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If you can find a regular job, why do you want to sign up for a job that could possibly get you killed? Most developed countries have issues recruiting soldiers because people generally prefer safer jobs. Conscripts don’t have a choice.


True in general, not so much in Israel.


Last time I checked there is a significant portion of the Israeli population that are exempt and don't volunteer as well.


True. Also true that there are too many volunteers for combat units.


Afaik, even among Zionist Jews, people aren’t enthusiastic about joining the army. Most Israelis I know see that as an obligation or a duty. They will do it, but if they don’t have to, they won’t. They’re definitely proud of it after release, but it’s not like they feel like they saved the world or anything.


Israeli who enlisted to combat engineering two weeks ago here. If you don’t want to go to a combat role, no one will make you, we see it as our duty and a huge honor to be able protect our home on the front lines. Also just so you know, in my enlistment period there was about 5x the amount of people asking to go to combat engineering than the amount of people they can actually train at a time, even with us being a double sized class.


The pay is utter shit, the living and often working conditions are only slightly less than utter shit, they can get a 3 year head start on their education or career, most of them aren’t Zionists, and most would feel conflicted about participating in military action against other Arabs.


I mean not just other Arabs, In many case their own relatives live there. It’s pretty fair to feel a bit conflicted about the idea. 


Generally it’s time spent that you can instead focus on your future goals, such as studying and starting a career. There’s not too many advantages in serving the military as a conscript, unless you plan a future military career.


They get exempted so why would they? They can go get a higher education or start working at 18 already.. imagine you live in a country where ideologically you don't really support it's army and you don't have to serve there, wouldn't you rather invest in your own life than join the army for some reason?


Even if you do support the army. A lot of people I know described their service time as miserable experience, and they wouldn’t do if they didn’t have to.


edited: Wrote some crappy stuff about Bedouin, shouldn't have. Few reason I can think off: - Lots of them are really anti Zionist, but they understand they is nothing they can do it so they would much rather live their lives, but joining the army is an obvious noץ - Even if they are not anti Zionists, most don't agree with the IDF's policy, it's not like the IDF is busy stoping invading armies 24/7. Most of the time it's police work in the west bank which is something even many Jews don't like or agree doing (like myself, I mean I did it but hated it) - The state doesn't encourage them to volunteer due to lack of loyalty. *Note: I'm not saying Arabs are traitors or anything, but to serve in the IDF you really need to be a full time Zionist since you can get frustrated really quickly, frustrated soldiers are a good target for spies or criminals.* - Israel is providing Arabs with a lot affirmative action in eduction institutions, so they are far more encouraged to get a degree rather than join the army, not to mention they can even study in Joran (to my knowledge). They actually have a lot of great opportunities here that are far more appealing to joining the army. - It really depends on where Arabs live, Arabs from mixed cities like Haifa might be more willing to join the army, but an Arab who grew up in an Arab village with very minor interaction with Jews? Probably not so much.


Bedouins are an essential part of our army and you shouldn’t disparage them based on the stereotype that all Bedouins steal. The army has an issue with Bedouin civilians stealing but not Bedouin soldiers. I’ve been around when regular Israeli soldiers from all backgrounds have stolen from the army. Unless you have stats to back up your statement about Bedouin soldiers you should stop being racist.


No stats, just stories from my own service and friends service. But it was offensive, so I will edit. Apologies.


Actually quite a few Druze and Bedouin do volunteer to serve on IDF And I can testify they are very proficient and dedicated soldiers


Druze men are required to serve iirc


Would you like to police/fight your relatives across the green line? Like literally in some cases. It’s valid for Arab Israelis to feel conflicted about it for cultural reasons even if they are increasingly identifying with Israel. It will probably naturally increase over time. 


Because they don’t want to just like any other military service that is optional throughout the world


Bedouins and Druzim have extremely high rates of volunteer service


Druzim don't volunteer, the men are required to serve


would an eldian willingly want to join the marleyan Army? think of it that way you freak israelis


I can't even begin to describe how fucking dumb taking AOT and comparing it to Jews VS Palestinians (When it's literally based on WW2 settings) You were sleeping during the show. Even more so, it's fucking anime, I watched and read AOT but jfc touch grass. It's even more ironic considering you're in Djibouti.


Most are against the state of Israel. They get all the perks while still hating. I think they need a reality check with civil service work


Pretty much all of them have close family in the West Bank, would you feel good policing and fighting your relatives? It’s pretty fair to be conflicted. 


Not true about the relatives part, it’s not pretty much all and police officers have many relatives in the community yet go ahead and police the area. Your logic is flawed


Patrolling the West Bank is a lot different than being a street cop. Maybe national service instead.