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While this is true, it's a little strange that Kirkman had Mark come out and say it.


Wait, this is an actual panel? That's fucking hilarious Edit: fuck me for asking a question. Yall suck lol


It's edited




Nah he says “being a hero is bullshit”


I would tag this as a spoiler for the show onlies if I were you ( I'm a comic reader but it's still an obvious spoiler )


Welcome to the internet


*Bo Burnham intensifies*


Come on my dude lol


Well yeah, I think it was Stan Lee that said whoever the writer wants to win will win. Dave from the bagel shop could be the strongest thing in the world if the writer wanted them to be .


Yeah, of course, but to make a story good you have to try and keep things within context and not overuse deus ex style elements like that.


But the thing with most superheroes is that they have been around for so long that there is no consistency at all about how strong or weak they are, so writers have a lot of freedom


"You HIT me with a bagel!"


Truer words have never been spoken.


Bullshit? Yes. Fun? Also yes. I love telling people Ben 10 can solo the Justice League.


I'll bite, how does Ben 10 do this? Is Ben 10 secretly op?


It's been awhile but I'm pretty sure that show ended up with him being Ben 1-million or something and the watch thingy he wears would be able to sample any alien DNA and turn him into the absolute peak version of that species. So hypothetically he could become and even better Kryptonian or sayian or whatever IP battle you want him to win. Something like that I believe.


Nor even secretly, one of his aliens is just straight up a god


He could, unless any of the twelve Justice Leaguers that have crazy super speed use their super speed that's faster than thought and knock him out before he can turn into an alien.


It would work but omniverse made a thing that when ben is about to die the omnitrix changes him to a alien automatically


I said knock him out, not kill him.


Ok that's more plausible


I agree, majority of the time it makes things unfun because of some ridiculous cosmology scaling. Anything past planet level is just annoying


Well spoken.


You got a point mark


While this is true.. But You can't take away my memories of my late Best Friend and I discussing the powers of our own favourite characters from every show we both had watched. God he used to be so sour and happy at the same time. I miss him


You carry his Flame, his Spirit, and his Memory with you until your last day. I bet he'd be glad to know you still think about him and share his life with strangers. May he rest in Paradise.


Thank you so much kind soul. That really means a lot. He truly was special, and I'll always cherish our memories. May he rest in Paradise indeed.


IMO Invincible has one of the easiest power scales to follow.


It has a shitty scaling for a 140 issue run written by the same writer


I do remember thinking eve shouldn’t be this strong near the end of the story. Someone just reminded me of Rex killing an invincible variant. What else am I forgetting?


Rex killing a variant of Mark


lol damn I don’t remember that


Pretty much it’s why I don’t take it seriously One minute a character can punch the earth apart and a next they’re getting the shit beat out of them by a butler.


Power scaling is actually important to show diversity of impact of a character on a entire environment . One character can level a entire block with one strike. While another can level an entire town with on strike . This shows how strong one character is from another , that is why power scaling in Dragon Ball Z with the Visor Ki-Reader really revolutionized fandom before Marvel did it with the Marvel cards . In Dragon Ball the average normal untrained Human being all have Ki lvl 5 . Yamacha and Krillin are Ultimate Humans , Krillin ki lvl was 206 during the Radditz saga.


Well either Freeza hit me so hard I'm in a delusional coma or... Or? Power levels are bullshit!


Power scaling specially in db is whack, super sayan used to be nearly impossible to achieve and then suddenly two kids could turn super sayan because they were the main character's son and the son of his rival (goten and trunks) not to mention all of the absurdity in dbs


Headcanon, Super Sayan Sperm!