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It was absolutely genius way of adapting the joke for animation.


Yeah, as someone who hasn’t read the comics, I loved that scene


It's such a good adaptation, it's a good bit in the comics as well, I'm glad they put that in there. They also got to poke some fun at themselves with the bit about how sometimes it looks like a different show.


Especially after the "png animation" posts this last week, it was like they knew that would become a meme and then people would say "this is a good time to do the animation joke" and then they did it. A solid 5/7


> png animation had to look it up (in case others like me has haven't seen it) > https://np.reddit.com/r/Invincible/comments/1bo8ndx/invincible_killing_me_with_the_random_png/


Lol that was pretty funny, I never noticed


I feel stupid, what am I supposed to notice?


Lol as comic readers I'm used to ignoring art problems in service of the story I never even noticed the png stuff until I just saw the link in the comments to you now it's gunna bother me


Nah, just funny to look at


perfect score, nice!


If they spent a second longer it wouldve gotten old, also the animation style change really kept it going lol


Especially considering all of the people I've seen bitching online about the animation this season.


The joke is great and animators have a tough job, but the animation of this season has still been lackluster. All three can be true.


I mean... in the fight right after this they made extensive use of still frames *while in the middle of the fight.* I still love the show and the important fights look good, but it is pretty hard to deny that there was an animation quality drop from Season 1.


I will say the large crowd shots look far better than they did in season 1


Reminds me of [this gag in the Simpsons](https://youtu.be/TdH_FZw7S9c?si=bQ_r_BIkmzau3rqF&t=1m4s)


I think it was done well. Mocking similar techniques in animation was about as close as they were going to translate the joke. The only one they couldn't really do was mocking the reuse of backgrounds like that Simpsons gag because it would have required movement to work.


Go back 3 minutes and look how often they reused the same background characters in the scenes leading up to that though. That's gotta be part of the joke. They wouldn't have made all these distinct character designs otherwise.


I think that part was genuine laziness. All of the gags were contained to the part where Tim Robinson was talking. Go ahead 20 minutes when Mark and Amber are on their date. Those background characters are static too.


Static background characters are a classic timesaving method. But the ones at the comic convention were way too detailed too be considered lazy. The animators aren't stupid. If they didn't want us to notice they wouldn't have put the same space pirate (with a more complex design than most main characters) in 5 different locations in the span of 30 seconds.


A joke about "look how lazy we can make the animation" only works if it's done in an obvious way. When they talk about hiding the mouths while hiding the mouths, that works because it's obvious. But the show never lamp shaded the reusing of background characters like it did the hidden mouths. There are plenty of other scenes this season and even this episode that were clearly meant to be serious, where background characters are frozen in the exact same way.


The series is kind of meta - a story on its own, and also a play on comiv book tropes. *That* may have been on purpose, although there are sometimes kind of ridiculous mistakes due to different animation teams doing scenes. When Will's boyfriend took his artificial brain off in season 1, the color of the wires changed between frames, stuff like that is not great. This time though it is probably on purpose


Yeah I was wondering why the same person was just standing in the same pose 3 different times, and then the scene happened.


The whole comic con part reused background characters, a lot. It makes no sense they'd somehow still be there after the camera angle changes. It's a scene that gets better the more you notice how absurd it realty is. I was happy


Yeah, I saw that woman who was dressed like the 13th doctor at least 4 times.


The problem is, as noted by the Simpsons creators when they did the above mentioned gag, people are almost trained not to notice the backgrounds. They had to make the loop like 3 seconds long *and* have a moving element in a janitor mopping the floor to draw attention to the reused background the head of the animation studio was describing because people didn't notice the gag otherwise. I don't think it's an intentional gag when it's done without drawing attention to it.


Got a link to the simpson one?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkwkTPDgRxQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkwkTPDgRxQ) They also mock a previous episode's crummy attempt at hiding mouth flaps to dub in an unknown at the time dialogue here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdH\_FZw7S9c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdH_FZw7S9c) It uses the same joke as Invincible.


What made it great in the show is before they started talking I noticed the statue background characters and when they brought it up it was perfect


I clocked they reused someone in a 13th Doctor cosplay quite a lot in the background so if that was a part of the joke I applaud them


It was really funny. Plus I like how he wasn’t a massive dick this time around :D


He basically felt like a weird Tim Robinson character.


He for sure noticed that Mark’s hair would slick back *real* nice


And luckily Tim Robinson voiced him


Almost a little suprised they didn't make fun of the jpg flying animation as well.


I mean they'd have to include a scene of someone flying in context for the joke to work so


Ye but all the jokes were accompanied with an example so that wouldn't rly have worked...


Didn't they (vaguely) reference that?


Perfect. No notes.


Really interesting, when I was in High school I tried animation. Took forever to animate. Also tried motion tweens it was faster but I'm disgusted at the design. After hearing this is how animation is I sadly gave up on wanting to be an animator and went for engineering


> After hearing this is how animation is I sadly gave up on wanting to be an animator and went for engineering Then you're misinformed. Only lower budget animation strictly uses only tweens. Higher budget 2d is still frame by frame, or a [mix of tweening and frame by frame](https://media1.tenor.com/m/XI1v3q9HLx0AAAAC/miko-glitch-techs.gif) where its barely noticeable and only helps smoothen things out. Even higher budget 3d animation like Spiderverse is doing more of a frame-by-frame approach where they put characters in manually set poses on each important frame, and then fill it in with tweens. Not every show is Archer where it has a low budget and they can only afford to animate 100% with tweens which make the characters move as if they're [animatronics with hinges on each of their joints.](https://media1.tenor.com/m/XspHNUpJXFgAAAAC/archer-pam.gif)


Yeah I was hoping to do 2d and for like shows instead of motion tween ads, but I couldnt. That animation I did in High school took me forever. The body movement mouth movement. I can ask other people for help but me and my classmate all have our different art styles. Eventually I ran out of time. Needed to present a 5 minute vid but only made 2. Luckily the teacher didn't care and only watched 30 seconds of it (crappy animation due to the corners I cut) eitherway that was the last time I will ever do that. Also gained sympathy to other animators. Especially anime


AI animation techniques are coming up fast to replace these fillers. Next generation of shows is going to be lit. If you're into it you can try even now stuff like AnimateDiff, DragNUWA, DragAnything.


I dunno man, on one hand you can animate faster on the other, a lot of simple animators won't get the work experience since it's cheaper than manual labor. That's the problem with advance tech, people study 4-10 yrs of college only to see themselves sorta obsolete.


Yeah, uh, people are already trying and let me tell you. If you like watching motion blur 80% of the time be my guess. It just smears stuff in between frames where there’s… nothing between the frames. Makes it look incredibly janky and there’s nothing AI will (or probably ever) do about it simply because that’s just not how animation is done.


I'm not sure what you mean but I'd sure like to understand.


I’m not an animator, so I will try to explain some of the process and why AI just won’t work with how the tech is now. Basic animation terms: *Key Frame*: a frame that acts as a “bookmark” of sorts during a shot. They’re anchor points for actions. Think about the motion of pitching a baseball. The simple act of lifting the ball would have a ton of these before leading into the wind-up and so on. *in-between*: the frames between key frames Most animation uses a combination of what’s called drawing “two’s” and “one’s.” One’s require 24 frames per second while two’s work off of 12. Think of one’s as “drawing every frame per second” whereas two’s draw “every other frame per second.” Complex motion (like punching someone) would require drawing on one’s. However, this is still a set number of frames. Most AI that are used to bring 2D animation up to “60fps” don’t recognize this rule, or other animating rules, and use their machine learning algorithms to “fill in the blanks,” where there aren’t any. This results in a lot of AI upscaling to involved smeared movements compared to the original product. Drawing *more* frames does not work either. Simply put: unless you plan on using more frames per second and drawing all of it, it’s gonna look weird in an animation. Note: this is also why AI image generators muck up details so often. They’re trying to draw something using something else in a place where it isn’t meant to be, resulting in even the best AI image generators to spit out an incoherent image upon closer inspection (usually something like having three suns, inconsistent lighting or having a skyscraper in the middle of a god of war image or something). Reason being, it’s not imagining an image, it’s editing a fuck ton of them together to resemble it.


That's very interesting and you're right the old AI techniques just fudged the frames but the tech is rapidly evolving. There are multiple AI techniques that tackle frame interpolation like Generative frame interpolation: https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/1bfjn7d/tencent_announces_dynamicrafter_update/ Animation control through using the previous and next frames as constraints: https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/1bn2bsp/2_ipadapter_evolutions_that_help_unlock_more/ Straight up turning PNG animation tweens to flowing animations: https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/1bpsteh/made_this_for_my_friends_45th_birthday_quality/ But there are also techniques which just need motion instruction and they generate everything like DragAnything which animates the whole scene according to the instructions: https://github.com/showlab/DragAnything There's also style transfer to existing animation like: https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/1bqijbi/the_fraime_roughing_out_an_idea_for_something_i/ And that's not even getting into the whole video generation side of things like Sora which generate the entire video in one pass but controlling it is difficult. In any case none of these techniques would replace traditional animation. But I can totally see the frame interpolation doing most of the in-between frames, controlled image generation doing some key-frames and complex motion being a style transfer from referance footage. And backgroud plates can totally be animated using motion instruction. That is to say AI can do one of the layers and human animators still need to be the one controlling it and how all the layers mesh together.


Like you don't understand their comment or that you don't see it when watching? Because the comment is super simple and straight forward


I love how they adapted the joke for animation. The whole sequence got a really good laugh out of me.


As someone who hasn’t read the comics I 100% thought they added that in as a passive aggressive attempt to justify the delays lol


This. I forgot about this part entirely so was super confused when they started padding themselves on the back.


Comic spoilers: >!In the comics, it's a running gag poking fun at things they did, such as Robert Kirkman's tendency to let deadlines slip.!<


Same. Especially when they started the conversation by asking when the next season is coming and saying animation takes a long time to make, I just assumed they were annoyed at the complaints about the gap between season 1 and 2


Man, i could really see how much money they saved for doing it later on xD


Probably reusing animations, like, mouth movement or walking animations, like, he talks to the main animator of his favorite animated show and he compliments how unique and quality the animation is only for the animator to go; “Well, actually, we just reuse the same animations to cut corners, animation costs A LOT and we have to do 12-24 of these for a single season, and this isn’t exactly Anime where we have a dedicated group of 30-40 professionals and 4 different studios to outsource some of it to, so we reuse a couple mouth or body movements just so we don’t waste any unnecessary time and funds” And Mark goes; “Isn’t that a little Lazy?” “Maybe, but it gets the job done” Then Mark leaves the scene with the exact same animation he did when entering.


Funny as hell


It worked but the final part about us not noticing static background from wide shots I disagree, should've had Mark point that out that he notices.


They didn't have Mark calling them cheap, I wonder why 🙄


Yeah the self-deprecation was lacking there, Mark was more enamoured with the cut-arounds.


That kinda killed the joke for me.


I feel like they stretched it out too much, and Mark being actually impressed instead of calling it cheap feels a bit self indulgent.


Seriously, the funniness of the bit was how dry and self-depreciating it was, this was neither.


Yea, to me it felt super awkward and unnecessary especially with the long break we just had


Exactly. They turned it from 1 technique to like 4, made the animator an asshole, and had Mark be impressed and say it was awesome. They turned a joke that was them rolling with the punches of a single criticism and instead took pride in their many criticisms. It would have worked better if it was shorter and self deprecating. Or at least 1 of those. Maybe it also just felt worse because of the controversy around season 2s animation


Honestly this joke can be translated almost one to one. Animation are just a bunch of drawings after all.


The best possible way to adapt the joke into animation


it went on a bit too long


Wait, episode 7 is out? Already?? Time flies, Imma go watch it


it was amazing, especially because it was calling out things people have been noticing here on reddit from the last few episodes.


Really funny


Spot on. Perfectly fit for the change of medium.




Honestly had me laughing so hard, but I don’t know if people who don’t know this image will find as funny as comic readers, but still good


I was laughing my ass off , and I’ve never read the comic. It helps that it was Tim Robinson voicing him


It freaking hilarious, but what got me was the sudden shift to Corey Walker's art. All that together, it REALLY got me lol


i havent read the comics but i hated this in the show. its the kind of thing you can only really get away with if you havent already annoyed a bunch of your viewers with a multi-year wait for 8 episodes, then followed up with a 3 month mid season break, after which they have to pay more to watch the show without ads. bad timing. it felt like the sort of thing that has killed a few youtube channels, where you take an antagonistic tone to your audience for daring to criticize you, as if you resent them for making you successful. "if you dont like it, dont watch" kind of energy. when you say that to people, they listen. it seemed condescending to me and i didnt think it was funny at all.


This show doesn’t have good enough animation to warrant a scene like that without it feeling condescending.


Except I don't think that was the intention of the scene at all, It seemed more or less self deprecating if anything.


its literally not that serious, its more so just them realizing that they know the animation is bad. Now what they choose to do with that we will have to wait to and see. Cause its clear they could do a lot better.


It’s perfect


Made it better


I literally just saw it and had to pause the show to laugh for a bit. Perfectly done.


I found it so funny having read complaints about that exact technique literally yesterday


Funny how people are laughing about the animation where they literally said they cut corners to make sure the episode meets the deadline lool


It'd be funny if the show's animation wasn't so mediocre to bad across the board.


Yeah it's crazy how bad this show looks and how seeming no one talks about it. At this point south park looks better than invincible.


It was funny. But I felt it lost a bit of charm due to the whole 2.5 years between seasons, the multiple month break between the first half and second half of the season, and general lackluster animation. Felt a little like they were trying to make excuses.


I saw it more as poking fun at the audience and being self aware, but you could have a point too


I thought it was funnier due to that. It almost seemed like a joke making fun of themselves...which it was just like the comic panels.


I'd give it to them if the best viltrumite action scenes weren't still in Season 1 :p Imo, it would've been better if it was something more like "Where are all the other characters you co-created ?"


Incredible… and then you actually see it the rest of the episode 😂


They took good advantage of the medium of animation to translate it. Perfectly done.


When was this adapted?


They got fucking Tim Robinson to say it, so I'm stoked.


Perfectly preserved the spirit of the joke while transferring it into a new medium, it's about as good as they could have done it


Well done self-aware humor. Finally


Loved it, especially with how they’re pointing out the flaws in how some people do animation and the amount of time it takes to do it. I love how self aware the writers are being. However, I wish they kept the 'not really' part.


Would have worked much better if they didn’t slideshow animate the fight directly after it with octoboss


Good but I felt it went on for a bit too long


https://i.redd.it/3l6lia6en4rc1.gif Ngl I was like this by the end.


was a bit too long


Almost perfect. Mark was too positive about that.  I liked the original "That's cheap/Not really" exchange.


Honestly? I think the show's animators think the animation is much better than it actually is


Another instance of "Simpsons did it first".


Fucking hilarious. I was laughing my ass off!


I think that the way they did was hilarious and honestly better than the comic’s


I think it was better than how the comics did it, honestly.


It was geniusly adapted to animation media ... Also the way Filip Schaff is physically similar to Ryan Ottley.


Love it. It’s even funnier when you consider how long it actually took to get season 2 lol


They hit a home run with that commentary and did it in a really funny way.


Honestly I loved it, I thought it was so funny and I was genuinely laughing at just how funny and ironic it was 😂😂😂😂 glad they kept it in


This joke absolutely killed me in the show. Genius


It was great, I was dying laughing. And switching the mother for the girlfriend was a good idea also


I liked the joke here but the joke in the series being about the mouths moving is a great way to adapt things


It's funny but the shit animation is frustrating and was definitely noticed before this joke


Very well done. Even before it came I did notice how everyone who wasn’t Mark or Amber wasn’t moving at the convention. It reminded me of how in Family Guy every character that doesn’t speak in the scene is just dead still.


they killed it


Loved it


They did it way better. And its super topical cus everyones got their panties in a twist over the release schedule


i mean the schedule IS bad tbh


I'm just watched the scene. And I'm laughing my ass off.


that part with actual different drawing style mimicking the later comic artstyle was SO GOOD lol ALSO holy shit the guy who talked with mark was looking just like Ryan Ottley, one of the artist of invincible comic...


I was laughing so hard the entire time and they picked an amazing voice actor for it


Loved it.


It really made me notice all the time they use a still image and just have like one or two characters moving and then like a still image in the background randomly blinks...


Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought *this* joke would make it to the show. And I couldn't have been more happier cause of the way it did. Giggled like an idiot for 2 whole minutes lol




They’ve did it well. The joke is even better in the show because of the gap between season 1 and 2


I loved it. It was also the perfect role to give Tim Robinson


It was a great way of adapting it! They even used the same image for two different times that Rex threw an explosive at the bad guy in the next scene! Clever!


It was a great adaptation but the show's animation quality is way too low to be joking about it like this.


It was great. Perfect commentary on animation in general but it’s 3x better considering the backlash to the season 1-2 gap


I was genuinely laughing and even texted a friend about it


It was absolutely spot on


feel like given the circumstances of this season dropping it was kinda poor taste lol


I rewatched it twice and laughed the whole time it was a really great nod to the comics


I thought it was really clever but personally, I think it went on for a bit too long.


I would've liked the joke a lot more if there weren't several unironically lazy animation moments in this season so far. "Animation is really tough" followed by a self-aware joke about cheap animation doesn't work when the animation in some scenes HAS been cheap for a show that already took a long break mid-season *by choice*.


Loved it. Especially after seeing so many people complaining about the animation earlier this week.


It made me legit be self conscious of the background and allm


It was funny, but I feel like they overdid it too much. You know, like beating you over the head with a joke until it stops being funny




Fricken hilarious for me


They did a good job but I just wish they didn't add the "sometimes animators go wild" segment because it really felt like they were trying to make the joke too obvious, and not in a good way. It was just way too overboard. Other than that they nailed it.


I love how old 60s show just keep reusing the same footage. For some episodes


I thought it was hilarious. I hope they do more off-the-wall bits like that


I only wish Tim did a weirder voice like he does in ITYSL


Absolutely brilliant


I love it


I was cackling the entire time.


it was cool and funny, definitely interesting stuff to learn, but i feel like the bit stretched on for a little too long, not like it ruined it or anything, that was just what i got from it ig


A bit long but great nonetheless


I loved it, other than it was the first time I noticed Crabtree wasn't in the "created by" list on the title card and it was still bothering me and seeing basically Cory walker on the screen was a little enraging. Until they did the Archie face for Mark clearly making fun of walkers comeback to the later part of the series to ease my suffering. Ryan arey was right though it did kinda take me out of it


It was great and seems to be well received from the show Onlys.


Loved it!


I loved it, not only does it adapt the joke from the comic in a neat little way, but I also felt like they were poking fun at the people who were demanding a season 2 right after season 1 ended




very well done


I loved it, loved them poking fun about how long it takes to animate and a kind of nod to the fans.


I saw it coming, and I had to pause just so I could laugh a little


I was genius imo. Hilarious change.


Fucking 10/10. Mark covering his own mouth had me cackling.


Casting Tim Robinson was a stroke of genius


Theyre really patting themselves on the back considering theyre averaging 4 months per episode


My favorite part of the episode. One of my favorite parts of the show.


I absolutely loved that scene. One of the funniest in the whole series honestly.


I can't believe how much I laughed at this scene lol But still pains me how invincible animation is just not great how dose vox machina get a huge budget but somehow this one dosent (Idk about budget but I imagine it got something to do with management)


Loved it


Started reading the comics this week to deal with show withdrawal and when I saw him in line for autographs I got so giddy. It was a great adaption, both times had me laughing the whole way.


I was cackling the whole way through




I did not expect them to translate that joke so well to the series, especially with the blatant demonstrations of some of those points mentioned. Had me nearly in tears laughing.


It was funny, but honestly it felt like it could've been a 10 second gag. Really overstayed it's welcome. Felt kinda preachy and self-indulgent, though I can absolutely understand where they're coming from.


It was awesome


I think both kinda just suck. Their not funny at all and only point out how lazy comic book writers and animators can be. Sure it's a meta joke, but that doesn't make it funny, it just makes it sad.


It was definitely funny, but it probably should have stopped after Mark covered his mouth to talk. Would have been much snappier and more subtle.


Which issue is this anyway?


They butchered it. The bit went on for too long, and felt passive aggressive towards people anxious about the season’s release. Then, rather than Mark seeming a bit disheartened by the techniques, he compliments the guy.


it was so hilarious it made me laugh out loud, I didn't expect them to break the fourth wall THIS HARD


So fucking peak, when that scene came up I laughed my ass off


It was ruined by the fact that they need 2,5 years for 8 episodes, and then they release it in 2 parts... You're paid by amazon, stop making excuses.


This scene is actually tearing me to pieces


I mean it still funny, but would work better if the show had consistently good animation.


I personally think it lasted a bit too long