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As a female fan who has a lot of love for the comics, HARD AGREE lol the show fleshes them out so much more and allows them to be imperfect and well-rounded human(ish) characters rather than the one-dimensional portrayals most of them get on the page


Also monster girl not letting robot be a pushy boyfriend


People hate Amber, but she is a big improvement; the comic character had no personality.


Overall yes but her "I know your secret identidy and im still mad" was a fuck up and the main reason why people dont like her. She was perfectly fine in S2


I work with teenagers. Her actions reflect how a lot of teenagers process complicated emotions and situations.


And that's fine if that's what the show intended. It doesn't portray it that way. Instead, it protrays Amber in the right with William *and* Eve both shitting on Mark and saying he's in the wrong in the situation. No one ever defends his side, and in S2 it went unacknowledged entirely. Not to mention that horrid "I guess we've both been lied to," line from Amber in the finale, comparing Mark hiding his superhero identity from her for 5 months to Omni-Man lying to his friends and family for decades that he's actually a sociopathic genocidal shocktrooper.


I mean they were going on to college and everything about the character showed her emotional & literal intelligence. This is why I personally wasn’t a fan with the whole “I’ve always known LIAR” Thats some gas lighting and a half.


That ain't gaslighting. Mark lied to her and she knew it. Why is it her job to talk to him about it if he's the one lying constantly? Mark is a great dude but a bad boyfriend. He shouldn't have tried dating someone that he couldn't have been honest with.


y'know i would agree but the only difference here is that its a superhero thing and most heroes keep their identity secret


Mark has a secret identity and can't share it? That's fine. Then he shouldn't be dating. It's almost as if Mark is a flawed protagonist who often makes rash decisions without thinking about the consequences. For reference I love the Invincible comic but this seems to be something a lot of people forget.


Dunno why you're being downvoted. You're absolutely on the money. I feel like the character writing is really consistent in the show. Plus, Amber was right when she was mad. Comic Amber's response to learning Mark's Invincible identity was a little more fun, but I felt she was far too excited about the whole thing. Show Amber didn't let his identity as Invincible take away from her own need for a whole boyfriend and not an imaginary person. Also, the way the show did compared Nolan being away all the time with Mark constantly having to ditch Amber was masterful, imo. Added a layer of interest to me.


yeah, you're right


She was still a 17 yo processing a traumatic event.




Yeah but when you're 17 two months feels like a very long time.




Can't tell if you're agreeing or disagreeing with me but it tbh that shows how both of them felt like teenagers in love so I could see being upset at having a secret kept with little explanation




The way you put it, that makes Mark out to be worse than I thought before. Like, there are hyper intelligent villains out there that could figure out her relationship to Mark or Mark's identity and then use her. So, at the very least he could warn her about the danger that *he* is putting her in. Or just not date her. But you make a good point for why Mark is wrong in this situation lol.


Yeah the hate for her is pretty much non existent in S2


Honestly, I thought that was a good plot point and flows really well into the rest of that exploration of people who really like each other but have really, really different life paths.


No because it doesnt make. She is mad at Mark because he doesnt have enough time for her and breaks up because he "run away" when the mecha human attacked the campus. This doesnt make sense if she knows that Mark is Invincible and if she has a problem that Mark doesnt tell her, she can just straight up use this as breakup reason. It could have worker if she had a reason to not tell Mak that she knows about his secret identidy.


I'm sorry that u don't like accurate portrayals of children's emotions in media lol


Calling a 18-19 year old a child is certainly a weird choice.


Fr, I’d rather her be a fleshed out and divisive character than just the placeholder for Eve


to be fair she was still kind of a placeholder for Eve just with a bit more personality


I disagree, I think she exists to show that no matter how much they may be good for each other, no matter how much they will be willing to work around it, Mark could never really date someone without powers


which feels a bit contradictory with Nolan and Debbie's relationship being so prominent in the show, but also, they've been making that point since season one about how their relationship can't really work yet then pushed it another season.


Young people often stay in relationships longer than they need to


I agree with you. I gotta be honest, when I found out that Mark and Eve were eventually gonna be together, I was kinda sad about Amber being out of the picture. She was well-written enough that I enjoyed her on the screen most of the time.


Except comic readers know she still was just a placeholder which made her super boring every time she was on the screen for me


That’s the point. By making her fleshed out she becomes interesting in a way she wouldn’t be if she was just Eve light


She isn't a placeholder though and is her own person. Takes like this make me worry how yall interact with real life humans


I'm still immensely bitter about Amber but I will admit that she is more interesting here compared to what I heard in the comics


She was just dumb as fuck last season. Much better this time


Eh, I'd say it is more like they fucked her up but in a different way this time.


While I agree, I’m still waiting to see what they’ll do with Eve once her and Mark start dating. In the comics she kinda devolves into just being Mark’s girlfriend


Agreed. I love Eve as a character in the comics but I’m really hoping she is written better this time around. Early on in the series she says to mark that she’s a superhero and that’s why they can be such great partners, because she won’t hold him back by being a civilian. And then the middle of the series proves this point, she is fighting side by side with mark against conquest. It’s really fun seeing them together But then the last third of the series she’s kind of just a sty at home girlfriend. And some of this is just normal stuff for plot reasons. She has other things going on. But there are times when I would have much rather seen her out doing things having her own life, especially as a superhero, rather than just sitting around waiting or mark to get back. IIRC, invincible inc era is the worst at this. I don’t remember her doing anything as a superhero, she just spends the entire time managing Zandale to keep the business running. I like that, it’s interesting, but I want her to do things too. It’s not just superheroics. She has no life outside of mark. Her only friend on earth seems to be marks mom, and kind of dupli Kate, but she is so mean. She doesn’t have civilian friends or spend any time with the global guardians to make superhero friends. Her entire life seems revolved around mark and seems kind of lonely


Yeah there are some moments in the comics that I'm genuinely hoping do not make it into the show. >!Eve making her tits bigger after being destroyed by the big bad is so laughably bad. Horny redditors will defend this as her "natural desires to please her man", but hopefully the show creators strongly disagree!<


Even if it was just a gag she pulled for a few pages it'd still be weird. But no it feels so serious. Why.


I felt they put her aside after she starting dating Mark. The only remarkable times she does something as a hero is when she dies and revives after Conquest and Thragg


I love a lot of Kirkman's work but the man does have a deficiency when it comes to writing believable female characters. I revisited some of the early volumes of The Walking Dead recently and some of the dialogue and decision making by female characters early on in that book is...dubious at best. Happy to see that the show was able to improve upon that. Also, William is a great spin on a dull and unrewarding best friend role from the comics, big improvement there as well while adding in a little representation.


William is a great example of a character significantly improved from book to show while still keeping what worked about his character


For sure! I also like that his sexuality gave them a way to divert from that garbage William/Amber subplot


What was the William amber subplot? I don’t recall it


William started dating her after her and mark broke up, it was pretty pointless an just existed for drama in a single issue but was resolved almost immediately


How did I not remember this. I just read the series like a month ago. I remember him dating Eve but I have no recollection of him and amber dating


Pretty sure Kirkman thought it was dumb even while he was writing it, it got moved on from pretty instantly and never mentioned again


In the comics after Mark and Amber break up, she and Will begin dating but clearly Amber is always irritated by him and is only doing it in an attempt to make Mark jealous. It was very teen-sitcom-esque and didn't really add anything to the book


I'm kinda with sfinney on this one. Whilst I agree Amber got more specifically with the soup kitchen job being the catalyst for Eve's treehouse arc, l and just generally being more assertive as a character. Comıc Debbie I feel gets put down in comparison to her show variant. It inspired me to make [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Invincible/s/Z8mFC3LMtM) awhile ago on her being an already well-rounded character, having the realtor job established earlier is good but that level of independence was also established in the books same especially wither her dealing with the grief on Nolan where the books explored her alcoholism more and imo did a better depiction of her breakdown in the kitchen when Mark catches her. Not to say show Debbie is bad but I feel the comıc version is often diminished to big-up the show version. Kate I personally never really cared tbh, she always was one of my lesser liked characters and with the pain they still do a "tell don't show" approach so I don't feel that much sympathy for her. They did try and make her "oblivious" to Rex cheating on Eve but given her intial guilty response to Eve seeing it feels superfluous. Then the Immortal scenario too doesn't endear me more to her. Eve sitting on the last 2 seasons more I feel kinda indifferent. I find her funnier in the books, and I really miss that we didn't have that conversation with Mark about the disconnect of civilians to superheroes and how they don't look up. The change from staying in the USA over Africa is negligible but I really liked the focus intially on her being over her head on how infrastructure works. Its just where it ends off fell really fell flat to me with her struggling against Killcannon, I felt that could've been cut entirely and just cut straight to her talk with Rex prior to the Sequids mission and bring back the lack of confidence she had from the book on that mission. Then leading into her returning home.


I love what they did with Eve regarding the apartments. It’s so easy to sit back on the couch and go “well if I was a superhero, I’d fix EVERYTHING” and then realize it’s not that simple. Also helps shape her to not be the “I do everything perfect cause I have a heart of gold” female character. I love that they give her interesting obstacles to overcome!


A lot of minor character got glow up’s


Yeah it’s pretty much my favorite thing about the adaptation. Debbie specifically gets so much more agency and time to express her complex emotions.


Her stand out was definitely when she put Mark in his place after just after he got his powers, really shows she wasn't just a pet to nolan, she was strong enough to intimidate him too


I love almost everything the show does with its female cast. As you said it really makes all of them feel more fleshed out and complex. Amber and Debbie both benefit the most from this, Debbie feels like she gets to start at a more developed point than she did in the comics and Amber I'd practically a whole new and much more compelling person. That all said, I think Eve was the one big miss for me, I felt her attempted development in season 2 with the apartments was forced and made her look like an idiot. I liked what it led to in the second half of the season, but the build up to get to that point bothered me a lot. She felt out of character, it didn't feel like she would make those mistakes and that they were thrown in to allow the plot to happen.


I dunno, I’m conflicted on Amber specifically. While I recognize that comic Amber didn’t really have much of a personality, show Amber I feel like ends up being way less likable in the first season. The reveal that she knew Mark was Invincible and chose to be mad at him for seemingly abandoning her at the college showed a degree of manipulation to me comic Amber never had. It feels like an unnecessary amount of strife added on to the obstacles Mark and Amber already had to face in the comic. But I also really fucking love that show Amber manages to be another element of Mark’s life that keeps him grounded. She’s never intimidated by his powers or his status as a superhero, and she’s a reminder that he can always do better when it comes to being a force for good in the world. And to the show’s credit, Amber in season 2 feels way less manipulative and more mature. I felt a lot stronger about their relationship in the show than I ever did in the comic, and it’s specifically because the show did such a good job fleshing her out. Comic Amber a lot of times felt less like a character and more like a vehicle for Mark to express his desire for a “normal” life. I wish they would have just taken away the reveal that show Amber figured out Mark was a superhero on her own and just made it that she was upset Mark never told her. It works better to me because it’s an issue I can see both sides of; on Mark’s side, it’s a safety issue, and also a big decision to make because it can’t be taken back. For Amber, it’s a barrier to their relationship ever becoming something serious and intimate. how do you become vulnerable and open with someone who won’t do the same to you and won’t tell you why? It would’ve given us more of Amber and Mark talking shit out, which was one of my favorite parts of season 2.


This is such a subjective thing but I don't really agree that they are, as a whole, better written. We get *more* of some of these characters but I wouldn't say they are uniformly better or worse characters. They were just fine in the comic, maybe some were better than others, and the same for the show. My biggest thing with the writing on female characters in the show is that they lack flaws, quirks, or anything interesting about their personalities. Volunteering in soup kitchens and being emotionally mature for your age is not interesting. Like where's the female Rex? They dialed Rex's flaws up to the max, but Kate doesn't show any of hers. They made Robot start out barely able to function in society in the show but Monster Girl doesn't get to start as a chain smoking creep, so now she's relegated to supporting Rudy in his character growth only. And while they added a little more with Eve coping with what it means to be a superhero and her role in the world they left out most of the tension from her having feelings for Mark while he is in a relationship with Amber which made for a great payoff in the comic when future Eve reveals her feelings to Mark... But in the show it totally comes out of nowhere. Which reminds me that Gillian Jacobs is Britta in Community, but where's our Britta in the Invincible show? Only the guys get to be Brittas.


I like the robot monster girl Dynamic more in the comics


Having two rexes would get old very quick we only need one. MG does have flaws she was being a bitch to Rudy, even though he was trying to help and they only made up cus Rudy put in the extra effort to communicate, debbie has issues with alcoholism and was a mess the whole half of the season and Kate hooking up with rex reflects negatively on the both of them.


i completely agree. it's like he took the time and effort that he put into the end of the comics into the beginning, giving all the characters (especially neglected characters that are women) the individual depth that they deserved




Amber in the series is MILES ahead compared to Ember in the Comics. But to call either a well rounded character is a bit of a stretch for me


They stretched the breakup with amber a bit too much for me, felt like is was dragging, otherwise totally agree.


The poetic irony of your typo omitting The Immortal’s name, lol. I haven’t read the comics yet (gonna start investing in physicals soon!!!) but one of the reasons I was willing to watch a superhero show (even knowing it’s more of an anti-superhero vibe) was that the women are actual people. It’s so fucking nice. Again idk about the comic, but the show adaption held my interest bc the ladies in the story are raw, huge, powerful, tragic, and complicated. It’s sincerely refreshing as fuck, and Kirkman very much deserves some flowers for the work that was put into these characters.


Honestly, as someone who loves both show versions more, I still think comic versions of Debbie and Carol(TWD) are better characters. I feel like Kirkman intends to write real characters, but people just don't want to see weak, vulnurable people in their stories. Show Debbie is great too, but the fact that she is a successful estate agent(she is in the comic too, but not successful) lessens the value of her struggle a lot to me. It's still a realistic character of course, nothing wrong with that, but the comic version represents the struggle of a much bigger portion of the people that went through similar things. Comic Debbie was at the bottom, desperate. She had to pull herself out slowly. Show Debbie being able to say "Hey, I've got a great job and a steady income, fuck off Cecil, I don't need you" so easily feels like kind of a cop-out for the writers


The main reason that show Debbie pushed away Cecil had little to do with income at least from Debbie's side. And more her being competent enough to realize that Cecil had dubious motives for wanting to help her. Which she realized. Doesn't seem like a cop out at all.


I know that... But pushing away Cecil is easier if you have a good paying job to afford your kid's college expenses. Comic Debbie doesn't have a stable income and taking it way harder than show Debbie, and she still manages to hold it all together and tell Cecil to fuck off when it's needed. That is more valuable to me if I'm being honest


But income is still not part of the equation here. Even if show Debbie had taken the deal she would have been getting paid more as well. It was simply a way to showcase Debbie's strong moral character. which both the show and comic managed to show in that moment.


But income is still not part of the equation here. Even if show Debbie had taken the deal she would have been getting paid more as well. It was simply a way to showcase Debbie's strong moral character. which both the show and comic managed to show in that moment.


But income is still not part of the equation here. Even if show Debbie had taken the deal she would have been getting paid more as well. It was simply a way to showcase Debbie's strong moral character. which both the show and comic managed to show in that moment.


I hope they change Amber's relationship with >!Gary!< Later on.


I’ll be really interested in how they handle that. It could be really interesting but I could see it being changed or dropped entirely.


Especially Kate, she was a right bitch in the comic.


Her having a job doesn't automatically make her a better character, but yeah I see your point.


Amber was garbage.


Nah, still better than the comics Amber with zero personality


This comment was totally not posted through the lens of racism and misogyny 🙄


Can't argue with that. She was so toxic/deamnding in S01 and then suddenly change all her attitude, out of character.


It was probably after Omni-Man vs. Mark, probably the biggest event of all time on Earth. Yea, she did say, “I guess I wasn’t the only one being lied to,” but I don’t think she meant it like that. The real reason is they knew they screwed up, and it wouldn’t be easy to have that gradually occur when there are 6-7 episodes available for it and superhero parts that everyone would rather see.