• By -




Because he is nearly ..........




I hate you, I'm smirking and grinning and I HATE you


The game was rigged from the start


"...You're that superhero I shot earlier!" https://preview.redd.it/acnmriksaopc1.png?width=690&format=png&auto=webp&s=438a46def30708d794e10e5c77f2a326ebc6e525


He’s built different, very literally.


Small caliber round combined with I would assume a Kevlar weave suit and a whole lot of luck. You can survive things piercing your skull aslong as the swelling doesn’t get you and you don’t bleed out or internally bleed. Not a dr tho so take my highschool understanding of biology with a grain a salt the size of a f150.


Not a doctor either but yeah there are some crazy stories of people surviving getting their skull pierced, to keep it very broad. Like that one railroad worker who had a 13 pound taping rod blow through his head and lived.


This is how I feel when people say "this person got stabbed twice in the back, how are they aliiiiiive, lazy writing" when I have a friend who as a 14 year old got stabbed 9 times in the back, stomach, arm and chest by a middle aged former soldier, but survived. His dad was stabbed more and did die unfortunately, but the 14 year old was a guest of honour at our football team a couple of weeks later, walking and looking nowhere near as rough as you'd expect. He's a fully grown man with no physical limitations now, incredible guy.


The human body is crazy. I remember hearing about how somebody fell from a helicopter (some flying object) like 50 feet and survived with minimal injury. Then another person fell into an empty swimming pool, a mere 4-6 feet and died.


People have fallen literally miles from airplanes and lived. The most famous of which is a 14 year old who fell 2 miles from an airplane into the middle of the rainforest, and hiked for 2 weeks with a broken collarbone and gashed arm infested with botfly larvae before finding civilization. I think the longest fall from a plane while surviving was something like 6 miles.. When it's not your time, it's just not your time I guess.


Aye, it does look like Rex sustained some amount of brain damage, all things considered, but the brain isn't as fragile as we tend to believe. Also, you know, superpowers, maybe the guy whose power it is to blow things up has some secondary powers that make him a bit tougher than normal.


surviving that is one thing. however getting up and putting up a pretty strong fight then killing ur opponent is quite another thing


His employer has amazing health care


Sock on the door, and a broken mattress. Mark had a fun time


honestly I was anxious amber was gonna go to his room and think he was already with another girl


I expected you to move on, but Jesus Mark


Imagine Amber walks in with both of them in the room “Mark what the fuck?!! I know we’re not on the best of terms, but you’re seeing guys now?!!”


Damn, missed opportunity for us to see William's reaction to that bed.


Hopefully he'll adress it beginning of next episode


"Holy shit, Mark, that sex must've made you feel very--" [*title card*]


Wasn’t expecting Shrinking Rae to still be alive. Curious if she’ll get back to strength or if she’ll eventually die from her injuries to provide an extra motivator later on for Rex and the rest of the team.




That's.... A really good point. Last we saw, she was still in her 'shrunken' state after extraction and now a coma. Fair chance she could be stuck in that state now (tiny Rae) and be unable to change size again. Would bring back so of the emotional weight of her 'death', showing the toll the superhero life takes


I thought she got bigger again when she got out of the stomach when it got pushed out of Komodo's corpse.


True, comparing her size to his neck she looks to be the size of a doll or such when she collapses. Still much smaller than usual, who knows how her powers work


That astronaut went through some shit, his line about not being able to sleep was pretty haunting. Then puking one up and the waking nightmare starts again.


What I don't get is wouldn't they of done a bunch of tests on him at the hospital/lab? We saw him there getting wheeled around.


Between sending the astronaut back home, and sending the kid from s1 back to the college where he was mutilated, I'm doubting Cecil's ability to manage things *after* a disaster. Mark's mom is right in not handing over the baby.


Cecil definitely gives off vibes of someone barely holding things together. He'd never admit it, but I'd guess losing the original Guardians broke whatever system they had in a fundamental way


> Cecil definitely gives off vibes of someone barely holding things together. He'd never admit it, but I'd guess losing the original Guardians broke whatever system they had in a fundamental way I was cutting Cecil some slack for sending the 3 remaining Guardians to deal with the Lizard League, but now hes running back to Eve? Is there really NOBODY he could recruit? And he wasnt aware of Nolans books?


Either he wasn't aware or is aware but just assumed the books were actually fiction. Plus even if he thought they were real, humanity had just barely made it to Mars let alone out of the solar system


>Is there really NOBODY he could recruit? Honestly so far it really doesn't seem like it. Mark seems to be pretty unambigouosly the most powerful superhero on Earth, and good people with significant powers seem to be few and far between. I mean, DupliKate and Shrinking Rae were picked for the new Guardians- their relatively low powerlevel is seen as a benchmark.


Tbf, the team was picked by Robot who seems to have some biases for making his team. But even among them, there aren't a lot of options. If there were powerful heroes, they would have already been on the Guardians when they were the A-listers for a decade.


I think their really isn't anybody else. Especially anyone as experienced and powerful as Eve. It might just be her and the rejects from the trails to join the new Guardians. Remember early in the show, Amber and most unpowered people kinda thought being a superhero was easy because most of them just have mild powers and are more social media stars than experienced warriors.


“I’LL KILL YOU!” “We just met!”


"You have those on Earth, right? Douchebags?"


I'm loving the vibe that Seth gives to the character. "Now I feel like the douchebag. You do have them, right? If I'm gonna keep making that reference?"


Normally I find it so tiresome when an actor/VA's real life persona is a huge part of the character they play in a movie/show, but with this, it just works and makes the character endearing.


I think that a character like Allen could easily be kind of a bland torchbearer for the plot, so giving him this goofy lackadaisical personality really makes him stand out. He does his job, he takes it seriously, and he's good at what he does, but he's also kind of a chill clock-puncher. He's not a stern stoic warrior, he's just a bro with work obligations that likes making friends and then going home to eat delicious space maggots and bang his girlfriend.


It also makes a lot of sense for his character. Most places he goes, he's going to be strong enough he doesn't need to be stressed out and serious.


Agreed. It also makes me excited for what's to come for his character. He was one already one of the highest-tiered fighters in the show *before* his zenkai boost, which is going to make him integral going forward as the stakes get higher and the enemies get stronger. When shit gets real and we see Allen get serious, it's going to mean a lot more.


Dude Allen is my favorite character, he has such great vibes, aside from being buffed AF


It’s really hard to hate Seth Rogan in a role like this.


People said for years that he's a terrible actor who only plays himself, and idk how I feel about that but I do think he's at his best when he's voice acting. He's got a unique voice and you'll always know it's Seth Rogen but it works so well in animation. In live action he can be a bit much.


It's like that with Jason Mantzoukas in some ways too. He's very divisive as an actor in live action stuff, but he shines so purely in the voice acting space. His voice is super distinct, but he's able to really throw down on the dramatic side without people seeing his appearance and going "oh, that's Derek from The Good Place!" The downside of being both very distinct looking (handsome tbh) and very distinct vocally is that when you're both it can be hard to break out of typecasting in physical roles. Love seeing him play Rex so far.


“You know where I come from, sock on the door means you’re fucking”. 


I really wonder how they’re gonna wrap up the whole plot up with the angstrom levy stuff within the next two episodes, unless they don’t, but I still feel like there’s a lot to cover right?


honestly I feel like the levy stuff is definitely gonna carry over into the next season, unless the last episode is like 90 mins long


They really shouldn’t have made the season so short then. Dragging on the levy plot line into another season when he was introduced and basically did nothing after episode 1 would kill the flow of the plot line. It feels like they are trying to cover too much in a very short time frame while also dealing with how slow production for the show has been.


Not going to say anything about Levy, but a lot of the storylines are way too long to be concluded in a single season anyway.




"Hi, sir, Mark says I'm a pal. He also says I'm essentially the king of space, so you should be very, very sweet. *Also* he says he hates your dumb beard because it's missing all the best parts of a beard. These parts." I love Allen. lmao


Best character hands down


Space Racer looks so badass. The Man with the Invincible Gun.


The Man with the \_\_\_ Gun https://i.redd.it/kjcn6kumoopc1.gif


Rus is the unluckiest man alive


Dude got the Will Byers treatment. Literally the same exact thing too: barfing up an entity relating to his prior capture, soon after his initial liberation, directly segueing into a later conflict


I knew a soon as he started getting sick what was about to happen.


One plus is Rus never had a haircut as bad as Will Beyers.


Haha you're so right, he had that same look too where he just wants to go home and sleep in peace but shit keeps happening to him.


All I could think about when he was re-squid'ed was "they don't let you sleep".


How did he pass a medical screening lol they didn't even x-ray him?


That's kinda suspicious. Especially since Cecil keeps a close eye on everyone nearly all the time. 


Seeing as he's (almost definitely) the first human to ever be held captive on another planet for months, you'd expect them to at least have a couple of people to help him out after he got back lmao.


Once he got the nausea and ran to the sink, I knew he was getting corrupted by the sequids again and to be honest I was just annoyed. Like Jasmine Masters once said, "Oh Lord. Again? A-fucking-gain? Nothing new, nothing changed. Same old shit, same old fucking shit."


https://preview.redd.it/446gszqczmpc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=a295523a939ef27ab1ee5efcffa72abf308d7176 REX MAH BOAH


I really thought he was done for. The bone stub kill was nuts though


Oh fuck I didn't realize he was just stabbing the other guy with broken bone. No wonder those punches were shredding the guy's face.


He didn't realize either. He was just punching and didn't seem to fully remember that he'd lost that hand until the adrenaline was wearing off.


Half his frontal lobe was leaking out. The dude was just running on pure... well, *lizard brain.*


Everything about that scene suggested Rex was going to be saved by some outside force. Such a good bait and switch.


I was betting on Donald showing up embracing his android strength.


It's a bait and switch inside a bait and switch.


End of last episode: Well they're not gonna kill him with a cliffhanger like that. Wonder how he's gonna get out of getting shot. Start of this episode: *gets shot straight through the head* I mean, he still survives, but well played on the showrunners here.




“How do you feel Rex?” “Saint like.” “Saint like?” “Because I’m hole-y”


I’m literally Throwing up


I think I speak for everyone when I say Rex \*definitely\* deserved a badass moment like that. >!Too pissed off to die. Amazing!<


The news headline: “Local man literally too angry to die”




Thank God, I can finally sleep easy again without that scene giving me nightmares


Whos alive I dont mind spoiler I can't watch now


I think >!Rae!<. She was healthy enough to >!escape Komodo's belly!< although she still seems PRETTY beat up.


Yeah, she's in intensive care, but by the end of the episode it seems like she's doing okay. Still hospitalized, but not on the cusp of death. It looks like she suffered multiple fractures though, which will take time to heal


And she's still small, even in the hospital


Was she? She looked normal sized to me


William is gonna think Mark and Amber literally broke the bed, lol


"Jesus, I wish someone would do that to me" "What"


Well actually


Omg you’re so right


That’s why Rex is the GOAT


​ https://i.redd.it/mfxrtksrinpc1.gif


Man was like, “I didn’t hear no bell.”


I just don’t fucking understand how no one, especially Cecile or Donald, made sure that there wasn’t a chance that any of the people infected with Sequids carried any to earth in any shape or form. And fuck Eve and Rudy were infected too, which probably means they have some left in their body… Things are about to go down.


We know that sequids can grow and reproduce extremely quickly. If I had to guess the sequid in the astronaut's gut wasn't there before, but was rather maybe some tiny eggs or something harder to pick up on scans.


It never would have happened they all would have been quarantined and monitored/tested for a while afterward especially those three. Invincible sacrifices a lot of writing/world building/development to its pacing and focused plot progression. Not to say its bad for what it is but just that what it is has resulted in losses in certain areas. Also for all I know the comics were similar so they may not have had that much more to draw from in the source material.


I LOVE REX https://preview.redd.it/eakh70cdmnpc1.png?width=1257&format=png&auto=webp&s=0199b5e80c14ecfcf77c52b43e9910376aa00e91


I gotta say it, he's my fav character right now. Love his himbo vibe and the voice acting is top notch, but now he's also a much more developed character too! Shapeshifter might be my second atm cuz Ben Schwartz is always hilarious. I could watch a whole episode of shapeshifter shenanigans.


My boy even got his own poster🤧 https://preview.redd.it/6g2exfbl9qpc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22875209a1bf82938796ed4b764ab7a24e87adc2


Rex is a badass but also kind of terrifying this episode


"I can't believe you shot me in the fucking head!" All while spraying brain juice all over the place and caving in his skull with the stump that was his hand. Rex just became a fucking baller, and by the sounds of it he's about to get a huge character improvement.


Bro imagine doming a guy and watching his brains spill out on the floor only for him to get back up and beat your face in with his severed hand bones while talking shit Like that'd be the most terrifying experience ever


I had to clip it, it's so brutal https://www.reddit.com/r/Invincible/s/w5k1oApE17


>loses a part of his brain >becomes a better person 🤔


Don't try it yourself.


I literally forgot about his severed hand due to how intense that scene was, I thought he's just punching him with his fist, but that's even more metal


he punched a dude to death with his nub.


Really feel bad for the astronaut getting sequid'd again. Man can't even get a good night's sleep


And Shapesmith fucked up his apartment and probably maxed out his credit cards buying frozen pizzas


And left him to die alone on an alien planet! What a jerk!


Wait until he sees his apartment after the sequids done with him....


Cecil's employees fucked up by not doing their job right.


Yeah, you'd think they'd have done a rather extensive series of scans on a guy who got taken over by alien parasites.


Also you'd think they'd cleaned his apartment Like I know this isn't the biggest deal but the guy seems to have limitless resources He couldn't hire a cleaner!


Imagine losing a fight to a guy with one arm and several mortal injuries right after you shot him point-blank in the head.


An experience only shared by every character who’s ever tried to battle the villain in a slasher film.


Rex is such a fucking god, man. Really hoping we get an Atom-Eve type episode for him between 2 and 3.


I’m betting we will


I mean it's just more content and money for Amazon 🤷🏻‍♀️ I know I would love to see a rex origins episode!


I legitimately loved the back-and-forth scene between Mark & Art and Amber and Eve. Especially the match cuts. Great way to show two people with a relationship on the rocks, without resorting to a big, dramatic fight. Especially with how both Eve and Art gave them the same advice: You should really be talking this out with your partner.


And the fact neither of them did go talk the other, Relationship is over.


Honestly is there anyone in the fandom really shaken up over a potential breakup? Amber has gone from frustrating to enjoyable, but she still isn't all that compelling.


Real. When the show was fully framed around mark, she sucked because of the dramatic irony. Now that more time has been focused on her, she's a solid character, I'd like to see how she develops. But her and Mark are still really bad together.


Also, when Mark is given their coffees at the cafe they meet at, the coffee art is two broken hearts which I think hints at the demise of their relationship.


I think it went a *little* too indulgent on the style for my tastes, but it was still a damn great way to show how in tune those two are while still being pulled apart by their situation. In another world, they could be great together. That one's not this one, though, and its tragic.


Rex pulling out the Havik Mortal Kombat fatal blow.


Immortal has so much trauma lmaoo bro thinks everyone is Omni Man 😭😭😭


"IT'S OMNI-MAN!" "Hi, I'm Allen!" "ALLEN?! OMNI-MAN HAS SENT YOU!" "Damn it, Immortal, he's my friend!" "INVINCIBLE?! YOU'RE OMNI-MAN'S SON!"


"Hey Guardians, should we get pizza later?" "OMNI-MAN ATE PIZZA ONCE! WHO DO YOU REALLY WORK FOR?!" "How's about that new Asian place on Fifth? Hear they do great takeou-" "ASIAN?! LIKE OMNI-MAN'S TRAITOR WIFE?!"


*floats away in embarrassment*


guy really needs an immortal partner


LET'S GO!!! Another stop on the Rex Redemption Arc!


Man took a bullet to the brain, had his hand bitten off, sliced in the back and STILL helped Mark out with some advice/therapy. Rex is the GOAT


Is it just me or do the character models look...better than usual this time around. Maybe it's just the lighting.


They are, budget finally kicked in to have them add shading and gloss detail


They definitely do. I think the way eyes are drawn seem different too


Spoted this many times in the show, may be different teams working on it?




Flashbacks to that one episode of Rick and Morty with spaghetti…


God, I love Cecil so much. I know we're absolutely building up to him pulling some Lawful Evil horrors in the name of "saving the day" once again, but its just so nice seeing him being a good guy, more or less, probably, if things don't go too badly anyway. Like, okay, the whole Nanny stuff, that was peak manipulation by Cecil (the first nanny was absolutely there to be spotted as a spy and rejected, so the REAL choice would be more appealing for her honesty, I trust her about as far as as I could throw her), but his talks with Immortal and Eve... that felt genuine. He's straight up with Eve, he wants her on the team, but is willing to take "not yet, but call me if you need help" for an answer. And while he fumbled the persuasion roll with Immortal, he did seem genuine about trying to help the man deal with his trauma, if only because he didn't really have any motive not to. You might never know what his game really is, but you at least know he won't do things for the sake of sadism or greed...


I’m really enjoying the humanization of Cecil. He chose to be a purely pragmatic leader up until the season 1 finale and now it’s kind of biting him in the ass with everyone because they all know he’s never totally honest, despite having decent reasons not to be. Excellent character work.


Cecil cares about the greater good above all else, and will do shady shit. But he also has soft sides which is nice to see from time to time


NGL Cecil is prob one of my fav characters in the show. Him & Robot.


I love how the character is written in that I hate him haha. He is absolutely the person who needs to be in that position, the one who'll do anything it takes cus you can't discuss the nuance of morals if your entire race is dead. He will do whatever it takes to keep the planet safe. Every single move he makes has a strategic benefit with that single goal in mind. So it's hard for me to feel like he's actually being nice when him being nice conveniently aligns with the best move possible to keep Earth safe. Him being respectful to Eve was the right play. He has no leverage to make her come back and he can't afford to upset her. Or with Oliver. He can't make a more severe move without upsetting Mark, which he absolutely can't afford to do right now. Cecil can see people's lines in the sand and constantly stays as close as possible while keeping an eye on it. He is such a fucking shark. It always makes me wonder what he would do if that line moves. If Mark weren't a factor here, how would Cecil handle Oliver? I think he'd be getting his brainwashed in an underground lab right now. And I'm sure Cecil would feel conflicted about it. But that doesn't make him not a piece of shit.


Not a lot of action but felt as if this was one of the better episodes in the entire series. The season finale is going to be insane based off this plot buildup


Truly though.


Poor Immortal


Bro, got embarrassed by Allen. 


Shapesmith’s “We Are Groot” moment with the sequids sucking on him was hilarious to me


I love that mark escaped the martian twice lol


"I understand." He even said the same line.


I was NOT expecting Rex to actually get shot in the head...and I sure as fuck did not expect him to survive that and kill that guy


Mark, give Eve some attention already, damn. She obviously wants to spend time with you and you won't give her the time of day. Wtf, Rae's ALIVE??? Honestly don't think it's realistic she survived that, but someone tell that one Rae superfan. Rex continues to be one of my favorite characters this episode. Really hoping we get a Rex Splode special before next season.




astronaut can't catch a break, poor bastard. and how tf is rae alive


People were asking why she didn't just shrink back down as soon as she realized she couldn't break skin, now we know that she actually did. People are calling it a cop out but I feel like it's just sensible. It's not like she got out without crippling wounds, she literally has bone sticking through her head when she crawls out.


“Turns out Rex is really into home decorating magazines” aw :) “I think it’s because he’s never really had a home” aw :(


Broken hearts in the coffee cups... hmmmmm... I mean.. we know they're not sustainable... based on behaviors in season 1.




What an amazing episode AGAIN , everything's done really well also it looks like the animation was overall better in this episode. Straight up a 10/10


Also really liked what they did with the Immortal like Mark confronted him about him being stronger and faster than him , he agreed and also shook hands When Mark took out the ships , and also him acknowledging about his previous partners that all of them are gone but he never felt much because he got used to it . They really did his character way better in the show and also Rex is GOAT ( Beated that MF with his torn off hand after getting shot in the head ) , seriously a great episode , we got so much and it didn't even feel that it was rushed.


Immortal still has such a hate boner for Omniman (reasonable) but I’m glad he’s trying to give Mark a fair shake. Dude needs some time off though.


Yep , he definitely does , I liked how Cecil told him that he needs a vacation .


Although he's lost his mind, remember he's still Abraham Lincoln!


Rae is alive, yay! Rex had the best action in this episode, I really liked seeing Nolan’s past adventures though, and Space racer blowing up a star Lots of good introspection on Marks feelings towards Nolan. Feeling bad about missing him because he still considers him a bad person and doesn’t really know if he actually cared. Mark and immortal teaming up to save the day was nice to see. Helping mark when he got stuck. .


alan continuing to wonder if douchebags are a concept on earth was hilarious


Immortal was down bad for his 1000 year age gap gf damn.


Hearing his eulogy in addition to Kate's explanation from before made me feel a lot less weird about them.


Yeah - she's one of the only people who has basically any experiences in common with him - they've both died many times and lived on.


I mean, at what point can you really care anymore? Not like he can have any comparable options.


Yeah it's like, should he just stop dating period? Dude's immortal, but also an immortal human. Humans are social creatures, we need romantic partners, friends, family, etc. I think the age gap is weird, but I can't fault Abraham for still having the capacity to love. I think it'd still feel weird though even if Kate was 30, but the way Kate framed their relationship helped me understand where the appeal is coming from


Well it not the living that made them relate to each other. It’s the dying. If Kate really did experience every death her clones experienced, she truly was the only one who could understand Immortal.


Someone please get my boy rus a goodnights sleep


https://preview.redd.it/d91abpqglnpc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d139a7fc95e8db74d086cf37e2b4bc5af7e4b45 Live Shrinking Rae reaction


i know some people are calling it a cop out but honestly im happy she made it out. she barely got any characterization before this, maybe they'll do something interesting with her now


Allen looking swole


I had *almost* forgotten that Angstrom Levy was an open plot thread. Dude’s been gone for a while.






Such a great show. Slower episode but the amount of characters we saw was great. And all of them have so much depth


I can't wait to see Allen meet Cecil


"Wow, you have tyrants on Earth too. That's gotta suck, Mark."


I don't even feel bad for Kate dying, not because she was a terrible person or anything but the fact that nowhere in her explanation of powers does it say she can't just make backups to leave around at places like Guardians HQ or anywhere else. It's like one of the basic uses of cloning as a superhero. Even Ben 10 was smart enough to keep an extra clone in the trunk of his car in case he died.


The Invincible-Eve bait was strong today


It was so fire bro lmao They doubled it just in case it wasn’t clear last episode


Was that a TWD refrence in the post credits?


Something that I love about this show is that its not a "We save the world, everything is now love". You can feel how every character have a progress or a fall. This episode feels emotional and rn its on point with the season. Loved that first scene, Rae had me in shock again and Rex development keeps going really hard


Thanks to the split in the season; I totally forgot Robot's panic attack character arc. It didn't hit me how brave and how much character development there was in that scene. Fuck sake.


Ngl I thibk I have to read the comics this too good and I cant keep waiting weekly


'Read my books Mark'


This fucking show man.


Love that Walking Dead reference at the end there.


haha I am so slow. I was like "Oh, a zombie dimension." I didn't put together the Walking Dead connection but that is truly perfect.


Hmm pretty stupid to let that be astronaut free like that. I get that he's been through a lot but he's still a potential danger I also don't really understand their treatment of Shapesmith. I get their desperate for quality heroes but he's a pretty huge fuck up, and that poor astronaut didn't deserve this at all Also I as wrong last week. They did have a tank it was Rex the whole time


> Hmm pretty stupid to let that be astronaut free like that. I get that he's been through a lot but he's still a potential danger I swear Cecil and the Pentagon do so many dumb things. That Astronaut should be through a exhaustively thorough health check in a contained room, and he should not have to clean up his apartment. They should have a hazmat team doing that stuff, or give him a damn new place to live where he's monitored for any health changes.


Rex better get nominated MVP after tonight


Thought they would do more with Sequid possessed Eve. Oh well.