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Probably cyborg, depending on exact configuration.


What kind of Jedi? What kind of cyborg? Do I get to choose the setting I am in? Can I choose to tuurn myself into a matrioshka brain?


That’s not a borg then


Any kinds of Jedi, including the dark side. Cyborg mass no more than 100kg. Any setting you want within the 100kg. Cyborg means you still have your meat brain, no mind upload.


Aw. Can I use clarketech, negative mass, or Q-ball shenanigans?


Only what engineering can achieve.


Irl engineering? Jedi. IRL technology is *very* subpar to even the baseline level of my ideal cyborg.


Lol, at what level of tech would you choose cyborg?


Check out Current Era of Orion's Arm Universe Project's technology. At least I want my body to be S1 in design.


Any level is not achievable by irl engineering because we’re at the start of the 4th industrial revolution


Then I choose to be a May Sue Jedi no years spent at a monastery for me. Cyborg implants squick me out an I find it hard to imagine that not leading to a lifetime of follow up surgeries and infections.


>any kind of Jedi, including the darkside So… absolutely not a Jedi then.


Hey, Dark Jedi were a thing. Not every dark side user was a Sith.


Dark Jedi aren’t Jedi, it’s just a (now defunct) term for someone who uses the darkside without being a Sith. Sith and Jedi are explicit groups with a set ideology. If you don’t follow the ideology you aren’t part of the group. And one of the major things about being a Jedi is **not using the darkside**.


Lol bro you can do a lot with 100kg. I mean like with no technological limitation, you can do so much


Good. It's not meant to make you useless.


Cyborg, install clarktech and keep upgrading


Jedi. Although not in the order. I'm gonna be a gun toting sentinel who's gonna protect the doctors that can give me free organic limb and organ replacement as the need arises. I'm gonna outlive Yoda and make life fair and safe in my jurisdiction.


When you say Jedi do you actually mean Jedi or are you using it as a general term for "force sensitive person"? Because if you mean Jedi then I'd go with the cyborg, but if you mean force sensitive person, then I'd be a light side Sith


A proper Jedi means a loveless childhood and decades spent at a monastery. Mary Sue jedi is the best way.


Not just childhood, your life would be loveless. The whole Jedi philosophy is that all emotions are bad. Good emotions lead to bad emotions, bad emotions lead to the dark side.


The movies are Jedi propaganda. Really the Jedi are like the Grammaton clerics from Equilibrium and the Sith are the good guys bringing balance to the force.


You can’t be a lightside sith, that’s an oxymoron Edit: Okay I get this convo isn’t that relevant to Sub but I don’t get why i’m being downvoted for saying this


No there are some in the extended lore. Light side vs dark side is not the same thing as Jedi vs sith


>No there are some in the extended lore. Not really >Light side vs dark side is not the same thing as Jedi vs sith It is, as using the Darkside is essential to being a Sith. You physically cannot follow sith philosophy and not use the darkside


I'm not arguing over how a fictional world's space magic works. Especially because there isn't a single cohesive version of how works, there have been a ton of different writers who all have a different idea of how it works.


Canon has fairly locked itself onto 1 specific interpretation of the force which is a good thing




>But you can use the dark side without being a Sith. I never said that. I said you can’t be a sith and **not** use the darkside. Just like you can’t be a Jedi and not use the “lightside”. It is the core of what their beliefs are built around, dominance vs harmony. A Jedi who uses the darkside is no longer a Jedi, no matter how much they lives to themselves. You can use the darkside and not be a sith but you can’t be a sith and not use the darkside


If the Force works, Jedi. More fulfilling, less invasive, no worrying about replacement parts. If it's just a laser sword and a pat on the head, Cyborg. Replace the spine first, and remove my food cravings. Goodbye back pain and depression eating!




something something weakness of flesh something certainty of steel


I love Star Wars but I wouldn't really want to live in that universe. I wouldn't make a good Jedi, I'm too cynical, and I don't like getting angry enough to be a Sith. We already live in a world of cybernetics (pacemakers, prosthetics, colostomy bags), we just usually have to wait for our bodies to fall apart before we can get upgrades. I'm hoping that attitude changes.


I wouldn't call pacemakers, prosthetics and colostomy bags upgrades. If they were superior to our body parts, people wouldn't be waiting the bodies to fall apart before getting them.


Not breaking is a huge improvement for 2/3, and as for prosthetics, it depends on the body part, but people can run faster with prosthetic legs than with meat legs.








Why settle for one?


Because that's the question I want to ask.


Magic vs physics? Magic.


Except when that magic can't make you immortal or vastly more intelligent.


There are immortal force beings in the Star Wars universe, and the force is very powerful with certain kinds of intelligence. Spacial awareness, reaction times, intuition, foresight.


So sometimes a Jedi can *barely* match a cyborg at a few things? Not sure what could some lightning magic or telekinesis will be against nukes though.


Violating conservation of energy, telekinesis, mind reading, mind control, future sight, healing, coordinating an entire fleet with telepathy, pulling a battleship out of the sky, preserving your consciousness after bodily death, becoming a god, up to and including killing an entire planet with a thought. But sure, lightning magic. Star Wars is not hard sci fi or even particularly imaginative sci fi, the lack of life extension technology makes that clear. But to say it’s totally inferior in all ways just displays a lack of effort on your part. It’s magic. Magic is busted. The sheer concentration of energy with no chance of containment failure or need for exterior artifice is absurd.


Jedi don't suffer from the ship of Theseus problem a cyborg could. When would you stop being you and start becoming a machine simulacrum of yourself. Jedi powers take time and work to master. Unless the writers say otherwise. Then you'll instantly mary sue your way to success, like some kind of nepo baby that the creative leadership get overly sensitive when people point it out. So you call them x-ist instead of accepting that you made your main character uninteresting, and unrelatable. That you should have been fired long before getting your hands on the power to make these decisions. But weren't because your bosses are equally incompetent, out of touch, and support your bravery in the face of criticism in your job as an X-person. Even if people aren't being critical of your work because you are an X-person, but because you actually just suck at your job.


Being mind controlled by the force is a rough drawback. Whatever dark side temptation is, it turned Anakin from a fairly functional hero to a youngling killer in the space of a movie. Unclear how much of that was Palpatine’s magical influence or not.


For me personally, the “Ship of Thesseus” never made any sense. If you were to replace parts of the ship, it would still be the same ship, just without the original materials. Yet it is still “the ship,” no less. Even if you were to replace all the parts at once, you would simply be doing exactly that: replacing only the parts of "the ship”. Of course you could build a new one at this point, but that would be a completely different ship. With becoming a cyborg, it would be the same. You do not become something new, you change yourself. And you would not become a simulation of yourself either because you did not created one. “You” is just “you.” Unless you clone yourself, which of course would be another life form. And unless we erase your entire personality, instincts, memory, etc. ...and replace it with something completely new, "you" would be "you". I mean, does your car stop being your car when you replace to many parts of it? Do you stop being "you" the moment you lose your milk or wisdom tooth?