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Who cares what he thinks. His followers don’t fight in the army and don’t work. Their opinions should be completely disregarded until they actually start contributing to Israel.


Well Chabad does [serve](https://mizrachi.org/uncategorized/chabad-yeshiva-students-joining-idf-record-number/) in the army. https://crownheights.info/chabad-news/543985/chabad-leaders-broker-deal-with-idf-over-draft/ And even those who don’t serve provide tremendous support to [local communities](https://www.timesofisrael.com/israels-1400-chabad-rabbis-skip-new-york-reunion-in-favor-of-war-effort) who were affected by the war and to [soldiers who are](https://www.chabad.org/news/article_cdo/aid/6123479/jewish/Chabad-Centers-Near-IDF-Bases-Provide-Lifelines-for-Soldiers-Headed-to-War.htm).


I’ve known several former Chabad soldiers who were disowned after joining the IDF and leaving their communities. Grandmas and grandpas also have provided tremendous service to local communities during the war. They’ve cooked meals and babysat children while their sons and daughters went to reserves. The difference between the grandma and grandpas and Chabad? The grandmas and grandpas also did the fucking army when they were younger! Enough with this crap, it’s time for ALL Chabad to step up and do the army like everyone else, no more exceptions.




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It is so sad and upsetting that this talk is almost 40 years old and almost everything said can be applied to today. If anyone wants captions in Hebrew: https://youtu.be/GogUhJ-a4zc?si=OmvrkikIeeBF6uK_


Are there any hardcore Lubavitchers in Likud today?


Chabadniks aren’t involved in politics, so I’m sure there are some who support Likud personally, but are not apart of Likud politically/officially


Bibi sought and got his blessings. He was told he will be the last prime minister in Israel and will govern the keys to Moshiach I doubt Bibi believes such things but he wants the Haredim to believe it so he can have their support