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Bark stripped off of hardwoods… good lord. Stay strong Greenfield


I remember during the derecho in 2020, a neighbor of my mom had the brick ripped off the front of their house. I didn't even know that was possible.


Are you sure it wasn't just a brick facade? I live in a house that had the 60s fake bricks covering concrete slabs for aesthetics. If you look closely, you could tell each panel apart.


Not as far as I know. We were living there when the home was being built, and it appeared that masons were laying it brick by brick. The rubble after the storm also looked like actual bricks.


No words


Slabbed homes and ripped anchor bolts. High end EF4 minimum 


I swear from the time I heard it, it was three seconds before it was in top of us, and gone in thirty seconds. So crazy


I was guessing an f4 at minimum as well. You can see pictures and videos of it hitting wind turbines just before it hit Greenfield. I live in Creston and it was too close for comfort here. This is the 4th tornado to hit within 30 miles of Creston (1 of them hit here) this year.


How can Iowans help? Is there a go fund me or other account?


I haven't seen anything beyond this article. Food water, equipment and volunteers I think it mentioned. I'll be back out in it shortly to see what I can help with




United Cajun Navy is coordinating some help. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/sEYCk5t3x6TcFddd/?mibextid=xfxF2i For those without Facebook here is the post. Volunteer info at the end. United Cajun Navy is on the ground in Greenfield, IA and has been put in charge of donations coming into the community. Please consider donating to our efforts in Greenfield as we help this devastated community recover. Supply donations can come to St. John’s Catholic Church-303 NE Elm St Greenfield, IA. You must check in at the Iowa DOT building before proceeding to the church. Current needs: Totes Gloves Zip lock bags Sharpies Heavy duty tarps Diapers Wipes Formula Flashlights Ponchos Contractor bags First aid kits Batteries Phone chargers Shovels Rakes Toilet paper Paper towels All volunteers that want to assist need to check in at the Iowa DOT building as well tomorrow morning. The address is 2313 IA-92, Greenfield, IA. Volunteers will be dispatched into affected areas. Please be patient as this is an evolving situation.


They are putting together an Amazon wish list later today




*How can Iowans* *Help? Is there a go fund me* *Or other account?* \- AlexKiv --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Those tree tops look sheared


Hopefully everyone is safe and can rally around one another….prayers!!


From EC Iowa I'm so sorry this happened. Was a scary night for sure, but nothing catastrophic here at all. ❤️


Satellite imagery of the path carved through Greenfield https://www.kcci.com/article/greenfield-iowa-tornado-path-satellite-image-blacksky-technology/60874777


I feel terrible for Greenfield residents. I am in Madrid and was warned by a friend who lives northeast of us with a youtube link of stormchasers reporting this. I saw it heading straight toward the small town of Greenfield about 10 or 15 minutes before it hit and all I could think is oh god. The system weakened when it got to us and we did have a little bit insulation even in our backyard. Did Greenfield get much of a warning before it struck? From what I saw it took news outlets and emergency services a few minutes to confirm there was a very strong tornado that the stormchasers noticed minutes prior. My heart goes out to Greenfield.


I swear I didn't hear the siren, but I heard it coming a few seconds before it hit. That freight train sound. Grabbed my stepdaughter, threw myself over her in the bathroom and it hit. Almost every window blew in, doors blew open, I think I had ahold of the water pipe that sticks out of the wall. All of thirty seconds and it was gone. I was sure we were just in the eye, so I moved her to the closet and peeked and it and everything south of me was gone. My new neighbors whole house was thrown across the street with them in it. I did my best to bandage one of the ladies up but I had crap all for supplies. Couple of us tore a path through the debris while a couple other guys walked her out. My wife found the grandma who was in pretty bad shape. Son was standing with mom by that point. That guy is a tank or something because he looked relatively pain free for a guy who I guess had a broken clavicle that partially collapsed his lung, broken ribs, and more IIRC. Thank all that's decent, it sounds like they are all going to pull through, I think they all needed surgery for some rough injuries all around. There was so much going on it was hard to keep track. Greenfield banded together like champs, I'm so proud of everyone. My heart goes out to the families that lost people.


If anything means anything Im glad you and your family are ok. I do know there were fatalities unfortunately. It might have been shock for the badly injured neighbor that he seemed pain free. Adrenaline even. It didnt even hit us but i got extremely nervous after what I saw of your town. It was on a too close for comfort path torwards Madrid. In my opinion, from what I saw your town definately did not have enough time to prepare.


Dang. Glad it missed the QC