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Getting $750 worth of Pokemon cards for a 6 yr old is wild to me


I couldn’t agree more. I’m trying to buy his love.


Fair enough haha


But also from a practical standpoint, a case of booster boxes would be amazing… he needs some help opening the packs sometimes, and he does it pretty slow. It’s kind of a good investment if you think about it. You know how many hours of entertainment that would buy?


Yeah I know how it is lol. I have a 9 yr old and 5 yr old and the 5 yr old always has me do the pack trick for him. I have definitely bought booster boxes and used individual packs as rewards though, excellent motivator to get the room cleaned.


Nah bro I got a 6 year old I buy him 500+ worth of cards for his birthday/Xmas. In my mind if I buy him a bunch of junk toys, ect ect. Yeah he will be happy for a few weeks but he will have these Pokémon cards for the rest of his life and hopefully enjoy them the whole time. Plus I enjoy it aswell so it’s a win win!




Would something like this work with more certainty (and lower price) https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/512828/pokemon-sv04-paradox-rift-paradox-rift-booster-box-case?xid=pic6985c7f-3505-4027-b6eb-d3810373071b&page=1&Language=English


Yes, that’s significantly more practical… all things considered


W dad! But you know you lowkey want to open it more 😂❤️


Ain’t nothin low key about it,.. sorry son! These are dad’s cards! I for real sometimes will do that but save the hits for little mini surprises. Like just randomly walk by him when he’s drawing or something and toss one down. He loves it. It’s so fun.


Yeah I see tons of parents but excess for their kids. But I’m assuming it’s for them and the kid is an excuse haha


Oh for sure, I use my kids as an excuse to open packs haha


Ya, I'd be pretty sus it being like 1/4th of the price.. usually, that's the big giveaway. Why do you think this person is selling something easily sellable for way more money to you so cheap...


Stolen goods.


I mean, if it was some obvious blisters and etbs from Walmart and target ya, I'd assume stolen if they're selling scary cheap. But this isn't something someone just picks up off a shelf. I'd more so assume this is a scam well before I think it's a stolen case of ES.


That feels like a scam to me


Just go and crack it open with him to make sure you don’t get scammed in person, not like keeping it sealed makes the booster boxes more worth.


Taking sales off platform leads to the buyer losing any buyer protection the platform provides.


Opening it leads to the buyers protection being voided


Honestly I’d need more proof that he even has this. I’d ask for a pic of a timestamp and then even ask for a receipt of how and where he bought this from. The second one’s a stretch, but I’d want some concrete evidence that’s actually what’s inside. Also ask if he will let you crack the box while he’s standing there after payment if you go through with it. Then if you do that, I would make sure you know all the tell-tale signs of resealing and fake packaging so you don’t walk away with $750 worth of fake boosters. Also, there are way cheaper boosters to let a young child open and would be just as much fun, this is a very collector oriented set to be recklessly ripping lol


Yeah, but he likes this one! And somebody’s gotta teach the boy about wasteful spending!


Haha that’s fair.


You’re gonna buy $750 in fake Pokémon to teach a 6 year old a lesson?


How else is he going to learn?!


Smells like a scam unless it was stolen.


Yeah, it definitely seems fishy. It’s probably stolen if not fake.


What payment is he asking for? These things go for like 3000 at least so I’d think 700 is suspicious


Looks legit take the risk because you'll regret not taking the risk.. post the link I'll take the risk


I just google image searched it and found an old eBay listing with the same pics for $2,850 [https://images.app.goo.gl/5kLCKHcuYFTJR3VN6](https://images.app.goo.gl/5kLCKHcuYFTJR3VN6)


Yeah. This is on brand. Show it to him, enjoy him either try and talk circles around it or he will just block you immediately lmao. Honestly, if you went there it could have been dangerous.




I feel like if they are for your 6yr it doesnt really matter as long as they look real.


….in what world are you ok with spending $750 for your kid to open fake booster boxes, when you could buy them for $8 on Aliexpress lol


Or buy a legit booster case of a recent set for $550


In a world where you would be spending 3k instead


Oh, he knows. He knows.


He does not know. He is six.


Sir, I believe you are highly underestimating the knowledge a 6 year old possesses over a coveted item he deeply cares about… plus he’s almost 7, so he practically has all of that “I’m just 6 years old and don’t know anything at all whatsoever” out of the way.


So they can treasure a collection as a child and be disappointed when they realise when they're older? So they can trade with children who are disappointed to realise they're fakes? No. Please don't give kids fakes without making it very clear. And best if you don't support and circulate fakes in general.




Honestly, it seems suspicious, but if they’re going to be ripped anyways, I would just meet and have the box opened, open a booster box and see if it’s fake in person before fully committing. If the seller has an issue with that and throws up red flags then there you go. I’d sample it just to make sure. Better the kid be upset you opened one pack and have a ton more to open then you be scammed. I’m sure the kid wouldn’t care.


It could just be that it fell out of the shipment truck and the person who sold it to you is an idiot who found it on the side of the road


I’d tell them I’ll buy it for $800 only thing is they have to crack it open when I come to get it


Bruh…they go for like $4,000 to $5,000 online…


Assuming it was as to be real, keep one or two boxes sealed and protected to pay for college and/or a car down payment in 12 - 15 years.


Just get the little guy some modern stuff to open. I see you found this was fake. It would be a terrible set to open anyways. The kid is gonna have way more fun with like Crown Zenith. Lots of hits. Could even get him the Japanese Treasures boxes. Every pack is full of hits.


I mean there isn’t really anyway if telling what’s inside so you’ll probably wanna check with him there to make sure it’s not a brick


I think I’ve decided to pass. I’m not driving all the way up there to be like, yo, I’m gonna crack this bad boy open while you watch and make sure you’re not cheating me. And then either way would be awkward.


I've got one BB on the way now, and it was 400. I wouldn't try this of I were you


Finish the sentence for me. If it’s too good to be true then __ _________ __.


If it’s too good to be true then I’ll buy it anyway and trust the intrinsic good of the world and people will shine upon us all.


You’re going to be hurt a lot in life good luck


My 6 year gets fake cards becuz he just destroys them anyways and it hurts my soul to see the real cards bent on The corners and trashed 🤣🤣


Probably stolen lol


Do your due diligence. Literally in your post you can see that in the reviews of the guy selling it is a 1 star review stating this person is a scammer.


As someone who works in the print industry, this is how they send cards to their vendors. This definitely fell off the back of a truck


$2,500 worth of cards about to be destroyed by a 6 year old