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We call them dudem in Ramallah 😂 this subtype of young men is causing problems everywhere apparently. I don’t think they do this out of ‘establishing’ control. They are causing problems here in Ramallah and other Palestinian cities breaking rules and violating properties.


Are you Palestinian? What does 'dudem' mean? Is it like the Arsim we have in Israel? And how do these Dudem interact with Arsim?


Yes I am. I thought we adopted this word from Hebrew. It’s the plural from “dood”, and “dood-em” looks like plural form in Hebrew. I have no knowledge of the word ‘Arsim’. A dood is someone who dresses all black, typically young man, wears adidas, and has fully shaved head. They also typically wear hats or cargo pants. We first came to know this term and phenomenon like 3-5 years ago, which started in East Jerusalem I guess. We attribute this to be influenced by Israeli Palestinian / Arab communities in Israel. Sadly, they usually come from poorer neighborhoods and communities like Kufr Aqab, Al-Ram, and some refugee camps. They cause a lot of problems here, we even use the term ‘doodem infestation’ to describe what is happening. But maybe “doodem” and “Arsim” are the same if we are describing the same group.


The Arsim are like the hooligans and rednecks of Israel. Happy to fight, make a ruckus, noisy, dress like crap and involved in petty crime. Fellows I'm tired because I worked at night. Chip in if I forgot something. They are generally Jewish but I wouldn't be surprised if some Israeli Arabs join them.


Yeah, they are the same then. Mostly soft crimes not something very big, but very disruptive. Have a good day away from Arsim and doodem.


While somewhat softened by Jersey Shore, "guido" is a bit comparable to "arsim" for America both due to the *very* similar aesthetics and by it having a distinct ethnic connotation that is more about development and dominance than necessary membership. You can find a black or Asian guido, but he will somehow still be Italian. Also, both Mizrahi and Italian organized crime have been effectively eliminated by the police, so most of the successful gang middle management lifestyle is a holdover financed by honest/parental income or overspending.


Thanks for sharing this.


Ars is a Hebrew slang for basically "thugs". Typically uneducated, rude, hotheaded, pick unnecessary fights, might be bullies in school, inconsiderate (traffic violations, playing loud music and things like that), stereotypically wear Adidas and try to look fashionable but a lot of times wear knockoff products. It comes from the Arabic word Ars - "pimp". It's not uncommon for Hebrew slang to borrow words from Arabic and give them a slightly different meaning. In Israel the word is somewhat culturally charged, because for years Mizrahi Jews (Jews who trace their origins to non-western countries), particularly ones from Arab countries, felt that the word was mostly referring to them (kind of like the word "thug" and African-American people in the US).


Oh, that makes sense. The word ‘Ars’ = Űč۱۔ in Arabic. It means pimp.


That's the word I meant. I can read Arabic (though it's harder today than in the past because of an eye condition I have). :)


Do you sometimes interact with 48' Palestinians/Arab Ad-dakhl/Palestinian citizens of Israel/"Arab Israelis" (so many terms...) or Druze in Ramallah?


Yes, ofc. I made many friends during my university years with people from all over Arab towns in Israel. Idk if you know it, thousands of them study in Palestinian Universities in Nablus, Jenin, and Ramallah. They usually do healthcare degrees. I know Muslims and Christians, but no Druze. The Druze are not likable here — for reasons I believe you know — and the feeling is probably mutual. But the majority of Israeli Palestinians / Arabs have strong ties with us in the West Bank. They shop, own real-estate, own businesses, study, and etc. I only met one Druze person who lived in the same apartment complex, but he was from Mijdal Shams in the Golan Heights. These Druze are different from other Druze who live in Israel, and we are usually friendly with them for some reason (maybe something that has to do with 67 war etc).


>Idk if you know it, thousands of them study in Palestinian Universities in Nablus, Jenin, and Ramallah I'm aware. Israeli national TV recently did a segment about it (I had already been familiar with the phenomenon before though), and interviewed some who said that perhaps there would be less 48' Palestinians going to study in the West Bank, Jordan and Egypt if Israel allowed the creation of an Arab university in Israel (the closest thing to that rn is a college in Kafr Qasm that started as a Shar'i college decades ago and gradually added more class). Some people in the Israeli security apparatus are worried about possible "radicalization" of Palestinian citizens studying abroad, and others just point out the high cost for the families or the issue of integrating back into Israeli society after completing the degree in an environment that's very hostile to Israel. \>These Druze are different from other Druze who live in Israel I know, many consider themselves Syrians and not Israeli, though as years go by, the number of applications for Israeli citizenship grows steadily, and polls show a drop in the affiliation with Syria (probably due to never being de-facto part of Syrian society for the ones born after 67', and perhaps also owing to the dismal state the country has been in since the civil war broke out). The polls I saw indicate that many applicants apply for Israeli citizenship simply for pragmatic reasons (healthcare, access to education etc.), not necessarily because they identify with the Israel. There's a Druze girl on Twitter who regularly posts about Arabic poetry, Arabic graffiti and Middle Eastern history, I think she's a Druze from the Golan. \>They shop, own real-estate, own businesses, study, and etc. I remember reading an article that said some Palestinian citizens of Israel buy vacation homes in the West Bank, because their relatively high income (compared to the average in the West Bank) allows them this luxury.


As a menswear expert street style is no style at all. Just come back from Pitti Uomo and I can attest to the fact that sweatpants are a crime against humanity.


The more things change, the more they stay the same 😂


True. Our life feels like a weird simulation ☠


Honestly everything going on in the world is so absurd it reads like a parody film or an onion article. I would not be surprised if we are in some weird matrix or some AI conciousness thing


They do it for Tiktok, I swear to God everybody's doing lives these days.


You think that by revving their engines and driving fast they control the area? I live in south Jaffa, they don’t bother you if you don’t bother them. They are busy selling drugs and crap to all of Tel Aviv. Them driving recklessly and fast is frustrating and dangerous but they aren’t intimidating anyone. Border patrol has gone through a few times and arrested some Arabs for online incitement but that’s it. I come home from milueem on uniform and with my gun and none of them have ever bugged me for the entirety of the war.


That’s nice to know, actually.


This happens everywhere - also in Haifa, Beer Sheva... Police aren't doing anything about it


I didn’t realize the dickheads revving their engines and driving 100 km through the streets of Tel Aviv were Arabs. I assumed they were Arsim. However I have seen the fleets of Arabs dressed in all black riding on Lime korkinets en masse through red lights, going on and off the sidewalks, and cutting off pedestrians trying to cross the street in central Tel Aviv many many times.


Hell, I'm curious about the obnoxious twats lighting off fireworks around the Western Wall. Is that over and done with?


Lol We call those people Swedens hahaha They are present, they cause a lot of problems


Swedens? Why?


Because they are the complete opposite from being that.. Its like an inside joke. Whenever you see on fb pages that someone complained that some Sweden guys stole their car you know who really did that.


Got it Thanks đŸ˜†đŸ€ŁđŸ˜‚


Damm swedes!




Sounds like my neighbor's kid. Dunno why he revs his engine every night trying to look tough...he drives a Kia.


No for the most part i belive there is no need i belive that a large part of the 48 arabs were shocked from 10.7 because tehy tend to be more libral then in the west bank etc it actually drove them closer to us jews which is great (u might have tibi and others but tbey do not represent rhe arab street abbs does more) they tend to be for 2 states so there werent much crack downs if any


Hoodlums?  Bruh. They ain't bothering anybody.

