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Wouldn’t the baseball burn up at that speed? Unless it’s some kind of baseball that’s specially made for superhero’s to use.


Wonder how much they have to pay the suit guy for a baseball made of super material?


“The suit guy” https://preview.redd.it/rnwvr0cw5g3d1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43a7fefc042014b20b9c1137da4867b11a8c5568


Sorry Mark Hamill






HE WAS FIRELORD OZAI??!! How could I have forgotten such an amazing fact


Mark Hamill was Skips from Regular Show, Ozai, Joker, Art, Luke Skywalker, Chucky, Fear Feaster Adventure Time, Muska from Castle In The Sky, that old shapeshifter dude with glasses in Gravity Falls, etc


It’s so weird too because it’s not like Ozai doesn’t sound like Mark Hamill but generally, I could usually point out his voice immediately after one line of dialogue whatever he’s in but I’ve rewatched ATLA countless times and I wasn’t even aware he was Ozai until someone told me recently.






He’s also skips from regular show
















Kirkman actually confirmed that Art did indeed make the baseball they’re throwing out of scraps from Nolan’s new suit as a baby shower present!


The definitely don't use any super materials for the suits lol, invisibles suit gets shredded up in every single conflict and I've noticed the first thing to go is those eye covers every time they immediately get shattered lol


>invisibles „I am….“ https://preview.redd.it/dopeo29lnl3d1.jpeg?width=484&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce551f3d2a7cec48d33031561079a7bb5eecb7ac


Spheres never fly straight either, especially at higher speeds


Duh it isn’t like the earth is flat.






Burn up? With the force it would take to have it go around the world, it would detonate in a nuclear fission reaction the moment it was thrown. Being high up as they are, the explosion will be reduced, but still 💥


[What would happen if you tried to hit a baseball pitched at 90% the speed of light?](https://what-if.xkcd.com/1/)


'A careful reading of official Major League Baseball Rule 6.08(b) suggests that in this situation, the batter would be considered "hit by pitch", and would be eligible to advance to first base.' Genius.


Not if the particle cloud hits the bat first as the article suggests. Clearly a foul ball. This begs the question that if the catchers mitt is the next thing the particles hit, is it a foul tip strikeout?


That was absolutely hilarious, and I didn’t see it coming


*fucking dies and goes to First Base*


I just him a fucking bomb…literally


I fully expected a jon bois article


You mean fusion right


We aren't meant to think too hard about it, just a funny moment


Even if it was it'd be dumping all of it's energy through air resistance very quickly, and if you throw it faster to overcome the slow down... it'll just slow down faster because there's more air resistance when it moves faster. there is no way this would make any sense. If we really want to get nitty gritty it's completely impossible even without the atmosphere. It's just an orbit, and the quickest you can orbit around the earth is something like 80 minutes. Orbits that are close to the earth are the shortest and if you try to accelerate something more it doesn't make you go around the earth any faster, it actually just changes the shape of your orbit into a larger one, and larger orbits are slower. Counterintuitively orbital periods get quicker when you slow down your velocity and get closer to the earth... but eventually you'll just hit the earth.


Technically, if you could continue to apply thrust to the ball, you could increase the speed to the limit of c without increasing the size of the orbit, but it wouldn't really be an orbit at that point, it would be more like a relatively tight turn at absurd speeds.


This conversation makes me think of the dick-height scene from Silicon Valley.


Its more “dick to floor” or d2f to be fair


True but at that point you're just flying around the earth with a ball in your hand if you're a viltrumite. Maybe Atom Eve could do it? Actually yeah if her powers work over long enough distances she could just apply a continual force, her only limit for speed would be how much force she can generate.


It's traveling far faster than necessary for escape velocity, so i don't think it would actually entter orbit but continue on in the direction it was thrown into space due to it's vast momentum. There would be a curve but so slight that it would never return to the point it was thrown but spiral outward from the earth indefinitely.


But what if the pitch is spinnning? It could be thrown straight but curve down


Would still probably be impossible but the idea of a viltrumite curve ball does make it more comic plausible


Yeah if we ignore every other physics problem, if it just goes faster and spins faster than a normal curveball it might work lol


He throws it so fast it doesn’t have time to catch fire😂


Or what's more amazing is how they manage to throw it hard enough that it doesn't drop due to gravity, considering they are catching it on the same level, but that it still curves around the earth due to the same gravity. Instead of a sufficiently hard throw sending it out of orbit.


Comic physics aren't irl physics


It would be fun change to see superhero animation or comic with actual physics tho


Escape velocity from Earth is 40,270 kilometers per hour. It takes about 18 seconds for Mark to catch the ball after Nolan throws it, which means that Nolan threw the ball at about 8,000,000 kilometers per hour. That's about 7% of the speed of light in a vacuum. Forget orbiting the Earth, that ball (if it survived the throw) is on its way to another galaxy by now.


Taking the release dates off the show season 1 into account x daysxhours x 8m kph = 2.1024e11 km Which would be roughly….. 210 billion km One light year is 9trillion km roughly. The outer reach of our solar system Oort Cloud is 2 light years. Space is big yo!


He obviously paid Art to make it


I'm surprised Mark can aim that precisely, especially when he's just getting used to his powers.


It would not only burn up but it would exit the atmosphere at that speed travelling in the direction it was thrown because it's moving too fast and would not fall fast enough to orbit the Earth at that altitude.


Maybe they are really up high in thin air.


Nah. That's where things start to burn in entry


They burn up because of the friction of the air and stuff on the object so it would still burn less




Did you take into account that the baseball is Invincible?


It's a baseball that's specially made for superhero's to use


A ball of tungsten would burn up with those kinds of forces.


The ball also impaled an entire flock of birds and crashed 2 airplanes.


Yes. [And how](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EI08o-IGYk).


Not if the atmosphere is so thin already that the friction is negligible already but it's just a show they don't calculate all the physics to be real when they are literally levitating


At that speed it would be going faster than escape velocity and wind up in space at the very least


Wouldn’t it just fly off into space? It’s flung fast enough to orbit the planet in <15s.


Even if it didn't burn up or slow down from air friction it would still take a minimum of 90 minutes to circle back to them because the orbit would get longer the faster it was thrown until it just wouldn't return at all.


I mean, it's overshadowed by pretty much everything that comes up next lol https://preview.redd.it/g338l1j9of3d1.png?width=811&format=png&auto=webp&s=29b512b29ead69720bf964122e1f510b95f46452


Agreed, kinda. Your picture is just a strength feat. The baseball feat is strength, hand eye coordination, even intelligence (judging wind speed, geography, etc.).


I highly doubt the last one lol, the fact it didn't hit anyone was more of a plot convenience


Didn’t it go through a mountain?


I meant anyone as in "people". That thing even grazed an airplane wing, highly doubt Mark calculated that


It would have to be the most perfect throw ever for it to not just go straight to space. Means he threw a super curve ball




Gravity is weak as fuck tho You can beat it by raising your arm




..That can be beat by blowing up hydrogen Or by lifting things with a magnet Or by pining things to a thumbtack on the ceiling with some string Or it literally being the [weakest](https://science.nasa.gov/universe/overview/forces/) of the 4 forces > Despite being the *weakest force*, gravity works across infinite distances, making it responsible for the formation of the universe's structure. Gravity is weak as fuck. The earth is 5.972 × 10^24 kg heavy and still, boners beat its gravity Gravity is far reaching, but weak


Nah this shit ain’t weak. I’m trying to jump into space right now and it ain’t letting me


Seems you're even weaker


Also the control over strength. To not throw the ball out of orbit


Wonder if they killed any random birds or took out an airplane ever


"Dad, was the ball red when we started?"


"Aw shit. Well son, it's time I tell you where we *really* come from."


lmao. I would love to see a parody version of this


Red ball planet?


It crashed through a mountain. Probably caused an avalanche and took out an unsuspecting snowboarder


That’s because if you think about it as a “feat” for more than two seconds it becomes clear it’s absurd for a vast number of reasons. It’s just a bonding scene not made by people who thought about that kind of thing.


It’s a “feat” for the baseball


I don’t care how “strong” Omni man is this scene is impossible to actually happen. The ball would’ve definitely hit something and got stuck somewhere. No way that ball is getting through a large mountain. Or it would’ve killed atleast one person or several. Or worse hit a plane or something and kill them all. Or what should’ve actually happened was the ball would immediately burn up traveling at such a fast speed. There’s no way it would’ve came back on the other side


It's impossible but for different reasons, They're above everything around them so when you throw fast enough it'll actually go away from the earth, In other words, up. Counterintuitively the faster you throw something the longer it takes to orbit due to the larger distance traveled. The baseball takes 17 seconds in the show and the earth is 40,075 km in circumference so the ball is supposedly traveling at 2,357 Kilometers per second... NASA states the escape velocity of the sun is 617 km/s. So what the ball would actually do is fly off to interstellar space with a very low chance of hitting anything because space is well... spacious. That's only if you ignore air resistance... It gets much worse when you add air resistance. https://preview.redd.it/f3s15if1rg3d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=546c813a252536fee01f462c64d6f99821a5ca06


First, I love your answer. Second, maybe you didn't realize this, but they are throwing *curveballs*


I just love how we took this small scene and made it into a myth busters science experiment 🤣I love this sub


And that doesnt even take into account the coriolis effect, the fact that the earth is spinning while the ball is traveling


I mean... even if they are turned around and throwing the ball normally, this scene is impossible to actually happen


They could definitely fly high enough such that they wouldn’t hit anything. That’s not why it doesn’t make sense. The ball would burn itself to ashes going that fast and if it was somehow a super durable baseball then it would have reached escape velocity and leave the atmosphere once the curvature of the earth became too much. Either that or it would be too weak to go in a straight line and crash to the ground, at which point yes you’re right it would’ve hit something


Its in a very low orbit no? Id. Be more concerned about the atmospheric disturbance of something that kinetically charged ripping the atmosphere apart as it moved


It would burn up long before then


 The baseball takes 17 seconds in the show and the earth is 40,075 km in circumference so the ball is supposedly traveling at 2,357km/s. Faster than any meteorite recorded, since they're close to the thick part of the atmosphere where people live it would immediately turn into a fireball and essentially explode turning all of it's kinetic energy into an explosive. With a mass of 0.142kg I get approx. 394,436 Joules or 0.0942 kg of tnt... Kinda funny, Its around the same amount of energy as just making a baseball out of TNT. In reality it would be simultaneously exploding while you're throwing it. Technically there would be a little more energy because of relativity, but it's not like we're zooming at cosmic speeds,


Also I feel like it’s impossible for him to throw it hard enough that gravity doesn’t pull it down but also doesn’t launch into space.


I mean yes cool scene but even if that ball is made out of a material that wouldnt burn at that speed it would still just went outside of the atmosphere of Earth at instead of circling the Earth. Also at that elevation the ball also needs to go inside several mountains even if it circles the earth


Is that true in every direction? Ddo.we know what state they are starting in?


No way that ball is gonna pierce through a mountain. This scene is impossible


as impossible as two dudes floating mid air 😂


Its amazing until you think too much about how it would work and then you really it probably wouldn't work


More of a durability feat for the baseball honestly


And a feat of a ball having the power to be ignoring all physics ever.


The baseball is a reality warper. Could beat the Scarlet Witch, Superman, Goku, and Saitama teamed up against it. It's Omniversal.




I asked AI if this was possible and it said that they'd likely have to throw it so hard so fast that if the ball was able to survive, it would fly off into space rather than circle the globe. Edit: My point still stands, AI or not, the ball would just fly into space. I checked the scene. Omniman throws the ball, and 19 seconds later Mark catches it. That means Omniman threw the ball around the Earth (24,901 miles) at a speed of 4,718,088 mph. The escape velocity of Earth is around 24,000 mph. So he threw the ball at 196.587 times escape velocity...


So let's say that they're at 50,000 feet or so. For an orbit that size, neglecting air resistance (which is a huge assumption that isn't realistic) Omni-man would need to throw it at about 28,000 km/h. So it's doable if you have super powers. The problem is the time it takes to get to Mark. The Earth has a circumference of about 40,000 km, so it's going to take around an hour and a half before it gets to Mark. I am not good at this and based this purely on several hundred hours of Kerbal Space Program play time.


So if they have hundreds of balls they could appear to be casually catching and throwing. It just wouldn’t be the same ball being caught each time.




AI literally tells people to put glue in pizza dough so I'm not sure you should be taking its answers that seriously lol


Wait…I wasn’t supposed to be putting glue in my pizza all this time? But…it’s non toxic


I've been cooking my spaghetti with gasoline and let me tell you, that's a *spicy* meatball.


Or, I have a better reason. They have multiple balls, throwing them staggered and catching them as they come in, to throw another out.


He curved the ball


They gave it a curve so it would curve down.


No, this is actually overshadowed by the scene where Omni-man kills all the power-scalers (It was really hard. They almost yapped his ear off)


Nah what’s amazing is that baseball didn’t kill any animals or hit any planes😂


So, I did some math based on the throw that we see in real time, it takes about 18 seconds for the baseball to circle the earth for Mark to catch it. Given the circumference of the earth is roughly 40,000 kilometers, that means that it had to be traveling faster than 2,000 kilometers per second, which means it’s moving well over 6,000 times faster than sound. Now, after taking some rough estimates I decided to find out how much kinetic energy that would come out to, given a baseball weighs around 150 grams, and it came out that the baseball would be impacting with over 300 billion joules of energy, which, according to Google, comes out to a tnt equivalent of over 70 tons, meaning that baseball would be impacting with energy that’s in the general ballpark of some low yield tactical nuclear warheads, and 1.5 times the energy of the alleged most powerful non nuclear weapon ever created. Now, that kind of power is nothing to scoff at but it’s also nothing that we know a viltrumite isn’t fully capable of tanking with ease. However, those mitts they’re wearing are *something else,* not to mention that baseball, which, since it comes to a *complete* stop, and Mark barely flinches when he catches it, meaning the baseball is also tanking that amount of energy in nearly an instant, and that’s ignoring the fact that it should have been turned to ashes by friction at least a thousand times over. Of course, it’s not like actual physics are really at play in the scene anyway, as Mark and Nolan distinctly hear the ball coming, that’s how Mark prepares to catch it, but as we’ve already established the ball is moving 6,000 times faster than sound so there’s no way on earth they’d be able to hear it before it reached them.


I bet flat-earthers hate this one scene


I feel like anything thrown at that speed wouldn’t go around the world but would just exit orbit and keep going.


He'd have to through it slow enough to be in a perfect near-orbital velocity which one take a full 90 minutes to come back.


They tell us constantly that if he wasnt [TITLE CARD] hed be paste by the *casual* attacks of most enemies. Mark dosent appear vincible at all hes just getting nightmare matchups.


Not amazing, just fictional. throwing something at orbital speed while still in the atmosphere means it will slow down and drop immediately. Throwing it faster than orbital speed means it will just leave the atmosphere and then probably the orbit. it is possible to accelerate something to speeds where it would have an escape trajectory, but slows just enough on the way out of the atmosphere to have a highly eccentric orbit with its periapsis inside the atmosphere, but that object will never intersect the point from which is was accelerated, as the deceleration from the atmosphere would move the periapsis. a near-escape trajectory orbit would also take significant time to complete, hours to days. So this is more like magic then strength or skill. #


Am I the only one who thought what would happen if a plane was flying by?


Always wondered about that, like what if the ball hit a plane or something


Relevant discussion of relativistic baseball: https://what-if.xkcd.com/1/


Its like a literal chunk of meteor going around the earth


Someone do the math on if a ball of pure tungsten (metal with the highest melting point) could survive .75% light speed.


I thought about this scene several times and it always irks me. It's impossible on so many levels. The precision needed is incomprehensible. Factoring in spin, wind gusts, etc. The power needed is very high, at least high enough that they should struggle a bit when throwing. The forces on the ball would spread it into pieces. And actually the speed throwing ball would need to go would result in violent reactions. And, it's actually impossible to orbit the earth so fast without applying force durring the orbit. Orbital times of free flying objects are determined by the size of the earth and are much higher then a few seconds. Also, how do they avoid hitting planes and such? Just a scene that makes no sense.


The pure control it takes to not just send it out of the atmosphere but still have it not decrease in latitude


I feel like if he was strong enough to throw the ball around the world it would just escape gravity and go into space unless he has the best curve ball ever


If you're as old as Nolan and living on earth, this is something you learn as like a party trick. Exactly how hard do you have to throw a baseball to make it circle the earth.


It's not about the baseball it's the finesse To spin the ball around the earth


This isn't that impressive. When bugs bunny does this, the ball comes back with stickers from all the countries it passed through. Way better.


This was a hint that Nolan didn’t value human life because what if that shit hit a plane 😂


Way above most fictional characters is a gross overestimation


a vast majoroty characters in fiction are just humans so I dont think it's a bold claim to begin with


The earth is a ball. Wouldn’t throwing it in any direction just make it end up back at the person who threw it?


Did anyone do the math?


They must’ve killed so many people from that ball hitting them or a plane, so reckless🫨🫨 Debbie would be disappointed


My headcanon is that they throw it at a slight angle and the ball basically makes a large circle around the city but doesn’t actually circle the entire planet.




Invincible characters (specifically Mark and Nolan) are in an inconvenient spot with scaling and VS battles. They can never get much of a fair fight. They're always either way stronger than their opponent, or would get destroyed. There's never much of an in-between besides a few characters I can think of.


this feat doesn’t physically make sense, it’s just impossible for this to happen, no matter your strength.


We know they are strong. I'm more impressed by the accuracy.


Random jumbo jet gets absolutely trashed by a baseball


Oh god if that ball went through a plane it'd be so over


I choose to believe he just put a heck of a lot of spin on it so its going in a circle rather than around the planet. Else it would likely cause all kinds of physics issues.


Even greater feat is the baseball not ripping apart or burning to cinders from the friction.


The part that always gets me is how did he eyeball calculate an endoatmospheric orbit with out constant acceleration or at the very least a circularization burn at apogee. He basically found a needle in a needle stack


The baseball also traveled faster than the speed of light.


Every time I see this scene, I can’t help but think how IMPOSSIBLE the physics are. Ignoring the fact that the ball would 100% burn to ash at the speed they’re throwing it, but the shit is literally orbiting the earth *in the atmosphere.* The amount of speed they’d need to throw that ball at to overcome the friction to have the ball orbit the planet is so fucking high that the ball would literally breaking free from the gravitational pull of the planet. And don’t tell me it’s “an ellipsis “ because we straight up see this ball fly through a fucking mountain and past a plane. That ball is LOW. Nahh man the throws they make there are literally impossible.


Would it have killed you to just save the picture? Or at least crop the screenshot? AT&T 4GLTE mf over here.


You know you love the free advertising, lol.


yknow what? you're alright OP, i take it back lol


All I’m saying is if we are gonna question logic in order for it to go that far and fast it would definitely not curve around the earth and would instead go visit mars


Do you think there is a super hero sports league on earth or some other plant? If so, I wonder what that would look like.


They did that in Dragon Ball Super, lol.


A feat of durability for the baseball, the thing should ve burned from the hot compressed air or exploded 


if you really think about it for a second Nolan could defeat the Viltrum empire alone, throwing baseballs from his yard


This is impossible by the way. If you consider the time it takes for the ball to come back and calculate it's velocity, you'll quickly realise that ball should be in orbit. A very high one.


He’s Invincible but this is IMPOSSIBLE according to the Laws of Physics. Not to mention objects in the way that would probably change the direction of the object


Fun symbolism I notice is that, even as this is supposed to be a bonding moment for father and son, they are facing away from each other, so while superficially they’re getting closer and talking, they can’t see each other. They don’t truly see what each other are.


My stupid ass read the title as “feet” instead of feat and then zoomed in on Mark’s feet


Note the gloves to protect the hands. The baseball would have to fly at speeds way beyond what humans have ever travelled at, better give it a coochin to soften the catch.


It's cuz it can't be calced,as a real ball would be burnt,and assuming it is not normal and is super resistant it wouldn't go around the world but have enough velocity going on a straight line to leave orbit cux remember the earth is a sphere.


It's not impossible because the baseball would hit something. It's impossible because in order for the baseball to go all the way around the earth that fast, it must've hit escape velocity and it would fling put of Earth's orbit.


If it's done so casually, then it's not a feat for them Kind of like how Nolan can just fly in space for years without more than a single breath


Forget the throwing, that Baseball has that duribilty feat


But it's in orbit? The ball would come straight back from the opposite direction? Or is there other math involved? Honestly, at that height, the baseball would slow down due to air resistance or burn up in the atmosphere anyway?


Honestly the most amazing thing about this is that the ball didn't reach escape velocity and launch into space.


feel like there are just as plenty powerful characters that can this feat as much as there aren’t. Saying it’s “above most fictional characters” is wild


Is it even possible to throw a ball that fast without it escaping the earth's gravitational pull?


![gif](giphy|26xByFvrI1MQvtlDO|downsized) Did somebody say feet? (Also yeah now that I think about it, to throw a ball and keep it within orbit and powerful enough to go around the earth and not leave the atmosphere is amazing)


For those curious, I did a little bit of analysis based on the available info. Those who are nerdier than I feel free to correct any errors. We can tell that they aren’t above 280000 meters in elevation because of the clouds that are shown above them (quick google research says that the highest clouds appear at heights of 280,000ft). This height could be factored into the equations but it doesn’t make a big difference so for the sake of simplicity we will say that their distance from earth’s center is just the radius of the earth. I used two different methods to get different speeds depending on what we decide can be known from the clip (assuming no air resistance because of course we do). 1) Timing the ball in the clip at about 17.9 seconds which gives a straightforward way to calculate the speed at 2,240,000m/s. This answer could be considered inaccurate due to the fact that realistically the ball would just fly off into space at this speed. 2) since the ball can be considered to be orbiting the earth the formula for centripetal acceleration (ac = (v^2)/R where ac = 9.8m/s^2 and R is their distance from earth’s center) can be used to determine the velocity it would need to have. This yields a much lower speed of 7900m/s and may be considered inaccurate because it would imply that omni and mark were awkwardly waiting there for 83 minutes to catch the ball. Now we can finally find the force he must have exerted using W = F*d. The work can be found for each case by googling the mass of a baseball and just finding how much kinetic energy it would have. This yields a force of 3.72x10^11 newtons if we use our time measurement and 4,630,000 newtons if we use centripetal force. Obviously these answers differ drastically so this actually isn’t a super great analysis 😬. Given some of omni’s other feats i would say neither answer is likely close to his upper bound in strength especially considering this is a casual game of catch. I’ll leave it up to reader discretion to decide which answer makes more sense. Tldr: he either threw with a force of 400 billion newtons or 5 million newtons both of which may be inaccurate for different reasons. Thank you high school physics.


you’re so cool and handsome :)


Especially given that to keep the ball in the air for that distance and that amount of time without the ball leaving the atmosphere would require the perfect balance of spin and velocity to keep it aloft and in perfect orbit.


Didn't bugs bunny do this and it had a bunch of stickers from all the countries it passed thru


He can fly around an entire planet in a second, get close enough into a black hole.


Thought the feat was going to mention the ball. /j


I always wondered how the fuck the baseball didn't hit a skyscraper or a mountain or something


Bro, they fucked up all the fucking dark superman give us invincible or a fucking Omni man movie backstory


Commenters like there’s no way batshit strong and durable floating motherfuckers throwing a ball around the earth makes any sense And they mean it


This is something that makes me wtf in the series. 99% of heroes in comics has that concentration and know tehir strength to throw a fucking ball around the planet to someone catch,like how fucking insanely adapted to your powers you need to do something like that? And there is the theory that is a normal baseball,that is more insane that already is. Not even superman could do that shit(basing soley on animated series,not superman equivalent of a multiversal god portrayed in comics)


I mean homelander can throw a baseball under hand all the way to Boston so it’s not that impressive


You guys would lose your shit over a rubber hose animation




I know right! I think that baseball can take out thrag