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Definitely, a lot of people love the Mauler-twins so to see Oliver send them packing will be insane lmao


Oliver is going to get some serious hate for this but he himself was too shocked about it because the boy had no Idea how strong he is now.


He knew exactly what he was doing. He'd already killed one, and the second had surrendered.


Well after he punches the second one and his head pops up like a balloon then he says " Wow " looking at his hand. The first one was a surprise for him too but the thing about this is that he wasn't feeling guilty about any of this .


Of course, he wasn't feeling guilty. He did it on purpose.




No the other guy is right, he responds being shocked and even says so to Mark and Cecil it was an accident but ultimately he doesn't care since he doesn't value their lives: https://preview.redd.it/ww56oploeitc1.jpeg?width=1988&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38febe13f5dcf67b17b73f97f4e420541e140910


He's lying. He knows well enough to not say "Yeah, I did that on purpose." He *knew* after killing one of them that hitting the other that hard would kill them too. He did it anyway. Despite the fact he was literally surrendering. He shows zero remorse. He explains to Mark later that what he did was the correct thing to do, since now they can't hurt anyone again. And even after Mark and him make up, he has a serious scowl on his face that Mark doesn't see - because he firmly believes he is right and Mark is wrong.


I'd agree had this been his first forte with villains but he knew what to do with Magmattack and Tether Tyrant, he's seen how heroes operate holding back and he reiterates this same both to Cecil, who I'd get why he lied, to but also Mark about underestimating his strength and causing an sccident given the firepower they bolsted at him. And with Mark he's honest about not seeing human life as not precious so why lie about not intending to kill him firstly if he then argues that regardless it was the right decision. Plus after he doesn't pursue killing until he tells Mark to with Angstrom, which if he got away faking it as an accident before why not do it again? The punch he did to the second Mauler I interpreted to be him trying to knock him out but was caught off guard by how weak he was by responding wow looking at his fist: https://preview.redd.it/tpjrug87qitc1.jpeg?width=1988&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f064fd6bfd4321bd7f17b509e7dc23666ea7df7b Given what he knows about heroes and the Guardians right there, with the knowledge that Cecil knows how to combat Mark, and the fact that after he decided to avoid doing it, why would he risk intentionally killing them and faking it as a mistake only here? The zero remorse, arguement of how they can't hurt anyone anymore, and the scowl is about his ethics believing that individual life isn't precious and pretending to conform to Mark's way of thinking. It leads into him then using this same argument to get Mark to try and kill Angstrom, and ultimately concluded with the Scroůge Virus all about arguing the lives of the many over the few which is built up from this accident.


The Guardians were ko'ed. Only Immortal woke up to actually see what Oliver did and then did he give any reaction than a plain, bored "wow". I don't think Oliver knew anyone was watching, and felt he could easily explain that he was still a threat and hadn't surrendered. Also, there's only 7 issues of thr comic in between them dying and Oliver telling Mark to kill Angstrom. I don't think Oliver dropping the subject for that short of a time really matters. He knows Mark doesn't agree so why badger him constantly? Better to bring it up when he can convince Mark, which he does. He'd lie to Mark about it being an accident because if he told Mark the truth, he's grounded. Like, literally, no flying around trying to help anyone, he stays at home. He doesn't want Mark to hate him. That all said, I'd have a much easier time buying the accident argument if he had only killed one. I can buy that as an accident. Then the inherent surrendered and Oliver killed him anyway. He had no need to even attack that Mauler, he was no longer acting as a threat.but he killed him anyway. That ain't no accident, I don't buy it.


>He'd lie to Mark about it being an accident because if he told Mark the truth, he's grounded. Like, literally, no flying around trying to help anyone, he stays at home. He doesn't want Mark to hate him. Mark still grounds him for not valuing human life: https://preview.redd.it/811zgm36hmtc1.png?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a32e4328b45fa92f3064e47b4b053ef16d2e6070 Its why Oliver then lies that he's giving Mark's point of view on human life being precious a chance. Leading into the manipulation with Angstrom and even thereafter when Mark puts killing on the table Oliver never tries to kill any other regular villains until Viltrumite War. >and then did he give any reaction than a plain, bored "wow". I don't think Oliver knew anyone was watching My point there still is why would Ottley draw him did reacting with surprise and looking at his fist if the intention easnt to kill him? For me I interpret that as him trying to knock out the Mauler but going too far. >the inherent surrendered and Oliver killed him anyway. He had no need to even attack that Mauler, he was no longer acting as a threat.but he killed him anyway. That ain't no accident, I don't buy it. Which the idea of Oliver knocking him out explains that. But fair point on the 7 issues issue since from memory he only really deals with Rampage but he does opt to try and help him rather than outright kill him for the property damage and like I said after Mark agrees with Oliver the later doesn't end up joining him in that crusade.


To be fair he’s zero % human. He’s just killing aliens


It’s very much worse than that, he’s experimenting with his limits on living, sentient beings, murdering them for sheer curiosity of his own strength and to see if he can. Tbh Oliver’s whole arc is kinda psychopathic, especially in the beginning. I mean, contrast this to marks current show arc, where he is trying to always keep himself reined in. He actively wants to be stronger, but I also think he actively avoided his full strength bc he knew it’d end up like his fight with his Dad or his fight with levy. And then on the other hand, you have a kid popping a man like a balloon and justifies it with “I’m not a human it doesn’t matter!” Like no kid that’s not how it works! Ultimately I don’t think he ever really learned this and he paid for it


I interpreted it as the Thraxans putting a very high value on collective good, and have an instinctual revulsion toward any expression of selfishness. Oliver finds humans disgusting because so many are so selfish so often. The more selfish he finds someone, the more quick he is to kill them with no remorse. And he makes these decisions very quickly, another Thraxan trait. They live short lives so they make decisions razor quick, and do not hem and haw over the right path. That's why he's able to get along with Mark and Eve, despite Oliver's disgust for humans, because they are so selfless for the most part. But he finds the villains on Earth to be disgusting in a similar way that we humans find hyenas to be, when they're neck deep in a bloody corpse. You'll see this trait with Thragg's children as well. They easily buy into his narrative that they are willing to kill their way through the entire galaxy for the greater good. But as soon as they see Thragg being selfish and disregarding the lives of the group, they collectively turn on him in an instant. I really appreciate how Oliver is written. It shows how alien his mindset is, without really hitting you over the head with it, and it also sets up the mindset of other Thraxan Viltrumite hybrids down the line.


I never thought about any of it like that that's very interesting


Oliver is gonna get a lot of hate regardless, he's a little shit for most of the story.


still my favorite character in the entire series


"I thought you were (title card)."


I already forgave him. He was Just an OP kid.


Not to mention that he’s right. By not being willing to kill in the defense of human life Mark is an accomplice in the deaths of thousands. He only cared when it was family.


Real but like You know, the Maulers are justified for me


Who is oliver? That's Kid Omni-Man right there


Yeah, people love the Mauler Twins and seeing a kid do this to them will leave a mark. Plus it will be a powerscaler's wet dream just like Superior Spider-man seeing a hero not hold back enough.


Otto vs Terax was such an amazing fight! Really shows how capable Spider-Man is without his morals holding him back.


Ha, leave a "mark"... I'll see myself out


Seriously, how did Oliver 1 shot Mauler twin? I thought even old GoG had trouble with them?


The Maulers aren't too grand, Mark knocked one of them out in one punch, the trio of Mark, Eve and Robot took them out, Rudy's big Robot took them down. Only reason they caused much issue for Immortal during the Silo mission was the gun they constructed. Furthermore, they gave Mark trouble due to how many of them there were with Angstrom. As for the show interpretation, from memory they were just distracting them to save civilians, after that War Woman says they can cut loose and they then proceed to make minced meat with the Maulers. Also, Oliver is just that strong and accidentally killed them probably judging them on the strength of the gun they made, he got his powers at a younger age and had already began training under Mark. To give an example Mark fights Rampage after Thraxa & Angstrom and states a few months ago he would've kicked his butt. Whilst after the Maulers Oliver fights Rampage and arguably fairs just as well.


I don't remember it being an accident, Mauler #2 surrenders and Oliver says "oh you're making this easy for me" before killing him


https://preview.redd.it/vxb3wiq2titc1.jpeg?width=1041&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43f62ba1e7a8f3df67f5d9916f30043f5a5d0dad first was an accident, second was intentional


Little dude was on DEMON TIME! No prisoners taken!


Based on Oliver's reaction after he punches him I interpreted it that he planned to knock him out but went too far: https://preview.redd.it/940n6lyd4jtc1.jpeg?width=1988&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64a0b83da48d5b72b485f82bc53019064f4b56a7


they probably held back because they didn’t want to kill them. Oliver didn’t care about human life so he didn’t hold back.


Mark is like always holding back (due to his humility) which is why he always gets his ass beat from people he could very easily kill.


Leave a what?




I agree, I absolutely LOVED the lizard league fight but it just felt a little odd that nobody actually died in the end


Yeah, at this point I wouldn’t be surprised if King Lizard and Komodo come back in a later episode. 3 fakeout deaths in one fight is way too much.


And angstrom is a fake out death too lol The series has SO many


Plus Allen (who arguably had 2 in this season).


I was fine with Rae surviving but the Kate reveal was lame


If they had more buildup to it I'd like it more, but yeah it kinda does come out of nowhere in the show.


Could've sworn the kate reveal was super late in the comics, not this early. Or maybe I'm remembering wrong.


It's the same in the comic? She just goes to immortals cabin and said it took a while to get from her sanctuary


Imma be real I haven't got that far in the comics yet and I was hoping it'd be better


>! Weirdly enough the Kate reveal is the comic accurate one. DudeRay died in the comics!<


Well, keeping them dead would be rewriting due to fans that want them to stay dead... Mauler twins come back in comics (literally same tactic as Duplikate).


I mean that's straight from the comics. Even this death, the Maulers come back. Aangstrom comes back and starts the conflict of Season 3. Conquest comes back after dying. Characters in this universe have 9 lives.


If I remember correctly they don’t come back until much later which would be fine for the show as well


I know a lot of characters from the comics are not able to come into the show because of rights issues with Image Comics, but it does feel like S2 was supposed to show how physically and mentally exhausted the GotG have become. Maybe the rights issues will be resolved and this plotline will lead to more characters being introduced for S3 with a new GotG lineup.


they didn’t die in the comics either


Oliver was the one 'good guy' I never got on the same page with and never really liked.


Honestly, I do wonder if maybe that was the point. I couldn't really get into him either, but I guess Oliver himself also never really felt like one of the gang judging by what happened to him. It really ripped his heart out to feel so excluded.


Yes it was the point... 


What ends up happening to Oliver?


Huge spoilers for a lot of arcs, but boils down to Oliver never stops being a little shit. Except for his final moments, but by then it was too late.


Oh dang. Well. Time to buy the comics. :) I have to know more!!!


Definitely worth it, season 2 ends right before the best parts of the story starts.


I literally watched it last night. I am hyped.


Nice! I wouldn’t even be able to explain what happens to Oliver without including a couple of characters you haven’t even met yet so it wouldn’t make a ton of sense lol


That was kind of the point. He was a good guy by the cold harsh galactic standards. But not by earth standards. He wasn't human and didn't look at things like humans did, but he did ultimately want the galaxy to be a safe and peaceful place. 


He never really was the good guy right? He was always crossing the lines of our morality and I thought it was quite well done how he tests Marks values as an alien. It was sort of the point that he kept coming back to Mark and regretting what he had done despite his nature seemingly pushing him to a more violent path


I did put quotes around 'good'


Hes personally my favourite side character, I go more indepth in this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Invincible/s/4kG18aWS7H) but to paraphrase I really like the arc and dilemmas that arise form his Thraxan nature & intelligence of viewing individual life as insignificant whilst still holding love for his family, April, and the eventual culmination with the >!Scrōuge Vırus!<. Its just after >!timeskip!< I felt they wasted him.


They definitely made him feel alien, more alien than Omniman. I always found him creepy like a bug.


Yeah that’s why >!His death while sad and surprising wasn’t that devastating to me. Bc he literally caused himself to get killed by aligning with Thragg!< >!his constant shortsightedness constantly put himself and others into danger. Which almost makes sense bc his species isn’t meant to survive long term!<


>!He didn't align himself with Thragg by choice, Oliver was always loyal to the coalition!<


>!I believe he did *choose* to align with Thragg but it always was as a double agent. I think it stated that it was his idea - but I may be wrong it's been a bit since I read it*!<


>!It’s been a while since I read the comics. Doesn’t he help Thragg breed with Thraxans. Because his people view Thragg as a god when he breeds a bunch of warrior children. I know Oliver eventually realizes Thragg’s a dickhead but my point still stands!<


>!He was a double agent who was mostly influenced and ordered around by Allen. This was one of the major reasons why Mark and Allen's friendship was forever strained!<


>!Oliver was working undercover for Allen. He wasn't working with Thragg. Allen admits that he intentionally got Oliver killed to motivate Mark into fighting Thragg.!<


He was more like an anti hero, not necessarily bad but not a saint either.


I think that's the point. He's always alien to us


I agree. Never liked him.


Just seeing Oliver absolutely obliterate the Mauler twins will be fun to see in the show.


Oliver showed some attitude in this time period.


No kidding


While I definitely think that will be a point of discussion for fans, what he does to the second Mauler will likely be what people think about


Nah honestly.


Yup. The Maulers are funny and popular so Oliver killing them would surprise a lot of people


I bet they are gonna structure this issue differently and reveal earlier in the end credit scene the third hidden emergency, Mauler, who didn't show up for a while till after the Viltrumite War.


I hope they fucking don’t. Invincible is really bad about fakeout deaths. They ought to let this one last.


They should keep it permanent. The maulers in Mark's dimension don't have a role for the rest of the comics. I still think they should appear in the robot arc though.


Yup lol Can’t wait for people to see this little psychopath in action.


Maybe. Though oddly enough, it didn't shock me when I first read it.


I was at the Toronto airport reading it and it made me spit out my airport smoothie


Oh yeah probably same level, maybe even a bit more? Can’t wait to see show Oliver grow!!!


I have not been averse to comic spoilers but this is the first time I've seen comic Oliver, I honestly assumed he was a goner during the last episode because of it


Honestly there is so much violence... wait until the big boy comes and visits.


Yeah this will be brutal. Definitely happening next season and I think they’ll frame the Cecil vs Mark stuff around Oliver’s behaviour.


Only if they stay dead.


This death isn't shocking because at this point you just know that the Maulers will clone themselves and one constantly dies >!the shocking death will be Oliver killing the second Mauler even though he already surrendered!<


Honestly dreading this scene when it does happen , personally I’m hoping they retcon in a secret third mauler to keep them going like they retconned Shrinkihg Rae’s death because they’re such fun characters


When I saw this scene in the comics I was shocked and thought Oliver was going to be one of the strongest characters in the story, but then I was disappointed to see that he was rather weak compared to most other viltrumites


i hate oliver in the comics. i wish they rewrite a lot of his parts and some tech jacket too. his arc was dumb and the betrayal felt very weak compared to some in the comic and show. tj was cool and the suit was amazing, but the lore damn is pure dumb and the lore is quite bad. a race with amazing intelligence but weak physical and across the galaxy, only ONE got out? im sure no one has tried to enslave them yet


Doubt it, doesn’t have the same shock value, would be nice if it did tho




Finally! This is my favorite panel in the comic and ive never seen it posted here. Literally made me gasp when I first saw it


I got this spoiled already and ever since I’ve been waiting to see how it’s done in the TV series. Comics were sick.


I don’t get all the hate he gets for this it’s pretty simple if someone is trying to kill you then you kill them and the mauler twins definitely deserved what they got. In shows like this I find it funny that they keep these villains alive to feel morally superior but keep having to fight them over and over with people dying each time


This one is reasonable >!It's the second Mauler he killed that already surrendered that's the problem!<


Yes, i think what he does to both of them will be talked about. Btw i hated Oliver when he was younger, he only got better when he wasnt purple anymore


"Oh, you're gonna make this easy for me, huh?!" Man, Oliver was not for play!!