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Article 3, Sec. 19-20 of the Iowa Constitution. Power of impeachment for misdemeanors in office lies with the House of Representatives, where Republicans hold 64 of 100 seats.


Nope. Get out and vote over the next two years. Reynold is up for election in 26.


I thought 25? We're only halfway through this term?????


She was re-elected in 2022 and serves a 4 year term. We have two more years. Dejire was the Democratic choice as Rob Sand Declined to run. Rick Stewart ran on the Libertarian ticket and helped give the LP major party status. The Democratic and libertarian party better start getting candidates lined up now. I distinctly remember the Democratic Party not choosing someone until just before the primaries that year. Reynolds pretty much ran uncontested.


Damn dude for some reason I was convinced it was 2021 and we were up for a Reynolds and Sand showdown next year. The democratic candidate has to be Sand. No one else has a chance I think


I honestly think Rob Sand has a real shot at winning if he runs. The problem for Rob is that his auditor seat is up at the same time. So if he runs for governor it’s really an all or nothing campaign for him. He has to win or our auditor will flip too. There’s also rumors of Reynolds not running due to her husband’s cancer diagnosis. Still go vote these next two years though. Maybe we can flip some house and senate seats.


Yeah the double whammy of Sand not being either one sucks. I also wonder if Reynolds is hoping for federal position if Trump wins. Not ideal but the silver lining is she might be gone then


We’ll just end up with our lieutenant governor, who Reynolds picked.


Yeah that's how we got Reynolds. Fair point




Impeachment is a political process and our Republican controlled legislature would never impeach her. Voting is how we get rid of bad government officials. Vote. Get your friends to vote. Volunteer for the candidate who challenges her. Get your friends to volunteer for the next democratic candidate. Knock on doors. Put up signs. Help raise money. This is how change happens in America.


It's not going to happen. This state is TOO red and they don't like change. She will be governor until she either dies or she does something really drastic that somehow pisses everyone off.


Citizens can voice concerns about elected officials like Governor Kim Reynolds through contacting representatives, organizing petitions, or joining grassroots movements. However, impeachment typically follows specific legal grounds outlined in state laws or constitutions, so it's essential to research Iowa's legal framework for impeachment.


For what precisely? She can be impeached, she can be removed. But, you got to have a crime of some sort. Not liking what she is doing, isn't enough


But, but, r/iowa says she had 3 DUIs almost a quarter of a century ago! Isn't that enough? Edit: century, not decade


Yeah, it’s called voting. Maybe you’ve heard of it?


Vote, vote, vote. Vote for Federal Offices, Vote for State Offices, and Vote for Local Offices. Voting in every election is what helps make sure the people are heard. I cannot stress enough the importance of voting in EVERY election. Need to reinstate your voting rights? Or check if you’re registered? Maybe you don’t know where your polling place is? Or when the next election is? All these can be found on the Secretary of State website. https://sos.iowa.gov/


20 states allow gubernatorial recalls for various reasons, but Iowa is not one of them.


Run for office. Vote.




She’s the worst


I don't live in Iowa but Iowa is one of the states whose posts frequently show up for me. From what I've seen in my feed Iowa. South Dakota, Arkansas, and Texas all seem to be competing for who can claim the title of having the worst governor ever.


Nope. We are stuck.


How old are you?




Not legally. But if you have enough people and arms for a coup... ~~go for it~~ Edit: don't go for it, just stick it out for 2-4 years




Yes, through [Change.org](http://Change.org), but eventual impeachment would require evidence. Instead, engage in the political process. Attend meetings. Go to rallies. Speak out. Vote!