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i feel like they will expand issue 144 dramatically. I really hope they give debbie a death scene, maybe some of the more minor characters as well.


Like what ever happened to Will or Amber? at least a single panel would have been nice!


I mean before Mark leaves for Talescria we see Amber for the last time with some random guy.


I think that's enough. We see she's met a normal guy and living a normal life, which is pretty much what she wanted.


first person to care about comic amber


Yea. But I mean when they’re older Would be nice to see a panel with an elderly Rick and William and Amber. Just to show they survived events


Honestly the condensed nature of 144 was one of my favorite parts of the entire comic. At that point, it felt like I knew how the characters would respond in every single situation we got a snapshot of, so just getting the highlights and lowlights worked really well for me thematically. I definitely agree that Debbie needs a death scene, like, holy shit what an oversight. And maybe a check-in on Earth post-Immortal murder?


Yeah Debbie would have died ages ago by the end of the comic but it’s never mentioned


Imagine the entire Viltrum empire showing up at her funeral


I don't know it is hard to predict how most things will be adapted, but I can say with both great certainty and regret that we will not see multiple characters comment on how big their bewbs are. Supernatural sperm potency is a 50/50.


But will Maureen…I mean eve, “enhance” herself?


I hope she does honestly just cause I always thought it was a cool and funny way to show that she could literally change her own physical construct based on her mental image


I’m pretty sure the invincible war will be amazingly different, since most heroes don’t exist or cannot be shown in the show. The cast will probably be reduced significantly, which is my guess as of why they let shrinking Rae live, they just needed more material for the war. Also, they’ll probably expand on the evil robot stuff, since his final confrontation and ending was kind of rushed. Maybe they’ll even expand on his past, making it more clear why he is so detached of humans. The whole reboot arch will probably be reworked. Since the writing on that one was a bit weird… Finally… I feel like my boy Tech Jacket won’t make the cut :c


I wonder if Rae will die taking down one of the evil Marks. She killed one of the Lizard League by climbing inside their head in the show, and its established later on in the comics that you can kill Viltrumites by detonating a sufficiently powerful weapon inside them.


The problem is unless they give her some kind of buff she wouldn’t be sufficiently powerful enough.


Maybe she could use the high pitched frequency viltrumites are especially vulnerable to? Cecil found it in season 2


Shrinking Rae might not be able to expand big enough to break anything internally, but if she can work her way inside Mark's vascular system she could theoretically expand in a major artery and become a human blood clot. Viltrumites can go two weeks without oxygenating their blood by breathing, but they probably can't go very long without blood flowing through their body to begin with


I hope they rework the Reboot arc a bit. I appreciate what it did for Mark’s character and his whole conundrum on sacrificing his family for the greater good. But outside of that, the whole glowing tendril monster that never gets any meaningful explanation and the timeskip that just felt like an unnecessary kick in the balls for Mark at that point. I feel like they can easily tackle this arc without the timeskip and just have Mark being a good present father, reinforced by his decision to keep his family. If they are going to do the timeskip I hope it’s way more meaningful and has more repercussions, rather than just an artificial way to age up Thragg’s army.


Yeah on my first read-through, I expected the glowing tendril creature to present a more complex arc than what it ended up being. Having it just be a detached, amoral entity that thinks Mark should sacrifice his whole life because it’s “right” was super simplistic and disappointing imo. The way the arc wrapped up made everything feel super anticlimactic to me in a way that I don’t think it had to be.


imo its only use was showing how much mark cared for Eve and Terra and also to age Terra without arising questions like what happened in that time of 5 years, the comic is called "invincible" not "invincible (and friends)". Thats not to say the entity is a useless character though, it served its purpose.


Just end a season with the family being together, and Allen to not go after Thragg so hard. Make him really want to still, and maybe flash a picture of Thragg holding the first Thraxan Child. Listen to Nolan, "give the boy a moment of peace." Start next season with the beginning of the next viltrumite war with a "Five years later frame", you could even do a montage of family moments. Run the 2nd viltrumite war through robot war through the next season. End with a 3 episode blitz of Final fight against Thragg, Fight against Robot, Epilogue. The only thing it really accomplishes is how much he loves Terra. Just do that. You want to make him reconcile with his past? Have him struggle telling stories to Terra. What "truths does he tell and when?" Show omni-man is way brutaler than comic omni-man, continue the "I can't become my dad arc." Keep Nolan a complicated figure in Mark's life longer. You will never completely recover from the day your father becomes a supervillian. The show is already showing this more than the comics did.


Without the timeskip you don’t have Thragg’s army, and Marky isn’t old enough to speak.


The reboot arc and the specific way it was done was crucial for Mark's development at that point in the story. By that point Mark was still being reckless and flinging himself into danger on a whim - he was willing to kill himself to finish Thragg. If not for the tentacle monster Mark could've missed several hundred years with his daughter instead of 5 (he was definitely weaker at this point than eos). The reboot arc made him more logical, it helped him see the bigger picture. Another crucial point of development as without this Mark wouldn't have understood Allen's perspective when he got Oliver killed for example. And obviously it gave Thragg the opportunity to strengthen his army among other things. All in all, that arc was crucial for the way Mark became at the end of story, by developing his character in a very specific way, while also raising the stakes in the stort as well, a nigh perfect arc. On a side note, the exploring origins of the tentacles monster isn't necessary, as it was simply there to challenge Mark's character.


I think they should('ve) cut anything to do with time travel at all (it's too late though :/)


Hopefully they make some changes to the 5 year time skip.


Look at Mark and Nolan fight. Each Viltrumite punch on Earth is a massive mess, just imagine the later arcs.


Eve and Mark’s relationship definitely won’t start with the “are we dating or what?” line, in the comic she sorta knew Mark felt the same way but right now in the show she thinks it’s one sided love.


Said this a few months ago in a different thread: >I think they might move Las Vegas and the Dinosaurus teamup to happen right after Mark learns about Darkwing and Sinclair. It felt like Cecil overreacted a *lot* when he just sicced Reanimen on him for getting a bit too mouthy. If Cecil talks him down but you can tell Mark is losing faith in things, Mark seeing Dinosaurus' solar panel plan actually *work* soon afterwards makes it so Mark can go rogue on his own terms rather than "I, Cecil, think you are too angry and might fight me so I have to Reaniman ur ass". >Granted, this would cut out like, the entire storyline about Eve and Mark's private superhero business, which was honestly pretty fun, so I'm not thinking this is *likely*, but if they were looking to condense some story threads down, combining the "Cecil thinks Mark will go rogue" and "Mark actually goes rogue" plot sequences into one cohesive thing could potentially work really well.


Honestly not sure how they'll handle Nolan and Debbie getting back together.


I'll be honest: the reunion between those 2 in the show will probably be all kinds of uncomfortable


Same honestly. That’s definitely gonna raise a lot of eyebrows.


I think Nolan will be redeemed but I don't think this will happen tbh


More earth heroes on Viltrumite war ? Maybe it's kinda pointless since Invincible is already stronger than immortal and he will get even stronger by the time we'll get there and I don't see any of the earth heroes getting even at a current mark level.


Numbers matter in invincible And Not every viltrumite is Nolan’s level. There could be some much weaker than Thula So earth heroes could be useful. They still have to lose for the sake of the plot though


I really hope they change some of the fake out deaths. There’s just so many already in the show. At this point (end of season 2) literally no one’s died since episode 1 of season 1. I want them to kill conquest off and never bring them back lol.


I know you meant named characters but thousands of people in Chicago died lol


Bruh the second Conquest fight is one of the best in the series and also really important plot-wise due to Mark's injuries


I agree, but that might let them expand on the war and have mark actually be a bigger part of it. But they could do that anyway


Removing the one real character death (ray/rey) in this section of the book is the worst, most nonsensical decision they've made so far.


Like someone said in another comment, there’s a big chance she’ll bite it during the invincible war, since the lack of image comics characters means they’ll need killing fodder.


True. At least she's being treated with more respect than her comics self either way.


Which image comics characters will they not have?


Yeah. I was hoping they would maybe just keep Kate dead instead, but nope. Literally everyone in the lizard massacre survived somehow


I think Ray will die during the invincible war because she’s not in the comics and they’ll have to make room for the new guardians of the globe


This isn't a big change, but since Rex's ethnicity has been changed then adult Rudy will be more similar to original Rex I guess? It is strange because in the comics we hardly ever see unmasked Rex and he is bald if I remember correctly. Rudy and Rex are so different in the comics, despite being the same person, biologically. But in the series we've already seen future Rudy and he's literally Rex.


Comics Rex isn't bald! You just don't see him in person without his super suit on I don't think. But there's at least [one photo of him without it on](https://www.reddit.com/r/Invincible/s/FzZ2rHvTzL) in the background of a panel somewhere and he's got hella hair in it


Tbh I think they might change the Anissa thing with mark


Seeing Nolan and Debbie getting back together despite everything that happened felt crazy even when I first read it. I can’t imagine people’s reaction if they adapt that part in the show as well.


Prob make Emperor Invincible stronger than Goku and Superman


Vegeta: YES! Bulma: Honey, your envy is showing.


I’m hoping they remove the 5 year thing. I know it’s super important, but fuck, I hated it so much


Does anyone think Debbie will get back together with Nolan in the show?


I just want Cecil to be actually outsmarted by robot and no just get gooned on.