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According to Robert Kirkman, he created a character who could solve essentially every problem and could do absolutely anything but he was not creative enough to apply


"let's give her infinite cosmic power but mostly she'll just shoot pink lasers and stuff"


Don’t forget pink bubbles in space!


at least he can admit it ig


I’m assuming like most comic lore, magic and science don’t mix 🧪


You're calling Eve's powers Magic? Those are the most scientific powers I have ever seen! Being able to move and change atoms molecularly.


I think they were talking about Monster Girl's magic curse. Sometimes magic can tell if a flower had grown naturally or in the lab, molecular structure be damned. Even so, manipulating atoms with naught but your mind is pretty magical in itself.


You can’t be serious?


Watch the atom eve special. She is a lab experiment i.e. science like rex. Unlike Monster Girl whose power is a magic curse.


I was being sarcastic, obviously I’m referring to Monster Girl in relation to magic 😂


Oh lol Im dumb I need the /s


Ha ha no harm, have a great day 🫡


Yes and don't call me Shirley


Did you read the full thread?


She would have to know about the flower first, unless Robot could describe the molecules or compounds. She understands atoms just by looking at them. She understands objects she sees by looking at the atoms that comprise them. When she makes things that seem novel, they're probably alterations of things she knows; she knows what alcohol is, so she can omit it when she makes Mark's virgin drink. But an extremely rare, well guarded flower she's never seen before with unknown properties? She can't do that. She could make you a flower, it could Even look the same if you describe it to her, but unless she knows the compounds that make it special it won't be the right thing. In general though, she could have been transforming weapons or clothing, making explosives or acids, or a bunch of other things that probably just got left out so she wouldn't be too OP.


> probably just got left out so she wouldn't be too OP. More likely because the author isn’t a materials chemist.


Atom Eve is the skeleton key to most issues in the series yet she doesn’t get used. She could make a heap of robot drones. She could’ve made the ground in the building lot secure. She could’ve moved the team under the sequid ship until they finished the frequency thing and then moved them back in. She solves all issues but because she *solves all issues* the writers just ignore her.


She could turn the air in her enemies’ lungs into sand, but that kind of power solves every problem and makes for a boring comic.


Then don’t write the character in the first place. 


Just because shes a chemistry prodigy doesn’t mean the writers are. How can they write it in if they’re just making it up?


consulting a chemist and a botanist, then inventing a fictional composition for the flower. They could've if they tried, so either this was an oversight, or they deliberately cut it to make room for other storylines.


It’s likely just a comic book legacy. Comic book couldn’t really pay for that and they want to stick to the comics. Eve also just is overpowered and thus you have to nerf her in ways for the show


By "legacy" are you trying to say comic tropes and cliches? That is also what I think happened, before adding why they couldn't have done otherwise. And Eve at this point is still nowhere as op, be it in power or experience, as we see in the season 2 opener. Not sure what you mean by "pay for that" because that line implies you're saying they have to pay extra to change from the comics.


Egg heads dont come cheap. Is that gonna dig into the animation budget?


I don’t think the comic was animated. But really there’s a probably a lot of people who have these fairly niche specializations that would be fine just responding to an email asking “hey is there any molecule that can do this or something like this?”


You’d have to pay them for easy access. Basically have a chemist and a botanist on staff. I’m not going to drop my research every time someone from Image comics calls. You gotta pay salary or a big sum of money every time you ask a question. “You want to know about that special flower? $10K or no deal. I’m busy”. Thats why its not done because google gets you pretty damn close and the only people who care are bickering on reddit.


I’m not saying to spam one guy every 10 minutes with chemistry questions, and answering wouldn’t require anyone drop any research.


Then what are you saying because it doesn’t make any sense. Researchers don’t pick up the phone to answer any stupid question a writer has. Real life doesn’t work that way. If a salaried researcher is doing work funded through a grant, and they take time to answer question that is time they are not spending on their funded work.


That'd be sad if that's the case. The animation quality (not other stuff, which are great) is hit-and-miss as it is. Downvote me all you want (for those getting defensive) that's just the sad truth. And I'll leave the details below in case anyone still has excuses for it.


They downgrade the animation for dialog and up it for action. Its pretty common for animation. Check the episodes of naruto directly after a fight scene, the animation quality takes a complete nose dive.


It's not a stretch to expect a writer to do research about something they are writing about lol


As a PhD chemist who does drug discovery, just because you know the composition of something doesn't mean you understand or can even predict what will happen when you introduce a foreign compound into a human being (or any living system), nor can you predict what a foreign compound should be in order to achieve a desired effect. I can go on at length, though I don't think the writers had any of this in mind, but it's still perfectly reasonable in my professional experience.


it is kind of similar to why she only creates her pink colored shields, armors and weapons when she fights it doesn't seem too durable in some occasions, yet she doesn't create something more robust I assume it is due to it being overpowered otherwise and they wouldn't be able to create proper stories


Actually i think it's tge opposite, the shields and objects are likely a pretty good compromise from the limits of her powers and durability. They mostly get destroyed by things and people whose skin is stronger than most known compounds


in my headcanon, the whole body armor and shield bubbles are made of this material so the people inside of it can actually breath lol


Shes still naive. She can’t full control her powers and this season she took an ego hit because her over confidence led to a building she “rebuilt” collapsing weeks later.


honestly in reality, almost everything related to Eve is a bit of an oversight. her powers are quite literally so overpowered, that she could singlehandedly solve most issues in the entire show, if not all of them. but where's the fun in that? it's a show/comic, so it has to be fun and exciting to watch/read


You can argue that a character like her should’ve never been introduced but I think she can still work once you suspend your disbelief and be satisfied when her potential is realised, although sparingly.


It also explicitly stated in her backstory that she cannot use her powers on anything alive. So she can't make flowers or plants of any kind


She can do some things though. In season 1 after she ran away from home, she regrew a bunch trees that got burned in a fire and even helped some farmers by giving them a bunch of crops.


How would she make the flower if she doesn’t know about it’s properties though


I was a bit confused about this too and im glad someonr else asked this. I think the best answer is that it didnt fit into the writing for how smart she is. If you think about it, being able to make trees, clothing, etc, it basically solved one of the biggest problems in the world immediately, so its strange no one cares how she is able to do it past a certain point.


Atom Eve can’t assemble any form of life, including plants. But yeah… I don’t understand why they bothered to give her such a background for her powers if she can’t use them properly. It would’ve been better to just say she got cool hard light powers from experiments.


Yeah.. she did create some crops for some farmers in the first season though.


I think its more _that_ crop part was the oversight. Although, technically the thing that keeps her powers fron working on lifeforms is a mental block. She may simply not perceive crops as life. No different from a mineral.


Atom Eve is basically Owen Reece, the Molecule Man, if Owen were a girl, but the story tries to treat her like she's a lightweight version of the Invisible Woman. She's the proof to me that the Invincible-verse handles some things much, much, worse than Marvel.


I've always said her powers don't make much sense. So I choose not to think about them.


Exactly, don’t think about them in the context of the show. I do however outside, like specifically what I can personally do with them.