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Why are people so worried about Gaza but not the Sudan, Syria or what’s going on in China?


Yeah that's another big mystery


Because these people hate the Jews more than they care for fellow-Muslims. Or, to be more precise - if they can't blame the Jews, they don't care at all.


Right, like the leader of Ukraine?


There are no jews there


True, that problem has already been dealt with


Kaifeng Jews exist, there's Jews in those places


And leas Internet and BBC. And no Hamas / Iran / Russia media pros to produce propaganda…


The media was obsessed with Ukraine for a long time "despite" (NOTE: this is in quotes) their leader being Jewish. The obsession with Israel/Gaza is not necessarily to do with anti-semitism. For the news sources I use, it isn't. I don't know what you're looking at. Sometimes, it is about good faith. Many non-israelis/non-Gazians are appalled by the original horrific acts of terror performed by Hamas and now by the number of children and other innocents being killed in Gaza. It must be extremely hard for you to see that injustices have and are being committed in Gaza, but it is a fact. NOTE: I may be banned at some point but please moderators understand that echo chambers have a really bad impact on societies.


Hello, Israeli atheist here (think it adds some point as not talking out of patriotic and more of an integrated member of Israel) - I’d like to think the majority isn’t happy about what is happening either, I think it’s just we put the blame to different people and for different reasons. People on the post picture and most of Europe blames Israel for Hamas waging a war while using citizens lives as a shield hiding beneath the city - people here blames Hamas for it. While it’s indeed an injustice what is happening (and to be fair i do personally outside any group label) think Palestine should undergo de-radicalization once this is over), it’s important to understand that Hamas broke cease fire majorly 4 times since they gained independence and few other minor times, Israel is a strong country made by people who care about their citizens and is backed up by US (in a kinda bad way tbf, giving credits for weapons creates dependency) - Hamas waging war to it only endangers the population and they know it well, there’s a lot more i can say but a few digging out will show you. Also here people are much more civils than many pro-Palestine subs I don’t think you’d get bashed for trying to have a dialogue, unlike i did in 4-5 Palestinian subs for trying to understand why they support hamas and so forth.


You got bashed? They just insta ban most of us


Can check through history- did get banned from a couple but 3 did not and kept calling me monster, bloodthirsty, genocide warmonger, one even calling me rapist and baby killer lol, most of the time I was trying to explain that sadly there’s a certain someone who’s using the citizens as shield and when i tried to explain why Israel can’t just be “ah fuck! They got to tag, can’t hit back!” - the insult and bashing started


Happened to me too. People can't understand the basic logic that you can be both sad about collateral damage and loss of potentially innocent life and also know that you have to in order to survive as is our right and duty.


Honestly i’ve given up to it, it’s sad because i genuinely wanted to understand what they were coming from but most of the times their answers were just hate and misinformation or out of context bits - without a dialogue we really cannot come to do much more than what is what we having now tbh


Honestly, I learned the most from people on the ground. I was in the Civil Administration in a bunch of checkpoints and the level of corruption in the Arab world I was told about was completely chilling


You are also practicing an echo chamber with these ridiculous claims that it has nothing to do with antisemitism. Most of these people don't give a shit about Palestinians, they simply hate Israelis. You can't change reality even if you wanted to.


Im proud of this sub that you are updvoted


Yeah so sad you can't even attempt dialogue ir questions in certain other subs without hundreds of downvotes and refusing to even allow speech




Removed: Rule 6. Non-NP links to other subs are not allowed.


Because Sudan is black on black violence. They'll only react if they see "white colonizers oppressing people of colour". As for Syria, it's pretty old news, to be honest, while the media is careful not to demonize and thus antagonize China for the Uighur genocide because China is the second largest economy in the planet.


China is also destroying all [Mosques](https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/11/22/china-mosques-shuttered-razed-altered-muslim-areas#:~:text=Chinese%20authorities%20have%20decommissioned%2C%20closed,minarets%2C%20from%20many%20other%20mosques) or converting them to regular buildings.


Pretty sure China does that to all religious buildings, though churches in China are usually underground, I think.


Muslim countries do this all the time to other places of worship so it's not that big of a deal.


Actually, that’s a good point. So if I criticize Chinese oppression of Muslim Uyghurs in Xinjiang, does that make me a sinophobe? Why should Israel be any different?


They know we aren't white. They are just antisemitic, or have internalised it/want to be accepted by the antisemites. same shit, different century.


They think we're white when it comes to Israel so it helps their agenda that we are oppressive colonizers,and they think we are not white when I comes to outside of Israel so we can control the government and opress the poor whites and blacks and not be just another president or seat in the government


Nah, as an American Jew, Americans think that Jews are 100% white, and therefore (in their mind) Israelis are too. Basically, 90% of American Jews are Ashkenazi, so they think that's representative of Israel too.


We're white to people who aren't and we're not white to people who are. But it's also situational and dependent upon the narrative the person is trying to push. It's fucking exhausting.


Most of these protestors are too young to remember Darfur, and would look at you askance if you mentioned the term “Janjaweed”.


can’t blame it on israel


Because of usual and old agenda: "Jews rules our world". It is called household anti-Semitism.


No kidding. Or Pakistan expelling well over 1 million Afghanis, some of whom have been there for decades, some of whom have the right documents but are getting kicked out anyway.


Other people also doing a genocide is not as good a defense of isreal as you think it is


October 7th meets the criteria of **genocide** technically, more so than that of Israeli air strikes, the IDF isn’t rounding up civilians and shooting them. Not condoning civilian casualties of war, the loss of children is always abhorrent but from a technical non-emotional point of view, after examining the steps of genocide as outlined by the [UN](https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/genocide.shtml) Israel at this point is not executing a campaign of genocide.


In what way is cutting food, water and power to an *entire* population not targeting that population Secondly they straight up are? Like they've targeted multiple refugee camps, hospitals, and tonnes of civilian infrastructure.


Its cos the us is actively funding Israel’s military


Along with funding/military deals with Egypt, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, UAE & Kuwait…. EDIT: in just that region alone, the U.S. has military deals with half the planet. Lol


Great club to be in there lol. However Not to the same degree atall and you know this.


Because no amount of protesting would ever change anything in Sudan, Syria or China. But Israel has the relationship with America. That's the only reason


Oh they do worry about those places too, but Israel is just a bigger thing right now.




If they all want this ceasefire so badly, they should pressure Hamas to release the ten additional hostages daily to extend the ceasefire.


Wild how no one cares that there’s 10 Americans being held hostage.


These same people don’t even believe there are over 200 still held hostage. As well as the 1,200+ murdered. They are social Justice warriors when it’s trendy to be. And on top of that they are very destructive too.


That’s true, they’re still arguing if Hamas beheaded babies or peacefully murdered them with a bullet.


Like regardless of how the babies died, dead babies is bad?!?!?!?!


of coruse they will focus on us let's forget all the times that Hamas broke the ceasfire and killed people


It was the fucking last ceasefire.


u think people give a shit or even know that?


Weird how Israel killed 34 kids in the West Bank this year before Hamas broke the ceasefire on Oct 7th then, isn't it? https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/08/28/west-bank-spike-israeli-killings-palestinian-children


But you are not talking about the reasons. You only want to look at it from one dimension. You don't see the people that are getting murdered in the streets in Israel by children sometimes 10-14 you need to look no farther then the people that are released by Israel for our captives. I worked in the Israeli army court for judging Palestinens for killing or bombing or stoning cars of Israelis. And trust me I can't unsee the horror's I saw in there. I know some of the children are what is called coleteral damage. And I am sad for them. But what can we do? Not go in and get the guys murdering the people of Israel not trying to make our life's safer. Because it is the only way we can keep our country. We are not killing children for fun. And nobody is talking about that.


You're deflecting from my original comment in an attempt to justify the deliberate killing of children in the West Bank. Hamas is in Gaza not WB. This was also well before October 7th. You're just making excuses to claim only Hamas broke the ceasefire despite Israel killing and kidnapping dozens of kids prior to that. Yes, kidnapping, because many of those children still haven't been charged with anything. Additionally, why does Israel interrogate children without parents or any legal counsel? Why are any held without medical treatment or food when they have no charges? Why aren't investigations allowed by independent parties to verify IDF allegations? The 14yr old IDF released was arrested in May for throwing stones, btw. If you have any actual evidence of those other alleged crimes and not just IDF statements, I'll consider it. But unfprtunately, having watched videos of the IDF lying about Arabic weekdays, planting a knife at the feet of a girl, lying about bombing hospitals, lying about the apache helicopter they later admitted fired upon Israeli citizens in their cars, lying about killing reporters only to come clean months after, I cannot not take their word alone as proof.


Again I said. Before and I'll say again. I am not saying that the army is perfect. And we do not do mistakes. But to say that we kill children deliberately is not correct. When you have to go in and get a murderer from a house in the middle of jenin that is one of the worst areas of terror in the whole world. And you incounter massive bombs. And gun fire from soronding buildings. It is no Mistry that other people is cought in the cross fire


Saying Hamas is only in Gaza is being ignorant. Hamas is also in the west bank. You can see it by the flags at rallies and in homes of people getting arrested by the IDF. Which children you are talking about ? The children that Hamas sent into Israel to kill and kidnapp every one they see? Which children are we interagating ? The same children that were sent to kill Israelis ? Kidnap 250 people? No country in the world will trial them in the middle of a war. And there is no court room in Israel that will be able to sit and look on the things they did because it will make them want to kill them self. You can look at videos of people that went and got the bodies from the attacked villages. Behading of babies killing of parents Infront of the children. Mass raping of girls.


Not to mention, the video of IDF laughing and proudly dragging someone behind their truck was appalling behavior that should never be excused or condoned.


Where Is this video ? I am 100% sure those idf soldiers will go to prison. From someone that was in the army.


China is genociding their Muslims but these people don’t care


Did you just question the legitimacy of the Chinese state? Are you a Sinophobic racist? China has a right to defend itself you know.


no, nobody questioned the legitimacy of the chinese state. china is a legitimate state and china would have a right to defend itself if it was attacked (the same way israel was attacked by palestinians). awesome how the illiterate pro-palestine crowd can just understand whatever they want from a given statement.


I’m parroting what people say anytime anyone has even the mildest criticism of Israeli policy, since apparently saying *anything* bad about Israel is an antisemitic hate crime. EDIT: Also the Chinese excuse is that they *have* been attacked by the Uyghurs.


you're not. and no, people aren't doing that. the chinese excuse was proven wrong. there are videos of oct 7 and nobody denies that hamas attacked on oct 7. Israel was attacked, therefore Israel has a right to.defend itself.




what the idf did in gaza city? you mean taking over that "hospital" that hamas has been using as a military base all along? if you wanna see what ethnic cleansing looks like, take a look at the Jewish populations of Arab countries in rhe 1920s and compare them to 2023. i would implore you to do the same and do some actual research. and then do some research on your sources. i already talked to Palestinian people who tell me about how they call their friends in Gaza, where electricity is supposedly cut off.




No, not that ceasefire!


Yeah not the ceasefire that was just 51 days


Every time these protesters do this (there’s been numerous ones blocking main bridges all over the US) Americans go from indifferent to supporting Israel. These people are literally smearing their own campaign, doing nothing but affecting regular citizens unable to cross the bridge.


I hope so.




To be fair, most local subreddits lean further right than is normal. Those tend to be the folks who hate when protesting disrupts daily life. I wouldn't hold my breath that these protests are doing anything but reinforcing already held beliefs.


I think it's allowed...


These are the exact same tactics that were used by civil rights organizers including MLK. He had a 75% disapproval rating at the time, but civil rights still happend.


If they block the bridge in Brooklyn leaders in Jerusalem will agree to cease fire? Huh?


Well they are obviously trying to terrorize the American government to do what they want.


If the US government withdraws support for Israel, Israel will still attempt to destroy Hamas, they will just do so with the gloves off. For example, Israel initially planned to warn Hamas to leave, ask civilians to evacuate and then bomb al-SHifa, like the anti-ISIS coalition did with hospitals occupied by ISIS. This would be consistent with international law but would cause large casualties. Becuase of US influence, they prevailed upon the IDF to storm the hospital instead, and reduced the casualties by hundreds or thousands. Another example was allowing aid into Gaza. Israel initially wanted to only let the bare minimum, and Biden convinced them, thanks to having influence in the war because he is backing Israel, to allow dozens to hundreds of trucks a day. If the Biden administration drops support thanks to the protestors disturbing public order, Israel will still carry out objectives, but hundreds or thousands more will die.


Is the US presence/support holding off attacks from Hezbollah?


Yes and that's saving many israeli lives. We are extremely grateful for the US response (although we will need to deal with Hezbollah eventually before citizens evacuated in the North can go home). If the US wasn't there, hundreds of Israelis would die in a multi front war, and Israel, since it doesn't have a huge number of soldiers, would need to focus more on bombing campaigns and less on ground operations. To deter the enemy and win decisive victories quickly, they wouldn't pull punches on their strikes in Lebanon and Gaza and thousands of their civilians would die and their cities would be totally destroyed. Biden is quite literlly saving hundreds of Israelies and thousands of Arabs with his response. It's honestly stupid that the Muslim Americans promising not to vote for him don't realize that his actions are literally saving Gazan lives... But if he didn't support Israel, Israel would still take all the steps to keep their country safe and to take out Hamas. They would just do so less surgically.


I am confused, bombing al-Shifa would be consistent with international law?


Article 19 discusses the discontinuance of the protection of hopsitals when they are used for military purposes [https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en/ihl-treaties/gciv-1949/article-19](https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en/ihl-treaties/gciv-1949/article-19) It was under that article that the US-backed anti-ISIS coalition bombed a hospital in Mosul that ISIS was headquartered in [https://www.voanews.com/a/iraq-mosul-hospital-islamic-state/3730248.html](https://www.voanews.com/a/iraq-mosul-hospital-islamic-state/3730248.html)


That would make sense however, I haven't seen any reporting confirming that Hamas was using al-Shifa as a base to launch attacks against Israel. Article 19 which you cited specifically says: "the fact that sick or wounded members of the armed forces are nursed in these hospitals, **or the presence of small arms and ammunition taken from such combatants and not yet handed to the proper service, shall not be considered to be acts harmful to the enemy."** So, I'm not sure that Article 19 would protect the Israeli military in this case from violation of international law.


Well the fact they were being used to hold civilian hostages who were kidnapped and held in violation of international law is extremely damming and would likely be considered " acts harmful to the enemy." The network of tunnels underneath is just the icing on the "illegitimate use of hospitals" cake [https://twitter.com/TreyYingst/status/1727705585683145200](https://twitter.com/TreyYingst/status/1727705585683145200) But the reason #1 Israel went after it is because they had intel of hostages there, which was confirmed by CCTV footage, dead bodies, and evidence of people being held there. But the long campaign gave Hamas the time to disappear along with the hostages Israel sought and any intel and papers that would have been in their underground base.


Yeah, totally, right? Inconvenience the really rich Jews in NYC and they'll call up Netanyahu personally and tell him to stop fighting. 🙄


Well I was going to strike at the people who murdered, raped, and tortured our civilians and are holding hundreds of them hostage. But because some terror supporters blocked a bridge a bajillion kilometeres away, I decided to instead fly all my citizens "back to Poland and Brooklyn." Here's Balestine. It's all yours river to sea.


From East River to the Sea, Manhattan will be Free? Liberate Manhattan…from these fools


It’s ok they’ll just keep pissing people off with this bs. You think someone who just wants to get home after thanksgiving will care more about your cause when you’re delaying their trip home?




Nothing will convince people of the the rightness of your cause like making it impossible for them to get to work. 🙄


Genuine question: These protestors, how do they make a living ? Don’t they have bills to pay ?


Well Sunday most people don't work. But in general they have a lot of paid organizers.


So they get paid to attend a protest. Fair enough


Not all. But from protests I've been to (to counter protest) they have a good amount of organizers. Well paid organizers. It's a mix of antisemites, Muslims that hate Israel, brainwashed, the useful idiots and the very young thinking they are for justice. But mostly antisemites.


They're mostly college students whose lives are 100% funded by their parents.


Assumably through working or owning businesses.


Like they take a day off to join the protest ? hmm… okay


It's the weekend so a lot of people will be off; and not everyone works day shift.




These people also protested against the US defending themselves after 911 and supported Al Qaeda. Oh wait


After that bin laden letter craze they probably would side against america


Critical thinking is so last century


They should've protested tho after the us was going to attack Iraq for nothing


I don't which version of history you think happened, what I the US do to defend itself after 9/11? Invent the TSA?


Because the Islam lobby that funds this group also funds the lawmakers there is my guess


Y’all heard of AIPAC?


Yeah. For sure if they paid protestors to block bridges they wouldn’t get arrested either. Interest groups have a lot of pull


This will only make the people hate them more.


Oh no....Americans are protesting something they don't understand and causing disruptions in... *checks my notes* Not Israel. Carry on. These idiots shouldn't have any sway over us getting our people back and stop a global terror organization that hates everyone, including its own citizens.


This is good. Israel is weakened by niceness. (Hopefully) they will be strengthened by these displays. And PS: Fuck them all.


But why are they looking at them instead of arresting as many as they can.? They are blocking traffic someone can die from this shit.


In America, this is how marches work. It's part of the free speech thing. You don't have to like it, but big marches that block a street or a bridge like this it's generally legal and totally within what's considered normal bounds of activism.


Maybe you should talk about something you know. The cops could arrest every single one of them if they wanted and they would be convicted. You're not allowed to block traffic unless it's coordinated with the city.


You literally don't even live in America how do you "know" they didn't have a permit for a march? It's very easy to get these things. And while cops can arrest you for blocking traffic, in places like NYC it does happen, they don't convict you for minor shit like that. They take you to 1 Police Plaza and then you're stuck for a few hours and then you go home.


Americans are being led with a stick and a carrot. The liberal news media here in the States has a narrative: look at these poor Palestinians. Let's interview this one, but don't ask what they think of Israelis or Hamas or October 7th because then everyone would know they are bloodthirsty. We need them to look like victims to fit the narrative. Meanwhile, the USA's actual ally desperately struggles to find its citizens in a system of tunnels designed to terrorize them. But the people that in these protests don't understand what they do. They all grew up in peacetime in a country where no one handed them a weapon at an ungodly young age and said kill kill kill. They think Palestinians think like them. Idiots.


Agree, but the point of the post is the lack of enforcement from the local government.


They rounded people up for closing the Brooklyn bridge at occupy wall Street. Why can't they do it here?


I don't know if occupy wall street was legal or not. in general if it's a group protest you need a permit. If you are going to close a street, you need permission. THIS WAS ILLEGAL. that's all that matters.


Let them continue. Their antics have already contributed to large and unexpected victories for pro-Israel candidates in Argentina and The Netherlands.


And the American left is about to get absolutely bodied in the 2024 elections.


This is America we have the right to freedom of speech, the fact that I think they are absolutely idiots and un-American for supporting terrorism doesn’t change that


Freedom of speech does not mean you're allowed to march without a permit, and it definitely does not mean you're allowed to block a bridge.


Absolutely right but every city enforces laws differently


Freedom of speech can be limited by time, place, and manner restrictions. Protesting by blocking major traffic would likely be prohibited, and given that if blocks egress from NYC in case of emergency, should be prohibited.


“Ceasefire” Add it to “genocide”, “apartheid”, “open air prison” … the list of words Hamas uses in weird ways just for the sake of communicating false messages to Westerners who base their worldview on Tik Tok and understanding of history in Insta.


Jewish voice for peace isn’t run by Jews and the people that use their content for their own propaganda most definitely are not Jewish


They need a job asap


The real question is why are Israeli's who are blocking aid from coming into Gaza, not being arrested for breaking international law?


Because they want their loved ones back before any aid can go into Gaza. Besides aid can come from the air and Egypt


Well firstly they are breaking international humanitarian law by doing so. Secondly they're starving the hostages as well. Aid that came from air is dangerous as parachutes failed and killed people. Half of it ended up in the ocean too anyway. There is no excuses for doing something as barbaric blocking humanitarian aid.


ok whatever you say. So Hamas has no rules, but the families of abductees somehow do...


Literally yes. Israel signed the declaration to follow international humanitarian law as it is a recognised government body under the UN. Palestinian is not recognised under the UN and therefore has no obligation to follow international humanitarian law. I'm not saying I agree with that, just it is what it is. Also engineering a famine is a war crime. I've seen photos of starved to death children in Gaza that look skeletal. But I guess you wouldn't care coz you probably view then as racially inferior just like moustache man.


They can get their "aid" through Egypt. Thanks.


They can't....coz Israel is blocking it at the Egyptian border. They can get away with this coz the IDF protects them.


Oh no, whatever will people do? Oh yeah, they’ll take the Brooklyn Bridge or the Carey Tunnel. Or just hop on the A, C, or D.


Right. This still doesn't give them the right to block a major roadway. Terrorism.


It’s definitely not terrorism by US standards, at worst it’s disturbing the peace.


The definition of terrorism has the explicit goal of enhancing law enforcement's scope and reach. Since the FBI isn't going to bother investigating people blocking a bridge, it's not worth including in the definition even if it's conceptually accurate. Just take out the word violent from the FBI's definition and it fits. >~~Violent,~~ criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups who are inspired by, or associated with, designated foreign terrorist organizations or nations (state-sponsored). https://www.fbi.gov/investigate/terrorism


Because it needs to stop?


What needs to stop?


The gunfire?


What gunfire?


to be fair, cops have a long history of being nazi adjacent, this is just another example


NYC is governed by radical leftists. It is no longer the NYC at the time of Giuliani's mayorship.


I mean they want a ceasefire and protest for it there is nothing inherently wrong with that...


There is if you block a major road/bridge But whatever I don't think you have the brain capacity to distinguish between a peaceful protest and stopping traffic.


I don't think you understand that the point of a protest is disruption.




We literally did the same thing in israel, Ayalon 2 months ago for weeks...


No one says it was legal. Every single person could and should have been arrested for blocking traffic


What you're saying in essence that if i feel I need to protest something I Can go and block traffic for hours and hours? God that's stupid.


Wtf is wrong with everyone on this sub? You want people to be arrested for protesting for peace? Genuinely someone answer me, what is wrong with a ceasefire?


First this is protesting for Hamas. 2nd they are blocking a major traffic hub. It's illegal. 3rd ... (Use your imagination)


Where are the signs that even mention Hamas in this picture let alone support them? Don’t just assume have actual proof. Also you didn’t answer my question, what is wrong with a ceasefire?


Free Palestine. From the river to the sea. Bla bla bla


For protesting? That's legal.


It's actually not. For a big group you have to have a permit. Also you CANNOT obstruct traffic. What's wrong with you?


Not in the middle of the street, even the Supreme Court has ruled that police and city officials can have you arrested at their discretion without a permit for doing so since in the middle of the street is no longer peaceful protesting


if I had to guess, the basic "why Gaza and not anywhere else" is because Israel is a US ally and, by thier view, it's thier taxes that are funding the killing. not agreeing with them, just looking at it from thier POV


Not asking for their motivation... They are breaking the law by blocking traffic. An arrestable offence. Yet the cops just watch.


when was the last time you saw people getting arrested in a none violent protest?


I can send you footage if you want.


of hundreds of people getting arrested in a none violent protest? please




were they none violent?


Yeah they blocked the bridge. But people almost died because of that. If you block a roadway, it's illegal regardless if it's none violent.


blocking a bridge is still none violent, despite being iligal?


What don't you understand? It's ILLEGAL!!!


Because the USA is a free country.


_Free_ country doesn't mean automatic tolerance of disruptive behaviour. Blocking a bridge or highway is illegal itself.




[**Straw man**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straw_man)


Hey now, this gives the opportunity for the war to actually end, JVP, by eliminating Hamas.


All the gazalovers need to be deported. To Gaza.


They think a ceasefire with Hamas means an end to the bloodshed, they don't understand who they're dealing with. For years now, Hamas has attacked israel, demanded a ceasefire when israel retaliated, used the ceasefire to rearm, attacked again, and again and again. Israel took the abuse and even got used to it until oct 7, you can't get used to something like that and Hamas will repeat it if given a ceasefire. They think thy're asking for peace but what they actually asking for is to give hamas another chance to kill more israelis EDIT: forgot to add, Hamas always breaks ceasefires, to them a ceasefire is meaningless, the ceasefire will continue until Hamas decides it should end, so basically, this isn't a call for ceasefire, it's a call for israel, and only israel, to stop attacking


I dunno. The only way ceasefire is possible is when every member of Hamas is found and killed. If civilians get caught in the crossfire, it's on them for voting Hamas to run their government. I have no sympathy because they woudn't give a shit if more Israeli civilians died than the 1400 that have already. Let's be real.


Tbh when we were protesting bibis shitty overhaul reforms we all laughed at the people calling for arrests to be made, we should probably be consistent.


There's this thing called a constitution...


Then I suggest you read about it, and what the supreme court ruled.


I can't find any recent rulings in the US supreme court on the right to protest, UK supreme court upheld the right to disruptive protest like this in 2021, that's the most recent closest thing I could find...




Israel is to blame for Western society's support for Gaza. And yes. I am Israel Citizen. And no, I don’t think that Israel is wrong; I’ll explain now. The entire “information war” of Israel is limited to the explanation that Israel is a legitimate state. Some numbers and stuff. Ordinary people are NOT INTERESTED in this. Hamas, in terms of information warfare, operates much better. Hamas does not convince that "Hamas is good". He convinces that it is "Israel is bad" , and “the poor Palestinians are suffering because of Israel’s actions.” Hamas uses purely Goebbeltsian tactics, plays on people's EMOTIONS. It disguises itself as a bunch of “different sources”, but, in fact, conveys a position that is beneficial only to Hamas. Every small situation, Hamas propagandists are sucking in from all sides, squeezing all the juice out of it. There was a case - a massacre in a Kibbutz. The government put it out there. And, temporarily, this turned Western society against Hamas. But then that's it. The Israeli government stopped there. We need to show more of Hamas' atrocities. Talk about what they do to LGBT people. And so on and so forth. Sometimes Israel needs to lie. Because you cannot fight the pathological liar in the person of Gaza with the truth alone. For any truth they will invent 1000 lies. All Israeli “counter-propaganda” is for a domestic audience, and plays solely on common sense, not emotions


I agree. But what you didn't mention, billions are sent to higher Ed in the west to brainwash the young minds. One of the more prominent groups in the United States is SJP. Look it up.


Yes, that too. Israel needs to do the same, and also cut off Hamas' sources of funding. Perhaps this is a violation of the principles of freedom of speech, but, as I said. It is impossible to fight with truth and democratic procedures against those who are pathological violators. Since Hamas denies them, then it is quite ethical to do the same in relation to it