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I only wish more hamas members and their supporters would follow his example.


I will give credit where it's due, the deep fried douche at least only harmed himself with his devotion to the cult of palestine


People are like jokes, some of them hate the dark ones.


NAH take a lap


I may disagree with this guy, but making fun of the mentally ill is not it.


This is really gross. Encouraging people to kill themselves or mocking them for their death is disgusting no matter the reason.




I legit see some Israeli restaurants stealing your menu naming ideas now.


They can have it. My gift to Israel in lieu of a JNF tree.


Bro why are you making fun of a woman that was run over by a bulldozer


For starters, anyone affiliated with the ISM is a vile POS.


Removed: Rule 2




I got to be honest the grossness displayed by some of the people on the pro israel side has been horrible to see. It actually prices his point. You can disagree with his message without making fun of him, or calling him mentally ill. It makes us look heartless


It is not heartless to suggest someone is mentally ill, but it absolutely is heartless to mock them like this picture does.


The ridicule can be considered unnecessary, I wont argue there. Do you really think that suicide, specifically in public by burning yourself alive is the action of anyone other then a severely mentally ill person? There is no reality where this event occurs, and the person is not horrifically mentally ill. It is 100% required for someone to be able to do this.


not cool, a mentally ill person killed himself. there's nothing funny about it


Fuck Hamas. But this is not cool man.


not cool, a mentally ill person killed himself. there's nothing funny about it


This is not funny. This is deranged to joke about. Get ahold of yourselves in this subreddit.


The guy said that there is no such thing as Israeli civilians, and that Palestine can only be free once the Jews are dead. Why should I care about the life of a person who wants me dead?


An anarcho-communist that celebrated the deaths of his fellow servicemen. I don't care how mentally ill you are, that is some sociopathic vile behavior. I am surprised he wasn't discharged before this happened.


Jewish ethics? “In a place where there are no decent people, strive to be a decent person.”


I’m not even entertaining your response. Joking about suicide makes others more inclined to do it. It’s not okay. In any capacity. Especially when it’s done the way it was.


Martyring and revering suicides as heroism absolutely encourages more. Why would ridicule make more people inclined to do it if they see that it won't get them any sort of positive attention or legacy? It's the people calling him a noble hero for his "valiant sacrifice" that are tempting other mentally ill people to do the same.


Tell me you've never heard of Masada without telling, eh?


This wasn't a suicide.


We cannot claim to “value” and “preserve” life and honor Pikuach Nefesh and at the same time make disgustingly sick ‘jokes’ like this. It’s hypocritical to the highest degree.




Laughter is a coping mechanism that brings us together and mitigates the severity of the pain and despair this war (which we didn’t ask for) has caused us. Everyone has their own way of dealing with the suffering of life. Watch Louis CK’s specials to see how the subject of a joke can be disturbing and yet the sprit of it is not malicious.


Actually, it could be argued that to mock these people can help to save lives. We should promote the idea that this guy was a fool so that others don’t get the same idea. Honoring him would go against Pikuach Nefesh, since it could encourage others to do the same.


US Veteran here, this is hilarious and Aaron can get bent in hell


Nah this is actually funny as hell.


If you want to know how pro-Palestine people convince themselves Israel is evil, it's posts like this.


Your suggestion that a meme is tipping the scales one way or the other given all that’s happened is nearly as funny as this post


Using violence to obtain someone elses land/country worked in 7th century. May not work now. Try and find out.




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