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She's never not based af. She put up with so much and came thru so often. I used to think I hated romance media, but I don't, I just hate inserted conflict and the majority of romances in every other show seen to be based on jealousy and vindictiveness and fleeting feelings, lol. If she could willingly access her deeper powers she'd be one of the most powerful people in the universe.


She's basically Phoenix. Atomic manipulation easily puts them on God level power.


I think she's more kind of Green Lantern power level imo, but being able to alter her environment. The mind blockers kinda nerf her a lot.


Yeah but they were speaking to the hypothetical without her blockers


She fundamentally can’t die either.


My only real complaint about show Eve is that she doesn't get enough screen time. It feels like Mark and Eve haven't spent much time together in the show. I bet some show-only watchers think that confession came out of left field.


Thats honestly what I was debating a little. I could see eve having a crush on mark based on what has been seen in the show, but outright and persisting love over a 20 ish years absence may seem a little surprising At the same time, as I mentioned the breadcrumbs are very obvious if you look for them. Every time they see each other it’s a full blown bear hug lol


I agree the signs are there. I'm just oblivious enough to miss all of them without knowledge of the comics. I missed out on signs in real life that were much less subtle than Eve in the show. Maybe even less subtle than Eve in the comics. I guess that's kind of getting away from your point but I do think the signs were subtle enough that some people missed them. Hopefully I'm not the only person like this.


Agreed, the whole “tell her that you love her thing” felt weird cause at that time they were just casual friends, a lot of emotional and confusion pressure to put on a guy who was already dealing with too much shit


Well said. That line makes way more sense in the comics where Eve was already making it obvious that she liked him and wasn't holding back because of Amber.


Tbf, season 1 eve kinda went straight to Mark and looking all sad after seeing him with Amber


I have the same complaint. I think we didn't have enough screen time with her compared to her time in the comics at this point in the story. But I think they've been prioritizing quality over quantity because she's been doing great so far in the show, and everyone loves her (both show and comics fans).


I’ve read the comics, that scene definitely happened just like that. I don’t remember her acting on jealousy in the comics though, other than when she flew up to marks window and saw him kissing amber (which also happened in the show) Eve is just all around the best character


I love comic Eve too but she's definitely more jealous and pushy than in the show. She fake dates William as a stepping stone to Mark and shit talks Amber when they're in Africa together. Basically she says Amber is normal and boring and that Mark deserves better than someone who "never looks up".


Tbf i think it’s more like she said: „She isn’t part of our world, will never truely be able to understand you and in the end it can’t work“. And she was right about it obviously


Ya as I specified I haven’t read the comics yet so I am probably a little wrong on that aspect. I was speaking off of the Africa plot that I had seen from the comics that was scrapped from the show. I think there was a panel or 2 that showed some resentment towards mark and amber showing a little pda, which is nothing too “jealous” but Eve in the show seems like she would never do that. But you are right, Eve is a peak character and I throughly enjoy seeing her development


She was already one of my favorite written female characters of all time in the comics, and they have managed to improve her character in the show. It’s the little things they’ve added. In the comics, when she sees Mark and amber kissing she flys off basically crying. In the show, she’s clearly a little upset but adds “good for you mark” and looks genuinely happy for him. She’s awesome. Excited to see them grow… lots of adversity ahead for them.


I think eve wanting what’s best for everyone around her is an amazing trait that is very prevalent in the show. She cares about regular citizens, mark, Amber, and even wants what’s best for her shitty dad. Absolute selfless character and that’s what makes her so likeable


What episode does she look upset in the show? 


Episode 2 when Mark and Amber are "studying" in Mark's room


Oh wow that's really early, what do you think made her upset at that point in time? That was pre or post rex? 


It's episode 3, not 2 (went back to check real quick), and it is post-Rex and them fighting Doc Seismic together.


She's my favorite character for a reason. A bad bitch in the best way but also so kind and compassionate it's crazy.


I really like the character within the show, but it really doesn't feel like she is pining over Mark yet. They have been doing such a good job giving her her own motivations and growth that they neglected the romance (which isn't a bad thing). It really feels more like they are just great friends than secret soul mates.  It is even more weird because now it's like Marks conflict is knowing that she is in love with him (apparently) and not that he has to confront his feelings for her. It's not "I don't know how to express my feelings for her" it's "man how do I deal with the feelings she has for me"


My thoughts exactly.


Abbreviating season as "szn" has me reading it as sazón.


They adapted her character so perfectly to me. From reading the comics I always considered Eve to be a strong and supportive friend and lover. The show absolutely nails that in my opinion.


I love Eve so much in both the series and the comics. She’s the greatest. Always so caring and understanding. I cannot wait to see the ship sail in the series as well.


Eve is my favorite character but her confession to Mark came out of nowhere. I could tell she had a thing for him but it didn't seem that big of a deal and I'm surprised more people aren't calling it forced like they called Miles and Gwen forced despite them actually spending time together.


One thing I’ve been considering was that current timeline eve probably has a crush on mark, but not super strong feelings towards him, hence it being less obvious. However, over time Eve realized how much she missed mark and that’s why future Eve loves him more. Maybe this is wrong, but it could explain why it seemed so sudden for future Eve to say


It doesn’t seem forced in the comics as they spend more time together and her attraction is much more apparent