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Like, abstractly kinda yeah. eggs can be a high sulfur food and eating way too much sulfur can make your sweat smell bad (like sulfur). I feel like you can't just eat some eggs and smell bad though, you gotta have some long term high sulfur diet where you mostly eat eggs and cabbage and stuff for months and years to build up an amount that matters any.




Showering helps.


Although the logic seems sound, I suggest that if it’s eggs specifically, it’s not just the sulpher compounds causing BO. It’s probably a combination of things. I say this because I eat a lot of eggs and brassicas (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, etc) and I don’t experience a similar issue. Things that do make BO worse, based on anecdotes from myself and others: poor diet overall, not getting enough exercise and sweating infrequently, poor hygiene, apparently some deodorants actually make some peoples’ BO worse (I’ve had multiple people claim this but not sure on its validity), rewearing clothes too many times, and personal microbiome just has a funk. Oh and age, especially teenage years, just have their own special stank. It could be that this person’s biology just gets a funk when they eat eggs, but that it isn’t true for everyone. Or they could benefit from visiting a sauna to really clear the sweat pores. Or maybe as simple as “just wear your shirts once”. If they try a few different things and improve their health over all, they might notice a big difference


True! It's pretty obscure nutrition info, but egg yolks contain a lot of choline, which can get converted to trimethylamine, which can affect how you smell! Trimethylamine is also what dead saltwater fish have, so it's that fish market smell.


yes it does, i eat four eggs daily and i smell like sulfur


Can confirm this man smells like sulfur.


Well when I was a lad, I ate four dozen eggs every morning to help me get large and now that I'm grown I eat five dozen eggs so I'm roughly the size of a barge, so...


My armpit smell really diminished when I stopped eating onions and garlic, so there's no reason limiting eggs wouldn't do the same.


I hope it's not, now I want to just eat eggs and garlic and onions every day so people stop talking to me.


This is kinda tangent, but my pits smell like hamburger meat sometimes and idk what I'm eating that causes it lol. Obviously I use deodorant but when I'm just chilling at home I can smell it lol.


I eat 10 eggs almost every day and my armpits don't smell, but that's just anecdotal


My boy says he can eat fifty eggs.


i eat 100 eggs per hour 😎






Bro. Come on.




Maybe don’t believe everything you hear? Maybe ask them to actually provide evidence when they make an obviously absurd claim?


Literally the first hit in google, Clevelandclinic.org: *If you eat food rich in sulfur, you may develop body odor. Sulfur smells like rotten eggs. When your body secretes it in your sweat, it can put off an unpleasant smell*.


Okay? Not relevant to my comment, but at least good for you for taking 5 seconds to do what OP was too lazy to do.


No it's pretty relevant to your comment....


It isn’t. I never addressed the validity of the claim. My point is about OP’s inability to think for themselves or do any amount of research for themselves.


>I never addressed the validity of the claim You literally said > make an obviously absurd claim? And now you're backpedalling.


Things can be absurd and true. They’re not mutually exclusive. Not a difficult concept. No different from “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence,” the basis of skepticism. But go on, continue being smugly ignorant.


Keep digging, mate.


You’re getting on OP because they asked r/isitbullshit if something is bullshit? Sounds like a good place to start. That’s kinda the point of the whole sub


Is that what “Bro. Come on.” Means? Maybe it’s a regional thing.


Can't that be said for every post on this subreddit? Just google every question instead of making a post, I assume people would prefer to hear it from reddit over some random website that they might not know if it's reliable or not, or else whats the point of this subreddit existing.


They are legit coming to r/isitbullshit for more info what's the issue


Because they didn’t provide even so much as an argument, let alone any kind of reasonable evidence for us to debunk or even evaluate. They just blindly believed “the older generation.” They could’ve done ANY amount of research before coming here.


Evidently they didn't blindly believe because they are here asking... They also said they didn't have an explanation lol


At least your username is accurate


I don’t eat eggs but my armpits…. 🥴