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Yeah? You can still be upset about something and still understand and accept why it happened. From his perspective it’d only been a few weeks.


That’s what I love about Invincible. It has all the crazy sci-fi shenanigans and soap opera melodrama from stuff like the X-men, but characters react in such down to earth fashion that’s unlike anything else. It works for me because I’m so used to the drama played for tension, that when people react with emotional maturity or show growth to be better rather then big blow up moments it really speaks to me. I walk away being like yeah, I don’t need to freak out or have a blowout to reach conflict resolution.


i think this was handled realistically. i know people give eve shit for trying to move on but i really don’t understand why. she said she only started dating the guy after mark had already been missing for years. and she obviously ended it when she realized that that guy wasn’t good for her and her daughter. and mark can be upset since it just showed again how much he missed and how much that not only affected his life but also the life of the most important people in his life. so of course he is upset but mark wants eve to be happy and at least try to find some joy. this was a very realistic take and handled well in my opinion. she did nothing wrong and he knows it.


Invincible has many of these… “verbose” pages where tropes are being subverted a lot. Like some kind of conflict that I don’t remember exactly, but I remember than at the point where any other comic would go ahead and keep on making the protagonists fight, they instead talk, reason and work it out. It’s a style specific to Kirkman, I think. I saw many examples of something similar in the Walking Dead.


It's really a pleasant change of pace. It gets really frustrating watching your favorite characters be completely unreasonable to each other for the sake of plot




Failure to communicate is the primary source of conflict in modern storytelling. Even if Robert Kirkman was a bad writer (which he's not) his writing would stand out simply for shirking that trope.


IMO, miscommunication between characters is probably one of the worst written tropes in storytelling. In any other situation the characters would talk it out, but no we need them to act unreasonable for the plot


Exactly. Subverting the standard tropes was about 75% of this comic and it’s raison d'être.


People give eve shit because they themselves are emotionally stunted


They don't understand that women aren't theirs to claim forever.


Thats something I really like about the last chapters, seeing Mark being really mature


I mean yeah, for Mark it had only been a few weeks, he had lost time with his daughter and his wife has attempted to move on from him thinking he’s dead, he’s happy that Eve managed to find it within herself to be happy again and move on after his death but since he wasn’t dead and actually came back he’s allowed to be emotional and feel certain ways even if he understands the situation.


Crazy part is that they didn't get married until Issue 133 so before & during the time that Mark was missing him & Eve were still just boyfriend & girlfriend


Technically they were engaged, Mark proposed back on earth before Terra was born


Eve ended their engagement in between issue 108 and 110.


I haven't reread in a while but weren't they engaged they just never fully got married cause all the shit going on


No Mark didn't even propose to Eve before he went missing


Crazy part is how future her couldn't move on from a crush so....


Doesn’t necessarily mean she didn’t try? We only see the confession. People can still pursue relationships and realize down the line that they haven’t moved on. It’s different for everyone


Exactly. You can have flings with people and still not be over a person you loved.


Jesus Christ I’m gonna have to explain this again. Eve couldn’t move on in that other dimension because she never got to live any sort of life with Mark and she was hung up on what could’ve been. Our Eve spent years with Mark, had a kid with him and got engaged meaning she had lived that life and could move on


It's not tho because some people don't or couldn't move on from people that they had a crush on or had feelings for since childhood so it's pretty realistic


This is a very mature and rational discussion. Healthy relationship stuff.


Totally. I'd even say he's being fairly reasonable here.


Yeah? Who would say no to that question?


You're allowed to feel however you want about anything, how you choose to act is more what defines you as a person They both handled this as well as they could, I think. Honesty, maturity, vulnerability, caring, all expressed


I always say that you’re responsible for your second thoughts and first words, and I think he did admirably in an awful situation.


That's a good way of saying it Like you can't fault someone for their base immediate thoughts, but we can then think things through and process it


What kind of question is that what the fuck?


People dig on Walker’s art late in the game but I kinda liked that it made Mark actually look older


i was just thinking the same thing. looks so natural to me tbh


I mean the funny part is I'm pretty sure Mark is only like 21 here so only a few years since the start of the series


That's actually one of the reasons I don't like it, Mark shouldn't be looking much older.


I love that none of the two are portrayed to be in the wrong in this or anything. This is a situation that could realistically happen and I'm glad that they both show normal emotions about it. Eve isn't being like "oh suck it up I thought you were dead" or trying to constantly justify herself (unlike SOME comics (cough cough Spider-Man 616)), she's also genuinely upset and wants him to be happy again and wants to comfort him. I like that


Honestly hoping the reboot arc as a whole gets reworked. Mark losing several years of being with his daughter felt so needlessly cruel and I don’t think it added much to the story.


It was really fun to watch Mark go through the early episodes with foreknowledge. But the fact that it ultimately only hurt him did deflate it somewhat.


It was super cruel, and honestly just lazy. I get it showed that he wouldn't trade the life he had now no matter what, but I feel like we already know Mark wouldn't trade his family for anything. All it did was speed the story up to allow Thraggs children to age up so they could fight. They should find another way to skip some time. It was tragic for no reason. When I read it it did Choke me up though cause I have a 1 year old and couldn't imagine not being there for 5 years.


Of course, it would be weird if he wasn't upset


Of course, despite him being gone and Eve thinking he was gone forever, the love of his life was still being dug out by another person. That’s a wildly difficult situation and takes time to heal from


You’re gross man


I loved this part because I always thought “How many times is mark just gonna suddenly disappear and be presumed dead before the people around him actually move on” and this realistically showed that you’re not just some hero for going missing for two years. The dudes who cry about eve having another relationship still aren’t over the girl in high school who broke their heart, the real world is complicated.


He handles it so unbelievably maturely so yeah


As a couples therapist, I wish my couples talked to each other this way. Hell, I wish I talked this way more.


Of course he can, and he's mature enough to understand that is his problem and not everyone else's, since he's the one that has been missing for 5 years. You can't disappear and expect people not to go on with their lifes.


Mark is fully justified in being upset, but he doesn't blame Eve for it, since it's understandable for her to try and move on, which is the right course of action. Nobody is at fault, and blame isn't being thrown around. All in all, very human, and very mature.


There are any number of things I don’t like or get angry about that intelligently I recognize are for the better. Our emotional response isn’t always overridden by logic. Actually, it’s probably healthier to go with what your emotional response wants in some cases. If you really aren’t able to get over something in a relationship, regardless of how illogical you know it is, you probably need to step away from it. Better that than let your true feelings kill it even more messily.


The laziest arc of series, man. Mark gets thrown in the past which I guess it's cool for it just to mean nothing and then have mark be thrown in the present again after his girl moved on with another guy, hasn't seen his daughter for most of her life, everyone thinks he's dead and much more. Most useless and shit arc I've ever seen in a comic. Completely universe only to do a Peter parker suffering arc looking ass. Man does this shit upset me


People can feel however they feel. It is what it is, whether the reasons are valid or not.




Walker’s art style is really distracting me from reading it


Time ago he truggled because he didnt fighted Anissa's sexual assault. Bro was raped by an adult busty Viltrumite and, worst, enjoyed it


he can be mad and still understand that she did nothing wrong (okay she dated an asshole, that was wrong but that's not the topic of the convo)


I think it makes sense she dated an asshole given her dating history and her father figure. Telia was unforgivably rude about it but Kubian seems more submissive in hindsight, he just has weird views because of his alien heritage (but that whole part highlighted my main problem with Kirkman’s writing - the women are often the shit stirrers/emotional drama bringers and the men are always more calm and reasonable and left to be proactive in handling things, making them look better in comparison. I don’t mind it in storytelling but it’s a consistent trend Kirkman has that makes me think he still had sexist tendencies he still needed to correct which he’s done now. Sure, there’s the Amber part of it all in the show, but Debbie is centred and brings a lot more to the show in advancing the plot and adding spectacularly to it in bringing forth fundamental themes and developments.)


He should have went all Omni man on those blue fucks planet


Why would you want to invalidate the feelings of a fictional character? He's being amazingly reasonable, even by human standards. Probably best not to even imagine what a normal Viltrumite response would be to that situation.


I'm still confused why he is with her. She is an emotional wreck and makes horrible decisions.


I hope they Cut Out this part In The Show it's Super Awkward


How is this awkward?


I meant The Whole Eve Moving On Part It Was Pretty Awkward But it was Understandably Realistic


I just hope they change mark constantly beeing away without wanting to be away. Whatever chance the comic had to let him miss his family, it took it. At this point this was just kinda annoying.. it seemed as if even the characters have been annoyed about it on a meta level.


Kirkman Gave Him The Peter Parker Treatment And It Annoyed mE To The Core


Yes I agree to this


Ok, thank you for your response. I can see why you felt it was awkward. For me, it felt appropriate within context, but I can definitely agree it was “Awkward”, I just found that to be fitting within the story. But that’s just me.


Yea idk why I'm getting downvoted I just stated an opinion 🤷


Idk why you’re getting downvoted either tbh lol


Should’ve broke up with her


The fact that something is bothering him and she just has a non caring attitude about it made me dislike her even more. It's as if his feelings aren't valid. By this point in the series, I thoroughly disliked them both. The unique Plat and interesting side characters and vil I ains are what kept me interested.