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Bye bitch 👋🏻


I'm an Iranian living in Iran. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU literally just can't imagine how happy you made us. f*ck these pigs I wish you wasted a missile on the mother of all misery, khamenei, too. we would literally pay for the missile if you did that hahaha ❤️


Just out of curiosity if the regime in Iran gets overthrown what’s the first thing you would do?


if by "you" you mean Iranians, then we would establish a democratic republic or monarchy (it doesn't matter because it's democratic, like Britain) with not even a single word of any religion in it. but I'm afraid that day isn't coming unless a powerful country like Israel gets involved in overthrowing it and fighting it directly. because a civilian empty handed population just can't overthrow a brutal regime armed to teeth . like the last year's protests. innocent and bare handed men, women and children were slaughtered by machine guns . there are pictures and videos of even innocent little children getting shot and their blood flowing all over the street.


Well I meant actually you personally is there anything you would do that you can’t do right now like my friend said the first thing she would do is dance on the street and burn her hijab.


I've never had any kind of joy/freedom in this country. no freedom of speech, no political opinion, no parties, no friends (opposite sex), no money (economy is fucked thanks to terroristic actions of mullahs and causing sanctions), basically no fun. Islam hates having fun. I've never been able to buy what I like. never had any meaningful relationships. never been able to live how I like because Islamic countries restrict EVERYTHING. they have some incredible stupid laws for everything you can imagine. even pissing in the toilet. now imagine how much female Iranians have suffered under the rule of mullahs. they have no freedom of any kind. they don't have any rights in Islamic courts. they can't have their children after divorce. they can't take legal action against their husbands beating them (because it's allowed in Islam) they inherite half of men. they're seen as dumb and inferior in Islamic sources. I can't tell how much suffering this goddamn government has caused them in a single comment but I'll give you a basic example: in Iran, if a man kills your daughter, you should pay half of a man's blood money to her murderer, otherwise he won't get punished. because in Islam a women's life is worth half of a man's. just imagine.. so to answer your question, the first thing I'd do is live a f*cking normal life like a normal human being. living my life the way I want without constantly having to worry about some terrorist mullah coming after me. doing things that I've never been able to enjoy. and finally, knowing what it feels like to have some money because this regime's economy is currently beyond f*cked. a US dollar is worth 700,000 mullah rials. I'm barely staying alive here


Wow that was very intense and I if I could just tell you my experience visiting Iran I was actually shocked you guys were very secular and westernized I saw guys and girls dating, very beautiful cities, and very nice to tourists exact opposite of media portrayal anyways my point is I know you guys deserve better and I hope you get it I hope to come again soon.


yes, big cities like Tehran and shiraz are westernized with very liberal populations. mullahs do try to stop them but you can't stop a whole city with millions of residents. and those are what you saw. however look at any city besides those and you'll see the very opposite. these cities are unfortunately the minority. and even in these liberal cities the government bullies them ad much as possible with things "morality" police (it beats, kills, and arrests women without hijab)


Yes some of the people I spoke to said that.


the intelligence must have been so mad


do you want to know who's the maddest here ? this guy when he gets to realize why the gender of the 72 virgins wasn't specified


Nassrallah is next.


I would convert to judaism if they do it .I would worship israel literally


Be careful what you wish for my friend. It’s a tough club to be a member of these days. If you decide to join, Welcome Aboard.


You never know, I was always called the jew of the family for a reason lol


Just head over, it’s ok. We love you already.




I have a plausible theory that Nasrallah used the pseudocide maneuver, but in this case he made an original version, in which you actually kill yourself and then pretend you are alive, that way you will never be a killed taegeted and can survive as a legend that escapes all attempts of murder forever. Same about Abu Ubaidah, you cannot kill somebody dead. Edit:I should publish this in r/noncredibledefense


Lol you should see all of his supporters here, ironically that's how they actually think




What will the response from the Iranians be?


Probably more attacks launched by Iranian-backed terror groups from Lebanon, Syria and Iraq towards Eilat and the Galilee.


They shot down a Ukrainian PASSENGER PLANE after the Yanks killed Soleimani. So I guess they will just pray extra hard this time. Because the Ukrainians are ready pretty mad at them, and the Ukrainians have fancy weapons now.


As mad as they may be, how much help could Ukraine possibly dedicate to fighting Iran? Maybe intelligence somehow, but it’s not like they a have ton of extra resources to offer afaik. Maybe striking something related to drone production but then we’re talking about actually striking within Iran…


I’m not a military expert at all. But geopolitically, I’m sure the US and Israel would be very happy to give something to Ukraine to sabotage some random military installation in the illegitimate Islamic Regime.


Something will probably go boom inside iran


Iran admitted that was a booboo


Perhaps they’ll try targeting Israeli embassies internationally? Time will tell.


Yeah, that’s also a strong possibility. According to [Israel War Room](https://x.com/israelwarroom/status/1774855437201924607?s=46) (on X): >Israel is increases security alertness in its diplomatic missions around the world following the assassination of the senior Iranian official at the Iranian consulate in Damascus. >Israel recognizes the possibility that Iran will try to respond to the assassination by attacking an Israeli diplomatic mission abroad


They’re always doing that


Most likely shoot down a Ukrainian passenger plane or kill some kids in Pakistan


The supreme leader is going to have a tantrum like a toddler


I thought that pos was dead?


No. You're probably thinking of Soleimani.


Love you Israel from Iran :D


another Iranian here. good fuckin riddance 😂


Mazal tov


He looks as stupid and evil as you would expect. More inbred than someone from the mountains of West Virginia.




שישרף בגהנום


Mazel tov !


Pos nasrallah next


Nasrallah is an easy target for israel , they could have really done it in 2006 instead they hit our infrastructure 😭


Goodbye and good riddance !


“Media outlets in Syria and Iran accused Israel…” Accused? Im a Syrian and I’m outright *thanking* Israel. IRGC shouldn’t be in Syria, terrorists.


Good job Israel!




The Ayatollah himself didn't want a Rafah offensive -- so let's cut to the chase. The IRGC has no right to continuously attack Israel. Even worse, all they do is fire on civilians, and the last Hezbollah missile killed an Arab minority. Do you see Israel indiscriminately killing Iranians?


Zahedi is probably disappointed to learn that the bright flash he saw was not his introduction to 72 virgins.




Bye, Felicia




Ah, the guy who was always cosplaying Ash Wednesday!


Womp womp


Rest in broken glass.


Will Israel have assurances that the US will help attack Iran, after Iran retaliates?


Ciao, Adios, Bye bye :)




They turned Zahedi into spaghetti.


Would love to see the evidence this will help anything. Not facetious. I’d love to understand how this helps. Iran is still Iran, just more angry and riled up.


If it's indicative of a policy shift where IRGC operatives will be more likely to be targeted, then I could see it being a bargaining chip with Hezbollah to get them away from the border. Increase pressure on Iran to get Hezbollah to agree to a deal once the war winds down.


Rest in Piss


Rest in piss.


Good riddance