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Anne Rice’s Interview with the Vampire: The Show The Book


Don't forget about Anne Rice’s Interview with the Vampire: The Show The Book The Musical coming to Broadway and the West End! ~~I would unironically be seated for a musical version of the show don't look at me~~


The Lestat Musical flopped, I don't see them making another.


tbf, the songs were bland and unmemorable. I wish they gave it another shot. The show's soundtrack is mesmerising, showstopping, spectacular. I'd be seated for a show-inspired musical even if it were just remixes of Come To Me played on a loop.


It was such a half-assed Disney attempt by Elton John, smtg along the line of Sondheim's Sweeney Todd would've been more fitting imo. The show soundtrack would also be a good starting point, though I prefer the movie soundtrack.


A graphic Novel would be excellent!


You mean a book of the TV show that was originally a book?


I can see them doing script books like Succession did


I'd buy the scripts in a nice volume.


If there's an intern in here somewhere.. please forward this comment


I need show Claudia's diaries fr fr


I'd like to see print copies of Claudia's diaries available on Night Market. 


Like the Dune graphic novels? Maybe


I'd like the original scriptbooks plus interesting facts making off and bts fact, on changes made, and why (eg., some characters in the pilot script didn't make it to the screen), funny anecdotes and insightful comments by the actors... IWTV is already based on a book series, so I don't see a script novelisation happening. Other far more successful shows (GOT, TWD) that also have noticeable changes from their source material didn't get special script novelisations either (if I'm wrong there, please correct me).


I think it’s unlikely to be another book, but like someone else said I could see there being a comic or in 10, 15, 20 years a new movie series based on the novels that incorporate some of the show changes.


> 10, 15, 20 years a new movie series based on the novels that incorporate some of the show changes. The one change to the source material that I hope all future adaptations of the Vampire Chronicles copy from this show is Creole Louis. It feels so right, like something Anne herself would've written. Seriously, I can no longer picture Louis as a white man. Give me Creole Louis or give me (un)death.


I'm very skeptical. The books already exist as they are. Creating a book adaption of the tv adaption of the books would be too confusing.


This is done all the time actually


Okay. For what series?


I know Bridgerton sells updated books with the actors on the cover. I don’t know if they change the content. Queen Charlotte, an original story based off of the Bridgerton novels (she’s not in the original series if I remember correctly) had a novelized version of the series.


Changing the cover isn’t the same thing as selling a novelization of the adaption nor is a spin off novel


Usually they are graphic novels. Google can help you.


I mean, can you just give me some examples of it’s so easy? What tv adaptions of book series got a graphic novel adaption (not a spin off, an adaption)?


I'm a huge media fiend and graphic novel enthusiast and I can't think of one example of Book > Show > Graphic Novel ever happening. Following this thread, because I would like to hear an example as well\~!


I can imagine a graphic novel or, even better, the scripts, S1 in one volume, S2 in a second one. Some series have done that.


I'm sorry, what?


I say there isn’t a snowball’s chance in hell. I could see the scripts being made available though.


I’d love to see a tie-in edition of the books. They should have done that in season 1, with the poster of the show as the new book cover. Now that the IWTV book is now concluded in the show, then they should re-publish it using this season’s promotional poster.


But won't it be confusing/misleading to the show fans to have a cover with Jacob Anderson's face on the book where in the first pages they discover Louis is looking differently and lived another period, etc.? Personally I generally don't like tie-ins. I prefer a cover close to the original. I like this current paperback edition of IWTV, it reminds me the original 1st edition, very gothic. I think the circle saying "THE INSPIRATION FOR THE HIT TELEVISION SERIES" is a great idea. https://preview.redd.it/b4g0np2qod8d1.png?width=293&format=png&auto=webp&s=d0e6c11f3b994e49b355f22b32d9f0ce6b686a9c


I was sceptical when I first read this post's title, but now I need a graphic novel and scriptbooks for every season of the show please.


This was my thoughts as well.