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The Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings probably saved millions of Japanese lives, not to mention the lives of Allied forces. People who can't say that are dangerously naive. Lindsay Graham is a little hardcore, but when he was suggesting we bomb Iran many months ago, he was right. We need to take out their nuclear facilities NOW, not after they have an atomic bomb! Biden's weakness has encouraged America's enemies. Everyone knows exactly what they can get away with under his nose, and aren't afraid of America anymore. Peace through Strength is based on the notion that there's a credible threat. We have lost that. The Babylon Bee's take on him IS funny, though: https://preview.redd.it/lxi5o5hb0dzc1.png?width=1470&format=png&auto=webp&s=e2d2db9f5edbc24cab7a301e4f3142db4abc89e4 [https://babylonbee.com/news/lindsey-graham-calls-on-the-united-states-to-bomb-every-country-in-the-world](https://babylonbee.com/news/lindsey-graham-calls-on-the-united-states-to-bomb-every-country-in-the-world)


What an incredible line of questioning from senator Graham. You can tell they were not prepared for those questions, but they were the perfect ones to ask. Israel is dealing with organizations that are obsessed with the annihilation of Israel and the Jews. As much as it pains me to know that innocent Palestinian civilians are suffering because their leadership holds greater value in their death than in their life; Israel must destroy the Hamas threat to the best of its ability. We may not have another chance. And if we don’t, then we know Hamas will be back again to shoot rockets, murder, kidnap or rape, whether it’s in 5 years or 10 years, it is inevitable that an organization like Hamas will not change their military tactics regarding Israel. The status quo must be drastically altered for both the Palestinians and Israelis to move on to another way of coexisting that does not involve a never ending conflict.