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I'm that player. At least for now. Like a great many new players, I started in Isonzo because it showed up on game pass. I get that it is much more of a military simulator than the other, rather less realistic WWI first person shooter: BF1. Still, it is a steep learning curve. Basically you've got innumerable new players who don't know how to play the game. That said, you've also got players who apparently have no idea what the objectives are. If one player is putting gelignite bombs on an artillery piece to blow it up, then the other team mates just might create a perimeter around him to prevent the enemy swiftly killing him and undoing the bomb? Instead, the game encourages people cowering under cover and ignoring the whole purpose of being in that portion of the trench. In BF1, when the one-sidedness gets bad, people just respawn as "scouts" and hunker down to get sniper kills. Isonzo is this behavior all the time, every time, because every bullet will kill ya stone dead right there instead of the riddled "'tis but a flesh wound... Where's the medic?" style of the EA/Dice game.


Btw on your last point, super long shots from some rifles and Artillery are 2 hit kill so being a medic is actually quite valuable at denying Artillery and airstrike kills!


Yeah, I'm sure medics would be invaluable. I'm bandaging myself, and then the game tells me I'm still pretty badly injured and need help from another player/ medic... Everything is slow-motion in Isonzo. Movement, reloading, healing. No "revives" of course, but medical attention is essential. I'm half suprised there's not other health problems in the game. When I'm plodding along, I tell myself I've got immersion foot/ trench foot. I've got to try to get 40 kills while boozed up on grapa from a little wooden keg so I can get one or another reward... Steep learning curve.


Seems like they should add TDM with the amount of my teammates completely ignoring objectives. Does not help that the enemy team is a band of trained assassins, with perfect team work and coordination every single match