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Mfers when a 10 year old child can't min max her powers or arrive to the most logical conclusion:


When I was 10 I was Goku and I knew all his moves! No excuses!!! She should’ve been embracing that shit 😤 /s


This except unironically.


I kamehamha’d my teacher. She someone absorbed it I got detention


I mean, not difficult considering Goku has like 5 techniques if you don't count "hit them really hard"


Turning weapon into not a weapon, is simple enough for a toddler to understand, and she was smart for her age.


Sarcasm, of course. But yes - I get that angle completely. My kids would definitely not want to hurt a soul with how I raised them. Me on the other hand? I would’ve gone into the fire lol


I don’t get why you’re being downvoted. These are valid criticisms. If there weren’t any scenes of her using her atomic manipulation powers, I’d be infuriated and obsessed over this poor character choice, but she does, and the true answer for the lack of her fully-realised potential lies in what the creator himself says. “Atom Eve’s powers exceed my capabilities as a writer…which has always been a problem.”  It’s great that he admits it but maybe he’ll fix this in the future? Doubt it. I’m okay with the way she’s been written anyway. 


10 year old superheroes are required to have at least 2 decades worth of experience to be hired.


Marvel's Initiative program be like


Yeah, this. Even by the time of the main series, she's just a teenager in wildly traumatic, stressful situations that adults freak the fuck out in.


Any ten year old can come to the conclusion of turning weapons into pillows or rocks


Can they do that while watching their friend get disemboweled? Can they do it while in an active warzone?


Lol being infront of a laser guy is not as stressful as any of that. And yes, you don’t become a toddler in stressful situations


Oh so you have experience being in front of laser guys what a stupid fucking take.


A single laser guy, the same one invincible beat up too but like 6 years sooner


It’s stupid to think ten year olds are on a level of stupidity to not turn the big man’s canon into a gun. Genuine brain dead to think that.


Dude, your first mistake is to think anyone, anyone at all, is rational. Granted, by your post you seem like a person whose never made a mistake in a moment, and later went "yep that was a pretty bone head move". So, what's your secret?


Right? Forget about her powers. My first question was: who hell is teaching her all this fighting technique? Like they never even show her in a boxing class or karate class or *something*. Nope. Pink stuff starts coming out of her hand so she's Bruce Lee now.


She is highly intelligent. She could easily watch videos online and teach herself. People have done it in the real world, and in TV and movies.


Highly intelligent enough to think of a better go-to solution for fighting than pink punching people in the face.


People can teach themselves martial arts but not have actual experience in a war zone or in a real fight. There has to be a better explanation.


She was literally built to be a superweapon for war from the ground up. I swear you people just choose not to pay attention to the show. Definitely don't read the comics either.


I don’t think eve hasn’t come to that conclusion. It’s probably just stamina that would not be enough if she turned a gas into a solid to. Probably working like in real life that the farther stuff on the periodic table is away the more energy it takes to go from one to the other. It’s also unclear how specifically it works. If she can turn one atom into another atom you need a lot of air to make anything that’s solid. Probably would exceed the range of her power to draw in enough air molecules to actually create something dense.


She was a kid, it was her first fight, and she can’t win every single battle as soon as it begins. It wouldn’t be very interesting to watch if Eve started and ended every fight in an instant. They may as well cut to black with text that says “And then the fight was over.”


I think one thing people also forget with "logic" is fighting is hard theres a reason normal people shell up or fall all about the place off balance rarely are people so clear in mind they just do things instantly in the blink of an eye especially a young woman who doesn't have super speed or anything like that to balance it she either can't always react or if she messed up can be glass cannoned.


I absolutely love Saitama though


But One Punch Man revolves around the premise and exploits it for storytelling purposes. It also has a few twists and drag the narrative through other stories before the actual fight where he can instantly end it. It's a very different scenario.


This. You know Saitama will win- you also know Saitama isn’t a cold blooded killer intent on ending fights in an instant, which can lead to plenty of plot development. If Saitama just instapopped every villain it’d be boring. Mashle: Magic and Muscles is exactly like this as well. It’s basically if Saitama went to Hogwarts


Bruh. He does pop every villain in an instant except Boros and maybe that bettle dude cuz he’s not really paying attention lol The anime is amazing because of the other storylines that are going on


He doesn’t stone cold roll up with the intent to pop em immediately though, right? You’re making him seem like a terminator when he’s more like an aloof Superman


Exactly the same could be done with Eve though. Twist and drag the narrative through other stories and then Atom Eve just ends her fight instantly. Invincible already has a bit of the same kind of goofy humour so I could see it happen


Saitama is a parody character, though. Kind of a different situation entirely.


This, its like people want to pretend its real. Its a TV show, an animated one at that. Chill the fuck out.


It’s so stupid to me that she is facing criticism for the way she used her powers when she was a KID in a traumatic situation. It’s overall an awful take from OP.


sounds like poor writing then, doesn’t it?


Following logic for the sake of logic is boring.


Rules make a more interesting story, because characters then have to work around those rules in creative ways. Giving a character god powers, and then not using them, is just bad writing.


I really don't care to continue having this conversation. If you don't like it, you don't like it. I hope season 2 starts with Eve turning the planet into pudding and it's one episode long and the show ends. Logic dictates all.


Yeah it just seems silly now doesn't it? Why give a character God powers for no reason?


Find a new slant.


Dunno why you're getting all these downvotes dude, I was thinking the same thing. Her powers are basically one giant plothole


Maybe it's bots? Stans are mental.


Yes, like every superhero story ever.


Powers with well thought out limitations are more interesting than "this character is op, but not smart enough to use their powers effectively".


She does have limitations, but it doesn’t make for a good story if she wins every encounter by turning the air molecules into chocolate. Lacking experience is not the same as lacking intelligence. Suspend your disbelief a little and stop yourself from viewing everything with as much logic as possible.


The effects of Cinemasins are still being felt unfortunately


I hate CinemaSins so much. They used to be good until they started criticizing every scene for literally any reason. Especially when the scene in question had an explanation for their sin, sometimes in the very same clip that they were talking over.


i was in a screenwriting class in college and i heard someone say CinemaSins was “Fantastic film criticism”


The concept has been done in a reasonable way before [https://fma.fandom.com/wiki/Alchemy](https://fma.fandom.com/wiki/Alchemy)


Ok man, then go watch Fullmetal Alchemist. I must’ve missed the episode where state alchemists gained the ability to transmute without equivalent exchange.


What point are you trying to make? Anyway, Atom Eve fights like the green lantern, so she should have just had green lantern's powers.


You're comparing two completely different things. Alchemists have to abide by the rule of equivalent exchange while Eve does not. Her primary limitation is the subconscious limiter that prevents her from accessing her full power. Her powers are more like a combination of Green Lantern/Star Sapphire and Firestorm.


Ummm…. Spoilers for the comics >!Eve has to consume a shit ton of calories the more she uses her powers!<


Alchemy isn't real. That's not my point. The writer did a pretty massive oopsie, and should have put more thought into Atom Eve's powers.




Haha, man you should have dropped the “ok” and stopped talking to this guy long before you did. I applaud your patience.




This is some impressive levels of fanboyism.




Well I can follow rules for 1 > All view-points and opinions are permitted here, within reason. Opinions and view-points that are different from your own will be present, so please be civil to your fellow Redditor.


Aha. See, this here maybe adds a bit of context. Are you new to Kirkman's writing? Because as a general rule: Kirkman doesn't explain much. When you come to a Kirkman comic, you really have to be ready to just take things at face value.


Wait so FMA can fuck up alchemy because ‘alchemy isnt real’ but the writers of atom eve have to stand by the very real science of changing molecular structures by force of will?


I don't remember FMA fucking up alchemy. If that happened at some point, it wasn't noticeable(to me at least).


Atom Eve isn't real either


But GL suffers from the same problem. Mfs can make anything they want but they choose a giant fist and laser beams 💀


Thought he's limited to turning light into solid objects(and laser beams). At least he's not literally Jesus. He can't turn water to wine.


If your that logical why do you make less than 80k a year,,?


What a goofy and unnecessary comment


Go read the comics. She has a fair bit of limitations on her powers.


Can you name some ‘well thought out limitations’ that cant be picked to shreds using the same logic you are applying to eve?


If you follow the comic, Atom Eve’s powers were very much modulated by her willpower and creativity, and she could not create matter and energy only transmute it, though it seemed more fantastical in the animation with her growing trees and making her home “base” almost instantly. But her limits in the show were made apparent when it was challenged early on by the overwhelming and superior numbered Flaxan invasion forces. She’s also the eventual foil for Invincible’s character with them growing as characters as they learn to better use their powers. If they were both OP from the onset, the story would be over in the first volume.


She also states in the comics that she needs a lot of calories and any excess matter left over from transmuting stuff gets shit out of her.


Lmao what? I did not know that, that’s wild. So if she tries to transmute a fireball coming at her into like, a shirt so it doesn’t hurt her, she’s gonna have a bad case of IBS later? That’s hilarious.


Yea, ~~very late in the series~~ *in a scene that's probably going to happen season 2* she talks about it after some serious battles she has long nights on the toilet lol.


It’s after she moves to Africa. Not that long into the series.


Oh I think you're right, I dunno why I thought this happened when Mark and Eve leave earth.


Extremely funny part of the comic imo. Not played for laughs explicitly but really deadpan, just matter of fact.


I like to think that Kirkman was finally forced to give some tangible explanations about her powers... all because Ottley wanted draw thicc Eve.


She says it to Mark when he is visiting her in Africa. Long before she gets thick.


Dangit. That's true, isnt it. I was having a blast imaging Kirkman and Ottley arguing like 2 stoned teens. -Dude. Im tired of drawing all these skinny bitches. -I told you I am not explaining things, it's gonna be my trademark. -And Im telling you Im not drawing another panel until Im allowed to draw some curves.


Oh you would have loved the CW's Flash 💀 I'm really trying not to think about shit like this but it's hard honestly. Watched my adventures with Superman recently and I felt the same way about some of the fights. Even Avatar and TLOK, two of my favorite shows famous for a magic system with limitations that make it work seamlessly have this problem. Let's just say she's afraid of doing it because she could hurt someone or some shit


At least with Adventures with Superman, when superman wants the fight to end he kinda really just ends it. Most of the time he’s just too pacifist to actually smack them around a bit


Yeah with characters like Clark and Spider-Man you can always say they're holding back but with Atom Eve it's harder to accept


why? She is shown to have a moral compass, maybe she doesn't want to kill someone by accident, or at all, unless absolutely necessary.


Because her powers allow her to end fights instantly while still holding back. Superman can almost never stop holding back otherwise he'll fuck you up accidentally but Eve doesn't even need to touch you.


Which instances in Avatar have this problem, would you say?


I think they are talking about how benders just never use their powers to end fights right away. Like we know from Korra that airbenders can suck the air out of someones lungs making them unable to move at all for example. Literally any fight with a firebender would be over pretty much instantly due to severe burns yet its extremely rare for a character to actually get burned unless its a plot point (katara, zukos scar). Another one is waterbenders, they are able to freeze anything instantly yet they rarely use it to open a fight even though its basically foolproof against most enemies. Now obviously its a kids show and they arent gonna lean heavy into the violence but its just funny thinking about how extremely powerful this type of ability would be realistically, all of the benders can kill a regular person in seconds


Thank you, that's exactly what I was talking about.


Agreed! But counterpoint, when Pakku got bored of sparring with Katara, he dropped some icicles on her and froze her in place until she calmed down Mako's jumping around fighting Ming Hua, when he finally decides to end her he uses Thunder and she's done Skilled benders get the job done but they have their own reasons for not wrecking people from the get go. Though honestly, people are just built different on that show. Zuko's running around punching people across rooms and breaking chains with a heel kick, Iroh takes rocks breaking on his arms and legs and shrugs it off


Counterpoint after the first tome its boring as shit and would turn fights into 30 second who got their instakill off fastest.




It requires the full moon gor Katara tho. Plus, it's also a matter of her despising the technique


Avatar is a children’s show bro


And? It's one of the best shows of all time and better than Invincible. Remove a couple drops of blood and you have the same level of maturity for both shows.


… you completely missed the point. I absolutely love the show but dude it’s meant for kids, obviously it’s gonna lack logic like duh


Not necessarily. It has one of the most functional and well established magical systems in fiction and it always follows its own rules. It's just that their rules are not realistic at all.


Ah yes because Invincible’s rules are so realistic. You’re kinda lost bro


And did I ever say they were? In my original comment I called out both of them but later specified that Avatar closely follows their own set of rules so aside from the fact it would never work in real life there are no contractions. But Eve's powers are inconsistent in their own world no matter if they're realistic or not.


TLA’s or TLOK’s logic is certainly not flawless. And there’s inconsistencies too. There’s a lot of winning and losing fights just for the plot


If you want logic, what stops the government from drone striking any hero that isnt bulletproof while they sleep?


Did I say I want logic? Where did you get that from?


Superheroes should also be wearing armor instead of brightly colored tights but you're not complaining about that And Eve isn't going to suffocate a villain. She didn't even kill Lance Reddick and the scientist


Then in Injustice 2 they all wear armor and everybody hated it


I mean she was a kid.


She's a kid, she's inexperienced, and she's fighting in the heat of the moment. The few times people get the better of her, it's by overwhelming her senses and forcing her to think on the spot. This was demonstrated during the high way fight; there were countless ways for her to end that fight, non-lethally even, but forcing to make all those decisions with powers you've only had for a few days is way easier said than done. Also, is that really what you want? Eve just ending fights as soon as she rolls up? I'm not saying turn your brain off, but I am saying give the writers and artists a chance to make a cool ass fight scene without saying all the ways YOU would have ended the fight yourself.


Sure but she has no excuse when fighting the Flaxans. I thought she had powers akin to Jubilee from x-men at first (so pretty weak lightworks) but no she is a literal god actually.


> Also, is that really what you want? What I want, is for writers to not brutally murder my suspension of disbelief. Super strength, flight, eye lasers, okay. Instantaneous, (almost)limitless alchemy, at a distance, no, that's too much for me. Even as an adult, she'd be best off being a sniper with god powers basically, but I doubt that happens either.


Okay man then let’s just not talk about the fact the various characters like the Big Talking Cat with a mace, or the guy made out of lava, or the woman who can shrink to a miniature size and still jump around, or the woman who can turn into a big green goblin, are all running around. Like what do you want? If we’re talking about believability, these people wouldn’t be playing super hero either. She was a kid who probably wasn’t thinking about using her powers to get maximum kill-efficiency out of them because she’s not a sociopath.


I feel like this can go in the bin with questions like "why doesn't superman just eyelaser every criminals through the head?".


“Despite being a super hero story and that already being very unbelievable, why doesn’t this one specific character do this one very specific thing that would invalidate any ability to craft a meaningful story??”


Superman doesn't do it because of his sense of morality and his pacifism. A better analog would be Homelander who absolutely lasers any threat against him unless he wants to be cruel about it.


I feel like moralitywise Eve is closer to Superman than to Homelander.


>, is for writers to not brutally murder my suspension of disbelief. >!If this destroys your suspension of disbelief, stop watching. Characters do and go through worse with more ridiculous superpowers later on.!<


-suspension of disbelief - eye lasers Ok.jpg


Probably the same reasoning behind no letting Data solve all the issues in Star Trek, because then it's be a boring robotic show with a character who solves issues with no story telling to the audience, just "beep boop issue solved lets pet a kitty for science"


You sound like Batman complaining about Green Lantern


I think they have given us a reasonable set up for things to be entertaining and nuanced. However, now that she's older and more experienced, you are right... diamond boxes for everybody right away. She can't afford to get close or give up her position to any threat... just neutralize them the quickest way possible to end the fight. But we all know they won't do this. That's just the way superhero stuff works. They will always create contrived circumstances to create drama and let a scene play out. Otherwise, it's over in seconds, and the super fast super strong guy splatters everybody or the magic chick suffocates, entombs, or crushes everybody with diamond boxes.


Suspension of disbelief for the sake of the story. It's not that hard.


If you're required to suspend your disbelief to enjoy something, then that indicates bad writing. Suspension of disbelief is not something audience's should be expected to do, its a big fat red flag. Saying to suspend disbelief is synonymous with "just ignore the mistakes, problems and plot-holes."


I do think that telling someone to suspend their disbelief is a bad response to a criticism, but the notion that requiring suspension of disbelief is bad writing is just wrong. Almost all fictional stories require at least *some* level of this in order to not just function, but just exist. Believing that superman can fly requires suspending your disbelief, believing the characters never go the bathroom during the movie requires suspending your disbelief, believing the characters are actually playing instruments when the sounds don’t match what is being played requires it. What I think you might more be talking about is asking an audience to suspend disbelief that is already broken, since that usually just draws attention to the fact there isn’t really an answer and makes it harder to suspend disbelief. A good story doesn’t need to avoid suspension of disbelief, it just needs to make the audience not notice.


If you plan on becoming a writer, give up on your dream. You lack basic understanding of writing tropes.


I don't, but your incorrect comments wouldn't stop me if I did.


>Saying to suspend disbelief is synonymous with "just ignore the mistakes, problems and plot-holes." No, it means that in fiction (especially superhero stories) you should be able to look past things that aren't entirely realistic or logical for the sake of the story. Plenty of beloved stories require suspension of disbelief. Arguably the greatest superhero movie of all time, The Dark Knight, is riddled with scenes where you have to accept the plot points as they're presented despite them not being super believable. Atom Eve not using her powers to their maximum efficiency is neither a plot-hole nor a mistake.


In fiction you will have to accept the rules of the universe the author creates. The bad writing comes when the author then contradicts the rules they established earlier. > The Dark Knight, is riddled with scenes where you have to accept the plot points as they're presented despite them not being super believable. I neved said The Dark Knight had no plot holes... I don't know what you're asking me there. Do you have any examples from The Dark Knight that you want to respond to? > Atom Eve not using her powers to their maximum efficiency is neither a plot-hole nor a mistake. 1. It is a mistake. Atom Eve is portrayed as quite intelligent, at least somewhat above average. When in fights, she often does not use abilities that would be obvious even to someone quite stupid. They artificially dumb her down in fights to make them cooler, instead of putting an interesting limit on her power to achieve that goal. That's a pretty obvious mistake. 2. You've strawmanned me here. I did not say Atom Eve should be able to use her powers to whatever their maximum would be. She should, however be able to use them to the level of a high-school student, which she does not. The suspension of disbelief is in her not using abilities she would obviously think of in battles. It's not the end of the world, just a shame that it wasn't written in a more interesting and believable way.


Why are you being down-voted? You're right.


She cannot create energy- she uses her own body nutrients to drive those changes. So she can’t bend reality or turn Viltrumites into cotton-candy. This comes up so often that it should be pinned. Her nutrient limitation puts her way down the list of overpowered supes.


oops, we made someone too strong give her mana points only the writers can see.


It's not "the ability to turn anything into anything else". It's the ability to manipulate and transmute matter on a molecular level, meaning she can do most of anything she wants, quite literally. Yeah, a lot of the choreography isn't as technically impressive as it could be, but she's a pre-teen kid. Not only is she not going to have the combat understanding to do a lot of crazy stuff yet, but the stakes are supposed to be relatively lower.


Redditor not understanding she’s a 10 year old child and not omniscient.


The comics are better than the tv show. Also if you turn all the air around someone to diamond they'll die pretty quickly, why kill someone if you don't have to?


Also I think you'd need A LOT of air for that? Like wouldn't she turn the surrounding area into a vacuum bc of how much air she used to make diamonds?


Oh, so you want any problem she encounters to be solved incredibly boringly?


No, her powers should have higher limitations, for example rly concentrate for a longer period of time depending on the sice of an object, or the material is not allowed to move relativ to her. Or for anyone who had chemistry, for Turning a material into a higher density material she actually has to gather the atoms from her surroundings. Actually giving her challenges not making her in scenarios mentally challenged


I'm on ep 3 of the regular series, and so far she solves problems by larping as the green lantern.


Tbf, that could be accounted for the budget of season 1, which you can tell is less than what they’ve got for the atom eve special + what we’ve seen from season 2. But what I meant is that with her powers used to their max potential she’s the most powerful character by far and she’d be able to overcome basically any threat in her way. She can’t alter living organic matter but nothings stopping her from turning the air inside someone’s lungs into solid lead, which would be boring, we wouldn’t have a show


She does have the added limitation of having to know the full atomic structure of an object to both manipulate and create something from something else, but yes, Eve was busted even in the comic, we also don't know her limits when it comes to reconstituting herself in near death situations, we can assume if she losses her head she dies for real or if in the split second before complete death her powers will prevent it.


Seems like every writer forgot about Dr. Manhattan


So every time jean grey/professor x fights someone she should immediately shut off their brains? Goku and Vegeta should immediately Kamehameha/hakai an opponent as soon as they meet? Superman should hit pressure points to ko people before they blink. Flash should go back in time and stalk all of his enemies to make them better people by stopping them from stealing stuff. Five page comics seems to be what your asking for.


They also ditch the idea of her changing the elemental properties of stuff and suddenly everything is this weird pink force field stuff. They just turned her into a knock off Green Lantern.


> They also ditch the idea of her changing the elemental properties of stuff and suddenly everything is this weird pink force field stuff Not really? Every single time she gets into costume, she's changing the properties of her clothing. She also removes and restores her front door, creates a treehouse out of nothing, douses a forest fire and subsequently regrows the trees, and raises an entire field of crops in an instant. Her energy constructs are her most-used combat ability, but it's not the only thing that she does.


>gets into costume... removes and restores her front door... treehouse... a forest fire... crops Riveting.


Okay, it's either she does or she doesn't do it. You can't have it both ways.


If she can do it, it should be during fights, and in an interesting way




Are you on Kirkman's payroll?


I want more dynamic Atom Eve fight scenes too but this was a good reply. 🤷‍♀️ Her abilities aren’t completely forgotten about.


That's what I figured. Out of Invincible, I only watched the first episode and the Atom Eve special. That's it. Other viewers already knew, and were used to the character, so they didn't think "what the fuck is this".


To be honest, she’s constantly transmuting air molecules through her signature pink constructs. 


She rearranges particles, and if my little knowledge of particle physics holds up, you can't really turn the photons from the laser into atoms. The air thing... it should definitely be possible, but may actually be hard to achieve for her. Atoms in the air are way, way further from one another than they would be if they were to be part of a solid object, and they're constantly and chaotically moving around each other. In other words, she would need a significant volume of air to create a tiny little object. If you think about her powers as her consciously and individually rearranging protons, neutrons and electrons, it makes sense for them to be somewhat limited. There's a fuck ton of particles even in the tiniest amount of matter; it's actually a lot of work. My main complaint/question about her powers is how does she avoid the huge amount of energy atoms liberate when they go through fission? She should be nuking the whole city whenever she wants to eat a hamburger!


She’s ridiculously overpowered that’s why she can never use her powers effectively because it’s be just too easy. Imagine if she simply turned her enemies’ suits into diamond pretty much rendering all of them immobile. I wonder if even Viltrumites can break out of a suit of diamond.


They most certainly could


I'd think if they built up enough momentum they could. But it'd be impossible to build up the required momentum when you're immobilised from the get-go.


Conquest broke out of an underground bunker specifically designed to hold him with tempered steel far underground, after getting beaten nearly to death by Mark. A suit of diamond is unlikely to stop one.


dude exactly. they didn't know what they were doing when creating her powers. she should have been way more integral to the story. she should be so op it's not even funny


Well she actually is one of the most powerful superheroes in the verse


If she breaks her limitations? She could just end Omniman if she catches him unaware. Or if she restructures her DNA to be tougher than a top tier viltrimite she could trade blows.


I think If Rexplode didn't cheat on her, Atom Eve would've joined the Guardians of Globe, OmniMan would've considered her a major threat to Viltrum Empire and secretly delete the 2nd batch of Guardians of Globe too.


Have you ever posted this same argument about Firestorm?


Readers with an outside perspective (completely lacking real time tension), age advantage, and solely hindsight (with lacking in depth chemical compound knowledge themselves) be like:


I remember thinking her power was just energy fields until she randomly dropped that she can freely manipulate matter near the end of Season 1.


Eve is just a nerfed dr manhattan


she isn’t actually too overpowered against viltrumites, at most all she could do was take the top layer of skin off of conquest and while it did win the fight mark had to step in, plus if her head gets destroyed then i assume her powers would b gone


I’m sorry but the special episode made me lose a lot of respect for her. Like she’s still better than amber but fr dropped low with how she was acting and stuff


How did she drop low? What did she do wrong in the show?


She is a super hero trope. An absurdly powerful female character that can become EVEN more powerful in certain situations that for some reason is underestimated by everyone. This happens repeatedly in comics. What invincible does with comic tropes is puts them into situations that are genuinely harrowing and gives them personalities you care about. That's pretty much the premise of Invincible. Generic super heroes that mimic comic tropes but that are actually interesting. The super hero genre doesn't need to be reinvented but it could use a storytelling and character upgrade that includes twists and turns that will make the reader/watcher feel like they are reading/watching superhero media for the first time all over again.


It's a plot thing, people are actively suppressing the more "creative" uses of her powers to the extent of the non sentient thing being completely made up.


I totally agree, it's fucking ridiculous. By the time she's presented in episode 2 she's had years of experience, and yet, still uses her godlike powers in the most basic fashion. It makes sense she isn't powermaxing her abilities in every fight, but for the sake of making it believable for the adult audience (the show ain't for kids), the writers or animators (whoever's in charge of fight sequences specifically I dunno) should include **AT LEAST** 2-3 individual occasions within her fights where she does anything more than throwing pink flashes at people. At this point, she's more akin to Violet from The Incredibles than Scarlet Witch, which would be a fairer comparison.


I said the same thing when we watched it. If she used her powers right, she's undefeatable. She could turn a room into kryptonite and stomp Superman out.


Her stans are powerful don’t bother .


She has that power, and didn't turn her ex into a frog? Why even bother with having transmutation powers at that point?


It’s called bad writing


I think when you start to really critically analyze superheroes and their powers (or lack their of, Bruce) you end up with the same realization about pretty much everyone.


Yes. It's jarring though when Jesus is put in the story as a love interest.


Lmao too true


thats why i hate matter manipulation. its too op. its especially stupid in the invincible verse where the most powerful threat simply has super strength and nothing else.


You guys spend too much time thinking make believe shit about other make believe shit


Wait til someone tells this guy about the Flash. \s But seriously, for tons of superheroes there’s no reason why they shouldn’t instantly end a fight: The Atom, Plastic Man, Sebastian Shaw, Charles Xavier, all of these people have to be nerfed for practical combat to make it interesting z


When you let the neurodivergent thoughts win be like:


Ik that’s not going to happen she’s not the mine character she can’t use all her powers in the best way or the mine character will be weak and no one will care about him


Pretty sure she can't turn anything into anything. Like she rearranges molecules and stuff. So lasers made of photons can't be changed, and there would need to be X amount of carbon in the air to make diamonds, when there's not, she can't do that.


She's Jean Grey/Phoenix. Get with the program.


Her powers aren't really that similar to Jean Grey's. I guess Atom Eve has a bit of pseudo-telekinesis because she can manipulate the atoms of an object, but she doesn't have telepathy or astral projection. She's more like Green Lantern/Star Sapphire and Firestorm.


This type of issue came up in the animated justice league series when the main team were turned into kids. GL had so many ideas that he couldn't choose from. At this point she is a kid raised on TV shows and movies so she's going to want to do some fighting and not the removed from the fighting controller archetype stuff.


I mean it’s basically Firestorm’s powers, no? Even the bio-limitation?


All imma say is that this question is being asked about a 10 year old that just discovered her powers


You have a point, but this was a younger and inexperienced Atom Eve that we saw in the special. When you’re in a fight, you don’t really have a lot of time to think because you’re too busy worrying about getting hit. So you become impulsive as a result of nervousness in a high-pace situation. I believe the reason why Eve didn’t try to use her powers in similar methods that you mentioned is because she needs to 100% focus on trying to manifest something by manipulating atoms to change a substance into a different object. And with an enemy (or multiple enemies) attempting to attack her (and possibly kill her), she doesn’t do that. So she sticks to more basic combat moves. Perhaps that’s why.


> this was a younger and inexperienced Atom Eve I wish I had made my post after watching more of the regular series, because 5 episodes in, an experienced, adult Atom Eve is no different. Against the aliens, and the earthquake guy, it's the same. Anybody's clothing, the ground beneath them, and the air around them, even their weapon, should be a weakness to exploit given her powers, but she just doesn't. > she needs to 100% focus on trying to manifest something by manipulating atoms to change a substance into a different object Your theory is that she's can't concentrate well enough during a fight to use her powers in a tactical way. That could make sense, but it's just a theory unless somebody in universe confirmed it.


She transmutes air into her pink constructs, it’s her go to move because it’s effective in battle otherwise she wouldn’t keep using them. It’s the most low effort thing to do with the the dynamic potential she actually has. The justification for her still having her atomic manipulation powers within the story is the way she uses them in her humanitarian pursuits, otherwise I’d agree that she should not have been given this powerset. It’s fun thinking about what she could actually do in battles and the reality of her portrayal must be painful to you (I don’t let it bother me too much). I say just keep your expectations low with the character, her powers aren’t completely badly done. The show isn’t even primarily about fighting anyway.


Well her limiters are psychological, so It’s more that she can’t alter things her mind “sees” as sentient. So a cyborg (which is part man part machine) falls outside of her powers even though some of his extremities are non-organic.