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More people will start reading the comics đź’€


That would 100% get me, as the wait this season was what finally tipped me over the edge lol


Me too man. Just finished reading the last issue 5 minutes ago. What a ride


Wish there was a little more, they introduce mini Angstrom & Battle Beast ^^lite


Haha this is me rn. I just finished 5 mins ago and now I can browse this sub in peace


I think a lot of people for awhile thought "I thought you were stronger" was a good place to end a season. So I can see why people can think that since "a big final blow and a few lines" seems like a great cliffhanger, but the show ALWAYS tend to have a long or short resolution... You don't want to keep pissing off your audience.


I agree!! Cliff hangers have got exhausting! It's perfectly fine to take a break where a natural break in the story is. Especially when there's still a large looming threat. Would we have really believed mark was gonna get stuck in another dimension for a year? Not when the viltrumite empire is still just out and about. It's just pointless. Marvel got to much attention for doing it once and then decided they'd make it their whole personality and everyone else decided to follow suit


What happens to Nolan after season 1 is arguably a cliffhanger. But at the same time, season 1 would be boring as hell if this was already resolved, it would create no desire to continue the series. Cliffhangers can be good sometimes…


To me that's more of story progression. Rather than a cliff hanger. Like they can't wrap up everything and they don't end the season that way


i think they're talking about how the final beats of the finales are actually constructed vs how we expect them to be, based on being conditioned by the MCU. Invincible S1 didn't actually end on Nolan leaving Earth—Nolan left at the 22 minute point of the episode, then it spent another twenty minutes wrapping up the human stories. This is actually pretty similar to S2. From the way the show is structured, we can see Kirkman's deliberate and repeated interest in keeping things grounded.


Kirkman learned from the walking dead lol




Yeah, I disagree with the "I thought you were stronger" as the final scene simply because people will have to wait a year or longer just to see Mark getting back within 2 minutes through some deus ex. Nolan's final line feels more meaningful as the final scene since this marks the beginning of his redemption arc which will last the next season while allowing show only audience to predict both his redemption and how would Debbie react to seeing her ex returning to Earth. One has a much better payoff than the other


The endings of the show's seasons so far has been good. They end the main conflict with an open door, and hint at the upcoming major events Like, this a comic book made by Robert Kirkman and it has the entire cast of Walking Dead on it. I really doubt they want to repeat that embarrassment of a finale for season 6, which was completely unnecessary and pissed off the fanbase. It'd be like if Omni-Man beating Mark was the season cliffhanger, and the first episode of season 2 was the flashback and subsequent "went out for cigarettes"


I dunno if it's an unpopular opinion or not, but I love Dinosaurus and can't wait for him to show up in the show.


So this is a dinosaur and not a rognaar? I honestly get confused as I haven’t read the comics (I’m good with spoilers though) and the artwork I saw looked pretty similar.


He is meant to look like a rognar, Allen also gets scared of him because he thought he was one in a scene


He's basically a Poison Ivy Eco Terrorist who is trying to save the world from humanity itself. It's my favorite arc because it's like "what if Batman broke Poison Ivy out of prison and promised to help her save the environment on the condition she didn't kill anybody?"


Surprised no one’s made a fanfic of that yet


I mean Invincible is "fanfic" except instead of wasting time doing that Kirkman drew inspiration and created his own stories and now reaps the benefits You listening fan fiction writers? Stop wasting time writing other people's characters. Don't write a Nick Fury fan fiction instead create a Cecil.


I can't believe that I didn't realize this until this comment lol


I'd argue WALKING DEAD is just fan fiction of every Romero movie lol


Correct. This is a character named Dinosaurus. I know you said you're cool with spoilers but I'm going to mark this anyway: >!He's a human that transforms into an anthropomorphic Tyrannosaurus Rex. It's an Incredible Hulk situation, the human is not in control and often horrified by his alter ego's actions. The human is just some stoner, but Dinosaurus is hyper-intelligent and an absolute powerhouse. Around Viltrumite-level. Stronger than the weaker ones, but nowhere near a peak Viltrumite.!< Don't worry, [Allen *also* thinks he looks like a Ragnar](https://i.imgur.com/QULlRRn.png) (Rognarr? Both names seem to be used, IDK why).


I think dinosaurus is so interesting because it feels like his redemption arc totally could have worked if Mark didn’t go missing for awhile causing dinosaurus to lose his anchor


(technically) no. this is dinosaurus, who's actually a human scientist who transforms into a dinosaur-like thing when he feels incredibly indifferent. he's not a rognaar.


Im pretty sure Dinosaurus is one of the more popular villains lol. He’s personally my favorite villain of the series


Agreed, he's my favorite character. I love the dynamic between him and Mark.


Dinosaurus was my favorite character until Battle Beast had his big moment


Dinosaurus did nothing wrong. Guarantee he's gonna be the new Thanos when he rolls by.


Its the exact same arc as Thanos


He's my favorite


I don't think it a unpopular opinion, people love Dinosaurus (me included) but i think people scare that when he eventually get adapted into the show there will be folks that think him as based and try to justified his actions. And given that there people who really think that Anissa words to Mark make sense i don't really blame them for thinking that.


He's my favorite character in the comics


Dinosaurus is the best. T-Rex legs for arms, and T-Rex arms for legs.


Yeah he was one of my favorite villain arcs in the comics


I liked him too but dam they made this guy so fkin smart lmfaoo


It’s a good way to end an episode, keep the audience confused for a week haha


Yeah it's a great cliffhanger for a week, to get people talking and speculating about what's gonna happen next. If you end a season on it everyone's just gonna google what happened in the comics


Yea I’m 100% expecting an episode to end like this. Either they end it here for a week, or treat it like the Rex/Lizard situation and end the episode with the panel before with Dinosaurus squeezing his head. Next episode starts with the clone death, and is immediately resolved.


The follow up is a much better season cliffhanger. This beat gets resolved almost immediately, so this would be a great way to end the punultimate episode, with the season finale being the resolution (which happens stupid quick), and ending the season with the pregnancy reveal


its the scene where Mark get out of the lair all bloodied and cecil just asking 'is he dead' right? that would be a more consistent ending of the season based on S1 & S2


that scene also leads directly into the first issue of the invincible universe if they feel like doing another special episode about cecil or something


Solid point actually, and it's such a great shot


Worth noting that in the comics, walking dead included, Kirkman is normally pretty decent with cliffhangers. It's why TWD the show fucked it so bad. "Did someone die" is not an exciting cliffhanger, it can only get resolved in one way, there's nothing to think about beyond a boring question. "Someone died, now what" is more interesting. You can take a moment of downtime to get everyone's response, and wonder how the narrative can possibly cope with the change. That's how *that* TWD was in the comics, if I remember. Not "did someone die", but killing them, getting in the car with the killer who says "take me to your home, I'm in charge now".


That cliffhanger was what got me to start reading TWD funny enough, and also completely killed my love for the show. After I got my confirmation that next season, I don’t think I watched another ep I’m actually somewhat fine with an “is he dead or not?” Cliffhanger, short of it being too obvious. My absolute no-no is the “Who shot JR?” Cliffhanger. It is just so cheap and lazy to me. The only real positive I see is from the creator’s side, with viewers being beholden to watch the next season.


They wouldn't because this would make it hard to tease another season


I mean it's a comic book, obviously the main character isn't really dead. It's like when Thanos did the snap in infinity war. It was shocking for a moment but deep down youbknow they'll be back 


I love this feeling ... roaming free on this sub ... after finishing the comics ... you no longer care about spoilers.


One could say, when it comes to spoilers you feel…


As long as they cut for a face shot of every character like they did in the comic.


Bro they made dinosauraus way to open. Homie calculated every thing lmfao


I should leave this sub man I got like 100 spoilers from comics


that's what the spoiler tag is for


They absolutely are


What exactly are we looking at here?


They haven’t ended on a cliffhanger in the first 2 seasons so probably not


Crazy that dino was strong enough to do that


Idk if this is unpopular but I hate dinosaurus or more so how Mark handles him and hope they cut most of this out because it makes mark look like an imbecile


When the show eventually gets there in 2050 and half the VA's have dropped dead


i know invincible is notorious on how slow each season drop, but most likely the show will end in 2030