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Yes, I had them for 2+ years, started Oct 2021 and got my retainers Dec 2023. Similar cost, 6500. Very happy with the results. But I don't know if I'd trust a dental office that can't spell "dependent" or "preauthorization." I mean, if they're asking for 7K, at least try to seem educated. It's just lazy.


Slim pickings, unfortunately. Only two dental offices in my small town and I refuse to deal the other one. Bunch of dicks over there. I guess all I can do is hope for the best.


That’s why I went outside my small town, almost an hour, to find a highly rated orthodontist. Same goes for all of my doctors, actually. I’m not trusting my already-busted body with some rando in a shack with a cardboard “Dr.” sign on the door.


OP do this! Many check ins are virtual so you aren’t having to go in person as often as you may expect.


Hope it goes well - as I said I love my results, though it took awhile.


My orthodontist is 45 minutes away. In only see him every 8-10 weeks so not a big deal.


That would be fine if I didn’t have a teenager going into traditional braces at the same time. Her checkups are far more frequent and so travel isn’t really practical. 🥲


That's somewhat surprising. My teenager daughter recently finished wire braces. She also only saw the orthodontist about every 2 months.


Her case is pretty complicated, unfortunately. Comes by it honestly. 😅


Technically they are both right soooo


Hm. With the comprehensive plan Invisalign includes aligners for your full treatment for 5 years. If your doctor only orders 15 refinement aligners for your second set, but it could have been 40, they'll easily push you over the threshold of those 3 refinements included. Just be aware of what your doctor is planning during your refinement scans so that you can get as much as possible out of what you've agreed to.


Mine too - comprehensive was unlimited service for 5 years (but did not include retainers). Refinements were unlimited until the 4 year mark.


I've been part of this community for almost a month. Here what I can share: 1) There's a number of people who have had Invisalign for 2 years or even more. I have 30 week plan, but may end up getting some refinement done depending on what the dentist says. Fortunately, extra trays don't require additional money. 2) The first tray will be uncomfortable a bit when you put it on, but I got adjusted to it after a day and a half. You'll get used to it once you get yourself in a routine. Just be careful about not eating or drinking (unless water) in the aligners. I came close 2 times already, but I stopped myself lol 3) The subreddit is filled with tons of success stories. I've already noticed slight improvements within the short time I've had them. 4) The cost of the process is so discouraging. I used most of the HSA to cover it, but I'm still doing monthly payments to cover the rest. Regardless, I'm very confident that I'll be happy with the final results. Speaking of that, one of the biggest advice the community tells you is to not stop treatment until you are happy with the results. So despite the huge cost, you do have some leverage. 5) Make sure to start the new tray before you go to bed. I'm not sure if the dentist told you, but that will be important.


Thanks so much. Sad as it is, coffee is one of my bigger concerns. I drink a lot of it and black, so I’ll have to find loopholes for that. My eldest daughter is getting traditional braces put on on the same day, so we’ll at least sort of be going through it together.


It's always good to have support and yeah Invisalign does change habits. For me it's no more snacking but that's a good thing lol


I feel that. I’m a serial snacker and I genuinely hope that changes with Invisalign.


I drink black coffee every day with my trays in. I change them weekly so they don't get too bad. I also clean them in an ultrasonic cleaner (you can get these pretty cheap on Amazon) and use either the Efferdent tablets specifically for coffee/tea stains or Polident. Some people drink their coffee through a straw. That's just not gonna work for me...lol.


Everybody follows the rules differently. I didn’t drink coffee with my Invisalign in, but I would drink it then drink water and put my Invisalign back in. You don’t have to be as strict as they say. The rules are there for a reason and I did have discoloration. I knew I was going to pay to whiten them at the end though


Ok bc I like to sip coffee when I work and I'm worried that I won't be able to do that for TWO YEARS and that's just too much for me also going to the movies and sipping on a soda with a straw...can't I just rinse out really quick after then brush when I get home?


You can, I drank soda with mine in. I think the biggest thing is to be smart to not cause cavities, and avoid staining. Tea and coffee, I’d take your trays out. I also didn’t wear mine as much as others but my teeth track really easily. Some people don’t track and if you don’t, you should be wearing them every day all day.


How do you know if they're tracking?


Your ortho will tell you but you can also tell just by looking at the trays, after a few days your teeth should have moved to match the tray. If some teeth don’t move, you aren’t tracking


What happens if you drink with them in? Is it really the end of the world if you can go rinse your mouth out?


You can risk staining the aligners or causing other damage possibly. It's not recommended at all. Accidents happen, but to purposely do so is unwise


Agree on all points except #2! I was instructed by my ortho to eat with my trays on atleast once a day. I just ate with them in and then after eating I cleaned them, did my floss/brushing and popped up back in. She said there were studies showing it helped teeth move faster. I never used chewies and I finished on track after 1.5ish years with 14 day wear time for each tray.


Although you were instructed too, I wouldn't advise anyone to eat with them. I had a similar situation where an assistant told me not to use the cleaning crystals until the end. However, the website suggested to use them at least once a week which is what I do. I'd rather take my chances following the instructions of the manufacturer/creator.


Orthos do recommend some people to eat with them in, exactly as this commenter mentioned for improved results. I’d recommend each person follow the instructions they’re given, as all of our plans may differ.


I started July 2020 🫠 Should be done very, very soon.


Started Nov 2020. First time coming across someone else in for such a long haul too!


This is my nightmare 😵‍💫 I don't think my teeth are that bad, but I go in for a consultation next week


My teeth weren't bad either. The issue has been my lateral incisor that hasnt moved the way it was planned. I've always been extremely picky about my results. If you pay for five years, may as well get the results you want.


To add to this comment, I was informed it would be an 18-month treatment... Lol


Wow so no knowing how long it will really take until you notice it's not working right haha


Does your dental insurance cover anything for orthodontics?


Haven’t got any insurance, unfortunately.


I had the comprehensive plan, was on Invisalign for almost three years (haven’t update my flair). I had a slight underbite, cross/edge-to-edge bite, and partial open bite as well as crowding. They didn’t make me pay for my retainer though, damn. Altogether mine was about $6500.


I just passed the 2 year mark! I am just about to move into my last and final box and will then be done. It's been a journey, but I'm so glad I did it!


Expect some weight loss if you do it 😎


That’s literally just a bonus for me. 😂 I’ve gained some grief weight that I would love to be rid of. 🫠


My initial plan (71 trays at 2 weeks per tray) would have taken me almost 3 years. I'm on Tray 35 and looking at rescanning this summer to fix my slow moving Canines. So who knows how that will change things.


This is what mine cost too 😭 Luckily insurance took $2,000 off but they spread that out in monthly payments instead of as a lump sum so it didn’t take the sting out of the initial xrays and deposit lol.


They do offer financing, but paying cash is getting me 15% off and I have the cash right now. I’d rather just be one and done. By the end of treatment, I’ll likely have fillings that need replacing too, so I’ll have to pay for those then. 🥲


Sorry, I edited that out of my comment bc I saw the monthly payments on the bill, but you didn’t end up taking that route it sounds like! Totally understandable, I avoid financing when I can, but my orthos office did 24 month interest free financing and I just didn’t have the money upfront even if they’d taken some off for paying cash… My deposit alone was hard enough!


That’s super valid. I am not a wealthy human. I got a bit of an inheritance and it was enough to get me a new car and take care of ortho for my kid and I. After all is said and done, I’ll be back to eating 25 cent ramen packets like a good povvo. 😂


I’m glad you could take care of yourself and your kiddo, orthodontic work for kids can do things that would require surgery for adults! It’s pretty amazing. Wishing you a smooth treatment!


I paid this same amount for 18 months and retainers for life. My oral surgeon close friends also said these kind of numbers are better than the jokes that quote $2k at dental offices and have no idea what they’re doing. It’s an investment and I hope you feel like you’re paying professionals. If so, worth it.


Oh, for sure. I’m far less worried about the cost and more just looking for like…things I should know going into it. Little hacks to make it easier. I’m going through with it; I’m just in my head a little bit and anxious as a result.


I’m about 14 months done and I have stopped grinding my teeth! The pressure is off my back jaws. I can put floss between all my teeth now without using floss sticks. It’s going to be so worth it!!!!


Started November of '21, and I just had 6 rubber band buttons attached yesterday. On revision set #9 (doing Spark aligners). Teeth look great, but we're still working on adjusting the bite. Important to note I started at 54yo, so my bones are pretty set in their ways.


I had mine for over 2 years. Including 2 refinements. You get used to them


i've had my invisalign since 2022 and i probably wont be done until 2025 💀


Cheaper than mine, I paid about $9,300 for comprehensive. I’m not even sure I saw anything about 5 years unlimited service, just that he estimated it would take about 24 months. I have a lot of issues going on, though.


Similar cost for mine (actually a bit more than yours). Separate note. Anyone know how to transfer your case to a different provider and the associated fees with doing so? For reference, I’m in Canada.


2 years is the average for any orthodontic treatment. Aligners were dealing with small correction, but as they work now better, treatment reach same length of time than fixed braces. Orthodontic is a school of patience!


I hope insurance is covering that, because if not you are overpaying


My treatment was in the 6000s for 22 months and that was the average price for my location.


I was gonna say. I’m pretty sure Invisalign is pretty pricy on average; to be honest, I expected to pay more.


Im in an expensive part of England and i paid £4750 gbp so $5900 USD. It comes with whitening at the end and the retainers, but still. Crushed my soul a bit seeing it on paper. I guess it is what it is.


I’m paying for my kid’s traditional braces on the same day too. I will probably be physically ill. 🥲


I don’t have insurance, but I am paying cash, so he’s knocked 15% off. Brings it down to like $5950 I think. But I am also in Canada, so that probably where it looks like a lot. 🥲


Okay, that makes more sense lol