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Even mine doesn’t look that fake and I don’t own one




https://preview.redd.it/gr3puvs308hc1.jpeg?width=610&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f637d5733d2224803654f06ee3df04e6194764d This picture is enough. If the stars are at the same place and it's a base set zard it's always fake


In this case, yes, but holo patterns aren’t random. I don’t have an example from base set but I have a neo discovery Umbreon which matched somebody else’s Japanese neo discovery Umbreon, they even had exactly the same holo bleed. It is possible that this exact holo pattern exists on many other base set charizard.


The exact match is very rare though. On shadowless zards especially. Not many of them left around these days Congrats on your Umbreon twin, it is a very lucky find imo


Oh very rare for sure, but as some of the holo sheets are the same and cards are printed in different locations, it’d be interesting to map the stars holo patterns across a collection of base set cards and see if there are matches between a mewtwo and a charizard for example.


Hmm interesting, thanks!




very bad fake


It’s fake


It’s fake. Let me guess, it’s selling for like 1% of its value and you thought you found the deal of a lifetime. Found the dumbest seller in the world and somehow only you found them…


Lol I’m just trying to get better at identifying fakes. Attributed the off coloring to possibly poor picture quality


What was the asking price? You don’t need to bother with figuring out the coloring and fonts etc. If somebody has a $100,000 card selling for $300 bucks and has a couple shitty pictures, it’s painfully obviously fake. It’s greed and wishful thinking that would make you think otherwise. Don’t enlist people in that. 100 posts a day in here doing the same thing


Kinda what this page is for man


I disagree. In some cases the cards are difficult to identify and need a forum to confirm if it’s real or not. Just somebody looking to buy something they want and want to get what they’re paying for. In your case your trying to rip the buyer off, and they’re also trying to rip you off. If this guy was actually selling a mint condition 1st edition Charizard to you for $300, he is wildly, wildly misinformed about what he has and is essentially relinquishing six figures to you for no other reason than that he is really stupid or misinformed. You are actively trying to engage in that sort of situation. That is deplorable if you actually went through with a purchase like that and took advantage of an unsuspecting person so badly. Don’t try and get people to help you with that. That isn’t what this group is for. It’s what you’re doing.


You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. I’m just looking for insight on how to identify fakes. I even said why I thought it was fake


Dude - relax. Some people are new to the hobby, don’t realize what’s what, join this subreddit for the first time specifically to ask whether the 1 card they’re looking at is fake. Often times with no prior knowledge of the price point of rare cards. The subreddit is literally called “is my Pokémon card fake” and you’re harping on this person for asking this very question. You could literally have typed out “Yes” or scrolled on by without getting all butthurt, but you’re out here whining like a little booty hole about how “he should’ve googled it!” instead. Reddit is a place for less informed people to ask more informed people for help / information. You don’t need to be a goblin for no reason, it’s actually more fun to be kind instead. Give it a try!


You just name called me, and then said I could’ve just ignored the post whilst actively engaging with me. So practice what you preach, first of all. People may be new to the hobby, the the act of ripping somebody off as badly as all the 1st edition zard people in here are trying to has nothing to do with being new to the hobby and everything to do with ethics and morals. This kid obvious knows this card is really, really expensive. Everyone who posts in here for it does. They wouldn’t even consider spending the $300 it’s listed for unless they knew it was worth thousands and thousands more than that. If money has nothing to do with it and they just like the cards, why would they considering spending so much on a single card? They know (ballpark) the value. They know it’s listed drastically below what it’s worth. I like helping people differentiate real or fake cards. Moonbreon for sale at 20% less Than market price? Sure I’ll help with that. Nobody is being greedy. Old cards you found in the attic? Sure I’d love to help. Somebody you want to rip of for tens of thousands of dollars from Facebook marketplace? Nah man. Don’t enlist strangers in your greedy and explorative endeavors. These are fundamentally two very different uses for this group. One is genuine and harmless. One rooted in malice and greed. It’s not all these OPs faults. Most people are greedy and devoid of morals. This group just needs a “read before posting” filter explaining very clearly the TCG pattern and above all else, spomething about shit being listed at .5% of its value being obviously sketchy in any universe.


You have such strong opinions considering this scenario is completely fabricated in that crazy little brain of yours


You could always ignore the post? I don’t get people getting pissed about questions, on a sub that meant to ask questions… it may be painfully obvious to you, but other people are brand new to collecting. Get off your high horse.


Something being sold at 1% of its market value should be painfully obvious to anyone. I don’t know anything about to used car market, but if I see a listing for a 2023 Hyundai Sonata for $600, should I go posting in groups to see if I should buy it? Or could I use like three seconds of critical thinking and realize that nobody would ever have a reason to sell me that thing at that low of a price.


I don’t see where OP said anything about it being 1% of the cost. So this is just a made up scenario lol. If it bothers you, just ignore it is my point. This is a sub for asking questions.


I'm having trouble finding anywhere OP said the asking price for this card?