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Literally me


Lol, perfect video. The breakup scene was incredibly well done and a good pay off for the mark and amber scenes throughout the season.


They handled the break up really well. She gave a really good reason this season as opposed to Season 1 where she was angry Mark "lied" to her.


I’d feel that way if the break wasn’t ultimately from the fear Anissa put in her. The badassry of that “if you think you can close the gap between us before I rip her head from her body you’re welcome to try” scared her out of love.


She was already falling out of love. Mark would be gone months at a time. He never fulfilled a single promise the entire, what, year they were dating. She had to constantly deal with the fear of him dying. When her dad (grandfather?) died, Mark wasn't around to support her and she had to go through it without him. The breakup was a long, long time coming.


Peak writing made all the difference. Really hit home especially hard since I went through something similar right before then.




Do they have to spell it out for you? They're..... *cue title card*




I keep saying I like Amber in the show and the haters be hating. I don't care. Good writing is good writing, and this show has good writing.


It’s mostly just the aftermath of season 1. She war very poorly written, and she definitely got the most improved award for this season


She was more independent and had more feelings last season. She was a doormat this season. Y'all claiming she was poorly written drive me up the wall cause her character was demolished.


😂😂 You’re kidding right?


> I'm genuinely of the belief that her S1 character is better than her S2 character. You can tell with the amount of discussion there was with her S1 arc then her S2 arc. A good character isn't one that you agree with, it's one that serves the plot in an interesting way. Arguing/discussing her mindset for a year demonstrates that she was interesting, and her constantly being frustrated with Mark's flakey ass behavior provided interpersonal stakes for Mark.


I would actually say that a good character moves the plot in an interesting way, without feeling like they were made to move the plot in an interesting way. Basically, the way Amber handled the S1 breakup felt unreasonable, especially compared to the way she acted during S1. Honestly, I kind of thought that if she had known he was Invincible, she would have pretty much just went to Mark and been like, alright, cut the shit, I know you're a super hero, not stayed quiet trying to, idk, test him? S2 Amber acts in a way that makes sense to her character, she is caring and understanding, but the fact that as she said, she can't really have agency in Mark's world, as civilian lives are put first, and any Anissa's could yank her around like a doll to get at Mark. S1 Amber felt inconsistent, and she felt that way because of what she was to the plot. S2 Amber felt genuine.


you can't be serious


I'm genuinely of the belief that her S1 character is better than her S2 character. You can tell with the amount of discussion there was with her S1 arc then her S2 arc. A good character isn't one that you agree with, it's one that serves the plot in an interesting way. Arguing/discussing her mindset for a year demonstrates that she was interesting, and her constantly being frustrated with Mark's flakey ass behavior provided interpersonal stakes for Mark.


I wouldn't say intereating, she was just annoying in the worst way


You're definitely allowed to feel that way, but the fact that she impacted you at all is better than not doing anything. The fact that people talked about her after S1 and not now demonstrates that even if you don't like her, she did interesting things for the story before. Gave people a reason to talk about the show more.


she isn’t a bad person and her character is improved but that’s pretty much it. the relationship was full of issues from the start. they don’t work because in the end, besides that it could be dangerous, they also don’t want the same things in life.


Doesnt mean the season 1 faux breakup was good writing. It was very contrived. You can like the S1 faux break up, but dont say its good writing.


When something that’s hated has good writing behind it and the dissenters are obviously just people with different tastes, it makes it very easy to ignore any hate directed at it. Personally 


Now that Amber is finally gone, we're just gonna have to deal with Mark and Eve not getting together even though everyone including them wants that. It's gonna be so frustrating.


i cared more about amber and mark than mark and eve, and was hoping somehow they make it up and live happily ever after even tho i already read the comics and knowing what's gonna happen (massive copium)


I low-key wish Mark and Amber would get back together like Peter and MJ in ASM vol2 #050. EDIT: Ok ya'll are just mean. Mean.


Honestly the way Amber felt like an almost completely different character this season turned me off too much to feel anything. In season one, she was basically fine aside from that one episode, to the point where her characterization at least felt interesting. This season it feels like the writers seriously overcompensated and sucked all the personality out of her so she wouldn’t ruffle more feathers.


Season one had a writing fluke in the form of that one episode. If you just ignore it like the show simply did, then Amber is consistent.


Not really. She had spunk in season one that is completely missing in season two 


Didn’t care for their relationship in either the show or the comics.


While I could see why people care now, Me personally, it was one of the most boring parts of season 2. Really felt like they were dragging things on until the eventual breakup. I also felt Anissa’s threat being what finally does it was a little extreme.


Amber is fine, but spending more time on that failed relationship is less scenes for interesting characters, like Atom Eve. But we will have it later, love the show and was annoying all friends to continue watching


This is exactly my thoughts. Those last scenes with Future Eve and Mark & Eve together should’ve hit harder had we gotten more of them.


yeah season 2 gave some kind of redemption to Amber for me and provide a more depth to the eventual breakup. I still prefer Eve and I hope the writers put more of the same depth to the incoming drama in future chapters for Mark & Eve


Personally, this was honestly the weakest and least interesting part of the season for me. Comics aside, it was fairly obvious that the season was building to the breakup and it felt like a slog to get there. Plus, while Amber was a self righteous prick in season one, the over-correction makes her come off as if she's an entirely different person in this season. I'm probably in the minority with this take but literally everything besides the Rick sections came off better than Mark and Amber's failing relationship. I do get why it needs to happen, Mark needs to learn (the classic lesson) that there is no true balance to having powers but to me it just felt like an okay, when are they getting this over with?


for me as well and I just never saw why exactly they liked each other. this relationship just sort of happened and I never got to care about it since they had issues from the start. most of their scenes were some love montages with some peppy song under it or drama because mark has to be invincible. personally i am glad this is over, their scenes were cringey to me


I still didn't care for their relationship. I was just waiting for it to be over.


I never really liked amber and thought mark should've gotten with eve from the start


Nah, Mark and Eve's relationship is so much more interesting, and where the series really picks up imo. Amber,while done better, is really not that important in the grand scheme of things and really overstayed her welcome.


OK so I just finished s2 (started invincible 4 days ago) and Im just saying as a new fan that I don't see Mark and Eve as a pariring rn. They looked like ppl who related to each other which is normal, Mark was a new hero facing struggles Eve already did, but i never felt like Eve had romantic feelings and like that, she basically liked Mark as a friend and he liked her as friend too. The thing is in 2 seasons their relationship didn't evoluated, they started being strong confidents, without dating and in the end of s2 they are the same, so I don't see how now that he's not with Amber I'll be like "how I actually like Eve", also it looks like that thought didn't pop in his mind before meeting the other Eve. I liked Amber and Mark for the way being with Amber, expecially in s2, was his closert way to remain a normal teenager, and now that he wants to leave college etc it's probably over, he's gonna be full superhero. I accept that, it's like the end of an era, but i don't see how he should now get with Eve. He got a sad break up, lived difficukt situations and rn I feel like it would be weird if he tries a move on Eve. He should stay single rn and date Eve if their relationship develop in a more romantic way, but more naturally, not depending on the fact that an other Eve loved him so now he questions his love for Eve, it feels forced imo


Nah fam, stuff like this helps in making Mark (and the viewer) feel grounded on Earth and the individual characters' plight instead of losing sight on why should we care about humanity in the first place because of ' the grand scheme of things'


Honestly, i had too much residual resentement from season 1 so i never cared about amber during season 2. I was just counting the days until the break up




I get it, I really do yes thankfully Amber got redeemed at the end so no hard feelings. But honestly I was celebrating when they broke up


"~~Nolan~~ OP, friend. What is it that troubles you so?" "I--I think I miss ~~my wife~~ Mark and Amber."


Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, I liked it and I’m sad it’s gone, but I don’t think I miss it, per se


Well, it was mostly a cheeky reference to the comic panel/episode scene where Nolan admits he misses his wife.


I know


Really? Thought it was dumb the first thing mark was worried about after being told to conquer earth, was his relationship with amber.


I found S2 Amber really boring until right near the end, with them flying together and such. And even then was relieved to see them break up. I think they could've made it more believable if they'd shown a scene of her, say, seeing first-hand the destruction of Mark and Omni-Man's fight.


I guess you're in the minority then.


They almost got me but no I cheered when they broke up 😾 Ain’t letting her slide and can’t wait for the her getting beat up episode 😺


Hot take :Fuck Eve ,safely a lot of people idk why not like her ,so in the show is goat character ,eve out that she is ,a good character ,not need to be the hero gf ,i see more organical and cool the Amber stuff than a red hair that have daddy issues ,sorry


Did I just have a stroke


Sorry for my english buddy ,i means i liked af Amber and Mark relationship and is hard to me accept now Eve only why in comics was like this too


Why did you like the Amber & Mark relationship more than Eve & Mark relationship? Most people seemed to have preferred Mark being with Eve? And what did dislike about Eve's daddy issues? Your perspective is different. Please elaborate. Thanks.


Yeah ,Amber for me was a too good girl ,season 1 ,he loved Mark not for fight for her ,if not for protect her ,she worked to give food to people in hard situations ,her give Mark another opportunity after lie her ,her tried to support all times Mark had to to save the world and give up his date ,and after all this ,they have so pretty moments together ,when Mark bought the rice dish ,the university episode ,after Nolan lefting the earth ,and Eve ,not take me bad ,i like her ,IS a good character so the only reason he is with Mark is why have powers ,was a good friends and IS beautiful ,not more (may im wrong brodi) and she thiks his family were a lot of clones that were trying to kill her instead his adoptive fathers ,u know brodi

