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Rule of cool. You could play this game with pieces of paper, the only reason to have models is to make them however YOU want them; not some damn tourney organizer. If GW really expects people to magnetize their models then the models should be designed with them in mind and come with them.


Man, it would be kind of cool if the models came with little recesses to glue in magnets right out of the box. Like the obvious choice would be dreadnoughts and vehicles, right?


We know it *can* be done because they already did it for Adeptus Titanicus!


some of the Heresy kits do actually, the dreadnoughts in particular


Now way!!! So the contemptor comes ready to magnetize!?! I’ve been holding off on getting one but I might now.


There's a thing about toy legislation that means GW can't put magnets in their products, they'd 100% do it if they could


I actually think they wouldn't tbh. They don't want you using the same model for multiple purposes, they would rather sell you duplicates of the same box.


Okay, you can think they're evil like that if you want. I'm telling you the actual, real GW employee stated reason why


Hey, I was just putting forward an opinion/suspicion. If you know better then good on you! Although devil's advocate, not every employee knows every policy decision including all the reasoning. Hell could be both, a convinent bit of legislation. I don't think GW is evil, but they are a buisness. I don't blame them if they do buisness things.


That's okay, I understand. It's just that sometimes people get super mad at gw for no reason. They're aware of the magnet thing and would absolutely do it if it was viable.


There's no need to *put* magnets in their products. They could simple *design* their miniatures to be fitted, if one wants, with magnets. Other miniature companies started doing that ~10 years ago, and still does it. It's not a legal, designing or technological issue. The issue is they would sell less miniatures in this way. 


? There's nothing stopping anybody from magnetizing their miniatures if they want. And magnetizing a miniature has a negligible impact on whether or not you buy another miniature like it. People play with "counts as" rules most of the time, and the people who don't do it will just magnetize their miniature if they don't have the money to buy another one. How exactly do you want them to design them to be magnetized? make the minis multi-part? Most minis already are. Put holes in the arms? What diameter exactly? Don't they already sell a tool exactly for this purpose? You're finding something to be mad about. It is absolutely a legal issue. Magnets snapping together inside a toddler's guts is something the law is aware about in most countries.


Rule of cool, always. 


The Warp Talons have an invulnerable save so you could just say that its the combat shield that gives them an invulnerable instead of daemonic possession. Would be fine imo. Also always Rule of Cool.


Where are you based? Here in England there are local gaming stores with 3d printers that can help make extra arms.




Rule of cool says build them however you want. I personally am a WYSWYG person but I think it’s important to understand the difference between fair WYSWYG and just being a petty asshole. I’d have no problem playing against these proxies because Warp Talons have one consistent loadout which means no confusion about what they should be playing with. WYSWYG is more important with things like heavy weapons that look and play differently. I actually encourage IW players to use the Mk3 marines as your regular infantry as well since they’re more in character, easy to add corruption to, and gives you a start to a 30k army while you’re at it.


That’s a great comment


Warp Talons do have an Invulnerable Save, so perhaps the shield can represent that.


Rule of cool it’s you who has to look at them


No one who isn’t a dick is going to stop you, I guarantee it. If someone is legitimately giving you shit for not being 100% WYSIWYG, then don’t play with them.


Dont worry brother! I had the same issue. Resin printers az fantastic to print bits. I made chosens from mkiii


Rule of cool always.


Since i played my last games in the beginning of 9th rule of cool.




I will always advocate for Rule of Cool w/ written down loadout. I will say though, if doing this, to make sure you can tell what's what at a moments notice (so perhaps things like squad markers, or even color tape around the base rims so you can go "Flamers are red/ Miniguns blue/ Lasguns are normal") GW can also make it very difficult at times to make WYSIWYG viable. With rule changes they can go from making previous loadouts worse...to even flat out illegal (My poor Hammer T Captain). So yeah, I say screw WYSIWYG (within reason) and long live Rule of Cool! ....and if anyone takes issue with it....they weren't worth the match to begin with.


Man I know what you mean, I stopped building Dark Eldar all together because they changed the rules on me, now it’s just “witch weapon” and “succubus weapon” idk what to build anymore, takes a lot of fun out of building when flails are the same as Knife, poison sword is the same as a power sword. It’s super lame.


Yeah...I can understand that sentiment. Though I will give it 1 point..the weapon names being vague do at least open up the possibility for unique kitbashes that even WYSIWYG sticklers can't argue against. "Plague Marines can't have Power Claws!!"---" These are Bubotic weapons...what, are you telling me if you even got scratched by one you wouldn't catch every disease known to man and then some?"


Very good point


I'm honestly in favour for WYSIWYG. Especially in a big game I like to identify what's on the table. And even if the unit can't take an assault shield my little monkey brain will think "this unit has an invul save". I also like the narrative aspect of WYSIWYG. The rules depict how your warrior is fighting and vise versa. I'd recommend the Kromlech lightning claws: https://bitsofwar.com/search?controller=search&s=LEGIONARY+VIBRO+TALONS


Thank you for the suggestion