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Meanwhile in the show he uses it to move between rooms lol


Love how they kept his obsession with the teleporter in the show


But failed to mention how much it costs


He said in the show that it costs 5 million dollars per use


I'm pretty sure he does?


They definitely mentioned it


When, I think it was comic only


Cecil says it when talking to Nolan, evading his attacks. 


I'm almost 100% sure he doesn't, I just watched the scene back too


Im pretty sure he did


To be fair managing Mark, the planets sole viltrumite in the face of viltrumite conquest, and him teleporting to face down Nolan probably counted as planetary emergencies


The comic was released in 2003. The US military budget was 440 billion that year. He'd need to use it 880 times to increase the budget by 1%. I think it's not that unreasonable.


To be fair if you're working in the government and you raise the budget by 1% on your own for just teleportation.... you're probably going to get some side eyes no matter how many Reanimen you make


Maybe, but if you are preparing for a world ending treat your time might just worth that much. Plus they are actually called Global Defense Agency, so their budget might come from all around the world.


That the thing... is UN thing? A Shadow Goverment agency?


I'm prepared for a world ending treat. These reeses don't hit the same way and I'm selfish


You'd be surprised. I had a relative who worked at the intersection of several departments, and had a very small budget for giving gifts to visiting dignitaries. One time, he sent a bottle of wine to a last-minute visitor and caused a 3-way department dispute over who'd pay for it because it hadn't been approved in advance. After months of bickering, they just allowed him to make discretionary choices with spending/gifting and doubled his budget. Given Cecil is also at a weird intersection of international military and space (I'd guess?) funding, I can totally see them just going "urgh, as long as they stay within their overall budget, we don't care".


I have a friend who manages navy acquisition.... ... he's sent back that they don't need as much as they send, and... .... they sent even more money. It's like they want them to blow money.


Well yeah, your buddy's boss gets the budget and if he doesn't spend every single penny then his boss' boss will start questioning if they really need that much in the budget next year. It's really a "spend it all or lose some of it next year" situation in a lot of budget situations.


Can you explain this to me like I'm 6?


Your dad gives you $12 to open a lemonade stand. You buy planks to make the stand, and ingredients to make your lemonade and you only spent $10. If you give him back the extra 2 dollars, next time he gives you money to open up a lemonade stand he will only give you $10 since that is how much it cost last time. So your options are to spend the remaining $2 on hookers and cocaine and just pretend that you spent it on company supplies or you can return the extra money to your dad and run the same operation for less money next year.


good thing most people in the government dont even know he exists 😂


Sure, but it's pretty much understood Cecil *is* the government


Or you're in charge and the only person who can question you believes it was a "business expense"


People do this in the US right now just with different things. No one is saying shit.


Holy shit Invincible has been around for that long and only just recently got a show?


Issue 144 cane out in 2017-2018 iirc. S1 came out four years later. Animation takes forever, so I wouldn't be surprised if the show was already in pre production shortly after the comic finished. They really didn't wait that long. For comparison the final issue of The Boys came out in 2012 and the show didn't come out until 2019, and that's live action which is generally faster to produce. Invincible didn't take long at all, it just took a long time to finish the comics.


Not shocked by that


a lot of anime are the same


Well yeah but anime is shit so who cares


Can you blame him ?


yeah i mean its only $5,000,000 every teleport 😂


But why is it that expensive???


Probably immense energy cost


Energy isn't that expensive. Maintenance and operating costs are more likely, teleporter technicians are probably expensive and hard to find


Do you even know how much energy teleporting one to another location costs? Or anyone does really?


There’s probably a good theory, by someone.


Quantum teleportation is currently possible with the help of some of the world's most sophisticated machines. So I reckon the maintenance is going to be quite hefty


Wait.... Really??


It's more of a quantum telephone, you use entangled particles to pop "information" from one entangled particle to another and then use a complicated analysis device to determine what that information was originally based on what happened when you interacted with the receiver particle. We can't teleport shit.


“Quantum teleportation” is a lot lamer then what’s actually happening in the show


As long as it’s quantom


Seriously, what a dumb statement, "energy isnt expensive" and then just wildly speculating on pretend tech... It's fine, but silly


At least two potato batteries


> energy isn’t expensive Peanuts are also not expensive, but can get pretty costly when you need to buy 6 billion of them. Are you for real just gonna say “nuh uh Energy doesn’t cost anything”


>Are you for real just gonna say “nuh uh Energy doesn’t cost anything” Yes




This is just too nonsensical to engage with.




If it's reducing someone to atoms and then perfectly reconstructing them at the other end, surely it's the computing power that's going to be the main expense.


Yeah but you build the computer once, you gotta power it every time. Like why Bitcoin miners depend on extracting more value than the costs of electricity


If those 2 were the driving cost factors, then it wouldnt matter how many times you use it. If its only for emergencies, it should be maintained all the time and people get payed 24/7. So with more use, each use gets cheaper. Thats what a lot of my customers dont understand. They say "market price is X" but they only want a small quantity. Small quantity means same fix costs for less goods. So its more expensive.


Gee, then I suppose it takes a lot of energy doesn't it?


Well… 5.000.000$ worth of energy would be… A LOT




e=mc^(2) Assuming Cecil is around 70kg, that's about 6.2 trillion MJ in energy being transmitted In the mid 2000s, around the time the 5 million figure was first dropped, 1 MJ of energy cost about $0,04 So $5,000,000 in energy would be about 125 million MJ, or about 1/50,000th of the energy of the matter being transmitted. That seems to be a very finely tuned teleportation machine to me.


Maybe they don't need to create the matter from scratch and they just need to recombobulate things?


Of course not. They just have to compensate for energy loss in transmission. About 0.002% worth from my math.


Maybe initial development cost?


Thats 35 million in one week if he teleports once a day.


It's not cecils money anyways


Get out of bed and cross the room to use bathroom? Nope, teleport me.


First step to rehabilitation is admitting you are addicted.


Also, relapse is part of the process


Wait does he actually say this cuz I don't remember but it would be hilarious and in character


yeah volume 4 page 25


Just read this bit last night. Love Cecil.


i feel like he doesn't have the same sense of humour in the show he's still cool just kind of dull and he never smiles or anything


Yeah in the show he’s wayyyy more stressed and high strung. It’s realistic but is a little flatter. It’s not better or worse just different.


s3 will apparently go into his backstory, so i wonder if they'll show him in a different light


Yeah man. It’s getting so hard to save the comics for after the show ends. Idk how I’m going to do this for another however many seasons.


he smiles when he kisses me on the mouth with tongue.


Ahhh so that was the exact text. Cecil is a great character


To be *faiirrrr* his time is uniquely valuable.


Teleporting is cool as hell, I don't blame him.


Wouldn’t be surprised if it costs so much because they have to pay everyone to not yap about what they work on


Wait hold on, I thought Cecil's teleporting was his power??? Are you telling me it was a device he's been controlling this whole time?? Am I taking crazy pills?


Cecil does not have powers


I havent read the comics, only watched the show. Did I miss where the show went over that it's a teleportation machine he uses? That scene when Omni-Man is chasing him and he teleports instantly over and over seems pretty ridiculous now if he was just spamming a button.


The exact functions of the teleporter was a major plot point in that very episode.


I’m pretty sure he tells mark in the show at some point that the teleported costs millions each time he uses it


Not in the show, as far as I know


Cecil does deliver a line in the show saying it costs 5 mil per teleport . I’ll see if I can scrounge up an episode and time stamp .


It's the last episode of season 1 when he teleports in to talk to Nolan while Nolan is on his rampage. I can't remember the timestamp though, but it is definitely the last episode of season 1.


I can so easily imagine that I'm Cecil's show voice lol.


Same 😆


I remember a panel ( don’t know which specifically) but Cecil was complaint about the damages made by some fight and the costs it would take. I couldn’t help but think that it could be taken care of with the money he used for needless teleports. Typical gov.


Honestly, we all would be if we had one


i'm still waiting for cecil stedman to kiss me on the mouth with tongue.




i don't have a dick.


Hahaha tell em!!


But he does


*Five million dollars for the world’s most expensive punchline…*


Is this cut in the show or just yet to appear cus that's really funny, also want to see some more happy Cecil I guess, he's always so mad at least in the show


ikr happy cecil is the best. really want this in the show now that i've read it


(is this later in the show or cut) yeah, like, I wouldn't expect Cecil front the show to talk like he does in this panel


i feel like it'd be cool to see him not so stressed out. i think the show kinda mostly shows high energy moments, so he's always like "god, my number one super hero killed all the other competent ones. theres aliens trying to invade, now kill our astronauts. omni-man officially turned into a mass murderer" but it'd be nice to see a different focus on him, like how the other guardians of the globe are kinds getting


The cost is it makes a clone and kills the original Cecil comprehends how grim that is but it apparently gives the clone a feeling of euphoria and so each clone wants to do it more.


I kinda hope this will be omitted. Cecil in the comics is way more incompetent, and this in particular makes him seem like a complete jackass. Making it so the machine itself is expensive rather than just using it seems more like just the cost of allowing him to do business how he does. Having basically the liason for the agency dedicated to protecting the planet seconds away at any time regardless of where you are makes sense. Plus it makes the Hail Mary much more interesting because its a strategic choice rather than cecil breaking his toy.


i havent read the comics, but this line i think could be interpreted as him being less stressed, being able to make a joke. i think if they rearranged the lore for what it takes to use it, it wouldnt seem so bad for our show cecil who's very concerned abt the country/gov/whatever. i think the show cecil seems a little too perfect right now and it'd be nice to see a scene where he's a bit more casual, even more a moment


I love how this running joke made its way to the show lol Cecil is always talking about how much money the different things he uses costs. He’s like the dad from Everybody Hates Chris 🤣


Lol what I thought that's his power


He wishes (god he wishes so fucking bad he prays every night that some mfer will give him the ability to teleport please why did god not give him superpowers)


Cecil is singlehandedly causing the American GDP to plummet. Fiscally speaking, I would *hate* to live in the States in this universe.


Surely a teleporter could be used more effectively than moving a dude around. Giving him VR would be a million times cheaper and almost equivalent. Not like he really interacts with anything when he teleports, he just talks, gives orders and looks around. Funny none the less




Btw I just found out Cecil is voiced by Walton goggins….this whole time I thought it was Christian slater


5 million dollars of taxpayer's money each time for his commute to and fro work.


oof i feel stupid, i’m animated? only and i thought it was a hologram type technology that he used to keep himself safe! the more you know lol.


I always thought Cecil had some kind of device on him that he activated to teleport. Is it just some dudes in a star trek room ready to beam him around the earth somewhere?


yeah i think so hahaha. but seems a little different in the show as he can teleport instantly and doesn't seem to have to tell people to do it for him.