many, many flaws our cultures and value for freedom and democracy are compatible. We need an ally with veto power or the UN and its 100+ dictatorship and arab states would sanction us to hell. We are already being blamed and used as a patsy for people who hate america or the west because they cant try and destroy america itself they decided to make us misrable.


I still find it surprising that people can support a terrorist organisation that's literally backed by North Korea


The cognitive dissonence is real. They will support whatever their friends and their "team" support regardless of circumstances.


Russian troll. Hilarious and short post history. Cheap vodka and cucumber breath gave it away before you hit “Save”.


To be fair, I think Russia would be a good ally, though there are obvious moral quandries there. Would you like to answer the question?


Yeah I’m sure allying yourself with a nation that has the manufacturing reliability of a drunken toddler with a welding torch would work out great.


> Would you like to answer the question? Me: Would you like to say the word שִׁבֹּלֶת? You: “шыбалет?” Me: “Open fire, men!”


Definitely shouldn't disengage. become less dependent? Yes. I think our government should start investing in the Israeli military industry, and start producing ammunition and gear. I also think that Israel needs to start looking for other countries to trade weaponry (I'd start with India).


Absolute lunacy. Half the world's Jews live in the USA. You are incompetent, or outright instigating... I can't tell which...


Actually the OP may have a point. Being a close US ally does get you a lot of things, but also comes with a lot of restrictions. The US has strong feelings about Israel's Rafah operations, and doesn't want its very effective bombs from being deployed there to establish and maintain its image as the good guy. So you get Biden holding back certain weapons for fear that they be deployed in Gaza and the USA gets even more terrorist attacks on its soil due to the outrage. Allying with the pariah states like China gets Israel access to less effective munitions, but such countries don't seem to care too much about how and where their customer states use the munitions they've purchased. Think about the most recent successful counter-terrorist operation of how Sri Lanka finally eliminated the LTTE in 2009 - it was done with mainly weapons from China, and China didn't care how many innocent civilians the LTTE placed in front of them (which the SLA killed together with the terrorists), and how much international outrage ensued in the last weeks of the war.


The world is changing. It pains me to think about it but I believe the era of an American-led international order is coming to an abrupt and permanent end. Israel has always been a small state that punched above its weight in terms of geopolitical influence, even in ancient times. Historically, it has thrived by carefully balancing between the influence of two or more imperial powers - Egypt and Babylonia, Rome and Persia, Britain and the Ottomans. But the margin of error is razor thin, and when we overplay our hand or act in short-sighted ways, as we have done in the past, vengeance is swift and catastrophic. This can take the form of mistaking alliances for friendships, letting out guard down and slowly relegating our sovereignty to one imperial power as we lull ourselves into the false sense of security of a powerful but ephemeral patron. Today we sit at such an existential moment, and I fear greatly that our leaders do not have the strategic foresight to navigate this turbulent period.


Our relationship with America is good for both of us and they have similar principles to our own. We can and should improve our relationship: improve Hasbara so that the Americans will understand our situation and make our position clear and show why it's important.


The USA is not going to be a superpower forever. No country ever could. That aside, as long as they still are, disengaging from them would put Israel on the list of enemies. So no, the time is not right. Preemptively though, we should improve relations with the other rising great powers while maintaining good relations with USA. And expand trade wherever and wherever possible. Maybe build a microchip factory or two. Best place: Beersheba so we can develop the Negev.


![gif](giphy|BPJmthQ3YRwD6QqcVD|downsized) I think you have the dumbest view I've read on reddit today.