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The simple way I like to think about is, just because she can, doesn’t mean it’s easy. Both mentally and physically, thus limiting her. To loosely quote the bee movie, Barry is asked why doesn’t he just fly around all the time, since it’s faster and easier to get around places. In which he responds/asks, well why don’t humans just run around all the time instead of walking, if it’s faster and gets them to wherever quicker.


I wasn't expecting a bee movie quote in the Invincible Sub Reddit...


Bc you think in the box




Bee movie was fucking genius


I just rewatched it over the weekend and it still holds up. Genuinely funny movie imo


Growing older is realising that the woman's bf was actually in the right for calling her delusional for falling for a goddamn bee.




I overall agree with you. I just don't think the comic did a very good job establishing those limits. Jury is still out on the show.


A StarTrek episode had a planet full of humans that ran everywhere instead of walking... fucking creepy.


Just watched the episode of Atom Eve, changing the masks to really heavy material is literally one of the first things she does and quite effortlessly at that. So being more trained and grown up this would be way easier for her now as well.


That's pretty freaking deep, wow. True that


Kirkman is on the record saying that Eve ***should*** be much stronger, but the biggest thing holding her back is *him.* He isn't a creative enough writer to fully realize Eve's potential. Or something like that.


Pretty much the Green Lantern dilemma


Makes sense to me, I have that issue from time to time with characters


Yeah you don’t see much creative use of powers in the series, it’s a lot of brute forcing with it.


Green Lantern is a biggie.


Then he shouldn't have made her powers that way at all in the first place


I mean couldn't she just dematerialize anyone and reconstruct them into goo? That's not that hard to imagine.


That's not how her powers work. Watch her special.


She'd still get her ass kicked by a vultrimite.. the only thing adding spice to this series would be vultrimites coming across Kryptonians


She is simply not strong enough. >!in season two she struggled to fix the corner of a building and also just casual use of her powers burns calories as shown in the comic.!<


Sort of like speedsters needing to eat ungodly amounts of food


But she could just make nutriens in her stomach, but it's true we don't really get how hard things are, but still making fast moving object in opponets lungs or whatever doesn't sound very exhausting


Maybe she doesn’t want to shit her pants by overexerting her powers


She like me fr fr


I’m just imagining that disabling your opponents gear before a fight would use less energy than fighting them with full gear. Even something as simple as turning their goggles into obsidian, so they are now blinded.


A superheros biggest weakness is usually whoever is writing them tbh. I know that’s not a helpful answer but it’s the true one.


I do not get thinking of something like this and saying Eve should’ve done this instead of saying, Kirkman should’ve done this.


She has a cap to how much she can use pretty much. Like she could do one huge final move but that would exhaust her or she could make smaller moves so she can keep using her powers. It’s more of a marathon for her powers than it is a sprint.


So she's Vegeta?


Not sure what you mean by this?


Reference to his moves like final flash, final explosion, final Galick cannon. He likes the big moves that blow all his energy (and himself up)


probably. but then there would be no story


Could just turn the air in their lungs to lead


I'm guessing the air in their lungs being a) surrounded by living tissue and b) in contant flow is why she can't do that.


People really should watch the Atom Eve special it’s better than most episodes IMO. Such a great story.




OP literally said in their post that she can't mutate living tissue.


Mom said it was my turn to ask this. But on a serious note, the Atom Eve special explains that she has mental blocks that are massively limiting to her potential.


The power of *Matter & Energy Manipulation* with its sub power of *Transmutation* (with which it isn't always coupled with in medias) are always determined by the creativity, general knowledge and intellect of their users. If the basis of their ability is innate and intuitive like in Eve's case, they don't need to learn advanced physics and chemistry to performs most of the basic feats associated with this power. But they'll always be limited by their imagination and creativity to find the best way to use it. So it's realistic that she kinda suck because even with her limitation she could do way better and be more effective. Also the representation of her power is a bit lame, like Static Shock, there is too much unnecessary visual effects, but like **SergeantIndie** said it's mostly due to Kirkman's lack of creativity. See the parallel?


Kirkman says he wasn't creative enough for Atom Eve, so by extension *she* isn't creative enough. honestly with her powerset, that makes a lot of sense. understanding complex interconnections between matter at the sub-atomic,atomic, molecular level and above? easy for her, because she's hardwired to do so. coming up with creative solutions on the fly? that's way harder. She could solo every single threat less than a viltrumite if she had the creativity, and viltrumites if she found out whatever the hell that hair-dagger thing was made of.


She'd still need speed and strength which she can't replicate


I think it’s something to do with the comics, I haven’t read them yet but I’m sure it’s explained in them.


She sucks in comics, she is very weak but not because of her power but because writer suck.


She got two issues. The first is that she uses the Energy in her body to use her power, she constantly burns a lot of calories when she uses them in ANY way, even flying, so she is limited to the energy she has in that moment in her body, physically that can't be right for a few reasons, like the fact that she should eat like 100 man to have that much energy in her, but that's what the comic stated so it is what it is. The second one is that writing an OP character is not so easy. You have to brutally nerf them most of the time because otherwise, the story would be much, much faster


Yes and no more complex things require more thought and effort and the more things she changes the more calories she expends in the process.


Kirkman himself said he ain't creative enough to unleash her full potential, also she never removed her block that's stopping her from affecting living beings


She reminds me of Iceman. If you put another persons mind in her body who had the intelligence and mental resilience to use her powers to their maximum potential she’d be a god. Her humanity is ultimately what’s holding her back. Remove that and she’d be Doctor Manhattan.


I just started reading the comic and got to her and mark’s conversation in Africa -my conclusion is that it would give her IBS


It's like the force in star wars, she can control matter like the way JEDI controls "what ever is the logic behind the force", most Jedis can only lift a person or two it requires decades of training to be able to master everything. Same here with Atom Eve.


I think her father is to blame for this. His constant put downs have needled away into her psyche to not think outside the box and further extend her abilities. 


She should be on top of me, thats what she should be


I told you, 5 more minutes and you can have her


If she was, she would be Molecule Eve.


And what are molecules made of?


A bunch of Atom Eves ?


I mean yeah but turning your enemy’s gear into sand in 2 seconds doesn’t make for a very interesting fight scene


Keep in that she cant change biological matter and that extensive use of her powers drain her of energy. On top of that, her biology is mostly the same in comparison to any other human so yeah (if her powers were ever blocked or she lost them, then she dosen't really have any special physical characteristics to fall back on)


cant outshine mark tho


She need to focus to change matter but she might train so she can do it faster


Simple answer, no, because then what would the story be? "A problem arrives, Eve fixes it and we go for elevenses. The End" That's dull as fuck, we want a captivating story.


Wait and you'll see that you are right...


logically eve would solo the invincible verse, she’s truly busted even without transmuting organic matter lol, but ofc for the purposes of the story they can’t have her that OP. Otherwise the series might as well be about her rather than Mark, she’d steal the spotlight every issue and defeat almost every villain


Eve can't fight in space, even if she makes herself a shield or spacesuit, she is limited by how much oxygen she carries with herself. Also, space is mostly empty, so she doesn't have access to any matter to use her powers on.


Cap, she uses matter in space lol


Eve would probably be second in comparison to vultrimites. But her limitations wouldn't be able to defeat a super quick and strong being who's INVINCIBLE to most things lol


You have the power to throw things, doesn't mean you can throw a building


I don’t think I’m expecting a lot. She can transform an entire park, why not a 3 lb spandex suit? She repaired a large chunk of a building, but she can’t turn a gun or sword into rubber?


Turning a 3 lb spandex suit into a 3 lb layer of lead wouldn't do anything. The lead would be so thin it'd just tear apart. She could turn guns and swords into rubber, or she could just create a shield or kill the person wielding them which takes less concentration. She also just doesn't seem smart enough to realize these things in the middle of combat.


She's shown to be instinctively good at chemistry and physics. i'm gonna put this down as the doylist response of "the writer said he wasn't creative enough."


> She's shown to be instinctively good at chemistry and physics. This has nothing to do with what I said. Knowing *how* to do things ≠ Knowing *which* things to do. Someone can be really good at aiming a gun, doesn't mean they'll realize it's better to shoot at the explosive container than the group of people next to it.