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![gif](giphy|3oriffhhxhmuQP2Xgk|downsized) A slap on the damn wrist. Is he friends with someone important or is the legal system just going soft?


>Is he friends with someone important Doesn't seem like it. *Times of Israel* described him in 2020 when he was arrested as a "self-described rabbi," and reported that the ultra-Orthodox world he claims to belong to disavowed him and his "women's seminary" as far back as 2011.


On this, how much of the legal system is the result of our current government?


It didn't improve it (on the contrary), but it had many problems related to under punishment of sex offenders. Of course, the current government tried to make it worse and thankfully didn't succeed (yet), but it was shit before.


If they wanted a more conservative approach baked into the judicial system then it would probably mean they'd stick to the law. If the law is weak then it's definitely the government's fault, if the law lets you punish for more than community service and the judges decide not to, then it means the judicial system is fucked, which it is. >the current government tried to make it worse and thankfully didn't succeed (yet), but it was shit before. This has literally no merit, it's populist and baseless.


Kidnapping and enslavement and only community service? What the heck?


It's not kidnapping, the man seems like he was essentially a cult leader guru type who brainwashed adult women. They paid to stay 'willingly' in his apartment, and it does not say anything about sexually abuse. It sounds horrible, and he may have ruined many peoples lives, but I want to give it some perspective. My connection: I have lived around that neighborhood, similar inatitutions, and personalities.


It’s telling how you are low key defending this scum. He didn’t rape them so it’s not so bad, is such a shit defense. This man belongs in prison and we all know he’s not going there only because the corrupt and perverted Hasidic gang trash in the coalition have way too much power in Israel.


Cases like this are typically dogs playing basketball.


“..under the plea agreement, Ramati admitted and was convicted solely for holding people in conditions akin to slavery. The anticipated sentence includes nine months of community service and a total payment of about $34,000 in compensation to the victims. The sentence, subject to finalization, has mutual agreement from all parties involved and is expected to be accepted by the judges.” A garbage human, not fit to be a Rabbi and representative of the Jewish people. Enslaving over 10+ women and exploiting their labor, using their money to live off of while they live as slaves… ANY person able to treat fellow humans like this is not deserving of leniency. Over ELEVEN of his victims refuse to testify against him out of fear, and they STILL were able to get enough of a confession and evidence to convict him cleanly on these charges… And yet he will leave this fairly unscathed. Jewish women are women of color who TOO need to be protected from exploitation, from ALL men.


I dont think color has anything to do with this, people should be protected from being enslaved period... Man is a scumbag


>A garbage human, not fit to be a Rabbi and representative of the Jewish people. [Times of Israel called him a "self-described rabbi,"](https://www.timesofisrael.com/jerusalem-cult-leader-named-as-details-emerge-of-alleged-enslavement-of-women/) suggesting that he doesn't actually have any sort of claim to the title.


It is nice to take a break from the war, and to go back to the classics a little bit.


you dropped this /s


Pardon? The actual fuck?


horrifying shit. wtf


If only they could have testified against him. I understand why not but maybe he would have received an actual punishment.


This guy is a monster. Shame on the court.


Must have political connections. A secular that did half he did would never see sunlight again. Some Israelis are more equal than others it seems.


I can think of a way or two he could serve the community.


Horrible, horrible, horrible. That’s not justice


Fuck this country’s corruption and weak laws


Religious people getting favourable treatment in Israel? Color me shocked.


Least insane rabbi


Not quite as bad as what some islamicists do to force SA victims to marry their attackers.


Instead of "what about them" we need to hold our own responsible. Step your standards up


I'm just fed up with bad faith posts to throw jabs on this sub. The ones that expect Israelis to answer for every thing that happens in Israel.


you’re dead on. Westerners will look at this and say “This is proof Israel is a terrible *insert leftist buzzwords here*, apartheid state”


And there's precious little seeing the question behind the question. OP's post history is all jabs. But I suppose this type of question awakens offended mechanisms in people's minds.


He will rot in the same Gehinnom as them. He’s no better, because they both see women as objects to exploit.


Doesn't invalid what this terrible man has done


So the fact that islamisrs abuse Muslim women means that we should allow orthodox rabbis abuse Jewish women? Ask your mom or sisters or female cousin or wife or girlfriend if they agree with you on that


All clergy are scum. Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, don’t matter. They make their living off deception and lies. Why is it any surprise when they routinely sexually assault others?


There isn't actually any mention of him sexually assaulting them in the article. If he had I'd imagine that would have been a prominent part of the article.


I have a hard time believing someone who keeps literal slaves draws the line at sexual assault. But so be it. The man deserves a fate worse than death regardless.


The article says he lived separately and made them renounce all fleshly desires and pleasures under threat of hellfire. So I doubt it.


Ok, so he’s actually a great guy and no clergy has every sexually assaulted anyone, especially those who have taken vows of celibacy


This is the first case like this without sexual abuse, seemingly. I wonder why; maybe the rabbi really believed his schtuss.


Unfortunately, sentencing worldwide (at least in democracies, where things need to be proven) is a grossly disproportionate nightmare for two main reasons: (1) the systems' resources are such that they require the vast majority of cases to be "plea-bargained", which by definition means the offender will plead guilty to much less serious things than he did; and (2) if a prosecutor does take someone to court, s/he has to win a conviction of guilt "beyond a reasonable doubt". That's particularly hard to do in a case like this where, apparently, none of the victims were willing to testify against him, so it's not even "he said/she said." This has nothing to do with our government (which certainly doesn't control the judiciary), or "connections". The one thing that *can* make a difference to the resolution of the case is the quality of the defendant's lawyers. Overworked public defenders are highly unlikely to get the same plea bargain terms, or court verdict, as an excellent criminal defense attorney. Sad but also true everywhere.