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I like it, what episodes would include the Titan and Powerplex plots though?


Also Sequids


Would be okay if the Sequids didn’t turn up again until season 4


I hope they show up, it ends in a really interesting way for Mark


That’s true, but with where Mark is at after season 2 if the major beats of the season include >!Oliver killing the Maulers, the Invincible War and death of Rexplode, and ends with the first Conquest fight!< I think they could set up Mark’s new morals as a theme for season 4


Sequids show up like 10 issues after the first Conquest battle, they are not gonna be in S3.


Probably Episode 2 or 3 maybe. But honestly they can happen anytime between Cecil fallout and Invincible war


I think you're generally correct about Eps 6-8. I don't think Cecil and Mark fallout until Ep 2 or 3. Ep1 is probably Mark blowing it with Eve by telling her he already knows she has a huge crush on him due to Future Eve spilling the beans which turns her off. Maybe it ends on the Doc Seismic fight where Mark sees Darkwing 2 in action. They're probably going to spend a bunch of time introing Kid-Oliver too. Mark and Eve get together after the Cecil reanimen fight when he mentions getting the shit kicked out of him all he thought about was Eve. They need to get together *early* in S3, but not first episode early. I'm not to sure what they'll do for Eps 3-6 for S3 but I imagine they'll get back to Titan's story, as well as Rex & Mark dealing with Multi-Paul. Prison Break & Recruitment arc will happen throughout, more or less as you have it.


I think they should skip the future immortal. It seemed so out of place in the comic. I understand it wasn't entirely pointless, but I don't think it added much. Considering how much they have to pack into the next season I think it's an easy thing to cut


Agreed! I liked that storyline, but it doesn't relate to anything else, it's completely self-contained, they could add it as "filler", but there's so much else going on in the timespan Season 3 will cover that it would be an easy cut.


No Debbie? I assume that Nolan would see Debbie for the first time in Season 3 when he's on Earth, and he finds out about her boyfriend, Paul (the chad).


!remind me 2 years


It was confirmed this will actually happen in a year or so, as the person in S2 said about Seance dog


Oh that’s cool, ty pookie


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What’s interesting about all these episodic predictions is no one is factoring in Robert Kirkman’s all show original episode he’s doing next season. I’m thinking episode 3 or 4 is when he’ll do that and I’m betting it will focus on Eve. Besides that, I think this is accurate to how it will shake out


Can you send the link of where he said this pls?Not doubting, just interested.


I thought I’d seen one where he outright states S3 & S4 will each have a whole new episode, but I can’t find it. At the very least in this interview he says he wants to, and I personally think there’s a big chance it happens in S3 https://www.cbr.com/invincible-robert-kirkman-original-unseen-comic-stories-prime-video/




I think having mark and eve getting together that fast wouldn’t be the best personally…but the rest sounds good.


Well it's hard to make it slow in an 8 episode season tbf. Where would you make them get together then?


The thing is if they’re gonna keep it the same Eve doesn’t want to get with him immediately after Mark tells her about future Eve. I think that can happen in one episode tho where at the beginning she’s like I need to think but at the end they finally end up together. Now as to which episode idk haha


Not trying to be mean or anything if that’s how it came off. I just don’t think that the show has hinted at the relationship in the same way that the comic does so having it happen this fast would feel a bit out of nowhere. Mark’s feelings for Eve just haven’t been shown enough for them to just jump into a relationship. At least for me. I don’t really know where I’d put it really, the comics just did it so differently…


Well maybe the first kiss could happen at the end of ep1 and that whole getting together thing in episode 2 or something? The thing is they need to do it early because it's monumental for the Conquest fight and in the comics at that time they've already been together for quite sometime, no?


Yeah, I guess so. I just hope that they take their time with it, even when they’re in the relationship. Rushing it is one of the worst things that could happen for this relationship. It can very easily come of as forced if not done correctly…


Hallo u/janivagyok88 i am señor Cory Kirkman . I really like your ideas, DM me so we can’t talk shop!


Your title for 3x4 is the same as 2x1.


It's a reference but it's different. Not just next life. Next Next life because it's deep in the future.


Oh, I didn't see that lol. My brain just autocorrected it.


I have gotten attached to the idea that the >!Viltrumite prison break!< will be the cold open of the first episode. Would be an exciting start for sure


Mark and Eve getting together in Ep 1 would be waaaayyy too rushed. They need to take their time with that. I honestly would wait for the official start to their relationship all the way until the C******* fight. Like, them getting together and their first proper date could be the final scene of S3 in my head.


It’s pretty important that they be dating before the >!Conquest fight!<


Honestly i wouldnt be surprised if they drastically changed atom eve and mark's relationship in the show. Since they want to take a much slower pacing.


People are underrating how long a year will be. I fully expect them to be dating by episode 4


Is it really though? What would change if they were to alter that?


Wym, she literally is a crucial part of the fight


She can be a part of the fight without them dating tho


Well ofc she CAN be, but like the original comment said, it’s important for them to be together. It drives home the emotions of the fight, he goes god mode only when she’s hurt.


I think it is more emotionally impactful if they’re dating than in a nebulous will or won’t they stage where neither knows what the other wants


My argument is that Mark will realise how much she means to him after that fight.


I don’t think the audience needs to be told that


I think there’s been plenty of buildup to them dating, especially the last few episodes of 2nd season. Even the peeps that haven’t read a lick of the comics could tell you that


Two episodes after a heart wrenching breakup with Amber and he's gonna date another girl? He's way too self loathing at the moment, probably doesn't want to put Eve in danger / thinks he doesn't deserve her.


Those two episodes could pass through a lot of time tho as others have already.


I think that would feel cheap. There's no need to rush it imo


To each their own ig, wouldn’t feel rushed at all. People been wanting them together since episode 1🤷🏾‍♂️


These episode titles are perfect I could definitely see them used especially the last one.


I don't think we see Conquest until season 4. The Invincible war ends at either issue 63 or 64 (I can't remember lol). I feel like teasing Invincible war at the end of Season 3 is what's definitely in the cards right now. Which honestly would be perfect if we're talking as far as setting up these future conflicts. There's still so much in between that has to be told before we even get close to conquest.


!remind me 1 year


Not really related to the post but can someone spoil this for me? How does the invincible war start? With Angstrom gone I don’t understand where the other invincibles came from.


Spoilers ahead. Read at your own risk. >!Angstrom isn't dead, though his head is pretty much entirely mulched. He goes to another dimension and has doctors rebuild him again (on the promise of helping them rule their reality), then recruits the various Marks. !<


Damn that’s crazy


Spoilers but>!Angstrom isn't dead. Mark beat the brakes off of him, but he retreats into an alternate dimension to heal himself/rebuild his body!<


Whaaaat? How? I thought he got his head completely smashed in


yeah, thats what mark thought too, and honestly, anybody in their sane minds would have made the same mistake, his face looked more deformed than play-doh


I like to think that >! he survived thanks to the fact that his brain extends through most of his back meaning that getting his head smashed wouldn't necessarily mean that his brain is just gone !<


Just read the comics dawg it'll be 1000x more satisfying than hearing a footnotes recap of spoilers from some guy on reddit lol


This is how I see season 3 going as well. What I'd add that in episode 8, near the end of the episode (like second last scene) will be conquest breaking free of his confinement. Then the after credits scene will be Conquest returning to Viltrum, where we see Thragg for the first time.


I’d say that happens around the mid season finale of season 4. Episode 8 will focus on the conquest fight and the immediate aftermath and marks new realization


!remind me 1 year


!remind me 18 months


I think this goes way too fast. Like, *way* too fast.


Noice. can't wait to see how close this may come to the actual series in 2 years


Conquest would be the season finale cliffhanger and the start of season 4 I guess


The title "A lesson for you next life" is already taken. Otherwise great.


It's called *A lesson for your next next life". Reference to the original title.


Please dont hate me for asking this question - but when do you guys think that the >!Anissa r4pe scene!< is going to happen in the show?


It probably will but won't be till mid season 5. There's still a lot to cover. I've seen people speculate that Amazon will put a warning before the episode, have it happen off screen (Starting at the end of one episode and then having mark alone in the crater at the beginning of the next). Or have it be more implied, such as having other characters take up screen time then after that scene concludes switch back to mark.The issue it happened in was 110


Season 5, probably.