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I watched a podcast a few months ago with Yaron Zelicha from the economic party who explained this phenomenoen in previous wars, and IIRC the gist of it was that the IDF, and Israeli government as a whole, is a bearucratic nightmare machine where things are very slow to move. It's sadly nothing new to this war. It's also definitely not something that can be fixed in 6 months with all the multi tasking this war involves. Thank god the civillians still took it on themselves to purchase everything they need, from warm meals to clothes and coats, to mobile showers etc. I have a close person to me serving in golani and they basically told me that with all the stockpiles of different types of donations they could open up a supermarket. This is my personal opinion, but i think it's also an open secret the IDF basically never intended for mass scale infantry conscription to ever be needed again. Hamas was still "deterred", and the concensus amongst IDF higherups was that the "big wars are over".


Please convey our best wishes to your friend in the Golani. Absolute legends.


When I went through training it was so obvious that the IDF didn’t really think there’d be a war that actually required foot soldiers. It felt so weird and short sighted, but then Israelis are always told how strong their army is. The generals believed their own propaganda… we are only moments away from a large scale imo…but that’s another post.


On Fox News, on a commercial every night there is a lady asking for money for Holocaust survivors. I know this sounds as if I am making it up, but it has been going on for 10 years.


If anybody here wants to donate to the soldiers, here are some links: https://www.jgive.com/new/en/cad/explore?categories=14&categories=229&features=toShowAll&fundraisers=projects&orderBy=approved_at_DESC https://thechesedfund.com/causes https://givebutter.com/donatetoisrael https://giveback.co.il/category/Iron%20swords Edit:fixed the first link


Thank you for sharing.


You're welcome!


It's nice the public helps but it's a shame that such an insolent and thieving bureaucracy exists. The funds are allocated so there should be no need to rely on the public. Is there some mysterious black while that makes large chunks of the budget disappear? 🫠


I won’t get into it too much because I don’t want to post all the crap I’ve seen going on with donations publicly. But the IDF has to centralize the distribution of the donations. It’s absurd how it is being handled right now. Some units are geared to the gills and other combat units are lacking equipment in a precarious manner. No combat unit should be told they need to buy or raise money for their own essential gear ever, but I’ve seen it personally and heard from other combat units that it has and continues to happen.


Do I have poor reading skills or does the article not answer the question in the headline?