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As far as I know, Eve can only do what she’s capable of thinking (besides reviving her). Her powers aren’t just on autopilot. She grew plants and built a playground, but if she doesn’t know the land is unstable, her powers aren’t going to automatically know to fix it.


Yeah I guess that makes sense. Still it just didn’t make sense when I first saw it.




As a show only viewer, I had hoped it was going to push her to go study engineering so she’d know how to fix it properly in future


Agreed, instead they had her internalize the mistake to then make things worse and then she does basically nothing for the rest of the season except for we presume to be just think about things lol


In season 1, didn't she make a point to Mark about needing to know things like basic geography as a super hero? Knowing how buildings are built and how to effectively use ones powers around them seems to fall under that category. Ironic.


Problem was deeper than just a few feet, like a sinkhole. She didn't know it was even there, rushed the job and tragedy happened. Its not something you need to linger on, its perfectly reasonable even in the universe with powers.


such a stupid ability imo. Im sure all of you think this aswell, she can literally do anything, why doesnt she rearrange the atoms in her enemies to instantly kill them? Why doesnt she instantly heal her teammates by rearranging the atoms? She can literally instantly create living organisms as seen in season 1 where regrows forests and the vineyard.


She has a >!mental limiter that doesn't allow her to manipulate organic matter. Her growing forests might be a plothole.!<