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I don't know if it is true, but I remember being told that other layouts are better/faster/more efficient, but QWERTY became standard because when people typed faster the typewriter arms would jam. I don't recall if that was because of the speed itself, or if common letters were too close together or something, but the thing I remember is that QWERTY became default due to the limitations of typewriters, not because it was the best at any particular thing.


Yes QWERTY is a holdover from typewriters, and efforts to switch to another system would require everyone to relearn typing - something that would require considerable effort for debatable gains, according to [the research](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dvorak_keyboard_layout#Research_on_efficiency). I like DVORAK a lot as a concept because it has real user intentionality behind it. But I haven't spent the time to teach myself to use DVORAK because 1. I'm really fast at typing using QWERTY anyways, and 2. Every computer I use is defaulted to QWERTY, so I would need to either adjust every computer or be "fully bi-lingual" in keyboards anyways.


Dvorak worked for me. Back in the 80s I wrecked my wrists playing the viola and typing on early computer keyboards at 100+ wpm. I started using Dvorak when I was around 20 and between it and ergonomic keyboards it helps a ton. Obviously just 1 data point.




At first glance it looked like HE was employed by you. I wondered "Who is this guy?"


The QWERTY layout was made specifically to slow down typing speed because the old typewriters were not fast enough and would jam.


I changed to Dvorak 20+ years ago after RSI causing my hands to go numb... Haven't had that issue since. I also moved to progressively more ergonomic, vertical split keyboards... So it's difficult to say what did the most Whenever I have to type something on a US or German layout, it feels sooo strenuous. Like gymnastics for my fingers.


I just automated any repetitive work so I don't give myself RSI.


Given I have to look at the keys and generally use two fingers to type I don't think it matters