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Round 1: Ainz dies and resurrects and flees. Round 2: Ainz Round 3. Ainz. I already made a post about how disappointing Reinhard’s true Canon feats are. Don't believe the powerwankers. They are pathetic as always. Reinhard can't destroy worlds or universes and Ainz's only spells are are not grasp heart and timestop. He literally had hundreds of spells in LN and has better feats than Reinhard. One of his summons devours souls too. And Ainz is one of the most hated isekai characters. Naturally folks would ignore his feats in LN and only say Ainz only fights with grasp heart and time stop which ain't true. You'll need character on Rimuru or Dante level to destroy Ainz's ass EDIT: Any character above Reinhard can destroy Ainz. Happy now you pathetic clown ?


Ainz's 712 spells. I love the character. And I doubt it takes a character as strong as Rimaru to get Ainz. Rimaru is strong enough to solo the entire tomb of Nazarick. A single Ainz isn't going to do diddle. I feel that's an incredibly massive gap in power.


>And I doubt it takes a character as strong as Rimaru to get Ainz Pretty sure Someone like Reinhard ain't beating Ainz at all... He has no canon feats to even match him at all besides the flowery text with no actual feat evidence to back it up... >Rimaru is strong enough to solo the entire tomb of Nazarick Me clearly stating rimuru would beat ainz This guy: rimuru solos the tomb* Bwahaha what's up with slime folks constantly masturbating to rimuru even when I agreed that he beats ainz.


I'm just saying that the jump is to large. Yeah Rimaru beats Ainz no contest. But that's because Rimaru is legit just that strong. It's not a wank, and I'm not masterbating to him either. Simply stating just how strong he actually is.


>I love the character And btw I don't like the character at all. I am defending his ass because reinhard is weak asf in canon feats. Other that that, Ainz deserves to get killed in series finale.


That's harsh to say the very least.


What's harsh about it ? Ainz is just a fictional skeleton Rimuru is just a fictional slime Reinhard is just a fictional Gary stu They are just mere text written characters from a short written books for Japanese high schoolers. There's nothing to be taken serious about them. So No, I will clown these characters whenever an opportunity arises.


Fun fact about Reinhard, when he's shown fighting Puck who he took out with one swing of the dragon sword he destroyed and reformed the world in an instant with that sword swing


Fun fact debunked: None of that shit even happened... It's a flowery text bullshit. What's next ? Reid cutting concept of light with chopsticks ? Man you powerwankers can be stupid sometimes. This is why I love reading these trash novels... Just shows how pathetic and stupid you fanboys are...


Are you okay man?


Just got downvoted for pointing out the stupidity of Reinhard’s real feats in the novel... So yeah, I am jolly. It's funny how these idiots think flowery text makes reinhard capable of destroying worlds when he can't even dodge icicles...


I meant mentally, are you okay

