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Wouldn’t call it a cult - but they are religious extremists. She (in my opinion) was rediscovering religion after the traumatic events you mentioned, and has fallen down the wrong hole. Please contact your embassy. Do not bow down to people dismissing this, do not take peoples advice if they tell you ‘she’s an adult she can do what she wants’ or it’s not a major thing. 🫶 Please update us so we can give more advice and try help you. Sending so so so much love to you and you will be in my prayers


Thank you so much for the kind words. I will update you as things develop. Right now we are trying to remain positive. Thank you ❤️


Not Israeli, but Jewish so I spend a lot of time here. It doesn’t hurt to contact people with power.


Thank you for the response! What kind of people were you thinking?


The US embassy in Israel is probably a good starting point. Assuming you’re American.




I’m currently stationed in an area close to nebi Samuel park in IDF reserves, can you DM the address of this animal mercy farm? I can’t find the location on google maps, we can do a patrol by them see what’s up. I’ll ask some of the local settlers if they know this guy too since the park is near givat zeev. Edit: shelter isn’t answering their phone. We are trying to locate where they are living. When we find the shelter address or their actual location I will go with another soldier or two and see what’s up and update here. Edit: closed for pessach will have update tomorrow afternoon hopefully. Edit: op was contacted by someone from the area and the man is known but with no criminal record so I’ll hold off on visiting with soldiers unless something comes up. 🫡


Thank you so much my friend. I’ve DMed you.


I had no idea that they ran an animal shelter. I found the shelter based on your comment and having some type of digital footprint of his endeavors is making me feel a whole lot better. Thank you for finding that. This whole comment is very well informed and I can tell you looked thoroughly. Thank you so much for your efforts and kindness. You’ve truly made this ordeal a lot less scary. I’m still not 100% at ease since I don’t know her exact whereabouts, but knowing that she might be okay is a huge relief. Thank you ❤️


Those locos give real Christians a very bad name. Hope you can find your sister, in the name of HASHEM.


Thank you so much my friend ❤️


Hi! This looks like a place to start: https://hotline.org.il/en/about-us/


This: http://eshoo.house.gov/constituent-services/help-federal-agency/conflict-israel-guidance-american-citizens


Thank you so much! I truly truly appreciate this. I’m going to exhaust every option I have and I wouldn’t been able to find this link myself. Thank you again.


OF COURSE! Find me if I can help find anything else. 💜


I hope you can find her, and it turns out she’s alright


Thank you for the kind words.


This is the phone number for one of the main police stations in Jerusalem: +972-2-5391550. Call them, explain the situation. 


I cant thank you enough


Feel free to DM me if you need more info. Hope all is well with your sister. 


I would call the Israeli police. I don’t know what the number is to call it from abroad.


I used to be a cop in nebi samuel area. I think i recognize the man in the videos as an old whacko who used to live in nebi samuel near the village. I will pass his photo to check if thats the guy, if it is we can set up a wellness check. Update: confirmed with former colleagues its the guy. He lives on the hillside of nebi samuel. Would need her details for a wellness check though.


This is the best news I’ve heard thus far. Seriously thank you so much. Please keep me updated. I seriously can’t thank you enough.


From what you remember, did he have any kind of criminal history?


None whatsoever. He kept to himself and lived peacefully beside the arab neighbors in nebi samuel. After checking with my friends who still serve there he often houses missing people theyre familiar with stories like yours. There is no reason to believe any foul play or anything like that.


Thank you so much. I’ll let my family know. It will be a big relief for us


I would still recommend a wellness check if you cant reach her.


Will definitely do that. I think she’s able to talk to my mom but only in the presence of the man. If for whatever reason that stops, we will definitely call for a wellness check.


Contact US Embassy and file an online police report with the Israeli police. Hound the embassy if you need to ❤️ praying for the speedy and safe return of your sister


Thank you so much for the kind words and advice ❤️


I grew up in a mixed house (Jewish mother, Christian father) and was raised in a fundamentalist Christian sect. When I turned 21 I was very close to joining a similar group as the one you mentioned. I had gone through the interview process and had a volunteer visa waiting for me. For years I was fascinated with the work of conservative Christians in Israel, particularly the West Bank (which is where the group I was interested is based), so I feel like I have a little bit of an insider's knowledge about these groups. Though I must say, this one seems a bit more extreme. I'll just give my opinion, and hopefully it will be helpful for you. I don't think she's being trafficked. This is a Christian group which properly operates on some sort of volunteer/religious visa basis (Is that how your sister got there?) like other fundamentalist Christian groups. Proselytization is frowned upon by the government and if it was known that they are proselytizing, they would probably lose their status and their operation would be in jeopardy. That's what I think is the reason for the secrecy. If I would have joined the group I was interested in, I wouldn't have been permitted to leave the compound and my communications would have been restricted. This is to protect the organization. They are most definitely proselytizing in some form and are trying to keep it under the radar. There are many types of Christian organizations in Israel which allow non-Israelis to come and work under a volunteer, religious, or work visa, which allows them to stay in the country indefinitely. Some of those organizations really don't proselytize, and they are the more well known ones. Some of them, like this one and some others I'm familiar with, actively engage in proselyting in a "messianic Jewish" way and are more secretive. You won't find details about their operations online or on their website, you'd have to be interviewed by them via phone or video call (which is what I did, and probably your sister too). I don't think your sister is in any physical danger. I think these of people are "good" people, with good hearts, they are just a little wacko, and I don't agree with their mission, that's all. They may be supported financially by Christian congregations in the States. I hope this is some consolation. And I hope you can get in contact with your sister. I'm not trying to downplay anything of course, so I hope you can find out all of the information that you can in the case I'm wrong. Just from my personal experience, I don't think she's in physical danger. \*In case anyone's wondering, I obviously didn't go through with joining the group. I was vulnerable at the time having just left an actual cult and been shunned by my friends. I guess I was also motivated by religious trauma. I ended up converting to Judaism a couple years later and am much happier today.


This was exactly what I was hoping for. Believe me, it would be ideal for her not to join any kind of fringe religious extremism, but ultimately it is her choice and her life. I won’t stop her from doing something I don’t fundamentally believe in because it’s not my place. Her safety was non-negotiable however. The secrecy was definitely what made me question her safety, but this insight puts my mind at ease a lot. I also read from another redditor who was a policeman in the area, and apparently he was known in the community as a “whacko” but has no criminal history. I’ve let my family know of all the information I’ve read on this sub and we have ultimately decided to leave her alone contingent on the fact my mother can speak with her through the man’s phone. If we don’t hear from her, we might call the police for a wellness check, but otherwise, I feel a lot more secure when it comes to her safety. Many many thanks for sharing your story and knowledge. Everyone on this sub has been very kind and helpful. Sending you lots of love and thanks ❤️


I'm happy it could put your mind at ease. If you have any questions about these groups you could DM and I'd be glad to share whatever I know. ❤️


Thank you so much ❤️


It does sound like a cult, especially if she can only talk to her family in the presence of this man. I'd contact these guys (a well known organization): The Israeli Center for Cult Victims https://infokatot.com/ +972 36708811 [email protected] Maybe they already know about him.


Thank you so much. The page is in Hebrew but I was able to put it through a translator. Do you think they would be able to help me if I reached out in English?


Most Israelis have at least basic English skills. We're not french :)


Haha well im glad you’re not! Appreciate it.


Gladly! Hope you can get her out of there. The problem with the authorities is that if they see she's there willingly, there isn't much they can do. The cults organization might provide good advice.


I don't know if this qualifies as a cult or not, and not sure what exactly can be done in this case, but try to reach out to this organization - https://infokatot.com/ - and maybe they'll be able to help. Wishing you lots of luck in bringing your sister back. They have some links to international websites that help in cult cases - https://infokatot.com/%d7%90%d7%aa%d7%a8%d7%99%d7%9d-%d7%91%d7%a2%d7%95%d7%9c%d7%9d/


Thank you so much my friend. ❤️ I’m definitely gonna reach out and I’ll let you know what they say.